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DarkMatters - Member
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Everything posted by TheRenegadeMarine

  1. Its a great game and its F2P with the option of subscribing. They did a good job of ensuring that there aren't game breaking issues between the Gold and Silver members.
  2. Been playing a lot of Star Trek Online lately lol And I noticed when I was updating my profile that my last time on here was when I was still stationed in Japan...in 2009
  3. It's been a while, but I have returned! Been fairly busy so I hadn't had time to play much Sacred, but hopefully I haven't forgotten everythinh.
  4. long time no see! anyway, I would have to say my biggest addictions are vanilla coke, cigarettes, and driving fast lol
  5. The only issue I've had with my copy of Win7x64 is Sacred 2 is unplayable at version 2.43, then again, im too lazy to do all the stuff to correct it
  6. After a week of re-downloading 2.40 repeatedly, I finally got it to work, hopefully the patch after 2.43 is more Win7 friendly
  7. its still doin I, now I cant even load my toons....I am extremely butthurt now..... what should I do?
  8. **UPDATE** I just reinstalled and patched to 2.40 and everything works fine now.....2.43 is SATAN!!11
  9. so last night I dl'ed an installed 2.43 from 2.40 and since then, any time I start the game, it runs for maybe 5 minutes and then crashes. any ideas? Right now im running it on my laptop with Win7x64, 4gigs ram game ran fine with 2.40 so I have NO idea what's going on *edit* Heres the actual error report off of my last crash, if someone can help me decipher this, it would be greatly appreciated Problem signature: Problem Event Name: APPCRASH Application Name: sacred2.exe Application Version: Application Timestamp: 4a4c9668 Fault Module Name: KERNELBASE.dll Fault Module Version: 6.1.7600.16385 Fault Module Timestamp: 4a5bdbdf Exception Code: 80000003 Exception Offset: 000122a1 OS Version: 6.1.7600. Locale ID: 1033 Additional Information 1: 0a9e Additional Information 2: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789 Additional Information 3: 0a9e Additional Information 4: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789 Read our privacy statement online: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=104...mp;clcid=0x0409 If the online privacy statement is not available, please read our privacy statement offline: C:\Windows\system32\en-US\erofflps.txt
  10. yeh, Australia was by far the best libo port ive hit.
  11. Oh man I soo envy you, I drove through there less then a month ago and I love it! Oh, and I live in KC. Yeah I'm in da hood homiez! ZOMG! you live like an hour from me lol. back in the states that is
  12. so far ive been to Thailand, Hong Kong, the Philippines and Australia this is why I say Okinawa is boring lol
  13. good to meet ya too lol I was thinking about submitting an application for Sacred 2 but I saw you arent accepting applicants for that game from NA so I was like "awwwwwwww....." then again, im a nerd so im always playing sacred lol
  14. yep we need a new thread Gogo! "Who plays Sacred2 in their undies?' Sorry but the "pics or it didn't happen" doesn't apply to this one. **he shudders at the mental picture** I play sacred in full combat gear minus the rifle lol
  15. I cant post pictures of where I am due to be being on a military installation lol
  16. well, its pretty bad when I've been a lance for 15 months and im more MOS proficient than most of my corporals and some of my sergeants lol
  17. Thanks and LCpl too(Lance Corporal for those who not up to military lingo)? brownie points to you comrade Good luck to you in your service to a great nation. I dont even do my MOS, I pick up trash and clean tents lol
  18. Thanks for registering, you`re now a part of this community...forever! jk I`m curious... do you have your own computer while stationed in japan to be able to play Sacred 2 on? Do peeps get to buy and bring their own equipment ? I ask because Sacred 2 is hefty with resources, and am wondering if you`re getting it to play on supplied equipment. So... are you sick of sushi yet ? Welcome to DarkMatters! gogo im running with my personal Sonyt Vaio with windows 7 4gigs of ram and some aTI card, game runs smooth even on high graficx
  19. Thanks man. Been spending almost all of my time playin Sacred 2 with my Shadow Warrior, even tho I think I jacked the build way up, but it works so w/e lol
  20. Good decision man, the Marine Corps has done a LOT for me the 2 years I've been in. I kinda wish I had been anything other than my current MOS (0621 Field Radio Operator) cuz all I do is inventory gear all day every day lol Best of luck to ya man LCpl Myers
  21. im a lefty whose writing could appear t "be the makings of a child with Down's Syndrome having an epileptic seizure"
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