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Hey guys!


As you may have probably noticed, there's a new button here at home..enter Digg. For awhile now, we've been looking at a way to give recognition and thanks to those of you, who through contributions, have posted reference quality material, and/or articles in the way of reviews, guides, articles, and technical support here at DarkMatters.


Rather than put in a system of favoritizing people, we've opted to utilize Digg's API technology to help show thanks to peeps that have made substantial and interesting contributions to this tie. After a few hours a few weeks ago, trying to track down buttons and figure out the functionality, we think we have a partial functionality here on site, but we're still working on it.


Unfortunately, the buttons offered by Digg's API technology, aren't the best cosmetically, but Schot was able to get the buttons colors to match. We've already had some very good quality, reference posts here in this forum over the past little while, and all the posts I've digged over at the Digg site, have already turned out to get great reads. With Sacred 2 coming out, and some awesome guides and builds on their way, having a Digg button, can help peeps who like making reference quality posts have it read by more fans. It's also a great way, when you see the digg numbers on the button change as a reflection of how many "diggs" a topic has, to show appreciation for time and effort that's gone into the research behind great quality posts, and it's also a great way to say "thanks" to anyone who does put the time into a submitted article here.


Latest, successful, Digged posts here at this site have been:



Now with this new functionality here, albeit something better skinned, lol... we can have anyone from our forum who has a membership at Digg, just click on the button here at the end of any topic to show appreciation or a give a thumbs up to a much-appreciated contributor''s work, here at DarkMatters.


A note here to people not familiar with Digg's technology, you will have to register at the Digg site first before being able to "vote" or "digg" a contributor's topic here at DarkMatters.






Once you're registered there, it's easy to just click on the Digg tab down at the bottom of any topic here at this site. Once you add your "digg" to a topic, the number on the button will update, and your vote will be added if you want to show appreciation, or respect for what a contributor has done. In the case of where the Digg tab down at the end of a post has no number on it, it means that when you click on the button, the link will take you to the Digg site, where you can write-up your own summary of why the topic is good, and what it's about. In the case of a Digg button already having a number on it, you can see how many peeps from either this site or others where the Digg can be read have already added their "vote" to it. It's pretty interesting, and as more articles are added to DarkMatters, we're hoping to have great numbers added to the work of and contribution of peeps who enjoy writing articles and guides.




:cha (18):




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Is there button for posts you don't like? :)


Perhaps it could be a DUGG button :lol:


Hummm...Digg and Dugg..........me likes ;)


Anyhoo, back on topic.....I'm a bit concerned about this gogo. :)

Does this mean that our posts will be available for any one to see.


Lets just say that I Digg a thread that is in the members only forum.

Does this mean that the thread will then be available for any non member to see?


Sorry if the question is a dumb one. :blush:



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That's an awesome question Stubbie ^^ The way permissions here go is that even if a link to an internal section thread is place somewhere else, if any other person does not have the correct permissions to view that thread, they won't be able to.


So even with Digg, we have the same securities as before.





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Ah, you misunderstood (btw gogo the thead isn't shut :heart: )

I meant this


See how it pushes up against the page numbers and is also at a different height to them.

Otherwise I don't mind it






Hiiii. It's me Schot! :hugs: Moved yer post from here to here, hehe.

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At first I didn't give the Digg button much credit but in regards to a forum rating system I think it is probably the best way to show appreciation. By using the Digg button you draw in readers who otherwise would never see the article. More readers for the topic creator is always a great thing I think. Some topics and posts are made with great effort and can teach or peak interests. The Digg button is an excellent way to reward someone for their hard work and what's more is that Diggers, people who read Digg.com regularly, already have the ability to Digg any article thus increasing a topics Digg count further without needing to register here on our forum.


It's a cool idea I think. :heart:


Now as for the positioning and look of the button that can be worked upon but at the moment, well... We need to make sure it works first, lol. So far the button has been misbehaving and trying to resolve it's unruly nature. ^^ Once it's in working order I'll tidy up it's look. If I can, heh.

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