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Sacred 3 Preview from Gamers Hub


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From Gamers Hub





Posted on August 31st, 2012 | Posted by Vaughn.H


It's been four years since Sacred fans were treated to their last romp through the land of Ancaria in Sacred 2: Fallen Angel. Although fans can look forward to the world of Ancaria once more in Sacred Citadel, for many this isn't the new entry they were hoping for; and that's why Deep Silver and Keen Games are creating Sacred 3 to really please the fans – and boy does look like a crowd pleaser.




Announced during Gamescom in 2010, two years later we finally get to see the first glimpses of what's been going on behind those closed doors, and it certainly seems that Sacred 3 is shaping up really rather nicely – despite stil being a fair way off it's 2013 launch. First things first, Keen Games took a step back and had a look at what the Sacred franchise really needed before they would move on. After the massive success that was Sacred 2, the team decided that they wanted to build upon what made it so successful – instead of just going off and creating a game they felt would be befitting. It turns out that it was endgame content that Sacred 2 really needed bolstering; so now you'll be spending more time in Ancaria with a friend via four player online co-op.


The teams desire was to bring the hack 'n' slash RPG genre back to life, delivering "expressive gameplay" and letting "the art of gameplay" be brought right to the players fingertips with powerful and beautiful moves that can be executed throughout the game. At the forefront of those powerful moves are the games races, of which two were on show during our behind closed doors previews: the Safiri and the Ancarians. The former are your warrior types, having come from across the ocean to put their feud with the Ancari aside so they can help defend the world; the latter are more magic based in their attacks as they've long been guerilla fighters and so utilise the elements of the earth to aid them in combat.




To create these expressive and artistic moves, Combat Arts have had a slight revamp and have become "more than just spells" according to our lovely presenter. Just like in Sacred Citadel you can now combine Combat Arts with your co-op partners for some devastating damage, and the more paired moves you perform the more powerful they'll become thanks to a reward system that celebrates allegiances between players and races. It's thanks to the fluid combat that these Combat Arts also look ruddy beautiful when they're being performed – that and the fact that Sacred 3 just looks really rather incredible for a game in this stage of development.





Usually in isometric games the camera is fixed in it's isometry, however with Sacred 3 they want to be able to use the environment to tell a story, and so at key points an "active camera" – as it's been dubbed – swoops in to show scale and scope. Also in an effort to bring more immersive gameplay, the world itself can also be used as a weapon, with many environmental traps and triggers that can be utilised against your foes – who also have multiple damage zones, meaning you've got to go in tactically against enemies instead of wading in willy-nilly.


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Shoot, I really loved everything about this preview except the part about the isometric camera. I know S1 was, but the 3D camera in Sacred 2 made the world feel massive and that I was a part of it. This also proves to me that the picture of the Safiri on the bridge means that the area behind him is not explorable and is just more D3 pictures in the background. :blink:

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I have to agree. One of the joys of Sacred 2 was being able to sweep the camera round and take in the detail of the environment you were in (although this only became really impressive with Ice and Blood). I had really hoped they wouldn't do what D3 did and have some beautiful background for you to gawp at, but be unable to explore, but they have. And to add insult to injury, the camera will swoop in for you to get a better look at the bits you can't reach. Marvelous!

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I have to agree. One of the joys of Sacred 2 was being able to sweep the camera round and take in the detail of the environment you were in (although this only became really impressive with Ice and Blood). I had really hoped they wouldn't do what D3 did and have some beautiful background for you to gawp at, but be unable to explore, but they have. And to add insult to injury, the camera will swoop in for you to get a better look at the bits you can't reach. Marvelous!


lol, that last line about the "swoop" made me think a bout the predestined pathing going to happen...but original Sacred was this same kind of thing, cept open, with isometric and great backgrounds...


There may yet be wonderful surprises, and a feel from this game with where they go that may yet bring us satisfaction.


I'm hoping





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