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3 Aspect Dragon Mage

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Hello. Came back after 2 years break from Sacred, and choose Dragon Mage. This Guide is based on my experience in Silver and Gold, but I have 2 characters in Niob, and I think this guy's gonna rock there. Enjoy!


Why 3 aspect Dragon Mage? Because of high defence via buffs we can spend more talent points on other talents. Also on Niob, having more then 2 types of damage is required to finish this game with no problem at all. Also isnt it amazing to use every single spell from class, in every way you want, on every mob you want without feeling (man this tree is nice, why did I choose other one)



We are going full Stamina, because we get Int + health from Familiar anyway, and we are going to eat fecalmatterload of runes for every CA we have.


Our talents:

1) Concentration

2) Elemental Focus

3) Dragon Magic Focus

4) Mentalism Focus

5) Combat Discipline

6) Armor lore

7) Elemental Lore

8) Dragon Magic Lore

9) Mentalism Lore

10)Ancient Magic


First question. Why no Constitution? Familiar buff provides us same buff. Also there is a must to have all these talents above to use every Dragon Mage CA as its best.


Talent priority:

1) Elemental Focus (75)

2) Dragon Magic Focus (75)

3) Mentalism Focus (75)

4) Concentration (75)

5) Elemental Lore (75 first, and all left talent point later till 200)

6) Ancient Magic (75)

7) Dragon Magic Lore (75)

8) Mentalism Lore (75)

9) Armor lore (75)

10)Combat discipline (75)


We first spend points on talents reducing our Cooldowns on CA, because we gonna eat runes of our buffs like mad, to make our defense great.


CA Mods in order when we modify:

Dragon magic:

Familiar - Firebug/Protection from Fire(Dragon breath hurts!)/Life Force

Dragon Strike - heat/heat/fury (It's offensive spell for this build so I choose this mods for more dps. Targets gonna be stunned from Gust of Wind anyway)

Eternal Fire - Licking Flames/Hunger/Fury


Destroyer - Explosive/Swarm/Swarm

Gust of Wind - Stun/Squall/Impact

Protector - Elite/Veteran/Protecting Shield

Tornado - Storm Force/Unleashed/Critical

Magic Barrier - Vengeance/Solid/Runes


Runes of Protection - Protection/Stone Skin/Runes

Maelstrom - Burden/Extension/Demoralize

Combat Trance - Awarness/Experienced/Energy Flux

Energy Blaze - Confusion/Impact/Afterglow

Mind Strike - Weakness/Impact/Drill


How do we fight?

For trash we keep Combo Maelstrom/Destroyer/Gust of Wind. Try to keep all these spells at <8sec and Gust of Wind at 3-4sec for bosses. What do we do? We run and gather trash from 30 or so yards till we get 6+, run into them in the middle and use Combo. There is not many that can survive this. What about mobs with high physical resistence that survive? Oh well, we got Dragon Strike, that will incinerate them all. What if they got fire immunity as well? Well, Energy Blaze says "Hi". Thats why we have backup with Dragon Strike/Energy Blaze Combo for situations like that.


For bosses we are using 4 kind of Combos. First one is Combat trance. We use it at start and them every cooldown. Next what we do is Combo Maelstrom/Mind Strike for weakening Boss. Then we spam Gust of Wind, that will stun Boss (dont forget to click far away from Boss, so he will get multiple damage, and then use Combo Dragon Strike/Energy Blaze while waiting for Gust of Wind to recover. Bosses are dying in few seconds, while being slowed/stunned/weakened etc. And most important they get 3 kind of damage, so its impossible to not be able to damage boss.


We are looking for +all skills items, items with free slots so we can reforge -% regen time/all skill/all ca amulets, items with +all ca, items with damage reduction. Drageen's set looks promising, and we should be aiming to get this first. Also there is cool unique armor I found that increases % of intellect. It's godly, becuase its stacking not base int, but all the int you have. Yes, even int from Familiar. When we get this armor, we wont change it... ever.

For weapon we use weapon + shield. Good ones are weapon + shield from Blind Guardian quest. We are looking for weapon with many slots, and caster stats + shield with high defensive stats + many slots.


My Dragon Mage is 48 now. Yes, first 20 levels are hard, but later, when you get your skills modified, its amazing. Bosses are dying in less then 10 sec. Trash is dying in single combo. You can stay and dance in Dragon's flames, because your buff gives almost fire immunity.

Edited by Asmo
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I have the community patch, and llama patch so my Magic Barrier is replaced by Armageddon, which is a boss killer!

I'm an elementalist.


The life force from the familiar isn't that much. So it's still easy to die at the start for about 30-40 levels with out getting help from other character etc.


What buffs are you using first? Familiar and RoP?


Problem is, regeneration times, so how often are you turning to melee?

Or have you turned the option off where using a combat art takes regeneration from all aspects?

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I have the community patch, and llama patch so my Magic Barrier is replaced by Armageddon, which is a boss killer!

I'm an elementalist.


The life force from the familiar isn't that much. So it's still easy to die at the start for about 30-40 levels with out getting help from other character etc.


What buffs are you using first? Familiar and RoP?


Problem is, regeneration times, so how often are you turning to melee?

Or have you turned the option off where using a combat art takes regeneration from all aspects?

yes I dont use expert touch. Yes I am using familiar and RoP. How to get 40 level easy without survival problem? Get into orc region at 15 level (first boss can be kinda hard. I was fighting 5 min with him) and farm orc cave. Orcs should die in single destroyer+GoW combo. I also tried to install Llama's mod but it sadly doesnt work, dunno why. I am not using melee. Use first combo for trash, then use 2nd combo dragon strike + energy blaze and it should be clean. After 40 level you will destroy everything. If Armageddon works how I think it work, and someone finally answer my question in Llama's patch topic bossed will die in seconds on my dragon mage :)

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You need to download the Generic Mod Enabler, which is nothing to do with Darkmatters.

But it's trustworthy, then you have to go through the process of activating it.

You also need the normal community patch.

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My post from there: "Hello. I installed Generic mod enabler in Sacred 2 files, and then made MODS folder in Sacred 2 and copy pasted Llama's mod there. Then I clicked >> from avaliable mods. Its said mod is active, but my dragon mage has Magic Wall etc, like this mod doesn't work on my PC. Please help." Yep I did everything and mod still doesnt work.

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Killed Swamp Dragon on Gold. He died in 4 sec. Also discovered that Dragon Mage is very vulnareble to poison, so keep your poisons relics up when you know there will be mobs that attack with poison. Fire and physical damage taken is laughable.


Destroyer 43 level 8 sec cooldown.

GoW 38 level 3,6 sec cooldown.


I am eating runes like mad. Also dont have any +all skills items except of Drageen's set bonus and unique helmet that gives +3 to all skills. 53 level atm. Only talents I gave points are Concentration and al 3 Focus. When I start to give points in Lore and Ancient magic, bosses gonna die in single combo, or I think so.


Dragon Mage is pro :)

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How did you keep your destroyer level at 43 with 8 seconds cool down?


Mines a level 24 character, with only level 7ish destroyers. But 4 second cool down.


They are powerful hitting through.


I don't use GoW much.

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The best thing is about community patch.


Destroyers now deal fire damage wow.gifevil.gif


Allowing a much better character for pure elementalism.


Tornado deals ice and physical.

Armageddon is pure physical, but can be modded to change to partly fire, exterminating bosses.


Magic Wall wasn't much of a use for me, but I like Chattius' way of how he used it in tunnels etc.


Look on his elementalist guide.

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-% regen on every possible socket + max concentration + max elemental focus + stamina, tons of it. When I get mastery in both Concentration and EF cooldown will drop to 5 sec. But its not even needed. I spend like 5-6 sec to gather mobs anyway. GoW is godly for stun on bosses, and pushing back mobs that survive attack. I use wall only on bosses that cast spells, to reflect them. Using it in caves its useless, if mobs are dying from single combo anyway. Also I prefer destroyers as physical damage. For High physical resistance enemies I have Dragon Strike and Mentalism spells.


Tried Llama's mod yesterday and after 20 min of testing I uninstalled it. Dragon Mage is just too powerfull and you just don't use other spells then destroyer/armageddon.


Pure elementalist is too boring for me. You just run into mobs and they all die. With 3 aspect DM you can choose with what you want to kill mobs, and also your buffs and debuffs are stronger.


On 3 Aspect DM caster you use all 13 spells except Trasnformation (but if you want you can also use it). It's one of most (if not most) flexible and most fun class in Sacred 2 atm.

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Or from blacksmith art... -6% on silver. I have like 12 or so slots filled with that. Do the math. ATM I have both buffs at 60+level and destroyer at 48th. 5,1 cast time at 58 level. Just killed Nameless guardians in less then 2 min in Gold. Still havent die and my only defensive skill is Armor Lore at 1 level.

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