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I've been watching a lot of paranormal/supernatural shows lately, including Supernatural, and I've been surprised at how frequently I've heard Ohio mentioned. So, I was thinking "Maybe shows like Supernatural mention the Buckeye State so much because they don't really have much lore irl". But I'll tell you what, an internet search has shown me how wrong I was, that State is steeped in lore. Now I have all types of comical images in my head: Frogman casually strolling through the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, Grassman yelling "You gotta be crapping me, coffee is How much?!" at a local Starbucks, The Ohio River Beast prancing back and forth at Tinseltown (because the dang lines there take forever). So, Ohio,........ who knew?

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For me living in Hessen/Germany it is Brother Grimm and their faerytales. The faerytales were collected when they researched the german language in our state. 2000 years agp nowadays Hessen was roman occupied in the south, Celts living in the east and the Chattii tribe (guess why I am Chattius) in the west. So they interviewed old people and asked them which local words certain items had. By doing this they found that even 1800 years later the local language was influenced by the old tribes.


I think it is a shame how often the good old faerytales and their writers have to give their names to TV series. The brother Grimm were in fact the leading language researchers of their time.

For example they found that some languages are very close if you use some shifting rules:

b/p -> v/f

german english

Rabe -> raven

Weib -> wife

Liebe -> Love

Dieb -> Thief



And now there are movies with Hänsel and Gretel hunting witches with gatling crossbows, ... outch.


I hope they don't touch another local hero: Wayland the Smith.


Since our area has lot of iron ores which was mined for centuries there are documents that even 1200 years back the vikings bought our local swords. So there is the rumour that the old village Wilnsdorf is named after Wieland/Wayland.

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