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Kamikaze Sunday - Anniversary Generation!

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Well what do we have here. It's another generation! The 7th for those counting. This new generation marks a fresh start with new characters as is always done for each new generation . Votes are made in the Kamikaze Sunday Poll from which is decided how the event will proceed. Folks that are new to the event can have a look at the event announcement here to have a better understanding of the event or read up on our past adventures here. :)


This generation however is a very special one. Within this generation we will pass over the Kamikaze Sunday's very first Anniversary. And I'm still completely shocked by this, lol. Woohoo! If you guys have a look at the very first generation topic you can read that the first day the Kamikaze Sunday took play was June 3rd, 2007. Since a standard year consists of 52 weeks that will mean that our Kamikaze Sunday anniversary will fall on Sunday, June the 1st. Appropriate I think for the first anniversary huh!


I would like to personally thank EVERYONE who came out to play whether it be only once or so very many times. You all have made this such a wonderful thing and sooooo much more than I ever would have imagined. In all truth when I set up the event I figured it would go on for 3 weeks tops, lol. So thank you all!


The big question now is... What will we do? I have very high hopes for THAT. What I'm really really wishing will happen is that we can manage to get a full server of players. 16 people all playing in the same area together. With that I would want to video record all 16 of us running around on screen together. That would be sooo cool! Not to mention never seen before. :P I realize there would probably be a lot of lag but I think the fun of it could outweigh the lag. Can you imagine sharing the screen with 15 other players?!



So cheers to you all and take a bow. The performers of Kamikaze Sunday. :)


We venture now to our encore! :D

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Given our leveling on the first session, I suspect that we might be in Gold or even Platinum difficulty by June 1st. The session was massively vamp biased in terms of drops and runes. We took it a bit easy and went for the Urkuk portal before heading for the desert. For this gen, we really should come up with different things to do. Sunglasses, boss runs, and dragons have been done quite often. As far as getting 16 people, it might be doable but I think interest has pretty much waned. The last several weeks of gen 6 and the starting of gen 7 have seen low player counts but there may be more during future sessions.

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But for an ill small fry, we'd have had 2 more last week.


Here's hoping that Mom's and Lord's offspring are well. I, unfortunately, will be out of touch this weekend, as my son graduates college. On the plus side, tuition is done - Hurray!


See you in 2.


gial :badbad:

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Sunglasses! Oh yes that would be cool Erling. I got mine! :)


I'm thinking the same DaveO. That we'll probably be at Plat by that point which is probably a good server difficulty to be in with regards to max possible number of participants. Participation in the event has certainly suffered low numbers in the past few weeks sadly. It seems as you say that interest in Sacred has hit an all time low. I've been looking around the servers lately and it's becoming a ghost town. I have no doubt that will turn around but it's hard to say how long it will take for that to happen. There will be a resurgence, mostly from Vets returning, but when that will happen is up in the air. We'll see. As for something new... That's on it's way but if you'd like me to add something to the poll by all means do and I'll add it. :D



Ah gial, it was a great run with you as well. Even though, as Dave says in different words, you were charming the snot out of the baddies and getting all that Vamp stuff, lol. Joking of course. But if I recall you were packing quite a bit of MF eh? Interesting that... Well I can't complain. Got myself some Amarri which was nice at level 20-ish.


Shame Genenut and Lord had to run. Hope the lil one is much better. That was quite the nasty temperature he had. :P

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It'll be great to have you there Stick. :4rofl:


Hopefully others have a similar situation to yours and that we might see more action in the coming weeks.

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I voted -- but don't count my vote since I can't make it this week.


I voted 60 Gold - very aggressive choice. I see 2 votes for 20 -- seems rather passive to me since we made 25 last week. I hardly think we should be moving backwards . . .


See you in a fortnight or so

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I'm at level 26 so I voted for 30, rounding up. Granted the poll is only to help indicate what to expect with regards to levels rather than what must be. :3lmao:


As it is for server difficulty it is at present 2 for Bronze, 2 for Silver and 1 for Gold. If it stays this way then would it make sense to apply the Gold vote to Silver in order to break the tie?

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I really wish I could come. I've been considering reinstalling Sacred, but I work EVERY Sunday, either at 9am or at 1pm for 8 hours... either way I wouldn't be able to make it. Sorry :3lmao:

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Heya Griff. I wish you could come too but I'm happy that you are able to visit us here once again. been a little while since I've been able to read you. :drinks: We'll get a chance to hack'n'slash some day I'm sure. Looking forward to that day my friend. :hugs:

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Today's Silver Server is up. It's not likely that Schot will be around, and I could make the server Bronze in an attempt to get more players. I'd be surprised if there are more than five people playing today.

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Thanks so much for everybody who did join up. Schot came in a little later, and we did hit six players briefly. We spent a good portion helping Lord rebuild since a very cheesy lag event crushed his Gladiator into pulp.

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Awhhhh I wish I was there. Unfortunately I don't have a level 20-30 toon. :hugs:

I wish I had.

And I wish I was there when Schot ( ;) ) joined.


Hope you had fun though! ;) Maybe next time...

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I want to thank everyone for their help with rebuilding my Glad :P . Hopefully the next time I get to play the lag monster will be away. I had a great time and am looking forward to playing with everyone and getting to know all the people Mom has been talking about. ;)

Edited by Lord of the North
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I was there very brief 2 times... and I was lucky enogh to find someone who needed items (Lord) I think I gave him like 2 andiells set, sorry for the way to high level :(

but some was level 14 I think ;)

was nice to see those I met and sadly I missed those I missed :P

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I always play with an attitude that the journey with friends is more important than the destination. I hate lag deaths above all, and will do assistance on the rebuild. Fortunately, we had three folks that assisted in the power leveling so I'm hoping that Lord will deal with the Khorad desert much better when we return down there. Revenge is a dish best served cold, so I'm expecting some very frigid monster remains on our next session. MMM, monster icicles does sound like a quite exotic but delicious treat. :)

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Looks like this session was more successful than the previous one. The vote was for a region boss, but we did not make the goal. Most of the group made good progress for levels. Please bear in mind that Bronze has a level 60 cap, so if you're at level 50 or higher it would be a good idea to take the +skills quests in Underworld. I think I'll get those tomorrow and possibly try True Fighter if I get some good equipment. I have decent weapons, though I'm suspecting it will be a long journey to get my goal of a complete D'Brae set. I know my vote for next week, so I hope to see some more fun action next Sunday!

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I have started a Silver server for this session. I did not see any votes for levels and activities, so your in-game vote will be VERY important. I am looking forward to having a good turnout this session. For toon levels, please nothing higher than level 75 in consideration of the other players.

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:hugs: hm, I came in a little late and had a nice time for a short while, then I had to go -____-


what did you all end up doing anyway? ;)

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To make a minor recap of the action, we did a dragon warmup with D'Cay and headed to our target area with the ice elves and the twin dragons. It looked like Gial was the main person taking down D'Cay, but Schot said he had captured a video. I'm not sure if that includes the twins, but after that both Xor and Knuckles were going thru the whole Underworld campaign sequence. I do hope that they made it, and it did look like they were fairly far along when I left the server for the day.

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