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Thank you Darkmatters!

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I have not played Fallen Angel in a long time and had thought that I would probably never play this game again. However last night I was browsing some videos on YouTube, including an "All time top 10 RPGs" video and there was Fallen Angel, with the Blind Guardian music track playing. My eyes teared up, I got all nostalgic and decided to dig out my game discs and reinstall it. I found my game discs easly enough, but was unable to find any of my savegames or character builds and I so wanted to play my old Shadow Warrior build. Then the thought occured to me that I had uploaded my build to Darkmatters. I looked, it is still here, I downloaded and once more Podgie the Bearbarian, The Invisible Mass Killer stalks the world!


Thank you Darkmatters for preserving my handiwork better than I did myself and allowing me to download and play Podgie again!

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Still in the land of the living thank you. Been expanding my horizons with some MMORPGs. Have been playing LotRO consistantly for the last 3 years or more. Keep getting fed up when they upgrade it by dumbing it down, but keep going back to it. Was playing Vanguard for a while which is a very good old school RPG, but when they closed down the european server I started getting massive lag issues from the US server and had to quit. Lately I have been trying out Rift since it went F2P, which is quite a good game. Very much a WoW clone, but with far better classes, skills and skill trees. It lets you combine skill trees in any combination you choose to really customise how your class plays. But it lives up to its name of Rift, rifts keep opening all the time and you are supposed to rally round and fight the demonic forces issuing from those rifts. After a while though I start to long for some peace and so just go fishing and let the demons have some play time, lol.


I have some fun, but I still haven't found an online game that grips me the way the original Sacred did back on the old HC server.

Edited by podgie_bear
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That's cool.. Sounds like you had some fun there.


Most of the regulars that are still around still play Sacred 2 or even Sacred on occasion. But many of them have gone on to Diablo 3 or Guild Wars 2... Or the latest - Grim Dawn.


Me - I've been writing the Sacred version of War and Peace. It WAS supposed to be a short story but its now coming up on the 300 page mark - with only a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel. I've posted it here online - it's called "Sophia's Choice"... Been playing a lot of both Sacred and Sacred 2 for reference...


The Sacred Wiki's been down for about 6 months - we got hacked again. :( Gogo and Schot are looking into coming up with a better way to get the Wiki up again, but I fear Gogo's kinda gotten lost in Diablo 3... But hey, at least DarkMatters is still alive and kicking..


We've also had an influx of new people - mostly due to the fact that Deep Silver released the UK version to the US by way of Amazon and Steam.


And be sure to get the latest CM Patch - ver 140 HF (hot fix) - My previous writings have been included in there along with a quest to go get 'em.. (Ancient Secrets found in the Seraphim Region).


But I know what you mean - the whole Sacred thing is quite intoxicating like no other game out there. :) It's still got lots of life left in it.

Edited by wolfie2kX
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Podgie you rascalllion!



Ah, you always got the game on huh^^ How's the weaving going? I remember being thrilled when mentionned that once ways back.

Good seeing ya :dance:




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Hi Gogo, it was cross-stitch and embroidery not weaving and I still do some, but not so much as my hands are not what they used to be. But I do remember what to do with a Skellie Fortress and not to let my self get caught in Area of Effect radius when Veiled, lol. And I still haven't forgiven them for not including a Dwarf in Fallen Angel! (Mutter, moan, grumble, didn't get my goblin for breakfast, sulk)

Edited by podgie_bear
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