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Civ 4 Succession game II

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Ok, last game was a success and its time once again to step up for a new Civ4 succession game; part II ;)


Short description/rules


Depending on how many players and era we do 15-20 turns for a turnset. During its expected to take screenshots and when done write a short report of the progress and events - but also thoughts and ideas are welcome that you want to share with other players.


To keep the game going we have a limit of 1-3 days to do the turnset; however a player can always pass or swap with another player. Also new player can join in anytime and old player can leave when ever.


Nothing is written in stone and we adjust as we go. There is also no real commitment here, we just want it to be fun ;)




1. enci

2. ganto

3. TimOfDoom

4. Indy13

5. <empty>




Map: Terra, Size: Huge, Speed: Normal, Difficulty: Nobel

Game version: Civ 4 with lastest patch 1.74. No expansions.






Download the savegame here


My thoughts


Great start!!, but I would actually move our settler two steps, either to the east and settle on the dye close to the river or west near the rice resource where we also have fish. West may be better early on as we have agri from the start and fishing soon. Dye we have to wait until calendar and the cow for animal tech. Either way we have 2 nice locations so next city should go where we dont settle as a start.


We should also aim for stonehenge wonder early on cause that really helps us expanding our borders. We will also be guaranteed a prophet by building it so go for an early religion is really a nice choice.


I so hope this will be as fun as the last one was and that we see some new faces here!! :P ...so come join in on the fun ...weeeee :)


Edit: Added TimOfDoom to the roster

Edit2: Added Indy13 to the roster

Edited by ganto
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Reporting for duty :)


Not sure about moving, we lose the rice, the fish and a dye for the cows and a dye. It seems the warrior hasnt moved yet. I’l l move him onto that hill to see what else is there


All that water... scary

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And thus another great thread starts hehe. I gotta admit I've been watching the previous thread from the shadows with great interest as Civilization is probably my favourite game. Sadly due to holidays and exams now I have no time to join in on the fun, but who knows, I might when I finally get more free time. :4rofl:


(p.s. I'd probably move the settler :drinks: )

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So glad you liked our earlier game indy and also that you have your priorities right; exam > civ :P ... but feel free to join in anytime for just a turnset or two, no need to sign up for the whole game - else I hope you get a chance later when your exams are over :4rofl:


@enci - As I see it we dont lose anything but gain everything when we settled two cities. But your call enci! :drinks:

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you have your priorities right; exam > civ :P


Damn, Im doing it all wrong :drinks:


Indy,what ganto said, you’re welcome to join anytime. And lurker comments are always appreciated too.


Moved the warrior




The fish tile is very strong at the start and I think it’d give 3 commerce too. Moving gives us the river though. Oh Im not sure


Im sooo not making the decision on major city placement alone :4rofl:

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Oooook, so we decided to move the settler. To the west, straight to the hut. The idea here is to squeeze two cities into this starting location. I’m hoping for some hills for more production. As we don’t see what’s there, it’s a bit of a gamble. Our people may find unworkable deserts, snow covered mountains in the west with no way of turn back. The wise man of the tribe – that would be ganto – using sticks, stones and sheep’s liver also calculated? that we have 16% chance of finding barbarians in the hut.


Deep breath…


Here we go














Ok, we got gold from the hut. Hope my 133t photoshop skilzz didn’t scare anyone. well, ok, I did it in paint.




I’m not too happy with the jungle, but we got some bananas too. That means we have 3 food resources for the capital, I foresee whipping of epic proportions. If the city gets Globe Theatre, we could crack the whip continuously without having to worry about unhappiness.


Stopped here cause I need some input.


I’m not sure about the early religion. Safest bet would be hinduism, but we

a, lost 1 turn

b, cant work on water tiles for the 3 commerce. In fact we don’t even have a 1 commerce tile to work on for shorter research times.

c, we have 11? other civs and god knows how many of them start with mysticism

May be doable on noble but don’t know, looks a bit iffy to me.

As for beelining for monotheism… its a big investment.

Maybe an Oracle-Code of Laws slingshot would be safer


so maybe fishing -> bronze working -> wheel-> pottery

or if we try the religion path: mysticism -> poly -> fishing -> bronze working



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Haha..enci ..ill admit you fooled me! :trans:


Cant really give any good advice as I always play the first turns the same way with Qin Shi. As you liked my previous estimation Id say its 50/50 that we get hinduism on noble, atleast from my experiance. When I failed with that I always gone for judaism as a last resort. One time I even got all 3. When I didnt get any my economy really suffered or my civ coulnd expand as fast as I would have liked on a huge map.


But anyway, I would go for a religon :D ... but your slingshot tactics could work also ..just that we get one!

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With special special permission from the tribe I played 22 turns


Wasnt very eventful though:


built 2 warriors, city is on a worker now


good news is that:




hmmm yeah, I think it sums up everything




Random ideas:


I dont think dye city E of the capital is a priority, We cant make good use of it until calendar, and no civ will settle there. For a 2nd city Im thinking marble/cow/ivory (may be problematic cause of the upkeep) or a rice/wine/cow spot.


Capital is not production heavy, so we should be careful with chopping.


I hope this is the save

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Weee... the fun of starting fresh!! ... cant belive how fast 20 turns go in the beginning. I had such plans and before I know it it was over.


My turnset


Oki, my plan was to get a settler out. Keep our worker busy and start the stonehenge wonder.


4. Worker ready ...:4rofl: ..rice resource here I come! Not lets work on that settler.

5. Fishing -> Bronze working, for chopping

6-20 Our warriors found some huts with gold. Met some civs and even got a promotion after slaying a bear! woot!



Our friends or enemies to be: Mansa Musa, Peter, Tokugawa, Hatshepsut and Gandhi!



19. Settler ready!! Started warrior as ours left with the produced settler. Sent the party NE.

20. Bronzeworking -> Hunting, want our archers! Nooo ....no copper close...grrr





My thoughts


Not sure where to settle the next town. I agree with you enci that we should wait with the dye city as third or forth city. Best choice imho would be NE close to the river with all that forest. We would only get that rice resource but this early I dont want that additional upkeep from a city far away.


After the warrior is built I would start our wonder :bow: ... Also maybe even chop for it and pick priesthood for oracle and chop that one aswell :lol: ... not sure that is doable but we would have a nice gp city as our main one. Also chop a settler in the newly created city.


As we are on a huge map we can expect looooots of barbs. We need to get our defence up soon.


Download the savegame here

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What exactly do we want from the Oracle? Beside the GP points. Code of Laws? – we already have a religion. Metal casting? – not sure we need the Colossus. The slingshot of the brave – civil service?


With no copper, we need to make iron working a priority. Without metal, we’ll be fish bait. iirc IW is the prerequisite of metal casting, so we may pick that from the Oracle – supposed we can build it.


Looked at the save... Toku is our nearest neighbour, dear god, I hate that guy





Plan is to secure the two wonder (Stonehenge, oracle) and grab metal casting as a free tech


And I may have played 21 turns, Im really bad at this, sry



Turn 1. Met HC, the supposedly aggressive leader who never wants to declare war




capital starts on workboat


our warrior, settler, worker group spots a bear, they flee to the forest and start praying. Warrior strength = 2, bear str = 3


Turn 2. weee warrior eats the bear, he has 0,1 HP left


Turn 3. Settled Borisburg, in honour of our maceman who fell in the war against Mansa

Turn 4. Hunting -> archery



Turn 6. work boat -> Stonehenge in capital

Turn 8. Judaism FIDL




Turn 9. archery –> priesthood


lost track of the turns….


Priesthood -> wheel (pottery and BW are the prerequisites of metal casing, not IW)

1560 BC Stonehenge is built




starting on Oracle. While I dont think we will miss, it Im chopping the forested hill just to be sure – and we can build a mine there anyway


eeeek spotted some barbs, not in our lands though


check out my anal micromanagement:




The next leader should keep an eye on this, city governors have the habit of making changes, even if I turn them off… or maybe its just me. Anyway, Oracle cant be built before pottery is finished, ideally they should be finished at the same turn.


The world as we know it:




We need 1-2 archers ASAP. And then metal. Find me some metal please


We can chop a settler in Borisburg, there’s a worker waiting. Dont have a clue about the next city though

The capital is unhealthy, and will grow unhappy soon. Lets worry about this after we have the Oracle. We can switch to hinduism and Slavery to get rid of the unhappy citizens in one way or in the other.



For the attention of the next generations:

Thou shalt not anger the forest gods by chopping near the capital

Thou shalt ask thyself before building a wonder: Do we really need it:)



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I so like the start so far ... stonehenge completed, religion secured ... no close neighbour ...woot!! :drinks:


My turnset


Ok, plan was to get a setter from borisburg. Work on our defence and get iron.


4. Yay! Oracle done aswell as pottery. Picked metal casting as free tech and started researching iron working! Started on barracks.




5. Angry citizen in capitol, converted to hinduism so we get that +1 happy face.

8 Our warrior met another barb warrior ... with a fatal outcome :) .. oh well

10 Trade route established between our capitol and borisburg. Hinduism spread the same turn!

11 Barracks done -> Archer x2

12 Chopped a settler in borisburg ..weee ... time to found the next city!!

14 Our third city is founded ... with the proud name of enciville .. :D ...may it blossom and become a corner stone in our empire!!





17 Hmm ... I followed encis advise and asked myself if we needed a wonder ... Oh yes we do! ..started partenhon ..we might just get it with a chop or two :P

18 Iron working -> Animal husbandry ... gak ..no iron within our borders


Met some more civs while exploring, here are our new friends (though they dont seem friendly..heh):


Saladin, Montezuma and Cyrus!




My thoughts


Ok, we badly need iron here. So next city should go next to the iron resource for that reason. Only possible other choice would be to explore the foggy area east and see what we have there.


Haha...ill let you cancel the wonder enci ;) ... but know you will angry the gods if you do! We need some additional archers and fortify the borders aswell as critical resources like the iron. We have our prophet in 4 turns so economy will get a boost so we can support 1-2 additional cities this early on. A good spot would be the spices, low upkeep and great for cottages with a happy face :(


Now where did I put my savegame

Edited by ganto
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Oh, enciville :)


Haha...ill let you cancel the wonder enci

Im gonna use this quote for the rest of the game :big_boss: Switched from Parthenon to an archer. :butcher:


Turn 2. animal husbadry -> writing

archer -> fishing boat. I want to see the land S of us


Turn 4. a prophet is born yay




Turn 6. writing -> alpabet. we can use it to trade for some older techs we’re missing

civs keep convering to Judaism, hmmm not good if we end up as the only hindu nation


Turn 7-15 battling with barbs, no losses


No metal to the east but we can settle a few cites there nontheless




Priority should be the iron city:




and look what the fishing boat found on the southern island: a hut!




It must be an empty island. And it’s BIG. We can settle there if we run out of good land on the continent


The "empire”








take a closer look at the iron city pic :D

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Ohh.. this seems to turn out as a challange - a race for that iron resource and keeping off barbs!! ..weeee :viking:


My turnset


Ok, plan was to settle close or on the iron resource to guarantee that we get it. Also expand and expand ...and .., enci ..cover your eyes, ....build a wonder :D


1-4. Various barb fights on all fronts. No casualties ...weee

5. Settler ready in borisburg ... off we go to the iron resource, an archer makes sure he arrives safely!

6. Greatest civ report, we are on 7th place on the tech race



7. Alphabet -> Horseback riding as we now have horsies. Ohh.. ill let you trade for needed techs enci.

8. Shanghai is founded on and we have iron!! ...or nope ..we need a trade route ;) ... with all the barbs ...gak.

13. Horseback riding -> Code of laws Not that sure I picked the best one...feel free to switch tech enci.

15. Founded city Guangzhou north of our capitol, soon we have borders that stretch all the way to shanghai!


I also agreed to open borders with India, Persia, Greece, Egypt and Russia. Dont want anyone to get any ideas, or they maybe do now :)


Started the wonder Parathenon in our captiol :D




My thoughts


We seem to have our iron resource under control, only need that trade route and we are set. We are behind techwise, but my guess is that report is more based on number of techs but a library in our capitol and monastary would be sweet. What more, ohh.. expand and expand. Maybe even aim for an additional religion and go settle that huge isle in the south :D


Ohh..and build more wonders ofc! viking.gif


Here is the savegame

Edited by ganto
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Nooo, the Parthenon is back. How many times do I have to cancel it? :hugs:


Plan is to settle quickly, and try to squeeze 2 cities to the empty land W of us. First the red then one of the 2 blue dots.

This time I zoomed in to see whether Mansa is hiding on the plain tiles ;)




No open borders with the neighbours until we have settled


Turn 1, 75AD:

Tech trading with Peter Cyrus and Alex, so that not one single civ gets all our techs

We walk away with Masonry, Meditation, Sailing and Mathematics


Turn 2, 100AD:

The borders of Borisburg have expanded!


Turn 3, 125AD:

Hinduism has spread in Guangzhou.

Alex wants us to declare on Hatsepsut, he and Monty have ganged up on the Egyptians


Turn 6, 200AD:

Trade for Calendar, time to work on those dyes


Turn 7, 225AD:

Alex cancels OB with us, bah

The Parthenon is finally completed ;)




Turn 8, 250AD:

The borders of Guangzhou have expanded!


Turn 10, 300AD:


Code of Laws -> Literature for ermmm wonders– Heroic/National Epic, Great Library


Mahavira the prophet is born in Beijing! Merged him


Our archer spots a Japanese settler sneaking towards the red dot. :)


Turn 11, 325AD:

Traded for Monotheism


Gandhi has discovered Literature. Not good. Being the ultimate builder he is, we’ll get beaten to the Great Library.

Turn 12, 350AD:


Incas have settled at the eastern chokepoint. Minus one city for us.




Turn 13, 375AD:

Talk about a close race :bounce:




Gantobury has been founded. May it build lots of wonders. Or better yet, axes :bow:


Turn 13, 400AD:


Hinduism has spread in Gantobury.


Turn 14, 425AD:

Literature-> Currency

No, I won’t start the GL.


Turn 15, 450AD:

Iron is finally connected


One settler is heading for the blue dots, another one is under construction. We should settle 2, maaaybe 3 cities ASAP (the fishing village NE of enciville can maybe wait) Then open the borders for Mansa and start spreading Hinduism. AND build some military. With the big empty island south of us, this one seems to be more of a builder game, but we need some military anyway to prevent AIs from attacking. If they sense that we’re an easy target and decide to come after us, we will be sitting ducks.






the empty island:




Capital can get the national epic obviously, but it can wait. As for other wonders, remember:

“If you build it, he’ll come”



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Wow ..great post enci!, and good thing you won the settle race there for the marble! I pretend I didnt see that last note though ;)


My turnset


My plan was to settle 2-3 more cities, pref in the east. Also build some misc axemens to raise our army value. What more ..ohh..a wonder ofc :)


Turn 134, 475AD: Chichen Itza has been built in a far away land!


Turn 136, 520AD:

Nanjing has been founded west near the rice resource. That was the final spot on the western front.

Christianity has been founded in Pasargadae! ... gak ..I planned to go for that religon. Hmm ..maybe taoism then.


Turn 138, 560AD: The Great Library has been built in a far away land! ... yep, you were right enci ;)


Turn 140, 600AD:

Oki, I wanted to squeeze in 3 cities on our eastern area. Xian was founded near the Ican city so we can still found one more city here.

Currency -> Philosophy ... crossing fingers for another religion here :bow:


Turn 142, 640AD:

Tokugawa and Hatshepsut converts to Hinduism!


Turn 147, 740AD:

Was offered Monarchy and 250 gold for code of laws by Mansa. Accepted :bounce: Borisburg has a wine resource.


Turn 148, 760AD:

Chengdu has been founded south of Xian. They overlap some but no biggie ;) ... still room for that fishing village NE of enciville.

The Colossus ...weeeeeeee ...go go wonders!




Turn 149, 780AD:

Taoism has been founded in Xian!

You have discovered Philosophy and got the religion Taoism :hugs: -> Music




I built some axemen aswell as two horse archer and sent them to our borders. Sent our fishing boat on autoexplore.




My thoughts


Ok, we have expanded as much as we can I think; our economy cant handle many more and there are no more sweet spots left. Wait ..hehe..there might be just one more:




With high culture we might just get copper and ivory is nice for the happy face. We are loosing the culture war near the iron resource so shanghai needs a library or temple to prevent losing any more tiles. With 2 religons now and a prophet due any turn now in our capital (+18gp/turn) we should spread our religons so we can support all our cities and keep a high tech level.


I hate to say it but we need to raise a army just for defence, dont want the AI to get any ideas.



Here is the savegame

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Good going guys!

I should be joining you soon as I have found the source of my problem d3dx9_32.dll is missing... I have d3dx9_28.dll but it doesn't seem to be fixed after updating directx once..........

anyone know how to reliably fix it (I updated using the directx on the CIV disc)



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Great tim! ..cant wait for you to join in on the fun :bounce:


As for the DLL problem I would first try the latest version avaliable from microsofts downloads and see if that helps: Get it here. And if all things fails I think you could actually just put the dll in your windows\system32 folder and register it manually. This is easy to do but maybe not the best solution :hugs:

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Fixed! Will be a playing tommorow

Heres how




P.S. Firaxis didn't include the directx files the patch needed with the patch :bounce:

Edited by TimOfDoom
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Yay Tim, added you to the roster so your up next!! :bounce:


Ohh.. and I can also recommend this little utility that extracts the eventlog from the savegame. Download and read more about it here. Makes posting so much easier as you dont have to take notes while you play.

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Yay, welcome Tim :)


Random ramblings:

A Hindu coalition is being formed, finally

If we get the great artist from Music, we might not need to settle the last city (too much overlap), we can just culture bomb Shanghai, capture all the resouces and get rid of our border problems too. If we were to settle more cities, I’d do it on the empty island.

and can it be true? ganto proposing to raise an army? :o

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Yay Tim, added you to the roster so your up next!! :)

But... but I'm not good enough for noble yet




(So I'll practise and then have a go)

Edited by TimOfDoom
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Hehe.. thats ok Tim, im not an experienced player either - and there is no better place to practice than joining our game :blush: . Just post any questions you have or if you want a second opinion before making a decision ingame.


Ohh.. and more importantly - we have enci to restore order for our mistakes :)


Ps. Building wonders is always a good choice Ds :)

Edited by ganto
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Ps. Building an army and wonders is always a good choice Ds :)

:blush: I fixed it more

Well I shall be attempting my turn this evening...

and I have to say CIV is certainly more stable and nicer looking since it got reinstalled patched and directx fixed!



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Ps. Building an army and wonders is always a good choice Ds :hugs:

:( I fixed it more

Well I shall be attempting my turn this evening...

and I have to say CIV is certainly more stable and nicer looking since it got reinstalled patched and directx fixed!




Sooo, how did the turnset go? :)

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