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Sacred 2 Combat Art Modifications Revealed

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Hello! Welcome me to your ranks for I am the bearer of GREAT news :)


Since the tooltips are so poorly constructed I poked around in the gamefiles and found all the stats for all the mods! Rejoice!


All spell info is locatad in "Deep Silver\Sacred 2 - Fallen Angel\scripts\shared\spells.txt".


I will update the Sacredwiki and I look forward to your Character Planner Xeneonic! Hope this helps! Tell me if I can be of further assistance :sob:


I don't know if its appreciated that I found the info by myself but I think its their own fault for not including such simple facts in the tooltips to start with.


Shame on you tooltip-guy :P


Edit: Oh some of the values are kinda hard to interpret (procent chance to proc seems to be the easiest) debuffs, values for duration of debuffs and how much they debuff stats seems to be some of the harder stuff at first glance, feel free to help out there :P

Edited by gogoblender
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Mazari, welcome to DarkMatters!

The new info sounds very nice. I know a lot of people would love more of that kind of info ^^ Would you be able to post here an example of what one of the mod explanations that you found looks like?

This really could be a very informative addition to the SacredWiki. Secrets of the CA mods revealed! :)





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That's quite the first post my friend. Welcome aboard tha dark ship matey. :)


Shame on tooltip guy indeed! I think he might be in danger of loosing his job to you. ^^ Very cool info Mazari. Thank you!

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Thanks gogoblender good job on the wiki! Hehe yea I hate not having all the stats! I posted some about it on the official forum but decided to take (dark)matters into my hands.

This info should imo get added to the next patch but who can wait that long? :P


I added some stuff to the Seraphim on the wiki, can't wrap my head around if the value if the "decrease opponents stats"-values (debuffs) are percentages or the duration of the effect...


Here is the code for Baneful Smite:


mgr.defineSpell( "se_cm_blitz", {

eiStateName = "cSpellCast",

fxTypeCast = "FX_SE_BLITZ_C",

fxTypeSpell = "FX_SE_BLITZ",

fxTypeCastSpecial = "FX_SE_CAST_K",

duration = 0.050000,

animType = "ANIM_TYPE_SM12",

animTypeApproach = "ANIM_TYPE_INVALID",

animTypeRide = "ANIM_TYPE_INVALID",

animTypeSpecial = "ANIM_TYPE_RIDESM05-SPECIAL",

causesSpellDamage = 1,

tokens = {

entry0 = {"et_duration_sec", 500, 0, 0, 8 },

entry1 = {"et_damage_magic_rel", 0, 20, 0, 9 },

entry2 = {"et_spelldamage_magic", 490, 245, 0, 133 },

entry3 = {"et_spelldamage_physical", 490, 245, 0, 133 },

entry4 = {"et_debuff_movespeed", 300, 2, 1, 42 },

entry5 = {"et_chance_disarm", 500, 0, 2, 5 },

entry6 = {"et_chance_electrify", 297, 3, 3, 5 },

entry7 = {"et_debuff_EAW", 1500, 20, 4, 42 },

entry8 = {"et_dotdamage_magic", 490, 245, 5, 42 },

entry9 = {"et_chance_chain_nr", 800, 1, 6, 4 },


fightDistance = 525.000000,


cooldown = 0.000000,

soundProfile = 0,

cost_level = 210,

cost_base = 420,

focus_skill_name = "skill_SE_celestialmagic_focus",

lore_skill_name = "skill_SE_celestialmagic_lore",

spellClass = "cSpellSeBlitz",

spellcontroltype = "eCAtype_a_effect_attack_ray",

sorting_rank = 1,



Third number in the "entry" corresponds to which mod it is (as does the name) the first is almost always a percent chance to proc for the given upgrade (another poke at the tooltip guy - if its this easy why not display it?) divide by 10 and you get the %-value (for the sake of decimals without the need for a comma in the text file)


entry7 = {"et_debuff_EAW", 1500, 20, 4, 42 }, corresponds to the fourth mod Confuse but reduction by 150% seems a bit harsh (depending on how confused the mobs are supposed to get :P)


But it could be true for other stats-decreasing mods like Laggard - entry4 = {"et_debuff_movespeed", 300, 2, 1, 42 }, which would then give 30% slow


Radiant Pillar - Delude - entry5 = {"et_debuff_EAW", 650, 10, 2, 42 }, which would result in 65% loss of attack value (a bit high maybe)


Testing might be necessary here.


Anyhow I'll think I'll go to sleep now and add more tomorrow.


Ps Darn Germans for naming the spells in German, made it harder to find :)


Peace out number-crunchers! :sob: //Mazari


EDIT: hehe gotta start to learn to write properly on the first go

Edited by Mazari
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Really cool stuff. Though it hurts my brain, lol. Your explanaition helps a lot though Mazari. It almost seems too simple too be Sacred but of course there will be many modifiers to factor in when testing. I'll give those numbers a crunch on my HE and see how it goes before I add them to the wiki. Just in case there not quite right. Don't wanna give false info!

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Hi mazari! Welcome to FDM :cow_white:


Sweet stuff you're doing there mate. Even though I admit I have more chance of understanding a chinese text and translating it to ancient greek, rather then understanding what you just wrote :) But I am sure this will all be very beneficial in character planning, regeneration timing and such.


So I can only support your work !


Keep it up



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Radiant Pillar - Delude - entry5 = {"et_debuff_EAW", 650, 10, 2, 42 }, which would result in 65% loss of attack value (a bit high maybe)


I think that might be a reduction to 65% (ie, a reduction of 35%). If you can find the corresponding entry for Untouchable Force (TG buff), one of the mods (either 2a or 2b) reduces attack speed by 15%, so you might be able to check to see what kind of "et_debuff_EAW" that has.

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"et_debuff_EAW" is a particular kind of debuff, they are named different for different things


In the silver mods on Untouchable Force it says:


entry7 = {"et_debuff_movespeed", 300, 5, 3, 42 },

entry8 = {"et_debuff_attackspeed", 300, 5, 4, 42 },


which is self explanatory and but highly doubt its a 70% percent reduction in move/attackspeed, so im back to thinking its value divided by ten which would result in 30% decrease in move/attackspeed which is pretty balanced. but that makes the seraphims debuff 150% reduction in attackvalue which would be balanced or imbalanced depending of the duration of the effect


I figured something out about the last digit aswell :cow_white: it corresponds to a particual sub group of spellfunctions ie


133 is magic damage of any sort

entry3 = {"et_spelldamage_magic", 210, 105, 0, 133 },

entry2 = {"et_spelldamage_fire", 100, 50, 0, 133 },

entry3 = {"et_spelldamage_ice", 100, 50, 0, 133 },


8 is duration of effects, both initial and upgrades

entry0 = {"et_duration_sec", 1000, 5, 0, 8 }, initial 100%

entry11 = {"et_duration_sec", 500, 5, 6, 8 }, gold upgrade b +50%


42 is debuffs on enemies

entry2 = {"et_debuff_prone_ice", 100, 2, 0, 42 },

entry7 = {"et_debuff_movespeed", 200, 5, 2, 42 },


and so on


Magic damage upgrades are pretty tricky cuz there is no initial value in the file and I can't find the connection with the 2nd 4th numbers and other files, it might be that the game extract information from the char being played (most likely) and that would make it pretty likely that it too is a percent increase.



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Updated HE and Inquisitor


Testing would be appreciated as this is very experimental :cow_white: almost all of the values make sense tho


Im gonna go play the game some now :) Will be updating more later

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This is awesome work Mazari much respect here.


Even if the numbers aren't perfectly accurate they're still a very valuable guide at least to the kind of increase or change a player will experience when choosing a new upgrade.


We'll probably write in an explanation of the numbers as being a guide and not an exact reference on the Combat Arts main page, and from there your additions with the numbers will find appreciative readers.


Again thanks, this is a big job








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Just looking at the values quickly: edit: Ok... not so quickly at all, I got a bit too into it.


Taking Blitz, since I saw the spell in game and thus have ideas of what it actually does.

duration = 0.050000,

animType = "ANIM_TYPE_SM12",

animTypeApproach = "ANIM_TYPE_INVALID",

animTypeRide = "ANIM_TYPE_INVALID",

animTypeSpecial = "ANIM_TYPE_RIDESM05-SPECIAL",

causesSpellDamage = 1,

tokens = {

entry0 = {"et_duration_sec", 500, 0, 0, 8 },

entry1 = {"et_damage_magic_rel", 0, 20, 0, 9 },

entry2 = {"et_spelldamage_magic", 490, 245, 0, 133 },

entry3 = {"et_spelldamage_physical", 490, 245, 0, 133 },

entry4 = {"et_debuff_movespeed", 300, 2, 1, 42 },

entry5 = {"et_chance_disarm", 500, 0, 2, 5 },

entry6 = {"et_chance_electrify", 297, 3, 3, 5 },

entry7 = {"et_debuff_EAW", 1500, 20, 4, 42 },

entry8 = {"et_dotdamage_magic", 490, 245, 5, 42 },

entry9 = {"et_chance_chain_nr", 800, 1, 6, 4 },


fightDistance = 525.000000,


cooldown = 0.000000,

soundProfile = 0,

cost_level = 210,

cost_base = 420,

focus_skill_name = "skill_SE_celestialmagic_focus",

lore_skill_name = "skill_SE_celestialmagic_lore",

spellClass = "cSpellSeBlitz",

spellcontroltype = "eCAtype_a_effect_attack_ray",

sorting_rank = 1,


Duration would be cast time during which animation occurs I'm guessing, to be modified by skills.

skipping duration, the 4 entries here are obvious, animation on use, animation on approach(special animation to near the target?), animation on a mount, meaning it cannot be used on a mount, and animation on special mount (type Ride sm05 (vs sm12... not sure), special).

Causes spell damage is true... fair enough.


Skipping over the entries for the moment,

fight distance = range from target, no special animation means just run up to range.

Aspect is obvious

Cooldown is time after cast before regeneration starts (for Emergency Shield etc)

Sound profile... special sound effects perhaps?

Cost_level and cost base... assuming regen formulas are the same as in S1... these will make calculations much easier (no need to test to get them). Divide by 10 I'm guessing to get base regeneration, to be modified by attributes and skills. (If someone could get me the details of a Seraphim with level 1 Baneful smite and no points in skills/no regen gear on along with the MR values I'll figure out what the formula is and what the value means exactly). 63 seconds seems high, but 6.3 seconds seems low (if it's divide by 10 at level one it would be base + 1 per level).


Focus and lore skill names are obvious

Spell class is mostly legible. c(haracter) Spell Se(raphim) Bliz.

Control type: Ray type therefore straight line... can it shoot through walls?

Sorting rank is unclear with only a single value, perhaps it's the order they appear onscreen?


Now for the token entries:

First portion of code is the command it executes (it's telling it where to find the calculations required from the following values).

Therefore, any values following this will either be variables for this code (such as multipliers and chances to occur) or variables to affect the CA itself. I'm inclined to suspect that the 2nd and 3rd values (first 2 numbers) are for the code, the last 2 are for the CA itself.


Portion 2 seems to be initial effect.

Portion 3 seems to be a per level increase (CA level)

I will cover both of these at the end.


Portion 4 is important:

a value of 0 means default

1 through 6 indicate which modifier it is 1=top bronze, 2=bottom bronze, 3=top silver, 5=top gold.


Last value a type marker according to Mazari, however I'm leery of that since the text tells it what command to execute. I suspect any modifier that has more than 1 effect will also have more than one entry of type = {'name of command',###,###,a,###} where a is a value from 1 to 6 (matching for the multiple effects).

Based on the values I have a slight refinement to make:

Value of 42 (for debuffs) should be: Value of 42 refers to lasting effects on enemies (including DoT from burn/poison/etc)

Value of 133 is for fixed damage infliction (therefore usually spells)

Value of 5 is for status effects (elemental procs and disarming)

Value of 8 is duration, however based on Blitz it'd be... cast length value? same as the 0.050000 from the previous portion? a value of 50 for duration on this CA can't be seconds, it's nearly instant.

Value of 4... target changing? (Chain lightning... have to see what else uses a 4 at the end.

Value of 9... I really don't know what et_damage_magic_rel is supposed to be, starting at 0 and increasing by 2 per level.


Starting with chain lightning: 80% chance of arcing. +0.1% per level? (At level 200 that'd mean 100% chance of arcing... meaning perhaps at high enough levels it can hit very many enemies?) I would suspect that the chance is halved at each jump, or something of the sort.


Confuse: effect debuff Enemy Attack Worth(?) (EAW), 150% debuff as per following formula, with a 2% increase per CA level.


Debuff assumption: I think I know how to apply this debuff value that would conform with all others as well.

Value = Initial value / (1 + debuff%)


Therefore for Confuse it'd be X/2.5 or 40% of initial.


Laggard: if it is X/(1+%) then it'd decrease it to 76.9%... with 0.2% increase per level.


However: Assuming such debuffs work as in S1, the equation is more complex and there would be a (Vs level Y) factor included in there somewhere... The test would be to slow multiple enemies of the same type, who are different levels, and see the effect on each (all on screen running towards you if possible, so you can see who slows most... tricky I know. Plus there might be some sort of Champion/Boss/Etc 'resistance' to the debuff, so it affects them less. Such as Spell Resistance mod? Decreases the effect of any negative statuses as well as increasing the chance they don't affect you?


With an increased effect per level of CA, you will gradually increase the effect vs enemies, improving it's use and allowing it to affect higher levels to a noticeable degree. (CA/5 rule for stun/knockback so to speak)


Chance to Disarm is clear enough, and already in the wiki. 50% makes sense, and it is static at all levels vs equal levelled monsters (I'm assuming you have better odds vs weaker and lesser odds vs stronger, it makes sense as well)


The following 2 seem backwards to me, but I'd have to test ingame to be certain.

Electrify: Assuming the coding is clear, it should be a Damage over time effect of 49 damage + 29.5 damage per level of the CA (this is based on an assumption slightly further down) value of 42 at the end. (But how is this secondary effect... a guaranteed DoT? Once I get the game I'll test these 2 to see what they do exactly)

Potential: Increased chance it will have a lasting effect on the target... I would have called this a DoT, but assuming I'm wrong (Which I suspect I am) then it's simply even worse tooltip fiascos.



Electrify is as stated: DoT

entry8 = {"et_dotdamage_magic", 490, 245, 5, 42 } Damage over time of type Magic: 49 base and 24.5 per level.


Potential is Increased chance to weaken (or electrify according to code)

entry6 = {"et_chance_electrify", 297, 3, 3, 5 } Therefore a 29.7% increased chance to cause status effect of magic damage, with +0.3% per level.


And the Default entries:

Duration as said above would be a value of 50 on a scale of...? Frames perhaps?

Damage magic rel... % increase of magic damage per level so that it scales faster than physical perhaps? I suppose it's possible. (Magic damage relevance?)

The other 2 are straightforward, 49 damage base + 24.5 per level for both magic and physical. One small question, is initial damage with Blitz 49 or 73.5 at level 1 (for each damage type)?


And sorry for all this rambling post... I write as I think and so go off on tangents at times. I do like my assumptions for the first 3 numbers in the tokens since they make sense based on the data (Base, per level, Default vs which upgrade)

Edited by Zinsho
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That's some exceptional work you guys are doing. The one thing that I think I can contribute is on the subject of Cooldown/Regen.


Cooldown is a form of regen, but it's not reduced by skills (xxx Focus) or item mods (that I've found thus far, there may be a higher level item mod that decreases cooldown) & CAs/buffs. "Normal" regen is modded by skills, item mods & CAs/buffs. Cooldown is added to "normal" regen to get the total regen for the skill.

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I didn't really wanna start off by going through the whole code this much at once, just focused on the mods cuz of the poor tooltips and to give the non-code-monkeys a bit of valuable info to start with :o


Sorting rank is unclear with only a single value, perhaps it's the order they appear onscreen?

Yes sorting order is the corresponding numbering for the three subgroups of skills.


Portion 2 seems to be initial effect.



Portion 3 seems to be a per level increase (CA level)

might very well be. :PEdit: yes I think this is highly likely after further study :P


Value = Initial value / (1 + debuff%)

Laggard: if it is X/(1+%) then it'd decrease it to 76.9%... with 0.2% increase per level.

pure speculation here (as are my thoughts :() but why not write 769 instead then, since everything else seems to be spelled out fairly clear. have ascaron used this formula before? I have never played sacred 1 and such has no experience as to what kind of formulas ascaron might use. :P


Starting with chain lightning: 80% chance of arcing. +0.1% per level? (At level 200 that'd mean 100% chance of arcing... meaning perhaps at high enough levels it can hit very many enemies?) I would suspect that the chance is halved at each jump, or something of the sort.

since it has two such upgrades its at most 3 jumps and that would make it ALWAYS hit 3 targets at level 200.


Value of 42 (for debuffs) should be: Value of 42 refers to lasting effects on enemies (including DoT from burn/poison/etc)

Electrify is as stated: DoT

entry8 = {"et_dotdamage_magic", 490, 245, 5, 42 } Damage over time of type Magic: 49 base and 24.5 per level.

haven't tested this yet and yes your explanation is more accurate, I just stated all status effects caused on enemies as debuff ( in this case doin dot dmg) oh well :P


However: Assuming such debuffs work as in S1, the equation is more complex and there would be a (Vs level Y) factor included in there somewhere...



1 Baneful smite and no points in skills/no regen gear on along with the MR values I'll figure out what the formula is and what the value means exactly). 63 seconds seems high, but 6.3 seconds seems low (if it's divide by 10 at level one it would be base + 1 per level).

At level 1 seraphim without equips has 93.1% regen time for all aspects.


One small question, is initial damage with Blitz 49 or 73.5 at level 1 (for each damage type)?




Duration as said above would be a value of 50 on a scale of...? Frames perhaps?

I have found that this to is a percentage of the initial value displayed previous in the code.

duration = 0.050000,

entry0 = {"et_duration_sec", 500, 0, 0, 8 },

would make it 25 milliseconds



eagerly awaiting new theories //Mazari

Edited by Mazari
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About cooldown. It's as Llama8 said. It's additional time before spell start it's regeneration. It's very good to see on Shadow Warrior and one of his CA - Skeleton Tower. Why? Because one of upgrade to this CA give reduction of cooldown. At start cooldown is 20 seconds, but after reduction it's lowered to 6,7s (so approfimately reduction is to 1/3 of normal time for cooldown). That CA will be ideal for testing relations between CA and his upgrades :(

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Not quite (I think) Pitunia, the Cooldown is part of the overall regen time (this being the time it's unavaliable between casts). It may only be a small difference, but Regen = Cooldown (usually static) + regen (decreases with Vitality, Focus skills, item mods, CAs, etc). It might be good if someone could do a bit of testing (or I'll ask a dev tonight if I remember) to see whether the cooldown time is included in the regen time when a different CA is used (& then all CAs in that aspect start to regen), or whether a CA can only regen based on it's regne time (ie, excluding cooldown). For example:


CA A has a regen time of 1 sec & a cooldown time of 59 secs, for a total Regen of 60 seconds (when the CA is used).

CA B has a regen time of 10 secs & no cooldown time.


What happens when A is cast? CA A will start to regen for 60 seconds, but does CA B regen for 10 seconds (since 60>10), or 1 second (since that's the "regen" time for CA A)?

Likewise, what happens when B is cast? CA will CA A regen for 1 second or 10?

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Thx for your input :o


Great that ppl are interested but preferably give some connection to the gamecode in this thread (or maybe we should make a code-thread :()


in your example above for example Edit: skeletal fortification the code displays that the unchangeable 15 sec cooldown completely disappears when picking that upgrade, resulting in only base cooldown + level cooldown (I have not tested this as im not currently at my homecomputer) but I think it is correct, if so I think we got original cooldown times down to a fact.

level 1 should have 22.5 secs cd with 100% aspect regeneration time and 7.5 secs after picking the bronze upgrades.


thx //Mazari

Edited by Mazari
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Some vnc gaming later (funny if you know what I mean :o)




the code wins again :P now I only need a screen from the upgraded version (should display ~7.4 secs)

Leveling is a bit hard thru vnc :( SW starts with 101% aspect regeneration which explains the -0.1 secs



Edited by Mazari
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Value = Initial value / (1 + debuff%)

Laggard: if it is X/(1+%) then it'd decrease it to 76.9%... with 0.2% increase per level.

pure speculation here (as are my thoughts :() but why not write 769 instead then, since everything else seems to be spelled out fairly clear. have ascaron used this formula before? I have never played sacred 1 and such has no experience as to what kind of formulas ascaron might use. :o

They did. Regeneration time formulas for Sacred 1 were of the form: ((Base time + (Per level read + (Per level in gear/2) ) ) / ((1+Physical Regen/100) * (1+Concentration)) For physical arts at least.


Starting with chain lightning: 80% chance of arcing. +0.1% per level? (At level 200 that'd mean 100% chance of arcing... meaning perhaps at high enough levels it can hit very many enemies?) I would suspect that the chance is halved at each jump, or something of the sort.

since it has two such upgrades its at most 3 jumps and that would make it ALWAYS hit 3 targets at level 200.

I only saw one chain lightning upgrade, however I doubt the CA will stop at level 200 so you could reach more than 3 targets potentially.



1 Baneful smite and no points in skills/no regen gear on along with the MR values I'll figure out what the formula is and what the value means exactly). 63 seconds seems high, but 6.3 seconds seems low (if it's divide by 10 at level one it would be base + 1 per level).

At level 1 seraphim without equips has 93.1% regen time for all aspects.


One small question, is initial damage with Blitz 49 or 73.5 at level 1 (for each damage type)?



Aha, well I've solved one portion of this code.

Regeneration time = ( (Cost Base + Cost Level*Level) / ((Stamina Effect) * (1+Skill)...) / 100

At level one that would be (420 + 210) / (0.931) = 676.7 or 6.7 seconds (ok, they drop rather than round it seems)

At level two it would be (420 + 420) / (0.931) = 902.3 or 9.0 Seconds.

Next step will be to figure out how stamina is worked in. 25 Stamina at level 1 = 93.1% regen rate... I don't get it... to be tested when I have a good amount of data.


Damage... I'll make a spreadsheet in class to do some math for it. It just doesn't seem to make sense. Although the values for intelligence would help as well I suspect (I think I have them but for some reason I have combat art damage + xxx/s and that throws me off, that sounds like a melee bonus.


Duration as said above would be a value of 50 on a scale of...? Frames perhaps?

I have found that this to is a percentage of the initial value displayed previous in the code.

duration = 0.050000,

entry0 = {"et_duration_sec", 500, 0, 0, 8 },

would make it 25 milliseconds

Now we'd just need to test the frames per cast for the spell.... Although I'm suspecting that this duration is the time into animation before regeneration/cooldown starts. (BFG and Multi-Hit in Sacred 1 come to mind... your timer started midway through the animation for BFG, while for MH every hit restarted the timer).

Edited by Zinsho
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sry my bad on the two chain upgrades I pulled it from my head at the time and it was for cobolt strike for HE (similar skill)


entry4 = {"et_chance_chain_nr", 800, 1, 2, 4 },

entry5 = {"et_chance_electrify", 400, 4, 3, 5 },

entry6 = {"et_chance_chain_nr", 800, 1, 4, 4 },

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I haven't factored that in yet since I don't have the game as of yet. I played the German demo and fiddled around a bit with it but never installed the English one (For that matter I'd actually have to reboot my machine at home to even run the game since I'm in Ubuntu at the moment.


I know gear affects it (and I suspect that level does as well from what I'd observed). I'll likely look at the values a bit more carefully once I have the game... between my sessions of enjoying the game of course.

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The Stamina tooltip displays the average regen factor for your aspects, you get the specific regens for each aspect if you hover over each aspect name on the CA tab.

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Quite interesting discovery :music:


Did you factor in that the Stamina display includes bonuses/penalties from armor?

If you are asking about the 93.1% I got it from hovering over "celestial magic" in the CA screen

we are working out the basics of the code first and are not close to a perfect complete formula for the whole game (yet) :)



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Damage Calculations: (Draft 1)


Spell damage appears to follow this rule (part of it seems odd... but at the same time seems right to me, and I'm not sure why.)

Note: This is based on Spells.txt, displayed damage will omit the 'odd' portion of the formula


Raw = Base Damage + (Damage per level * level)

Modified Damage = Raw * (Int/2) * (Skill/item mods) (I'm assuming * mods since I can't test it)


The above 2 lines apply to both onscreen damage and to Spell.txt, the oddity is what follows.

To convert from Spell.txt to Displayed Damage you need to perform the above for every damage type individually (Physical, Ice, Magic, Fire, Poison).


Damage = Truncate((Modified Damage/10) / 4)

(Truncate means remove all decimal values)


I cannot tell you why it's /4 however doing it according to this formula does fit level 1 and level 2 Baneful Smites and the truncating requirement fits with how values are often treated.



Baneful Smite:

Level 1 = 40 Damage

Level 2 = 54 Damage

Seraphim Base Int = 25


Base Damage = 490

Per Level = 245


Level 1:

490+245 = 735

735 * 1.125 = 826.9

826.9 / 40 (/4 /10) = 20.67 = 20

2 element types means 20*2 = 40


Level 2:

490 + (245*2) = 980

980 * 1.125 = 110.25

110.25 / 40 = 27.56 = 27

27 * 2 = 54.


Skeletal Fortification:

Level 1 = 29

Level 2 = 40


(I hope I found the right one in German, it fits from what I can tell)

Base Damage = 700

Per Level = 350


Level 1:

700 + 350 = 1050

1050 * int/2 = ...

... / 40 = ?


I don't have the base int value, so I cannot get it for certain... my numbers seem slightly off because to keep Level 1 at 29 and not roll over to 30 then I cannot get level 2 to equal more than 39.8 or so.

So perhaps rounding does occur somewhere, I'm just uncertain where.

Actually... with a slight fiddling of numbers, IF the Shadow Warrior has 29 Int in Mazari's pic above of Skel Fortification then the result would be accurate assuming you truncate after multiplying by Int but before dividing by 4 for Spell.txt damage (Or has taken a skill that increases the damage).



If you are asking about the 93.1% I got it from hovering over "celestial magic" in the CA screen

we are working out the basics of the code first and are not close to a perfect complete formula for the whole game (yet) 1smile.gif




It so happens that at level 1, based on 25 stamina and default equipment, the average Regen state of all Combat Arts is 93.1%. That generic value will increase/decrease based on Stamina, gear and perhaps character level (I know the first two will, the last might but I don't know without testing).

Edited by Zinsho
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