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Can anyone explain Zealous Doppleganger gold rank?


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I just started playing this game and I I was enjoying the inquisitor until I upgraded the zealous doppleganger abiity to gold rank (which was make it permanent) and now I can't use it also I can't use reverse polarity..both only have 3 runes a piece and both astute lore and focus are at level 9. my personal level is 12. what am I missing?

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Hey there Trevor and welcome to the forums :D


The skill you are missing is concentration. It allows you to use two buffs, and three when mastered at level 75.

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Hello there Trevor, and welcome to the forums.


As Ryan said, you might be missing the concentration skill, however...

The thing that bugs me is that from interpreting your complaint, you couldn't use either of them.


So really what I'm asking is.

Could you use neither at that time?

Could you use one of them at that time?

Can you use one of them now?

Can you use both of them now?

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