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Everything posted by Ansgar

  1. Another option is to have two hard drives.
  2. You sure can. You have a copy on the xbox (or PS3 harddrive). You can have an additional copy if you use a removable storage device. Not many people get the removable storage device unless you like to play couch coop on different consoles.
  3. After about four years of faithful service my xbox 360 has fallen to the red ring of death. Lucky for me I have made the jump to PC for Sacred 2.
  4. This is why my new character is a high elf. I really need to avenge the death of my melee temple guardian. If I remember correctly the red mist attack is the debuff that this boss used quite effectively to strip the energy shield from my temple guardian.
  5. This bug breaks my heart. For those of you that have played with me on the servers you know that I tend to be quite chatty. Now I am scared to send any chats at all. I have already gotten in the habit of hitting ESC (followed by spacebar just to be safe heh) whenever a new chat comes in when I am fighting. My worst fear is that we will stop talking to each other.
  6. I am not positive that I completely understand your question but that has not stopped me from answering before and it won't this time either Set pieces for the temple guardian (and all other classes) are indicated by green color for PC. There are multiple sets that you can collect with unique set bonuses. If you have Ice and Blood There are also unique armor pieces that are indicated by a gold text color. These armor pieces are not part of a set but tend to have some nice bonuses. Here is a link to the uniques on the wiki. http://www.sacredwiki.org/index.php5/Sacre...niques_Database Legendary pieces are indicated by an orange color although I do not believe that there are legendary armor pieces (unless you count rings or relics as armor). Here is a link to the list of legendaries on the wiki. http://www.sacredwiki.org/index.php5/Sacre...endary_Database The other times of armor "qualities" below these include grey (damaged), white (normal), blue (magic), yellow (rare). Here is link to the temple guardian sets on the wiki. http://www.sacredwiki.org/index.php5/Sacre...rdian_Set_Items Edit: I think the answer to your question is that only "green" items have set bonuses for putting together a set
  7. Yeah my real name is Ansgar. Not very creative to not have a different nickname but I really like my name.
  8. I pulled down the patch notes from the french section of SIF and posted the google translate of them here. http://darkmatters.org/forums/index.php?sh...p;#entry6866064 This bug isn't directly mentioned but there was a change to the area that maybe (hopefully?) addresses the bug.
  9. Not only do they have the patch notes, but they also have the patch! Hopefully it means us engrish speakers get ours soon too.
  10. So I should be happy the english patch isn't out yet?
  11. I have taken a peek at the patch notes which I translated from an announcement in the French section of the SIF and it seems that the desctructable ice crystals will now attack the player. My theory is that these are what has been causing the "instant RIP" bug in the crystal plains area. Hopefully the english patch will come out today and we will know for sure.
  12. I just checked and a number of language patches are up but not all (including english and spanish). Since I am impatient I wanted to read the patch notes so I went ahead and grabbed the french ones from here: http://forum.sacredeng.ascaron-net.com/sho...ead.php?t=66989 and translated them using google translate. Here is the translation (not the best but it gives you an idea of what has been fixed. Patch notes: System: Incompatibility with Windows 7corrigé When installing this patch, configuration control will be reset and Ice & Blood is automatically activated. Increased rate of drop in multiplayer Quests: Compass quest: the selection of the next destination of the quest journal Fixed a problem in "enemy movement" "Is this really you? Corrected multiplayer Problem with quest reward "Death of a demon" Sink rate increased for meat "betrayed by fate." Problem with quest target corrected for "participation requirements" Compass corrgié quest for "Challenge!" Fixed problem in "Green Crystals" Miscellaneous: The body parts cristallion are no longer displayed as pieces of armor The "destructible Crystals" are now attacking the player The martial arts are no longer reset to 0 if you use the rune 200th The fate "Runes of Protection" of the dragon mage: reduced chance to stun The fate of "Maelstrom" the dragon mage: the cost is doubled and the length is reduced by 20% The Mod 3b "Blood Frenzy" fate "Dragon enraged" the dragon mage: problem with cooldown corrected The release of "Destroyer" the dragon mage now works in PvP. The balloon released "Dragon Form" of Dragon Mage is now in effect The "Commander of troops Diaanja" will now cause damage. Multiplayer: The Sakkara demon attack correctly and has a health bar Your Team Sacred 2 - Fallen Angel.
  13. This bug has been happening to me a lot recently. My temple guardian has just "died" for times in the last hour actually (EU closed net hardcore). It is making any progress through the crystal plains pretty much impossible to accomplish. A couple of quirks about this bug from my observations tested (probably recklessly) by my level 59 temple guardian in silver. 1) It is always initiated by a one shot "kill" from out of nowhere. There do not need to be any enemies on screen or even visible in the mini-map for this to occur. 2) Health always goes to zero (or near zero, not really sure) but will regen normally after five seconds. This is accomanied by the normal warning red flash. 3)the energy shield on my Temple Guardian sometimes is wiped out and sometimes does not go down at all when this bug occurs (energy shield also regenerates like normal if it is affected) 4)The temple guardian remains standing after the event unlike when you die and he is sprawled on the ground. 5)If the temple guardian is mounted the mount "dies" but when you reload the game the mount is back and is normal. 6) Only happens in the crystal plains area. 7) After this occurs you cannot no longer move or attack but you can still chat and access menus. 8) You can teleport to the start island or portal or res stone but if you do then your character becomes invisible and is still immobile. I mostly wrote all of this down to vent my frustration at not being able to get through this area but at least it is good to know that I am not the only one encountering this bug.
  14. Blacksmithing is working as intended. The idea is that to "insert" a blacksmith art the item has to be reforged and that this can only be done one time (there is even a load screen tip that says this). The note in the version history refers to a bug that if you placed the icons for blacksmith arts onto an item and had not pressed the "forge" button you could not change your mind and remove the icon. I think I read somewhere that you can sell items that had been forged with backsmith arts to a vendor and then buy them back they will have the blacksmith arts removed from them. I have not tested this myself but I suppose it is worth a shot if you really want to reforge your armor.
  15. I just tested this with one of my pre-expansion temple guardians. He still has his shield regen (non-aspect) mount in the expansion.
  16. Welcome to the forum rvbarton! A large number of us on FDM play on the closed net hardcore EU servers. I'm afraid I do not have enough seraphim experience to answer your other questions. See you on the servers!
  17. Ker! According to the temple guardian class quest what race of creatures were the temple guardians at war with?
  18. Over an ottoman Dick Van Dyke style? (it being a pratfall and all) Is the region in the far northeast of the high elf lands past the T energy fields where "something wonderful" can happen and the waterfalls are beautiful. What is the name of the undead enemy that you fight in a quest were an escort NPC is brought back to life in Sacred 2?
  19. Congrats! And thanks to all of the entrants for getting us into the Halloween spirit.
  20. Now you just need to make the jump to Ice and Blood. I personally use WASD to move. Here are a couple of keyboard tricks that would have helped me to learn the PC controls quicker. Control + left quick = quick sell in shops or to "trash" sell things in the field. Alt = allows you to compare your current equipment to the piece of equipment that you are hovering over with the mouse. Also displays the loot on the ground. spacebar = your best friend in HC -- feed that health pot addiction F12 = teleports you to the start island to shop with a single keystroke! Q = picks up all the tasty loot. Ice and Blood introduces a quick cast option that allows you to execute a Combat Art with the hotkey for a combat art slot -- perfect for nontargeted Area of Effect Combat Arts and castable buffs.
  21. Those of us other Sacred junkies here at the FDM are your new family now.....
  22. Welcome Sue! Enjoy your stay and feel free to fire away with any questions that may come up. See you on the Sacred 2 servers soon!
  23. Sorry this is first time I have heard of this bug so I don't know if it is a display bug or not. I would test by looking at your attack or defense value before and after buff activation and determine by what percent they increase and compare that to what the buff benefit is displayed as.
  24. v.2.0.2 build 1371 confirm a sec ago by memorizing 2 combat alert runes and nothing happend with the dmg or regen time, maybe time for a patchupgrade then? cant confirm if its a display bug thou Yeah I would patch up to 2.43. This is not a known bug in the current "vanilla" version or in the expansion.
  25. Hmm starting to sound like a bug (hopefully a display bug). Which patch are you running?
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