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Here is another model made by me in Sketchup Make 2017. Before commenting, please check out the video discription on YouTube, of which I have explained the reason behind certain books on the shelves of the book case being duplicated. This is no mistake made on my part, the duplication was my solution to solve a problem that I had with making this model. Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JLCDeLTypUw To view this model however in your own way, by all means, please view it in full 3D here: https://3dwarehouse.sketchup.com/model/7f5a08a7-8065-4175-8135-5df6ea702cb8/Book-Case
I wish to sincerely apologise for not posting in such a long time, due to health problems that I have been having, which has taken a long time for me to sort them all out and that is what I have been up to since I last posted here. I ask that you please be gentle with me with your comments, I really would apperciate that and please do leave me comments, I would really appreciate that too. I have been learning new ways to do things in Sketchup Make 2017, that I did not know about until I watched many Sketchup Tutorials on YouTube, one of them was about how to make chess pieces and I immediately got hooked. I thought to myself. 'Yes, I could do that and also make my very own chess board.' I did look for images of different chess boards and I decided to make one of my own creation. The only thing I needed was an image of all of the different Chess Pieces. Chess Pieces Image I did the chess pieces first, one of each first and then I made the actual chess board Chess Board 1 I duplicated the chess pieces that needed to be duplicated and placed them on the board itself, for the main surface of the board itself, the black and white checks, I used an image refference. However, after importing the image into Sketchup, I drew all of the squares so that I could repaint over the checkered board, as you can see why, not only that, but I thought that black and white marble textures would also work better. Chess Board Image Refference Chess Board 2 Chess Board 3 Chess Board 4 I know and realize that the black pieces are not a perfect black collour, when I tried to use one, all of the details of the chess pieces could not be seen properly, I tried varies shades of black until I found one that help to keep the deatails in view, so please do not point out that the black shade is wrong, for this reason, please. I wanted to keep the details of the chess pieces to be visable, I hope that you all understand that. If you would like to inspect the Chess Board in further in full 3D, please feel free to check out the link here: https://3dwarehouse.sketchup.com/model/a025d59c-a3f9-4177-8899-92e31f6cdc88/Chess-Board Beyond all of this, I hope that you like my model.
It has been a very long time since I have posted here. I hope all will like my own made Fantasy Castle, please no telling me that it's not a functional or a practical castle. It was drawn and built to be simply a Fantasy Castle Only, the wall textures of the castle were chosen for two reasons, to match with the other textures and to give the castle eyelets, for the arches to fire arrows from, my humbled apologies, I do not know the correct term, at least by all means, do tell me what that is. However, some of the archer windows/eyelets are not completely aligned right, which could have been corrected, but please take note, it had taken me several months, working day by day to do the battlements, the arched doorways etc. I did try to correct what I could, but after doing so much hard work on the whole model, correcting the wall textures would have taken me even longer and no that is not me being lazy, it is not as an easier; a matter one may think, honest. There is a total of 8 overhead walkways and yes that was intentional. The castle needed windows too, which I also had to draw each one, some of them have been copied, but doing the copy work, nearly almost messed up my model, but I managed to work around that particualr problem, but it was not easy by far. Please take my word on that. I am not in the habit of making things up. Before I put in here the link to the actual model and an image of it. First off, I needed a castle layout that I could work from and use purely as a guide. Castle Plan/Layout Caleon Castle 3D Model Link: https://3dwarehouse.sketchup.com/model/6d2fbcbd-2eaa-4a67-8797-bd4634b2a32d/Caleon-Castle
Version 1.0.1
Do not download the file, it's just a dummy used to create a page here in the Downloads section! The actual renders are here. If you want to use them for anything (art/modding references, website/wiki, video thumbnails, whatever), go ahead. No restrictions on the use and no credits necessary. There's also a sortable index of all the currently uploaded renders.-
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- 3d modeling
- 3d model
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Sacred Character Model Renders (Read Description!) View File Do not download the file, it's just a dummy used to create a page here in the Downloads section! The actual renders are here. If you want to use them for anything (art/modding references, website/wiki, video thumbnails, whatever), go ahead. No restrictions on the use and no credits necessary. There's also a sortable index of all the currently uploaded renders. Submitter Inspired Submitted 08/19/2020 Category Sacred Mods
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This post is especially for Steve, but also intended to help anyone else in the art of making a 3D Sword. If you know how to make one, this won't be for you. 3D Program Source: Sketchup Make 2017. First off, I import the image of the word that I want to make, for the purpose of this post, I am usign an image from a sword making link, as given to me by Steve. After Importing the image into my Sketchup work surface, I change the image into a texture, so that way I can draw over the image of the blade only. (The rest of the sword will be done later) As you will see in Image 1, that I have drawn a rectangle around the whole length of the blade itself with a series of lines drawn right across the blade, these lines however, are and will be essential for the further developement of the sword. Iimage 1 Once I have drawn around the shape of the blade, I can then delete all of the unwanted lines to get to the second stage of the sword, where have done an offswet within the image of the blade itself. (See Image 2) Image 2 The third and final stage befoer I go any further with this model project, I have pulled up the inner part of the blade, this will be the thickness of the blade sides, but I need to know please Steve, if this is too high up and secondly does the reverse side of the sword remain flat? Yes? Or No? (See Image 3) Image 3 Please reply as soon as you can Steve, so I know if I need to lower the inner blade, just the blade, the sides have not been put in as yet, as I need to know if the height is right first. I will not do anything further with my model until I get your reply, so I know where to go from this point where I have left the model of the sword. Together, we will see this sword come to life, as it were. I hope you appreciate me asking you for your honest and expert opinion?
Xan is spelled in the same way as the name of Xander from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I have used the old form of Y, inplace of an I like as in Winter (Example: Wynter) Name of sword breakdown: Xan-yth. The word is eniterly made up of course and that is my approach on spelling and pronoucing it. Xanyth For a full 3D View of the model, please go here: https://3dwarehouse.sketchup.com/model/af380365-1db1-40d3-8ca9-cd304bbd7580/Xanyth
My own unique, or I at least I hope it is, take and reimaging of the most iconic fantasy, mythical sword. I hope you all like it? Excalibur Link: https://3dwarehouse.sketchup.com/model/38ed469e-430c-4a12-b9fb-63981e1047d8/Excalibur
This subject has been briefly talked about in replies to comments made in the Sacred 2 Sacred Hall Of The Temple Guardian 2. But I thought that it would be a good idea that I share the model in full 3D here, first the original one: https://3dwarehouse.sketchup.com/model/258a2f981026a0c66146f4637eaf43fa/The-Futuristic-Manor-House And the All New Version: https://3dwarehouse.sketchup.com/model/88db93aa-10b9-4aab-98c8-da7953c9a789/All-New-Futuristic-Manor-House
And for the final results, here it is, the completed dungeon. Vanguard Go here for the full 3D view of the model: https://3dwarehouse.sketchup.com/model/d5aac552-ac4d-4620-b018-43b2f052930e/Vanguard-Dungeon-Level-Design-Concept
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- 3d model
- dungeon level design
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Well, here it is at long last the start of what I hope will be epic. Please bare in mind before commenting, that the images shown here are purely the beginning stages and that the over all finished dungeon, I hope will amaze you all. Starting first from my original own made grid map, as you can see I have duplicated it and these two I will merge together to give me a much bigger grid map, I added onto it though slightly, as it felt like to me not to be big enough. 3D Grid Map/Vanguard Stage 1 The red squares of the second image indicate what is going to be paths/corridors, all of the squares in orange are going to be rooms. Again, may I please remind you, this is just merely the beginning stage, so right now Vanguard does not look impressive yet and I do plan for a change to fill each and every room, what with, I have not decided as yet. So this dungeon is going to be furnished possibly with tables, chairs, altars, etc. Or what ever my imagination can come up with. All credit goes to Steve/Hooyaah for suggesting that I try to do my very own grid map dungeon design and his encouragement to do one larger than the test dungeon that I did. Lastly all of the squares in blackish grey is going to be a chasm. Vanguard Stage 2
Picking up where I last left off from, pulling up all of the walls etc. of the Vanguard Dungeon Project Vanguard. Stage 5 As you will noticed, I have partially textured the dungeon layout, the reason for this, is so that I can have the room sections etc. clear for when I start to put and place furniture into the model, such as a chair, a table etc. Vanguard. Stage 6 The first room has been filled so far with a set of chairs a table and on each side of the wall, top and bottom, as see in the above image, is a 2D Model of a swords and sheild image, that image is courtesy of pdsgraphics.com I just merely turned the image into a 2D model, for the sole use of my Dungeon Project, there are other items to put and place inside of this rom, as well as all of the other roms, but this is just to give you a general idea of what you will see in the over all finished dungeon design with I hope, a few surprises thrown in there.
Vannguard Stage 3 Here I have removed all of the squares and the guide textures, as I no longer need them, I have added an offset, to the over all layout, wich gives me the walls and rooms that will be 3D, once I pull up each part, using the Push/Pull Tool, what that basically does is pull a flat object up down or side ways into a solid 3D object, if it is too big, I can push back in, for teh desired size and width of the model, that I need, hence the name of the tool. Also at this stage, to draw lines as seen in the second image as so to make sections that I can individually pull up. Vanguard. Stage 5 Talking about pulling up flat shapes etc. The next step after adding an offset to the over all layout, I begin to pull up every section, while this part is time consuming, it is worth the while doing. I hope you all like what I hae shared and showed you so far? And I hope you all lookin g forward to steps 5&6?
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- 3d model
- dungeon level design
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I was going to post this yesterday, but I got too tired; Sion Dungeon. Level 2 For a full and complete 3D veiew, go here: https://3dwarehouse.sketchup.com/model/84ee1c89-526f-4463-8fe4-8450013acb73/Sion-Dungeon-Level-2
I would appreciate if anyone can try to find out for me the person who made the map as shown bellow. Original Dungeon Map As you can see there are 4 dungeons in all making one huge dungeon map. Before I share my model link, here is an image of my dungeon model for comparrison My Model Model Link: https://3dwarehouse.sketchup.com/model/9e300f88-25ab-4ae4-b8e5-27a1c06ed7ab/The-Sacred-Temple-Of-Moxdoom-Maga-Dungeon-Level Sector 1 (Bottom Left): Fairhaven Sector 2 (Bottom Right): Waste Valley Sector 3 (Top Right): Stormguard Sector 4 (Top Left) Dragonguard)
Yet another different Dungeon Game Level Design. For further info please go to the link, thank you. The Sion Dungeon. Level 1 For a Full Model View go here: https://3dwarehouse.sketchup.com/model/224001e1-fca4-45c8-beb9-a9f55e5978db/The-Sion-Dungeon-Level-1 UPDATE! I have decided to to do a series of dungeon levels, all part f my Sion Dungeon Project.
All New Sci-Fi Dungeon Level Design Model Link for full 3D view: https://3dwarehouse.sketchup.com/model/a69ec306-91a2-4c4c-9dc6-dea4c483df37/All-New-Sci-Fi-Dungeon-Level-Design
Hello to all here and I wish to thank all here at Dark Matters for making this site be possible. I like and love Sacred 2 so much that I have it for my PS3, my XBOX 36O and Sacred 2 Gold via GOG. Anyway, I like the character of the Temple Guardian and his backstory and indeed the detailed history of the Temple Guardians as told through the Temple Guardian's own personal quests and the information provided at the original location of The Hub, where at the end pillar a Temple Guardian tells you why they had to move the hub, etc. What really intrigues me is the location of the half sunken temple past the save pedestal where there is a merchant, a rune master and a blacksmith and it's before you enter the main Temple that takes you to the Great Machine. I'll include a screen shot of the location when I reach there on my PC version of the game, but hopefully some of you will now know where I mean, in simple terms it's where the last but one merchant is, top far end of the Waste Lands, you can't miss it, there. If you go to where the save pedestal is and look to your left, you wills see a half sunken temple/dungeon area that cannot be reached and obviously, it's not. But what if it were, what would it look like. Sadly I am not blessed to have the same exact textures as used in the dungeon level of the Great Machine. But I did my best to get as near match, though not exact, so please bare that in mind before commenting please on a dungeon level design that I made using SketchUp. Model Link: https://3dwarehouse.sketchup.com/model/682cace2-0bde-4acc-9880-1a51ad416885/Sacred-2-Sacred-Hall-Of-The-Temple-Guardian-Chambers It's best vied in 3D if you like the design, please let me know and please be gentle, I'm not a pro expert model maker, just someone that loves to make 3D models. And if you really like it and are interested, I can post here for you all the link to the second level design to this first one. I like my 1st design so much that I decided to make a second one of which the first dungeon level design leads to.