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Thinking of changing playstyle?

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After my character dying on the last nameless guardian and being bummed out (and I am SC), I really thought about how I should play this game...


I want to try HC, but I don't want to lose characters..

I want to play SC but I hate how that char seems unspecial when they die

I want to party with people, but I don't want people to get me killed (SC or HC over 85% of my deaths are from someone else mob)..


I want to benefit from bargaining, but I don't want to have that many bargainers filling my slots.

I want to play single player so I can put bargainers in place but I don't want to level up a char just to bargain and I like the multiplayer party



I want so many conflicting things it seems. The worse part is that I don't know what I really want. Previously I was planning on raising each class (6) up to 70-80 and then level them in parallel so that at high levels every class has jewelry 1 and smithing 2. But I am now not sure of that plan. Maybe I should play single player and make 4 bargainers at 5, 35, 80, and 110 and then just try and play one class at a time:) Or maybe I should just try to play without a bargainer? And I am unsure if I should just play SP instead of multiplayer. The few people who had similar style to me left the game (or to other platform). I haven't found fun people to play with lately.

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I would have to agree that there is indeed controversy. That's why you should just try and plan your builds. I, personally, found 6 slots to be more than enough for everything :gogo:


All you need is 1-2 main chars (the ones whom you'll play with dedication), a few shoppers, usually one of which will also be a smith/shopper TG or Inquisitor (2 or 3) and 1 free slot to do whatever you want with it.

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I want to play SC but I hate how that char seems unspecial when they die


How do mean Unspecial? Do you mean it has no penalty? If you think that, look up Survival Bonus (Schot made a post about it somewhere).


I don't play HC but only as I don't want to loose equipment. I try not to die as SB is too valuable to start again, even in SC.


Being killed by other peoples monsters would suck.


I play Shadow Warriors so the bargaining thing isn't an issue. But then in single player, I don't have to restrict myself to 6 slots.

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Colif, I think by unspecial I meant I was kind of bored of the character. My last resurrection monument was really far from the nameless guardians and I didn't want to go all the way back there.


One thing people do with bargainers which your shadow warrior can benefit from is have a bargainer buy amulets/rings for the SW.


I think I'm taking a hiatus from Multiplayer and going to find some good builds... Nice thing is though that I do have a level 82 bargainer (mastery of bargain)..

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I've found awesome players in HC, and there's where I've been stuck for the last few years :bow: I'm a sucker for community, and can't really get much out of a game unless I have other peeps to discuss the same stuff with, or have a chance of someone dropping into my server to just chat it up. Plus trades are great on top of that, and the camp runs are just the bomb.


Course, HC means chance of losing toons, but that's part of the draw for me. Losing toons is just a part of the HC equation, with that comes very disciplined builds and good play style, which I don't think I'd give to sp because I wouldn't have that danger of knowing I could die.





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Well, claudius, I was a Softcore player till Gogo came by with this big wand and converted me :bow:


Suffice to say, hardcore isn't as difficult as you think it is, and the chances of dying aren't as much as you think they are. A strong, all-round build will go all the way to 200 in HC without dying. Well, there are lapses in attention, losses of concentration and coordination and that may well kill a char, but as long as you're careful and take frequent rests between the levels, you're going to be just fine.


So I strongly suggest you try hardcore, unless you feel you're either not ready, or not up to it.

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