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Things People Like/Enjoy About Diablo 3

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Hi, friends, I thought I'd come out of lurking to share why I'm really enjoying Diablo 3. I'm still in Normal level, so these are first impressions for me.


I've been readng so much hate from people on different forums that it almost put me off the game, so I wanted to start a positive thread somewhere. I know better than to try to say anything nice on any Blizzard-supported forum. Those people flame niceness. Since I know the folks here on Dark Matters are friendly and supportive of each other, I decided to say my piece here.


So, this thread is for posting one or more things that you really like or enjoy about Diablo 3.


1) I like the dialogues with the npc's. I know it probably gets old after hearing all of it a thousand times, but it reminds me of Baldur's Gate. The npc's have personalities. The templar and the rogue both flirt with Leah in their own ways, and they even have a rivalry for her affections going during the brief time they are together at the same time with the player. I found it all delightful, at least the first time.


2) I love the sense of humor. I've laughed so many times at the little one-liners from the lore-journalists, as well as from the npc's


3) I think it captures the flavor and feeling of Diablo 2 very well. I know I'm playing a Diablo game when I play Diablo 3. The art is dark and shadowy, and the kinds of mobs and bosses you face are similar, and you have the waypoint system. It's Diablo.


4) I can't really speak to the drop system much since I've barely started, but I'm getting golds at about the rate I expect in Normal level. They keep tweaking it in the patches. I'm not sure Europe has the latest patch yet, but we Americans have been playing with it over a week now. So far, the drop tables are not perfect, but it seems okay for me as a casual player.


5) I love the music. OMG, the music. I've had those haunting little guitar arpeggios running up and down in my head for days. A lot of the thematics are directly quoted from Diablo 2. So if you liked the music in the previous games, how could you not like the music in Diablo 3?


So, bottom line for me, is I'm having fun with Diablo 3 commensurate with what I paid for the game, and I can see a lot of love that went into it from the creative side of the development team, even if the financial people might have mucked things up a bit with the auction house system.


Could some other people post things that they like about Diablo 3?

Edited by belgarathmth
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I have to agree about the flaming on the official Diablo boards. Makes me really appreciate what we have here at FDM..so kudos's to everyone, especially gogo and Schot for making this a great place to hang out


As far as what I like...


1) Combat...it can be soooo intense..no holds barred, slug fest. I absolutely love it. Gets the heart racing, especially in HC

2) Also like the NPC chat...Covetous Shen is a particular favorite...the comments while still in the barrel are great

3) Quick Join..not a game changer but makes partying so much easier

4) Achievements...I have to have them all lol

5) Cutscenes...while I've seen them all numerous times and now cancel most...I still watch the Butcher all the way through



I would say I have gotten my money's worth several times over. At first I was a little put off by the skills and worried about re-playability...but just trying to finish HC Inferno will keep me playing a long time (especially if I try to do that with each character)

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Boss fights - this is one of those games where if you defeat a boss you feel like you've got somewhere. The bosses are well put together, and make for interesting fights. I'm playing Demon Hunter at the moment, and can't see myself going back to melee now.

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1. Combat - The flow and the positional awareness etc which is sometimes required. Pretty much what I had hoped for.

2. Boss fights. I like the "WoW"-like bosses with multiple stages and heavy scripting. Exactly what I had hoped for.

3. The fact that Blizzard tried to offer a challenge in Inferno - even if the execution was very far from perfect, this was a nice surprise.

4. Random events are great imo. Only wished it had even more.

5. Banter between NPCs/followers can be pretty nice. Gets old after a while, but I'm glad they took time to add such flavour for the first few times you play it.

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Definitely the combat and the bosses. Makes the Sacred bosses we were so used to seem like nothing...


And covetous shen...amazing :)


I've actually gotten to like the customisability of the individual skills a fair bit and like how they visibly change the effect of said skill.

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1) Friends list by account name, not by toon name (Sacred 2 and Mythos both messed up on this one)

2) Gear mods aren't overly complicated

3) Skills aren't overly complicated

4) Skills aren't a permanent commitment

5) Socketed gems aren't a permanent commitment

6) Main questline is interesting enough that I don't feel I'm just chasing a MacGuffin

7) Gear is (nearly) universal, all that changes it the graphic appearance based on your toon's class.

8) Randomization that isn't overdone

9) Public games assign players to games automatically (no digging thru lists like in Titan Quest)

10) Quick join

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I think your point seven is a really good one, Masteff. The fact that so many items can be swapped between characters means that rares are quite valuable, especially early on when you lack money to buy things from Auction Warehouse to bolster your equipment. Personally, I've not sold anything yet, but have held onto every rare I've found (alright, I haven't got that far, and have fully expanded my storage, but I can still hold on to every rare).

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Yep, and it makes it easy to use any class of toon to shop in a higher act/difficulty for a lower level toon.


(For anyone who hasn't figured it out, the quality/level of gear at merchants goes up in step with what Act and quest stage your on. Which is why you should always shop in the highest Act and quest you've acheived.)

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Ye gods, this game is awesome! I just finished Act II for the first time, and I thought of a couple more things I want to put here:




1) The final Act II battle with Belial! OMG! I got my butt kicked twice, then decided I'd better quit game and go look up some advice on boss-mechanics and strategy. I came back, adjusted my skills bar, and beat him on the first try after a nail-biting battle. I actually screamed "Wooooooh!" out loud in a high-pictched falsetto voice like a choir-boy! Not many games can make me do that.


2) The movies in between acts. Very professionally done, and totally awesome. So far I've only seen the end of Act I, Tyrael's Fall, and end of Act II, Introducing Asmodan. I thought it a wonderful artistic and appropriate decision to make the Lord of Sin a fat, wormy, Jabbba-the-Hutt type. I immediately thought of the Seven Deadly Sins, especially Pride, Sloth, and Gluttony. I was also inspired by the style of a "Lord of the Rings" type epic heroic story.


I think they should make one of those full-length motion-capture films like Beowulf or Jim Carrey's A Christmas Carol for the Diablo 3 story. They could call it "Diablo - The Lords of Hell". They already have several scenes made in the game. I bet it would be a hit! What do you think?

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I think Belial is the first boss where you see that this isn't just about charging in and whacking things (well, not usually). Most of the bosses seem to be quite well put together. I've only fought them in normal, mind, so they might get even more devious in higher difficulties! I can identify with the 'wooh' though, I was being antisocial on my laptop with my family around me when I first fought Belial - no one else around me seemed to appreciate the achievement I'd just made.


As to two, I think Blizzard as a studio is renowned for its video skills. It's good this time that the videos actually relate to the progress the player is making, rather than back story.

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