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Sacred Underworld - Does raising riding skill to 25 allow to have any horse even in Niobium? A small question about Horses.

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Ive been looking all over the net to find an answer. Im sorry if the topic exists already, just point me to it then please.

So the question: Does raising riding skill to 25 allows to have any horse even in Niobium? Or does the game rises the required lvl on a new difficulty? I like speed, so the Light Riding Horse is best for me. It doesn't require Riding skill on Gold. But maybe if I want to buy Light Riding Horse in Niobium it does require riding? Can anyone please clarify this for me?


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  • The title was changed to Does raising riding skill to 25 allows to have any horse even in Niobium? A small question about Horses.
9 hours ago, kitty777 said:


Ive been looking all over the net to find an answer. Im sorry if the topic exists already, just point me to it then please.

So the question: Does raising riding skill to 25 allows to have any horse even in Niobium? Or does the game rises the required lvl on a new difficulty? I like speed, so the Light Riding Horse is best for me. It doesn't require Riding skill on Gold. But maybe if I want to buy Light Riding Horse in Niobium it does require riding? Can anyone please clarify this for me?


HI Kitty!

Awesome seeing you back... ready for more delicious cheesy poutine ? :D

and regarding Ancaria's awesome horsies ... 

Raising your Riding skill to 25 in Sacred 2 Fallen Angel won't grant you access to any horse in Niobium. Here's the breakdown:

Riding Skill: This skill reduces the penalty to your character's Combat Arts regeneration while mounted on a regular horse. It does not affect special mounts or movement speed bonuses (which can be buggy).

Horses in Niobium: Niobium is a higher level area, and the regular horses you might find in earlier zones won't be available for purchase there. You'll encounter stronger mounts like Griffons or Nightmare steeds.

Mounting Up:

Regular Horses: These require no Riding skill and offer basic movement speed.

Special Mounts: Mounts like the Seraphim or Dragon Mage Draconicon have unique abilities and require completing specific quests to obtain.

In short, your Riding skill won't unlock specific horses in Niobium. You'll need to find the appropriate mount for that area, either by purchasing it or completing a quest.





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Ehhh I meant Sacred Gold. Sacred 1 game. I still intend to play Sacred 2 eventually, so thanks for the info!!!

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  • The title was changed to Sacred Underworld - Does raising riding skill to 25 allows to have any horse even in Niobium? A small question about Horses.
1 hour ago, kitty777 said:

Ehhh I meant Sacred Gold. Sacred 1 game. I still intend to play Sacred 2 eventually, so thanks for the info!!!

Yeeks! Sorry Kitty.. I didnt see the category this topic was under .. me bad :cry:   Hopefully someone around here will show up and give us some info and I can research around to see what's out there as well.



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Aand... found some bits... this help ?:

I knew there was a lot of uncertainities regarding riding when the game came out, and Pevil, one of the great riders of all time had a website with tons of info for underworld.. ill try to see if i can reach her .. and in the mean time 

Raising your riding skill can affect your ability to ride different types of horses. However, the specific level of riding skill required can vary depending on the type of horse and the difficulty level of the game.

The riding skill also affects your attack rating when you’re on a horse. Your attack rating drops significantly to about 2/3 of its unmounted value when you get on a horse. But as you improve your riding skill, this penalty decreases. At level 25 riding, which is enough to use the Heavy Warhorse, the mounted attack rating is only about 98% of the unmounted value!! 😱

As for your specific question about whether raising riding skill to 25 allows you to have any horse even in Niobium, it seems there’s some uncertainty. 

The game might increase the required level for a horse on a new difficulty.

So, it’s possible that you might need a higher riding skill level to ride certain horses in Niobium.

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2 hours ago, kitty777 said:


Woot! Got any selfies of your toon on a horse? 
For “horse”terity 

of course 



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  • The title was changed to Sacred Underworld - Does raising riding skill to 25 allow to have any horse even in Niobium? A small question about Horses.
  • 3 weeks later...

Hello gogo!

Sorry for not answering for so long! Some problems happened.

Anyway, once I reach max level Ill make a screen shot with my steed!

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On 6/5/2024 at 11:39 AM, kitty777 said:

Hello gogo!

Sorry for not answering for so long! Some problems happened.

Anyway, once I reach max level Ill make a screen shot with my steed!

Wooooh, bring it on! Steed shots are impressive things.. the height, and the perspective... ive been messing around with dahley lately... maybe it has a chance outing a poorly dextrous artist like me that can  fudge about anything by just looking at it



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  • 1 month later...
On 5/16/2024 at 10:20 PM, gogoblender said:

As for your specific question about whether raising riding skill to 25 allows you to have any horse even in Niobium, it seems there’s some uncertainty. 
The game might increase the required level for a horse on a new difficulty.

So, it’s possible that you might need a higher riding skill level to ride certain horses in Niobium.

Finally something I can answer myself, as I just finished a char in Niobium with riding. 25 points was enough even in Niobium, nothing more needed. And yes it is worth it! My beautiful heavy war horse gave me like 65% HP bonus in the end. If you have many + skill stuff, maybe you're ok even with 1 point in riding, but 25 points for 65% HP bonus is worth it too. No big deal...

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2 hours ago, Sethi22 said:

My beautiful heavy war horse gave me like 65% HP bonus in the end

I only ever rode horses for the speed. And max speed horses don't have a riding requirement so I never bothered with that skill :)

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