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Legend Aadil

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Legend Aadil last won the day on August 18 2011

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  1. would you know if its possible for me to keep the mod active even though changing the CM patch or should I just do everything fresh
  2. No info there which it is. Flix suggested 2 or 3 I'll just try it . thanks ps thanks for all the help
  3. Thank you Yoshio and Flix, but with Sacred 3, I fear for the waiting times on the next CM patch It's basically the CM patch that Llama mod works on, I'm not sure which one it is though https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B6mWJPtqErDcSkg0eGdubGdVaHM&usp=sharing
  4. Hey Marcus, I'm not sure the exact one, but it's the one that Llama Mod was last known working for, so sorry for the hassle I think the one that was made around Llama Mod release? But do you know which one that is?
  5. Possible to download an older version of CM patch that allows Llama patch to work?
  6. Okay guys, I've done it and activated the MOD, but it's not working? I have the CM by the way. But how do I get the activated mod to work? The problem is, when I try to 'extract' the files from download or 'copy' using 7Win or something, it doesn't let me and says it failed. So I opened the zipped Llama mod using windows explorer, then copied the Llama folder into MODS folder in Sacred 2, but that does not work even after activating it. Thanks for all the help btw
  7. Okay guys, I've done it and activated the MOD, but it's not working? I have the CM by the way. But how do I get the activated mod to work? The problem is, when I try to 'extract' the files from download or 'copy' using 7Win or something, it doesn't let me and says it failed. So I opened the zipped Llama mod using windows explorer, then copied the Llama folder into MODS folder in Sacred 2, but that does not work even after activating it. Thanks for all the help btw
  8. Okay guys, I've done it and activated the MOD, but it's not working? I have the CM by the way. But how do I get the activated mod to work? The problem is, when I try to 'extract' the files from download or 'copy' using 7Win or something, it doesn't let me and says it failed. So I opened the zipped Llama mod using windows explorer, then copied the Llama folder into MODS folder in Sacred 2, but that does not work even after activating it. Thanks for all the help btw
  9. Okay guys, I've done it and activated the MOD, but it's not working? I have the CM by the way. But how do I get the activated mod to work? The problem is, when I try to 'extract' the files from download or 'copy' using 7Win or something, it doesn't let me and says it failed. So I opened the zipped Llama mod using windows explorer, then copied the Llama folder into MODS folder in Sacred 2, but that does not work even after activating it. Thanks for all the help btw
  10. Okay guys, I've done it and activated the MOD, but it's not working? I have the CM by the way. But how do I get the activated mod to work? The problem is, when I try to 'extract' the files from download or 'copy' using 7Win or something, it doesn't let me and says it failed. So I opened the zipped Llama mod using windows explorer, then copied the Llama folder into MODS folder in Sacred 2, but that does not work even after activating it. Thanks for all the help btw
  11. Okay guys, I've done it and activated the MOD, but it's not working? I have the CM by the way. But how do I get the activated mod to work? The problem is, when I try to 'extract' the files from download or 'copy' using 7Win or something, it doesn't let me and says it failed. So I opened the zipped Llama mod using windows explorer, then copied the Llama folder into MODS folder in Sacred 2, but that does not work even after activating it. Thanks for all the help btw
  12. I've been trying to download Llama patch, I've made a MODS folder, and moved his MOD in there, under C:\Program Files (x86)\Deep Silver\Sacred 2 - Gold\MODS But when I run the Generic Mod Enabler, no available files appear. I'm on Windows 8 which is a nightmare atm, help please. EDIT Okay guys, I've done it and activated the MOD, but it's not working? I have the CM by the way. But how do I get the activated mod to work? The problem is, when I try to 'extract' the files from download or 'copy' using 7Win or something, it doesn't let me and says it failed. So I opened the zipped Llama mod using windows explorer, then copied the Llama folder into MODS folder in Sacred 2, but that does not work even after activating it. Thanks for all the help btw
  13. Same. I've crashed on DM, and it doesn't let me teleport to any town.
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