I wish to sincerely apologise for not posting in such a long time, due to health problems that I have been having, which has taken a long time for me to sort them all out and that is what I have been up to since I last posted here. I ask that you please be gentle with me with your comments, I really would apperciate that and please do leave me comments, I would really appreciate that too. I have been learning new ways to do things in Sketchup Make 2017, that I did not know about until I watched many Sketchup Tutorials on YouTube, one of them was about how to make chess pieces and I immediately got hooked. I thought to myself. 'Yes, I could do that and also make my very own chess board.' I did look for images of different chess boards and I decided to make one of my own creation. The only thing I needed was an image of all of the different Chess Pieces.
Chess Pieces Image
I did the chess pieces first, one of each first and then I made the actual chess board
Chess Board 1
I duplicated the chess pieces that needed to be duplicated and placed them on the board itself, for the main surface of the board itself, the black and white checks, I used an image refference. However, after importing the image into Sketchup, I drew all of the squares so that I could repaint over the checkered board, as you can see why, not only that, but I thought that black and white marble textures would also work better.
Chess Board Image Refference
Chess Board 2
Chess Board 3
Chess Board 4
I know and realize that the black pieces are not a perfect black collour, when I tried to use one, all of the details of the chess pieces could not be seen properly, I tried varies shades of black until I found one that help to keep the deatails in view, so please do not point out that the black shade is wrong, for this reason, please. I wanted to keep the details of the chess pieces to be visable, I hope that you all understand that. If you would like to inspect the Chess Board in further in full 3D, please feel free to check out the link here: https://3dwarehouse.sketchup.com/model/a025d59c-a3f9-4177-8899-92e31f6cdc88/Chess-Board
Beyond all of this, I hope that you like my model.