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Active English Community?

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I recently downloaded the Gold edition using the links on this site. I realize the game is a couple years old now, but I'm wondering if there's an "active" english speaking community out there somewhere? Should I install the community patch or... when's the best time to play or... is the game just dead?


I played D2 for the longest time. Then I switched to WoW and other things. Until recently I've been playing League of Legends but I'm eagerly awaiting Diablo 3 and wanted to get something similar to hold me over until then. This game seems pretty awesome but my initial impression is that the community is either dead, or never really existed in the same capacity that Diablo 2 did. Is this true?

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I am still relatively new to Sacred, but I am afraid it has peaked. I think most of the players still active here play Closed Net, which does not allow the CM patch.


I have never done online gaming, so I am used to playing by myself. I do play Closed Net, but in the few weeks I have been playing, I have played solo except for one night. Last night, most of the people I saw online were German or Italian (?).

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HI Deegan, welcome to DarkMatters! when this game was first released, there was a very busy online community in HC where most of this site was playing and still does. The release of the CM Patch has seemed to change a lot of things, and there has been some dallying with a lot of SP and open lately just to try out all the new lightsabres, explosive throw potions, fabulous new sets with the most number of sockets seen in this game, new bosses, and lots and lots of new ways to die :P


There are people still in HC, but all the new goodies are in Open or SP, and Open's still got an active community.


HC's got that adrenaline rush, but Open's now become a pretty compelling draw.







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Open is "hackable" though right? Hackable in the sense that I can download someone elses level 200 character to play instead of having to put in the effort? Pretty lame.


Hard code never really appealed to me in D2, and it won't here. Felt like such a waste, especially when you factor in online gaming and its buggyness. I'm a fan of a well balanced death consequence, like gold or experience, rather than a complete restart... all 100+ hours of it... gone... makes me want to punch a baby. lol

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Open is "hackable" though right? Hackable in the sense that I can download someone elses level 200 character to play instead of having to put in the effort? Pretty lame.


The adrenaline rush isn't there, and if what's what you mean by lame because you have to enforce your behavior yourself to emulate a HC experience, yeah it's a drag. If you're looking for a compromise though, you may want to try SC Closed. One death won't lose you everything, but when you die you lose your SB bonus. It's kind of a chronal setback, kind of like offered in GW when you lose hp based on how many times you die in a campaign, as loss of SB will hugely impact your toon for a while until you get your SB back.


That could be a decent balance for you?


And there's a good community in SC.


As a note too, there are a good number players in Niobium now. Their research is exquisite, they have built the most powerful trading networks, and their experience can easily get them to a high level.


Here's a strategy you could enjoy. Download Slevin's Builds here:




He's considered one of the top 3 players in Sacred 2, and has created a collection of very powerful builds for this game.


You can download his builds and try them out to see the kinds of build techniques he used. From there you can reverse engineer and/or post to him in this forum if he can write out the order in which he chose skills and he may even put up a guide.


That way you'll blue print your road, and if you're careful you can probably put a lot of levels on... Enter the Adrenaline!




If you don't want to put that much time into socketing your builds perfect, spending hours shopping for perfect gear, and face the despair when you lose a character at level 142, give SC a try. It's a good comromise, is excting but you do have something to wager, but it's not ALL the hours you put in... just some.

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