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Dislodged Spirit Gold Mod 'stimulate'

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Posted (edited)

For reference, here is the entry for Dislodged Spirit in spells.txt:


mgr.defineSpell( "in_uw_seelenraub", {
eiStateName = "cSpellCast",
fxTypeSpell = "FX_INQ_SEELENRAUB",
fxTypeCastSpecial = "FX_INQ_CAST_M",
duration = 10.000000,
animType = "ANIM_TYPE_SM13",
animTypeApproach = "ANIM_TYPE_INVALID",
animTypeRide = "ANIM_TYPE_INVALID",
animTypeSpecial = "ANIM_TYPE_RIDESM05-SPECIAL",
causesSpellDamage = 1,
tokens = {
	entry0 = {"et_duration_sec", 595, 5, 0, 8 },
	entry1 = {"et_debuff_stats", 240, 10, 0, 42 },
	entry2 = {"et_spelldamage_ice", 560, 280, 0, 133 },
	entry3 = {"et_spelldamage_ice", 210, 105, 1, 133 },
	entry4 = {"et_duration_sec", 298, 2, 2, 8 },
	entry5 = {"et_debuff_stats", 153, 7, 3, 42 },
	entry6 = {"et_dotdamage_ice", 420, 210, 4, 42 },
	[b]entry7 = {"et_energy_leech_once", 50, 50, 5, 9 },[/b]
	entry8 = {"et_soul_explosion", 700, 350, 6, 17 },
fightDistance = 35.000000,
aspect = "EA_IN_UNDERWORLD",
cooldown = 0.000000,
soundProfile = 0,
cost_level = 330,
cost_base = 660,
focus_skill_name = "skill_IN_underworld_focus",
lore_skill_name = "skill_IN_underworld_lore",
spellClass = "cSpellInqSeelenraub",
spellcontroltype = "eCAtype_a_effect_attack",
sorting_rank = 1,


I bolded the line for the stimulate modifier, and it shows a base-value of "5" and a step-value of "5"... but 5 "what"? The wiki has these as %, which I believe now to be incorrect. But, the wiki also has the "Stimulate mod seems to be broken" line so I assume nobody has been able to verify what this mod does. Well, we know it regenerates combat arts, but can we predict how much regeneration it does offer?


There is the cost_level and cost_base, for each combat art, and I feel the values from the stimulate mod are related directly to these values. But how exactly they are connected, I am not sure yet.

Has anyone played with these values? I am interested to know how the Stamina attribute affects them. It would be easy to translate the "costs" into "time" units then, and determining the regeneration offered by the stimulate mod can be easier to understand if we put it into a "time" context (ie X seconds of regen per CA level).

Edited by essjayehm

This is something I'm interested in as well.


The Temple Guardian's Jolting Touch CA "slighly reduces the regeneration time of Combat Arts while Jolting Touch is active." I noticed that it reduced the regen of all CAs by a flat amount each pulse. My theory is that it is a "Regen per hit +X" effect that is activated by each pulse of the CA. The effect could be level dependant, and Jolting Touch has a silver mod for it as well. This is something I need to test.


Maybe the mod for Dislodged Spirit works the same way? A "Regen per hit +X" effect that is activated whenever Dislodged Spirit is used?


I wonder...


I would agree with mitze, rph +x makes more sense. Perhaps its 0.05+0.05*CAlevel regen?


Compared to other mana leeching Combat Arts dislodged is higher by a factor of 10, so I think it is really 5% and that it is a bug.


Well, I gotta laugh because it took me all of 5 minutes to figure it all out. I got home Friday, and started a new Inquisitor. With no equip (ie regen penalty = 0) and Stamina = 25, the tooltip shows "Avg. CA regen time = 100%". How lucky! Then I look at his Combat Arts, and they are EXACTLY the base+step values (divided by 10, ofc). That was for the reg. Combat Arts; the buffs work a little differently, the regen penalty is 1/2 of the base+step value.

I added a belt with 0.1 regen penalty - I found out even equip without the "regen penalty" line do actully have penalties that aren't displayed (check the Sta tooltip) - and Stamina +3. The CA regens were exactly

(basevalue + stepvalue)/(Average CA regen from tooltip/100)

Further testing showed that socketing/Combat Arts on gear do infact only add 1/2 of stepvalue vs. eating the runes.


I did not progress that testing any further, ie add GI Focus, etc. at this time.


Back to the task at hand, figuring out if the stimulate mod is broken or not. I played around at low level for a bit, but I can't say anything with any certainty until I gain a few levels and raise HCALWP. I would be in agreement with MITZE and Dragon Brother (but I think 0.5 + 0.5 as RpH values), its an RpH effect, but how much exacly I'm unsure, especially 1second in Sacred time does not = 1 second realtime ;)


MITZE, just for your reference, here's JT's code:

mgr.defineSpell( "tw_te_tschock", {
eiStateName = "cSpellCast",
fxTypeCast = "FX_TW_TSCHOCK_C",
fxTypeSpell = "FX_TW_TSCHOCK",
fxTypeCastSpecial = "FX_TW_TSCHOCK_C",
duration = 10.000000,
animType = "ANIM_TYPE_SM10",
animTypeApproach = "ANIM_TYPE_INVALID",
animTypeRide = "ANIM_TYPE_INVALID",
animTypeSpecial = "ANIM_TYPE_RIDESM10-SPECIAL",
causesSpellDamage = 1,
tokens = {
	entry0 = {"et_duration_sec", 300, 2, 0, 8 },
	entry1 = {"et_debuff_attackspeed", 300, 10, 0, 42 },
	entry2 = {"et_hits_persec", 1000, 0, 0, 4 },
	entry3 = {"et_chance_debuff_root", 1000, 5, 0, 5 },
	entry4 = {"et_spelldamage_magic", 500, 250, 0, 133 },
	entry5 = {"et_energy_leech_once", 50, 0, 0, 9 },
	entry6 = {"et_chance_reflect_CC", 300, 10, 1, 41 },
	entry7 = {"et_life_leech", 50, 30, 2, 9 },
	entry8 = {"et_life_heal_rel", 50, 0, 3, 9 },
	entry9 = {"et_energy_leech_once", 20, 1, 4, 9 },
	entry10 = {"et_damping_any_st", 250, 5, 5, 41 },
	entry11 = {"et_hits_persec", 334, 0, 6, 4 },
fightDistance = 35.000000,
aspect = "EA_TW_TECHNOLOGY",
cooldown = 0.000000,
soundProfile = 0,
cost_level = 250,
cost_base = 500,
focus_skill_name = "skill_TW_technology_focus",
lore_skill_name = "skill_TW_technology_lore",
spellClass = "cSpellTwTschock",
spellcontroltype = "eCAtype_a_effect_attack",
sorting_rank = 3,


It looks like the RpH is a flat value unless you add the silver mod, then it will be 0.7+0.01 per level... then multiplied by hits per sec...


Izzat so?


Hmmm.....this gives me some ideas for a Pure Caster Temple Guardian...MWAHAHAHAHA! :evil:


I know that it's been over a year, but I just thought I'd chime in to state that I believe I can confirm that the 'Stimulate' mod for Dislodged Spirit works the way we've been theorizing.


I've been playing a caster-type Inquisitor with my friend over the past couple of weeks, and I had a chance to test the last choice of mods for Dislodged Spirit:


The 'Stimulate' mod does indeed seem to give Dislodged Spirit a 'regeneration per hit +x' effect equal to: 0.5s+(0.5s*CALvl).

For my character, it currently takes Dislodged Spirit 5.xs to regenerate at CALvl 13. However, with the 'Stimulate' mod, Dislodged Spirit completely regenerates as soon as it hits. According to the formula, I'm getting 7.0s worth of regen every time I hit an enemy with it.


The 'Wildfire' mod, on the other hand, does not do what it says on the tin. Instead, it directly adds a lot (and I do mean a lot) of physical damage to Dislodged Spirit--while testing it, the damage that Dislodged Spirit was supposed to do jumped from ~210 (pure ice damage) to 700+ at CALvl 1.

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