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Sacred Gold Vampiress summon several wolves

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Dax, thank you very much for your answer! I`ve read about this Reborn mod before and, as I understand, profound rebalancing was undertaken in it, making Sacred harder to play, so this fact frightened me away. But two wolves are definitely better than one, so... Together with bats they can make a difference.

And I`ve also found out that Diablo II Fallen mod contains Druid with the ability to cast 4 wolves and a bear at the same time) Maybe Sacred 2 can be given a second chance as well.

It`s a pity both Sacred 1 and 2 lack a pure summoner. And I`ve heard about the difficulties concerning modding of Sacred 1... And it makes me appreciate all the attempts to modify the game even more)


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Don´t get fooled by some angry guys, who wrote :eek:-reviews about Reborn. I assume, they simply tried to hammer-smash their way through obstacles, which where
max immune to their current damage type. After their technique did not work out, they lost nerves, sat frustrated and confused in front of their PC. (Solution: Pick
other damage type instead) Reborn mod plays joyfully with monster-resistances, but leaves the player always a way out, never acting against him.
The team put a lot of efforts not only into the mod, but also into the documentation. It is worth a read. After all, it is a big, fat modification, inviting to try
it out, giving the game a new life. Don´t be shy. It is not difficult. And if you are really stuck, just ask. There are many ppl with vast insight here.

Speaking of Sacred 2, what keeps me miles away, is that Sacred 2 is not beginner-friendly. You might survive the easy difficulties with a poor build, but not the higher ones.
So, the chance that you scr!w up as a noob is very real. And putting two months of work into a character, only to find out that you skilled him wrong and have to
start it all over again? No.
As for the remaining Sacred 2 players here: They are top elite, playing the game for a very long time already. So handling the latest mods like D2, or the Patch Addendum,
is a piece of cake for them. Before you begin, get yourself a guide to prevent a rough and painful belly-landing.

Back to S1 again, the Vampire is a pure summoner class if you want it. She is also one of the more flexible characters due to her shapeshifting ability. You can
easily build ranged melee (day <-> night), devastating spellcaster and, as mentioned above, summoner. It all raises and falls with the gear you can access and
the style of play you prefer. There are no doubt, things to consider. I´d recommend to visit the wiki, or just ask right away.
Look. I think I got a Vampire starter, well stuffed with gear, laying around somewhere in my digital lumberroom. Nothing is cheated. Everything is farmed and bought
nicely together. You can give it a run, then decide if it is something for you. Sounds good?

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  • 8 months later...
On 10/31/2023 at 4:31 PM, CannonBlast said:

 I decided to create a Vampiress-summoner. But I found out the bats are quite weak as is the wolf...


Why not play Awaken dead build then? That's a summoner even Diablo 2 necromancer pales in comparison to. You can have the whole screen full of minions. And no cheating needed. You hace a corpse, (killed by your wolf so you don't have to dirty your hands) you raise it with awaken dead, quicksave, and reload. The game forgets you were in vampire form when you raised it and you're transformed back, but the raised zombie becomes a permanent minion that spreads its woeful state to the ones it kills. In no time you can have an army of dozens. Later hundreds... It's just the lag... When your army is really getting big, the game starts to lag. So you have to maintain army size by killing some of them somehow...

Edited by Sethi22
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2 hours ago, Sethi22 said:

And no cheating needed.

2 hours ago, Sethi22 said:

quicksave, and reload. The game forgets you were in vampire form

2 hours ago, Sethi22 said:

becomes a permanent minion that spreads its woeful state

yes no "cheating" at all :)

2 hours ago, Sethi22 said:

the game starts to lag. So you have to maintain army size by killing some of them somehow...

somehow... I wonder, how exactly would you accomplish such a feat? :)

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