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Nature Weaver Blowpipe Druid


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Posted (edited)

I made myself a druid and I didn't really know what I was going to build, but I fell in love with blowpipes. My main skill is Tactics Lore and that's where I get my Capricious Hunter mods. I wasn't very happy with Capricious Hunter Combat Arts, though, so I went Nature Weaver for spells I cast, although I do use Darting Assault and the Sinister Predator Buff, which is why I took Concentration instead of Nature Weaver Focus. I also use Ancient Bark.


I wasn't completely sure what I was going to do and I still don't know the game that well so that's why I have skills in all sorts of weird places, such as riding. :)


This is my setup: http://img151.imageshack.us/img151/7731/66439082.png


The problem is, I don't really know where I want to go. Should I center on Ranged Weapons/Damage Lore? Should I go more into magic with Nature Weaver Lore/Concentration? Right now my character is sort of balanced between the two, and I like it that way but I am not sure if I would be able to keep it up. I have a satisfactory attack speed/damage and a pretty nice regen on all my spells.

And I don't get off my lizard. Ever.


I'm still sitting on 2.12 and dunno if I feel like patching...


P.S.: Monitor Lizards are cute. :P

Edited by inXi
Posted (edited)

If you don't take Hunter Focus you will not be able to get Sinister Predator very high level....and if you don't take constitution you won't be able to get the awesome mastery bonus that comes with it......also I never play without Armor Lore so I'm not sure what I would do in your situation. :) At least take 2 of those ^^ is my suggestion. GL


Dryad Hybrids are fun... I had a nature/hunter build and use ranged darting assault for exping and nature magic for bosses/champs.



you can check video out if u haven't seen it....just pause if u want a closer look at skills:


Dryad Video

Edited by Viper007
Posted (edited)
If you don't take Hunter Focus you will not be able to get Sinister Predator very high level...
I dunno if I even need to.


.and if you don't take constitution you won't be able to get the awesome mastery bonus that comes with it......also I never play without Armor Lore
Sounds imbalanced. There shouldn't be anything that you HAVE to take in a game.


Imbalanced features are not something I can predict, obviously.

Edited by inXi
If you don't take Hunter Focus you will not be able to get Sinister Predator very high level...
I dunno if I even need to.


.and if you don't take constitution you won't be able to get the awesome mastery bonus that comes with it......also I never play without Armor Lore
Sounds imbalanced. There shouldn't be anything that you HAVE to take in a game.


Imbalanced features are not something I can predict, obviously.



You don't have to take it. It helps a lot though if you don't want to die :)


I don't seem to be close to dying at the moment. I don't really know what happens to the game later, though, that's the problem. I am playing HC so that's sort of a concern.


I agree with Viper007. Cap Hunter Focus is mainstay of predominant Pipe builds. Pipes MUST hit. They do so many hits per ca use, that even losing out on two of your total will become catastrophic later on.


For me most important thing with all of my pipe builds is Cth...if you don't get it from your buff, you'll have to get it from somewhere for you to be successful. At that point, you'd have to put tons of points into your Ranged, and that won't be enough. You'll probably be using most of your sockets to get the cth up high enough...and it would be a shame, because the Sin Pred buff does it so well at cheaper use of resourcs.


But I'm not sure here exactly what you're asking since you said you didn't need it. Are you then thinking of using voodoo and nature buffs if you're saying you don't want to use cap hunter aspect?


What CA of the dryads do you like to use that you want to become your main attack?


From there we can build out.






Well, I tried to keep my chance-to-hit pretty high. Actually why I took the buff in the first place. Do pipes have a lower chance-to-hit than other weapons or something? They missed a lot on lower levels. Right now they don't miss I guess that's why I'm not worried.


Sockets? What are those?


I didn't like the Capricious Hunter tree. The boot CA seems totally useless for a ranged character. Darting Assault is just a more spread version of the high-damage CA. And the wind spell is, again, not damage. So I didn't really like that tree besides the buff so I took the buff to improve my situation but not really to center on that tree. My main tree is Nature Weaver.


Edalphic Lances is what I was trying to center on, I guess, but it wasn't working out very well. Regens slow... I am already using the Ancient Bark buff to compensate for my lack of armor and no Constitution. But I looked at Armor Lore recently and it seem to be the same as Concentration except even better because it increases Armor, lol.


I kind of wanted a glass cannon originally but Sacred II doesn't seem to be the most supportive game when it comes to that, with enemies jumping at you from all sorts of places. o.O At some point I realized that and went Nature Weaver to support my low-life blowpiper.


Also I had 0 idea what kind of Combat Arts dryads had. This is my first dryad and I'm sort of in the dark. :D I got her to level 50, though, I'm happy with that. I'm not trying to make any uber build or anything, I need to understand the classes first, and a few "bad" builds won't discourage me.


Why are blowpipes better? I only use one bow 'Bool's Eye'.

I have never found something else on bows/blowpipes that can do better damage.

And I have not found all Unique Bows ofcourse.

And we do not have unique blowpipes ... how come?


Damage per hit is not what makes blow pipes so powerful. It's their CA running once every .04 to .06 that does. Five hits every .04 seconds almost instantly appearing on all monsters. No travel time, fast kills.


Only use blowpipe with three sockets and Dblow and socket phys damage rings. Rest focus on regen and CTH.


She will become a god later on.








This is build here:




I used to get to plat level. I had to build another trader that ran alongside beside her so she could get sweet socketings. I think her Darting ASsault is level 61 with a 0.4 regen, and she can sweep mobs while running.


I only got to use so many Combative skills on her because of the other dryad running along side her with the uber Bargaining. She mostly hunted Olms in Swamp because of high respawning there, and ranged kept her safe from all the spider venom.


If you don't want to run another dryad like this which takes a lot of time, considering meeting up with a "network" of bargainers who can do shopping for you every twenty or thirty levels or so to keep "slingshotting" you higher and higher up into Niob.





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