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Titanquest Underlord Mod

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Arperum can probably tell you, but there is a new mod in titanquest that makes the game entirely fun. It is basicly the 3rd expansion with super polishing and skill changes instead of a new area. The modder is an avid gamer who has insight into what makes a challenging game that requires planning and challenges, but not too hard. Potions have a 15 second cooldown which really makes you have to use tactics.


The skill redesign fullfills several goals but I'll focus on three. One it removes the problem titanquest had of only having one rational choice of skills for a class (almost). Each skill has a use for the most part. The 15 second cooldown on potions means some of the gear mods that were formerly junk such as energy now are meaningful (just an aside). Second the masteries are interesting from a combinatorial standpoint in other words they are fun to use and how they fit together satisfies the type of player that thinks that way. Another type of player than the technical 'makes sense' approach is the type who likes art design and a cool feel. I've only got 2 masteries so far but I have scanned them all and they all have the feel of a certain archetype but within that, see point one there is customization of the skills.


The only worry for this forum is that everyone will stop playing sacred :sweating: Anyhow thats the game I'll be playing for the next two years it is that good.

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Yes http://www.titanquest.net/tq-forum/threads/32611-Download-Latest-Version-of-Underlord


That links the forum to the download of the underlord mod. If you need a copy of TQ IT maybe amazon or probably some digital download. Be careful the mods work with steam if you go that route (not recommended for a game with mods). Theres also a must have program called titanquest vault http://www.titanquest.net/tq-forum/threads/32999-REL-TQVault-2.3.0.x.


The vault allows you to store any amount of items and duplicate them. It can ruin the game but it can be fun to be 'twinked'. Although then its more like mowing the lawn like sacred than tactics which is the whole point imho. Still a collectors must have.


I think this is a digital download of IT which is the latest patch though there is a fanpatch bundled in underlord. http://www.impulsedriven.com/products/ESD-IMP-W118 I didn't read the whole site though so not sure its the right thing.

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One thing to know is that there is no closed net. So if you want to co-op you'll have to find a buddy on the forum. The game is old enough that its unlikely that some nefarious person will lie and play with hacks on you. The worst thing to happen could be that they are so twinked that you can't get a kill in. But I think the underlord mod fixed some of that overpoweredness.

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Yah, I played quite alot of TQ back in the days, and learned to only play with people I know if I wanted to have a decent playing experience.

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