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Leaden Juggernaut

Leaden Juggernaut (2/20)



  1. Do you eat your RICE ~ raw ? chomp chop, chomp chop mum, I wonder if that's where the term . . . chop sticks / came from huh Please . Please chew it . Its disgusting coming out, still alive ... It might even get on a stick of its own ! Then What ? what'ch gonna doooooo Every bodys going to be watching you walk ~ ya know, thats' why the rice eaters, take shorter steps. ewh . . . don't steep in it ! Sticky to ya butt/Sticky Butt ______________ My SIR Name ain't HOLY, fer-nut'in ............. ............ .......... Robin ******** You might leave some Rise, ^^^^^ in the path of my escape route . >>>>>>>>> Might HELL, <<<<<<<< Don't YOU Dare ! #################################################################### MiShizeeez ------- Im'Tall\\\\\\\\yak, yak re:visit the fire ~ good dang reason ^^^^^^ for THAT Light ! +++++++++++ Sumbody ain't chuw'n """"""""" X?X?X?X?X?X?X? """""""""" Thairs gotta' B a proVerb lllllllllll )))))))000000000ddddoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo THAT . ...................................................................... " THANX Jesus " .......................................................... $$$$$$izzell'n would ya eat ? Mwa <<<<<<<< How wood I know if ya cooked me How cum I hear laughing ? Is that laughing @@@@@@@@@ Don't go there .,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Still bad;;;;;;;;;;;; . .
  2. After those fries come out of the hot oil, into the paper bag, the heavy dusting of Chili Powder, Less than 6 drops of Tabasco, Shake the bag. Coat it generously with Pizza style Parmesan. Coat it all w/Ranch Style Bacon Salad Dressing. PopCorns' Great this way, without the Salad Dressing. Our Texas Style poUNtINE
  3. After you pull the fries out of the oil, try powdering them with chili powder, add a lil tobasco, and shake 'm in a paper bag, before you continue with the cheese . . . Instead of gravy, use a bacon & ranch salad dressing. Try it . . . HOLYCOOKING.COM DO POPCORN THE SAME WAY, BUT LEAVE OFF THE GRAVY - HUH
  4. Hi kiddys, Anybody for some pickled Pigs FEET, I'm in the South part of Texas,USA . . . and down here, its well known, that you can't make chitlins with out a lil' dandylion, & some chili petin. I give ya some Frog Legs or trade ya for some Kangaroo . . . This is halarious ! Do ya mind if I start a similar forum topic at my site. I enjoy most of the things here, regularily, but try some Mountain Oysters or Cowboy stew, then gimme a call for the recipe. HOLY www.VictoriaTexas.org/
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