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DarkMatters Celebrates
19 Years of Wyntertyde in Ancaria

From the Sacred 2 Christmas Island Soundtrack
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A long time coming

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Well as the title says its been along time coming. I have lurked around from time to time but haven't really posted much but I thought I should say hi to all those that know who I am and hello to all the new people around on FDM. To those that remember me know me as a fun loving guy. Well thought I should also update you guys on my life thus far. Vampie and I are no longer together we divorced about 2 yrs ago. I have been blessed with someone new that completes me we have beautiful twins boy and girl I have an awesome stepson and step daughter and a new baby girl on the way. And we also have my 7 going 8 yr old baby girl too 6. Kiddos man time has. Really caught up to me and keeps me busy well that's about all I can think of right now ill post more later on



Those kids keep you busy I'll bet.


Hey hey EM! Wow, long time indeed and sooo much happening in life. Gratz on your kiddos and great to see you back! victory.gif


Family's so important, I agree, it's one of the big cornerstones of my life. Good seeing you back Em, and gratz on the good news!







Keep those kiddos busy, or they will keep YOU busy... :lol:


I remain, Etherian

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Good lord Eth, where you been you!

c'mere and give me a high five~!





Welcome back to the forums EM, I recall reading your name a time or two back in the goold old days of Sacred 1 when I used to lurk away here ;)

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