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Hellgate London

Guest gogoblender

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theres sooo much to do soooo much new stuff (and the 1.3 update is soon out) :thumbsup:


Well I do admit I never got past the original version. By the time a patch came out I had refound NWN all over again, and that has taken most of my gaming time. :wub:


Perhaps one day I will go back to Hellgate, but arh......no hurry ;)



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So tell us bhj... what's the part of the game that keeps you going back? I remember for sacred and mythos it really was about all the mods. I remember seeing that some of the mods for Hellgate had some very interesting team mods..being able to buff peeps in the party is a very interesting part of a game. What kind of builds are you running... any links to the weapons you're using?





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I will tell you one of the things I love about this game. And thats the grappling gun. Love to get the daemons with it bring them in and then slice them up with the sword. :thumbsup:

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So tell us bhj... what's the part of the game that keeps you going back? I remember for sacred and mythos it really was about all the mods. I remember seeing that some of the mods for Hellgate had some very interesting team mods..being able to buff peeps in the party is a very interesting part of a game. What kind of builds are you running... any links to the weapons you're using?





what do I like about the game Hmmmmm

the fact that there are 2 chars that can use the same eq (due to the 3 main factions)

that is has a quite big map (even if the monsters spawn level is specified from what area you are in and not your char level)

that they are still working HARD with the game and updating it frequently

that you dont haveto sell everything you dont need but you can disassemble it and use it to make something you do need :)


never really given the question much thought before now so iam sure ill add more to the list later :)


yep there are some nice team mods :) I have not learned everything about this game yet (but iam working hard at it) :(


atm iam testing everything :) but I have played most with a marksman (or markswoman as it is a female char)



here you can see her after killing the last boss :D


as for the weapon she is using I think this one is my fav (but you do haveto change what weapon you are using frequently to be as efficient as pos (or to win a minigame) :)




so run and buy it now so we can show them some D.a.r.k. Justice over there hehe


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Great write up


And dude...you just made me drool with that pic of the electro pulse rifle...the amount of stats on it is incredible!


How about the lag in mp... I'm deathly scared of lag these days...





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And dude...you just made me drool with that pic of the electro pulse rifle...the amount of stats on it is incredible!

yeah I kinda like that one myself to (here you can see everything)




and in reg to lag theres almost none at all I have noticed lag a few times (3 times I think) but what the server does if he find something that is not right is relocate you to the portal where you started that level :hugs:

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no not in one weapon but I can do all the dif damage types between the three weapon sets :D


testing out elite atm (it sure is quite a bit harder then normal) :D

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wow this seems applying! :D I thought I buy a new mmo and I wondred about HG:L or GW ... as I said earlier I heard this was bad and I heard GW is to easy. and my ''moral'' thiny is against monthly fee thingy for games so WoW and LotRO is off the list...


so now HG:L seems to lie above GW after all this chatter

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wow this seems applying! :P I thought I buy a new mmo and I wondred about HG:L or GW ... as I said earlier I heard this was bad and I heard GW is to easy. and my ''moral'' thiny is against monthly fee thingy for games so WoW and LotRO is off the list...


so now HG:L seems to lie above GW after all this chatter


Who says GW is easy? As with most games, it's as easy as you want it to be.

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heheh I just heard its easy...


If you're a 1337 |-|@<>0rzzZz with |\/|4|> skillzzzsz, I'm sure it is easy. And some of the missions (main plot) & quests are easy, but not all of them.

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I wondred about HG:L or GW

what can I say HGL HGL HGL :P


I have both of them HGL and GW and I personaly like HGL better (but there we have that taste thing again :P


and my ''moral'' thiny is against monthly fee thingy for games so WoW and LotRO is off the list...

you have the option to pay in HGL as well Here is a list of the difference


Subscribers get massive amounts of ongoing content and access to special features, events, and benefits right away:


* Hardcore Mode

* Guild Creation and Management

* Larger Stash

* Themed Events and Quests

* Unique Event Items

* Special Event Pets

* New Levels to Explore

* New Monsters


Hellgate: London Subscribers will also get a host of new content that is designed to extend, enhance and alter the way the game is enjoyed:


* New Weapons

* New Skills and Spells

* New Character Classes

* Raid-Level Areas

* Seasonal / Themed Events and Items

* Additional Difficulty and Game Play Modes

* Additional PvP Modes and Rewards

* Achievement Rewards

* Advanced Guild Management Tools

* Web-based Rankings and Character Viewing


but you dont haveto :) personaly iam not a Subscriber and atm I rely dont the point in becoming one either :) (the game is so big and there are so much to learn,see and test out with the different chars) :)

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Unfortunately they haven't added most of the sub-only content. All they've done is add 1 new area (Stonehenge) & some items & guilds, though I don't think the "guild management features" are working yet.


What is in:

Hardcore Mode

Guild Creation

Larger Stash

Themed Events and Quests

Unique Event Items

Special Event Pets

New Levels to Explore

New Monsters (not sure about this one)


Edit: I think GW is more for playing with other people, you can go through HGL (as a non-Sub at least) by yourself fairly easily.

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thats true But what I love is that the dev team are still working like animals :devil:


Patch 1.3 Coming Tomorrow

Patch 1.3 has grown from an intermediary between Patch 1.2 and the Abyss Chronicles to a giant in its own right. With features coming out its ears, this content update is sure to wow and to please. A release candidate of Patch 1.3 is slated for Test Center release later today where it'll receive its final round of testing by QA and Hellgaters. Information on the estimated downtime will be posted before the Test Center server goes down for the update. For those players who sample the release candidate and want to report problems or bugs, please use the Test Center Feedback forum.


this list is a bit old but ill update it as soon as I get the info :Plist updated

Patch 1.3 Notes

April 24, 2008


Greetings, Hellgaters, and welcome to Hellgate: London Patch 1.3!


Patch 1.3 is a beast of a update, offering no less than eight new features to the game including Shared Stash, a Premium Item Merchant, Donation Collectors and Global Buffs, Ranks and the Expertise system, and lots more. This content update also fixes a number of pesky item, skill, and interface bugs and makes a few tweaks to partying and monster scaling in Stonehenge.


Interacting with your fellow players has been enhanced with the introduction of optional chat bubbles that appear when players talk and performable emotes that your characters now have at their disposal. In Patch 1.3, players can also easily browse lists of chat and emote commands using the two according buttons in the chat pane.


A very sincere thank you to the many players who tested the many builds of Patch 1.3 uploaded to our Test Center server and helped report on the new patch's balance, performance, and stability.


See you online!


The Hellgate: London Team




New Features


* Ranks and Expertise:

o After characters hit Level 50, they can start earning experience towards gaining Ranks.

o There are 50 Ranks, each of which will take an increasing amount of time to earn.

o Rank is displayed under the character’s level and is visible to other players.

o Each Rank grants you one Expertise Point which can be spent on an Expertise.

o There will be 15 different kinds of Expertise skills with four levels each.

o Expertise will be displayed in a skill-tree-like fashion – with icons and pop-up text describing what the benefits are of the Expertise. Hit U to view the Expertise screen.

o The first level for each Expertise will cost one Expertise Point. An additional Expertise Point will be needed to increase each level after the first, much like with upgrading an item using Nanoshards, for a total cost of 10 Expertise Points to max out an Expertise.

o All Expertise skills are passive.


* Shared Stash:

o Now all characters on subscriber accounts can share their items! Current trade conventions do apply: items will not be able to be traded across play modes. Also, “no trade” items can not be placed in the Shared Stash.


* Hide Helmet:

o Players can elect to hide their headgear and show their characters’ faces without removing it. This toggle can be found at the bottom of the character screen.


* Emotes:

o A host of emotes are now at your disposal including beg, bow, cheer, cry, flex, kiss, laugh, point, stop, and taunt. In addition to these, a set of bonus emotes is temporarily unlocked just for Test Center. Type “/” and the word, then hit enter to perform it.


* Inspect Players:

o Players can now inspect other players’ equipment. Right-click on a nearby character and select the “Inspect” option to bring up a paperdoll interface showing the character and its equipment.

o Players can prevent their characters from being inspected by toggling the Inspect option at the bottom of their character screen.


* Premium Item Merchant:

o Presently located in Covent Garden Station, Premium Item Merchant Ko has items for sale which are unidentified and do not reveal their actual rarity level. Players can risk their hard-earned Palladium to take a chance on these mystery premium items. Premium Item Merchant Ko is subscriber-only.


* Optional Chat Bubbles:

o Chat bubbles are now an optional chat feature and can be toggled in the Game Options menu. Different chat channels will appear as different text colors.


* Donations:

o The medics in our stations are now collecting donations to help the overall cause against the demons. When enough palladium is collected, all players on the server will gain the same random temporary buff. When a player gives a large single donation, an announcement across the entire server will herald their generosity. The overall collection goal might change occasionally. If everyone pitches in some palladium, we all will benefit. So give often. Give generously. For the living!

o The Donation amount resets when the limit is reached. Over-donating does not add anything.

o You can stack Donation-gained buffs by reaching the Donation limit multiple times.

o Buffs persist through death and log-off/log-in.





* The maximum Palladium a player may carry has been increased to 100,000,000.

* Weapons hide when performing emotes except for focus items which act as replacements for Cabalists' hands.

* Since many players enjoyed doing Oculis boss runs, we've done some work to allow these runs again, but this time in a more complete fashion. The portal from Monument Station to Angel Passage is now permanently blocked. Players who would like to fight Oculis after reaching Monument Station may use the Station Travel Terminal to return to Temple Station. Any player who has activated, or completed, the "Scrub the Deck" quest and does not have a Cleanser, may speak with Ser Sing in Temple Station to get another one. The Cleanser is no longer removed when the "Scrub the Deck" quest is completed.





* Whenever a player enters a level, all monsters (and their equipment/treasure) are scaled up to that person’s level and the monster’s health is filled, if both: the level is one that is supposed to scale to the player’s level, and if the player is higher level than the player who created the level.

* Change to the new Monster Scaling mechanic: Players now have a 3-level buffer before monsters are upgraded. This means that monsters will only be re-scaled if a player 3 levels above the level of the monsters enters the adventure area.

* Characters must now be level 15 to enter Stonehenge.



User Interface


* Minor improvements to the skill bar appearance.

* Party members’ names now show up on the automap when the Alt key is held down.

* The name of the recipient of a trade request is now displayed in the trade window.

* Players may now choose to abbreviate the names of other players in the chat window down to a maximum of nine letters. This option can be toggled under Game Options.

* Fixed a bug causing items to register as not equippable if they give enough of an attribute to make up for the amount of feed they will cost.

* Fixed a bug causing some items to unequip when the player enters the game or zones.

* Improved the accuracy of attribute and feed changes in the character panel when hovering over an item.

* The “Hardcore” indicator icon now shows up to the left of the player’s name.

* Fixed a bug causing clicks in the server list drop-down menu to sometimes click through to buttons underneath it.

* Buttons have been added to the chat interface allowing for quick access to chat commands and emotes. They can be found in the lower right corner of the chat panel.



World Movement


* Players can now warp to any friend or guildmate who is in a town by right-clicking on the person’s name. The buddy list and guild list will have the player’s current location noted.





* Fixed a bug which sometimes caused shields and/or power to decrease in larger chunks than they should when getting hit or using a skill.

* Fixed a bug which caused proc-on-attack effects to never trigger.

* Fixed a bug which would sometimes cause skill cooldowns to not trigger.

* Fixed a bug which caused fields to often not damage monsters in indoor areas.

* Fixed a bug which caused Armor Percent bonuses to be applied twice during damage reduction calculations.





* Players with PvP enabled may no longer open party portals.

* Consumable items other than health injectors are no longer usable in PvP.





* If a player removes an item that grants them the only point in a summoning skill, or otherwise forgets a summoning skill, all pets summoned by that skill will now be dismissed.

* The Phase Elemental’s (Summoner) spectral nova particles have been redone to improve performance.

* Monsters now receive damage from Rebounder Rounds when they are aimed at ground.





* Gyro Stabilizers may now be used while stunned.

* Fixed a bug which sometimes caused a crash when the player attempts to drop a quest item.

* Fixed a bug which caused many skill-group related properties to not properly provide their bonuses.





* Many new skill and status icons.

* Fixed a bug causing Rebounder Rounds to not do damage if the missile/bullet hits the ground first.

* Fixed a bug which caused monster nameplates to not always update the level of the monster.

* Fixed a bug which caused Moloch to sometimes not drop loot for players in the area.

* Fixed a bug which was allowing Nanodyne Ballistic Cannons, including The Exterminator, to make multiple attacks on a single target much more quickly than designed.

* Fixed a bug which caused the quest reward dialog to not always disappear when multiple people receive their rewards at the same time.

* Fixed a bug causing the New Email icon to flash upon logging in, even when there were no new emails.



Known Issues

There are a few minor bugs which will be fixed in short order.


* The /wave emote does not work.

* Poison (Toxic damage special effect) has no particle effect. The effects are still applied.

* The armor and shield donation bonus (Ares’ Bane) only adds a bonus to armor.

* The speed donation bonus (Hermes’ Boots) does not update in the character sheet.

* The Luck Expertise (Fortune) has an erroneous 0 in its description (displays as +240 instead of +24).

* The text for the donation health regeneration bonus is missing a % sign. (displays as +5 instead of +5%). The bonus applies correctly.

* Text related to Donations refer to Gold instead of Palladium.

* European languages do not display new Marksman skills in the skills panel.

* Italian displays the text for Power Cost as Increase Maximum Shields.

* Salvage materials cannot be accessed from Shared Stash nor Personal Stash when crafting/upgrading items.

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GW hmm I have it to Not a 100% sure why I stopped playing :Just_Cuz_21: (I miss the clan hall it was "is" huge (and well updated as well)) :(


hehe well I normaly has the chat hidden :P But I do use xfire :)



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well... u can start playing again ;)


I might think about it if gogo and schot starts playing again :)


but for now its HGL :)


almost got my elite engineer up to level 30 now :);):viking:



that drone you see to the right has a gatling rocket gun "thing" now :) its just insane :bow: (and sound when firing) :heart:



this is how I look atm :)

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found a few good ones on YouTube :) (you can see the "gatling rocket gun" I talked about in a few of this cuts) :)


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woah!, BHJ is on a mission to get this thread back on topic... with a massive media spammage XD,


anyway, my personal opinions of hellgate. having recently started to play it again, it's nothing great, but its not bad. an extreemly average gameplay experience. the combat feels clumsy (why does a sniper rifle have a very short range?) and the melee enemies are somehow inexplicably able to hurt me from 15 feet away. but its worth a play if your into the genre.


thats true But what I love is that the dev team are still working like animals


as they damn well should be. I'v rarely seen a game that has been released that was as unpolished as this game was (I played it when it came out, long before any patches). the game reaks of being rushed out of the door... most likely this is because somebody stupid said "oooh lets release it on halloween, that wont be cliche'd at all, will it? the graphics were inexplicably laggy wherever there was more than 8 enemies, and there were a fair few graphics glitches (and still are, my swirly effects on the portals have dissappeared).


on top of all that, im not really finding any compulsion to play multiplayer with the game, and I depise how the devs have said that subscribers get better stuff than I do when I already bought the damn game in the first place. besides, from what I hear, they havnt even been delivering properly with the subscriber stuff anyway... its terrible.


so for me, it scores a 5/10, not bad.... but not that good either

Edited by Mini-G
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I have to say after my experience with mythos I think I would agree about the rush job and in my opinion sloppy coding. Atleast no one is paying for mythos - yet. The two programs though share coding and when one has an issue with something usually the other one does too.

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woah!, BHJ is on a mission to get this thread back on topic... with a massive media spammage XD,

hehe well I haveto try :(


I guess we are talking taste again (its a hard one to discuss) :drinks:


as for graphics glitches ther are a few but its not something I see a lot And remember the game turns off specials effects if theres a lot of things happening around you to prevent lag (and turns them back on again when theres less stuff happening)


atm (after the 1.3 update) there is a bit of lag but they are working on it so lets hope they can fix it :) (before the update I never had any lag at all)


no multiplayer :o I just love playing multiplayer in HGL if you ask me its no fun playing alone...


the subscribers hmmmm well I haveto admit I do not like it But iam doing just fint without a subscription like I said before theres soooo much to see so much to test (builds) and so much to learn :)


ill give it 8/10 (rounded up) :viking:

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