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Unbended Fanart by SX255

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things going fine there clear.png atm there is a fight about tents with the capability to flight against icebears with pink leggins clear.png - I hopefully bet right on the tents fraction ^^



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The lore is slowly growing, and with it a ton of opportunities to make fan art.

Click picture to see full size.


The Nightmare



Question: What is tall, has long limbs, is a solitary hunter in the dark woods, and has 5 red eyes?

Answer: Something you will run into in Unbended.

This is going to be one of my favorites. I just like the whole Shadow standing tall routine, something very creep/menacing about it...plus the huge clawy hands...you did Unbended greaet justice with this, plus I think yer first to the fan art for the game!


Would you want to put this in the unbended wiki fan art section too?









things going fine there clear.png atm there is a fight about tents with the capability to flight against icebears with pink leggins clear.png - I hopefully bet right on the tents fraction ^^



Spidey senses tell me yer right






This is going to be one of my favorites. I just like the whole Shadow standing tall routine, something very creep/menacing about it...plus the huge clawy hands...you did Unbended great justice with this, plus I think yer first to the fan art for the game!


Would you want to put this in the unbended wiki fan art section too?


You are welcome.

I'll hold on making a wiki fan art posting for now - it's just 2 pictures. Besides, I don't want to be the first and only guy who makes fan art to the game. Let us instead encourage others to scribble contributions to the topic.

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Love the idea of inspiring others to contribute their art as well. True what you said, as they create more lore, it's more content to spawn art from.








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lol, love the bat one...and the preceeding one...I was trying to find reference for it..is it from the knights who say "ni!" ?








lol, love the bat one...and the preceeding one...I was trying to find reference for it..is it from the knights who say "ni!" ?


You mean the bayan one?

No, its about the The High Fortress of the Bhay-Yan, and the order of the Blademasters.




Whats a bayan? This is a bayan


This is my kind of humor.


I would enjoy trying my hand at some fan art but it would only be vaguely conceptual for me at this point as I know so little about the characters. The Crystal Mage is the character who I would be most likely to paint.

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Whats a bayan? This is a bayan


This is my kind of humor.


I would enjoy trying my hand at some fan art but it would only be vaguely conceptual for me at this point as I know so little about the characters. The Crystal Mage is the character who I would be most likely to paint.


I remember her as well, she was well-imagined and looked like she had lots of stuff to use in battle.




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