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Everything posted by Weavelord

  1. Something I found out the hard way.Never rush to change difficulty mode.Especially on hard core.On my HE's last incarnation I rushed gold on lvls 60-65 since I felt quite strong only to get raped by the inquisitor boss on the final chapter before the 4 guardians.
  2. 2 fire balls also have their damage mitigated twiece if the enemy has the ability to do so. I find AF an eccelent combat art for when I am in dungeons.I am a romantic rpg gamer so I went for one big homing fireball with splash damage xD
  3. Until 75 where you will be getting your first masteries and until you start investing some extra sp on constitution your HE will be on the "very fragile "state.Especially without the revenge mod of Incadescent skin. Things get better when you get shield lore/constitution with a nice shield that has %block chance unlocked from the shield lore skill. Also remember that Shadow Stepping around ,even if it is just beside a boss/champion monster , makes them get confused and just idle around sometimes.Which is a perfect chance to rain some meteors on them. Finally as far as GI is concerned even if u reach a point where you need to eat 20 runes to level it up once it is still worth it,since you practically lower your regeneration times for "free". You can never eat to many GI runes.
  4. At the first few levels IS really gives +2% reflect chance for each rune but later on it has a dclining curve that adds less and less. But that doesn't make it worthless. A level 98 IS gives almost 76.5% reflection chance for ranged and melee and that is before counting in evade,shield block,armor class and damage mitigation.
  5. Well I mostrly agree with all the above but IS mods. It seems that silver and gold mods are quite a tough decision to make.Katran went the -% regen way I went with revenge and damage. I am level 68 HC @ gold and just reached the swamps. And I can praise the existence of revenge IS mod.Has saved my but enough times to make it a must mod on IS even if my timers might be a tiny bit bigger. Last time it saved I was on the final dungeon where u teleport from a pad to a room full of temple guardins shooting and meleeing you the moment you spawn there.Revenge mod clearly shined at that room since most attacks got reflected /stopped. Maybe I am a bit too anal about protection but I believe it all comes down on your gameplay. It surely is a tough decision imo.
  6. Yeah it seems like I got owned like D-molisher said too on the 4th guardian.He was bellow 25% and while I was tanking his and previous guardian's hits with ease (only did 30% dmg of my hp at best) I got weirdly one shoted with max HP and while spamming hp pot button for safety. That was on Bronze with me beeing level 37 and wearing the level 35 version of this baby which had same armor values but less of the stats. I wa really frustarated since this was my first character but dying makes us better right?
  7. My HE got 1 shoted by the final namesless guardian on bronze difficulty and now I am resarting it with a more solid build ,since I tried some level 200 blank savegames I found and a stash filledwith runes. My plan is to get revenge and fire ardor and put all my point on vitality for more hp and regen , while splicing a bit to INT allthough not sure about that yet.
  8. Aha.So one final thing to clarify.How is the survivaliability at gold+ without the revenge mod?Given we get constitution,armor and shield lore is that bad? I hear people getting one shotted by scorpions on desert but up till silver they dont pose much of a threat if you dont let them hit you like a sitting duck <<quack!>> EDIT:Since we're mostly talking about HC.
  9. That is awsome,but how many levels of your IS are from eaten runes and how many from + skills?.The only thing that bothers me about choosing my IS silver mod is if the lack of Revenge mod makes survival harder on later dificulties on the Pyro HE, since IS lacks the physical resistence of cold skin of cold elves. Also will I still see this curve on IS if I take the +%dmg bonus as a gold mod?
  10. Yeah seems more logic that way When you picked your silver and gold mods for GI the bonus applied to the existing one shown on the UI or did it give a discount to the penalty or is it shown on the Σ?
  11. If I am not mistaken, socketing something that changes your pys to fire,poison doesn't "transform" your damage potential to a DoT,just changes the alignement of your burst damage.Not really sure if the changed damage type also offer a % change to the respective secondary effect. Also if you happen to use it on a HE yoiu will say your ice spell damage changing to poison.fire or anything else.This is a UI mistake xD
  12. Can I get the item codes too please?You use them on the unlock content thingy on multiplayer and they just appear from thin air?
  13. 3dwarman I have the same question as you have about when and if IS has a curve that provides more -% regen time on Pyromancer aspect than the +% penalty.Only because on HC revenge mod seems too good to skip since from what I've researched is even better than evasion. But I noticed a possible mistake on your IS screenshot.You are comparing a level 15 IS with a level 15.8 one which means we don't get the full bonus from it but do get the full penalty.So even if at some point the -% becomes more than the +% penalty it will be limited by the Combat Arts max level without penalties thingy right? First post on DA forums
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