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Some new Sacred 2 player questions

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Hi Guys,


I just started playing sacred 2, had played sacred 1 with a vampiress till level 70ish. Did not play online, and not planning on it yet. I would have a few questions in general and some related to my inquisitor (lvl25).


General questions:

1) It seems that in sacred 2 I'm not able to make uber combos as the level of the CA which I use for the combo is not set. Is there still sense in socketing CAs into gear for the lower regen times or is aspect focus and concetration enough for that?

2) I have the funny feeling that ranged mobs do more damage on me compared to melee mobs (they all do physical damage yet, so not related to poision - or any other - resistance). Or is it because I can deal with melee mobs quicker?

3) I've noticed that I can only socket rings, CAs, and enchancment in armor. Is there a socket type that lets me socket amulets? I found some nice physical damage reduction amulets, but can weare only 1.

4) Also does the enchancment of the blacksmith scale with character level? I just wanted the put the defence enchancment on some gloves and instead of the indicated +1% it gave +24.8%. How does that work? It was a green item, in case it has anything to do with it.

5) I failed one of the quests where I'm supposed to escort this guy to the next town, as he did not prove as undead resistant as myself. I went to the quest marker anyway to deliver news on the mishap. Now everytime I load game his fiancee appears. Even though she is even less undead resistant. Can I make her dissappear somehow?

6) I found gear that decreases enemy defence and/or attack in some rate. I suppose I'll have to look for some other enchancment on jewelry and armor, just not sure what. Are these enchancments any good at higher levels?

7) I'm getting full on light potions usually, and only sold most of the health potions so far. I presume these will be useless on higher difficulty. Is that so?

8) I also came across a lot of equipment that is purple (or blue) that has no effect listed. Will I be able to see these effects with Alchemy? Is it worth adding as a skill? Did not use that many potions apart from when being attacked by lots of ranged mobs or champions so far.


My inquisitor:

I was picturing my inquisitor somewhat like Dolph Lundgrens character in Johnny Mnemonic :) so more of a tanky brute than a caster.

My skills at level 25 are:

Toughness: 9

Tactics lore: 20

AS lore: 5

AS docus: 15

Concentration: 8

Trading: 5


I've put all my points in strength so far, as I was not happy with my to hit ratio. I started out on silver and apart from the very beginning was overall happy with "Dolph"s performance so far. I mainly use Ruthless mutiliation and Clustering malestorm with Soul reaver and Purifying chastisment active. I usually gather mobs around me to black hole their buttocks, and only have to deal with the champions after that, which is easier with some souls captured. I use a halberd, and haven't made up my mind yet what weapon lore to choose. Just found some decent 1 handed weapons a sword and a mace. Didn't make my decision easier :).

So my questions for my inqusitor are:

a) What weapon lore to choose. I presume there's not one weapon type that is uber good for the inquisitor, is there? Polearms would fit "Dolph" well and from what I've read there are less types of polearms benefiting from dexterity than strength.

b) Is strength a good choice to put points into. I'm hoping with 25 points I didn't screw this "build" up yet. What else should I consider?

c) What CAs should I read? As I usually gather mobs to use Clustering malestorm I don't spam this CA that much. Dislodged spirit from the NN aspect would be the other CA to use which I guess I need to use on bosses, and some tough champions. Again not something I will be spamming. Because of this I didn't get NN focus/lore yet. I'm not that comfortable with Pruifying chastisement yet, as I'm not sure how it really works but didn't really spoil the regen of my RM yet. If I would read runes into CA I probably would need to pick GI focus, right? For now I'm happy with the regen of CM and RM, but if I'm suggested to use Reverse polarity I presume I should read runes into it. Would that screw up the regen of my CM if I keep AS focus at 2/3 of character level? Or should I go for Soul Reaver and take NN focus to keep the regen time of dislodged spirit at a sensible rate? A bit confused how to carry on with the CAs.

d) Any suggestions on how to deal with the ranged mobs pew-pewing my pale robed ass from afar? I use Inexorable subjugation currently but as I lack NN focus/lore the regen time and damage are pretty bad. I can kill a normal mob with 4-5 tics, and it is quite useless against champions.


Thanks in advance,



Posted (edited)

Without a weapon lore, you lose combat effectiveness as you gain levels. Having a weapon lore at your current level improves attack rating and also improves the weapon attack speed. If you invest in Sword Weapons, you have a good chance of using unique weapons which have attack speed as bonuses. Most people improve either Vitality(for hit points) or Stamina(for Combat Art regeneration). The Inquisitor is one of only three characters that can learn the Blacksmith skill. This allows rings to be forged into items with bronze or better slots (instead of silver or better), and amulets can be forged into items with silver or better slots (instead of gold only).


To answer most of the specific questions:

2) I have the funny feeling that ranged mobs do more damage on me compared to melee mobs (they all do physical damage yet, so not related to poision - or any other - resistance). Or is it because I can deal with melee mobs quicker?

Ranged mob effectiveness can be reduced with the Reverse Polarity buff.

6) I found gear that decreases enemy defence and/or attack in some rate. I suppose I'll have to look for some other enchancment on jewelry and armor, just not sure what. Are these enchancments any good at higher levels?

Enhancement mods are tricky since at early levels most of them won't be very good. If you have disregard armor and deathblow to name just two mods, melee damage will increase.

7) I'm getting full on light potions usually, and only sold most of the health potions so far. I presume these will be useless on higher difficulty. Is that so?

Light mentor potions are useful all the way up to Gold difficulty. You can find and socket items to increase the duration of potions.

8) I also came across a lot of equipment that is purple (or blue) that has no effect listed. Will I be able to see these effects with Alchemy? Is it worth adding as a skill? Did not use that many potions apart from when being attacked by lots of ranged mobs or champions so far.

Blue magical items have all of their bonuses listed. If a specific skill is required to unlock a bonus, it will say so(for example, Armor Lore). Some magical items increase skills or combat arts that character can't use. In regards to the Alchemy skill, I'll let somebody else explain it.

Edited by DaveO

DaveO put up fantastic info, I'll coin in a bit on the Alchemy. I love it, but you have to spec from the beginning to use it. You have to figger bascially on drops powering your most important moments of your build. In the wiki you'll find the listing for what all the trophies do. Crit, Attack Speed were my favorites. Think of Alchemy as being able to replicate EVERY SINGLE ABILITY IN THE GAME.


All that from one skill..not bad eh? If you can find all the trophies, you can have a uber powered toon running in high octane all the time.


Uses for Alchemy?


No Ca, or Aspects build profit it from it highly, as they don't use Combat Arts for damage and will need it coming from somewhere else.


Wanted to create a horse build?


Alchemy will do it for you.


Good luck with this game, it's hard, but enormously satiafying.






Thank you for the info for both of you!


Alchemy does sound useful, but I have yet to meet my first real boss. I've met the gambling den owner who was managable, thus I didn't use potions that much yet. Smithing also sounds useful as I plan to socket those damage reduction amulets. For now I'll have to go with a weapon proficiency first.


Some more questions:

Sooner or later I'll have to read some more runes into Callous execution, and Ruthless mutiliation I guess. So should I use one of the remaining skill slots for GI focus, or will concentration and somepoints in Stamina keep regen times at a sensible rate?

As for my tankiness with Toughness already chosen, and planing on socketing damage reduction jewelry do you think I should take armor proficiency as well, or should I just put points into vitality?

I'm planing on having a high damage reduction/mitigation so Purifying chastisement seems more and more likely as a choice for my active buff besides Soul reaver. Still not sure about how the damage threshold works. Does it mean that I have to take 25% of my total HP to get to the maximum damage bonus and I get damage bonus gradually if I take less damage? Or should I get to 25% of my total HP to get the max damage? Does the bonus disappear if I drink a health potion? Does it stack with +XX% damage of enraged player?

I'm happy with my damage so far, do you recommend Combat discipline or Damage lore in case I need to raise my damage?




Let's look at the additional questions in order.


Sooner or later I'll have to read some more runes into Callous execution, and Ruthless mutiliation I guess. So should I use one of the remaining skill slots for GI focus, or will concentration and somepoints in Stamina keep regen times at a sensible rate?

The Focus skills are useful for the buffs as well as reducing regeneration times on that Focus trees' combat arts. You can combine stat allocation, your unique mount, and increasing Focus/Concentration to further reduce time to recharge a combat art.

As for my tankiness with Toughness already chosen, and planing on socketing damage reduction jewelry do you think I should take armor proficiency as well, or should I just put points into vitality?

I ALWAYS choose Armor Lore as a skill. Toughness + Armor Lore will make your Inquisitor a tougher cookie. To help the synergy between Armor Lore and Toughness, damage mitigation items will make a big difference.

I'm planing on having a high damage reduction/mitigation so Purifying chastisement seems more and more likely as a choice for my active buff besides Soul reaver. Still not sure about how the damage threshold works. Does it mean that I have to take 25% of my total HP to get to the maximum damage bonus and I get damage bonus gradually if I take less damage? Or should I get to 25% of my total HP to get the max damage? Does the bonus disappear if I drink a health potion? Does it stack with +XX% damage of enraged player?

Effectiveness of Purifying Chastisement requires taking damage. On the original Sacred, this would be known as a Wounds Increase Damage Dealt build. You'll get the most damage at 25% of your hit point threshold, but bear in mind that this makes your character(and mount when you get it) vulnerable to getting killed. Using health potions puts increased damage from Purifying Chastisement to zero unless you're using health potions that don't fully heal.

I'm happy with my damage so far, do you recommend Combat discipline or Damage lore in case I need to raise my damage?

Combat Discipline increases damage from Combat Arts. If you use CAs quite a bit, then Combat Discipline would be up your alley. If you're using regular melee attacks with occasional or rare CA usage, then Damage Lore adds a chance to inflict a secondary melee damage type. http://www.sacredwiki.org/index.php5/Sacred_2:Damage_Lore explains more about Damage Lore as well as secondary damage.


Thanks for all the info, I'll post some progress, and how things are working out when I gain levels/skills.

Posted (edited)

Hi Guys,


I just started playing sacred 2, had played sacred 1 with a vampiress till level 70ish. Did not play online, and not planning on it yet. I would have a few questions in general and some related to my inquisitor (lvl25).


General questions:

1) It seems that in sacred 2 I'm not able to make uber combos as the level of the CA which I use for the combo is not set. Is there still sense in socketing CAs into gear for the lower regen times or is aspect focus and concetration enough for that?

2) I have the funny feeling that ranged mobs do more damage on me compared to melee mobs (they all do physical damage yet, so not related to poision - or any other - resistance). Or is it because I can deal with melee mobs quicker?

3) I've noticed that I can only socket rings, CAs, and enchancment in armor. Is there a socket type that lets me socket amulets? I found some nice physical damage reduction amulets, but can weare only 1.

4) Also does the enchancment of the blacksmith scale with character level? I just wanted the put the defence enchancment on some gloves and instead of the indicated +1% it gave +24.8%. How does that work? It was a green item, in case it has anything to do with it.

5) I failed one of the quests where I'm supposed to escort this guy to the next town, as he did not prove as undead resistant as myself. I went to the quest marker anyway to deliver news on the mishap. Now everytime I load game his fiancee appears. Even though she is even less undead resistant. Can I make her dissappear somehow?

6) I found gear that decreases enemy defence and/or attack in some rate. I suppose I'll have to look for some other enchancment on jewelry and armor, just not sure what. Are these enchancments any good at higher levels?

7) I'm getting full on light potions usually, and only sold most of the health potions so far. I presume these will be useless on higher difficulty. Is that so?

8) I also came across a lot of equipment that is purple (or blue) that has no effect listed. Will I be able to see these effects with Alchemy? Is it worth adding as a skill? Did not use that many potions apart from when being attacked by lots of ranged mobs or champions so far.


My inquisitor:

I was picturing my inquisitor somewhat like Dolph Lundgrens character in Johnny Mnemonic :) so more of a tanky brute than a caster.

My skills at level 25 are:

Toughness: 9

Tactics lore: 20

AS lore: 5

AS docus: 15

Concentration: 8

Trading: 5


I've put all my points in strength so far, as I was not happy with my to hit ratio. I started out on silver and apart from the very beginning was overall happy with "Dolph"s performance so far. I mainly use Ruthless mutiliation and Clustering malestorm with Soul reaver and Purifying chastisment active. I usually gather mobs around me to black hole their buttocks, and only have to deal with the champions after that, which is easier with some souls captured. I use a halberd, and haven't made up my mind yet what weapon lore to choose. Just found some decent 1 handed weapons a sword and a mace. Didn't make my decision easier :).

So my questions for my inqusitor are:

a) What weapon lore to choose. I presume there's not one weapon type that is uber good for the inquisitor, is there? Polearms would fit "Dolph" well and from what I've read there are less types of polearms benefiting from dexterity than strength.

b) Is strength a good choice to put points into. I'm hoping with 25 points I didn't screw this "build" up yet. What else should I consider?

c) What CAs should I read? As I usually gather mobs to use Clustering malestorm I don't spam this CA that much. Dislodged spirit from the NN aspect would be the other CA to use which I guess I need to use on bosses, and some tough champions. Again not something I will be spamming. Because of this I didn't get NN focus/lore yet. I'm not that comfortable with Pruifying chastisement yet, as I'm not sure how it really works but didn't really spoil the regen of my RM yet. If I would read runes into CA I probably would need to pick GI focus, right? For now I'm happy with the regen of CM and RM, but if I'm suggested to use Reverse polarity I presume I should read runes into it. Would that screw up the regen of my CM if I keep AS focus at 2/3 of character level? Or should I go for Soul Reaver and take NN focus to keep the regen time of dislodged spirit at a sensible rate? A bit confused how to carry on with the CAs.

d) Any suggestions on how to deal with the ranged mobs pew-pewing my pale robed ass from afar? I use Inexorable subjugation currently but as I lack NN focus/lore the regen time and damage are pretty bad. I can kill a normal mob with 4-5 tics, and it is quite useless against champions.


Thanks in advance,




1) Socketing CAs is still useful, it boosts your damage a lot. But not in Silver IMO, because it only gives you +1 to the CA (in Niob, it's +6)

2)I don't think they do more damage. But I usually kill ranged mobs first, since they are the weakest to damage. AS buff can help you with them though, it reflect ranged damage (and every damage with the right mods)

3) You can socket amulets in a gold socket. If you have the skill "Blacksmith" you can socket them in silver sockets, and rings can be socketed in bronze sockets.

4)No, It scales with the difficulty level (or with the level of your blacksmith skill) BUT silver sockets give +5% bonus to effects you socket in them, and +15% for gold sockets

5)hmm. It might be a bug. Happened to me before that someone was still following me after a quest. But are you sure there is no other objective? Try to read the quest logs about this quest.

6) At higher level, you will need a lot of attack and a lot of defense. these amulets can be useful if you're having a hard time hitting/surviving. There are better amulets/rings though. like +X to all skills. Regarding that. If you keep Bargaining to your character level, you will often find nice rings/amulets at merchants.

7) AT higher difficulties, light potions will become less efficient, and you will find better ones.

8) Sometimes, you can see that an item has an effet but you do not get it because you need the skill. the required skill is shown in red and between parenthesis

a) Most inquisitor take Dual wield, because it does has much damage as other weapons but you can have more sockets. There are also a lot of one handed weapons.

b) strength won't be a waste I you fight melee a lot. I like putting my points in Vitality though, because the Inquisitor is weak.

c) Most of the time I gather a large group and kill them with Clustering Maelstrom+ Levin array in a combo. I finish the others with Callous Execution. It keep its cooldown really low so I can spam it.


edit: didn't see the topic was this old lol, I hope it still helps.

Edited by Ginnosaji

He posted just a bit back, but comes here to check, Ginno, I'm sure he'll appreciate your info!






Thank you for all the info guys. I've been away from Sacred2 for awhile but expect that to change in the coming months. It still helps :)

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