117 files
Officer's Saber
By Hooyaah
Name: Officer's Saber (Version 2.0)
Type: Sword - Saber
Hands: 1
Class: Unique
Sockets: 3 + 1
Socket Types:
Gold : 3
Silver : 0
Bronze : 0
Element: 1
Available Levels: 5, 10, 15, & 20 - 230 Increment 15* **
*Note: This version of Officer's Saber contains only Niob versions of the weapon.
A vast improvement from the previous version, every Officer's Saber in the
accompanying chest file has Niob level attributes and item modifiers. Also, the
sword is now available in the additional levels of ten and fifteen as well.
**Additional Annotation: (For the convenience of Dual-wielding player characters,
two sabers have been included for each level provided.)
Base damage modified by Strength attribute
Affected by Sword Weapons Skill
Modifier (Sword Weapons)
Variable Modifiers:
- Attack Value +X%
- Faster Increase of Survival Bonus +X%
URL: http://www.sacredwiki.org/index.php/Sacred_2:Officer%27s_Saber
Notes: This item drops randomly and rarely throughout all versions of the game (functioning with or without the Community Patch installed).
Be sure to back up your existing chest.sacred2chest file before doing anything! Installing this file will overwrite your Shared tab in your player chest.
For XP, it's located in:
C:\Documents and Settings\<userID>\My Documents\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2
For Vista and Windows 7:
C:\Users\<userID>\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2
Extract the Chest.sacred2chest file from this Zip file and place it in your Saved Games folder.
- Unique Saber
- Unique Sword
- (and 4 more)
By Hooyaah
Name: Excalibran
Type: Sword
Hands: 1
Class: Unique
Sockets: 1 + 1
Socket Types:
Gold : 1
Silver : 0
Bronze : 0
Element: 1
Available Levels: 15 - 205 Increment 10*
*Note: These swords each have Niob quality attributes and modifiers,
yet may be played normally in lower tiers, such as Silver or Bronze.
Modifier (Sword Weapons)
Base damage modified by Strength attribute
Affected by Sword Weapons Skill
Variable Modifiers:
- Regeneration Penalty from Buffs -X%
- Regeneration Time -X%
- Combat Art Skills +X
- Casting Speed +X%
Additional Notes:
The bonuses on Excalibran make it an excellent choice for caster characters.
The name may be a play on the name of King Arthur's legendary sword Excaliber: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Excalibur
URL: http://www.sacredwiki.org/index.php/Sacred_2:Excalibran
Notes: This item drops randomly and rarely throughout all versions of the game (functioning with or without the Community Patch installed).
Be sure to back up your existing chest.sacred2chest file before doing anything! Installing this file will overwrite your Shared tab in your player chest.
For XP, it's located in:
C:\Documents and Settings\<userID>\My Documents\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2
For Vista and Windows 7:
C:\Users\<userID>\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2
Extract the Chest.sacred2chest file from this Zip file and place it in your Saved Games folder.
- Unique Sword
- Strength attribute
- (and 5 more)
Skull Smasher
By Hooyaah
Name: Skull Smasher
Type: Halfted Weapon - Hammer
Hands: 1
Class: Unique
Sockets: 2 + 1
Socket Types:
Gold : 2
Silver : 0
Bronze : 0
Element: 1
Available Levels: 25 - 205 (increment 12)*
*Note: These hammers each have Niob quality attributes and modifiers,
yet may be played normally in lower tiers, such as Silver or Bronze.
Base melee damage modified by Strength attribute
Affected by Hafted Weapons Skill
Variable Modifiers:
Item Modifiers
- Chance to stun opponents +X%**
**Requires the Hafted Weapons skill to unlock this modifier.
- Attack Value +X
- Direct Damage X%***
***This modifier does not appear on the Fallen Angel version. It was added in the Ice and Blood expansion.
URL: http://www.sacredwiki.org/index.php/Sacred_2:Skullsmasher
Be sure to back up your existing chest.sacred2chest file before doing anything! Installing this file will overwrite your Shared tab in your player chest.
For XP, it's located in:
C:\Documents and Settings\<userID>\My Documents\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2
For Vista and Windows 7:
C:\Users\<userID>\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2
Extract the Chest.sacred2chest file from this Zip file and place it in your Saved Games folder.
- Unique Hammer
- Unique Halfted Weapon
- (and 5 more)
Grimwald's Guardian
By Hooyaah
Name: Grimwald's Guardian
Type: Halfted - Club
Hands: 1
Class: Unique
Sockets: 2 + 1
Socket Types:
Gold : 1
Silver : 1
Bronze : 0
Element: 1
Available Levels: 15 & 20 - 200 (Increment 10)*
*Note: These clubs each have Niob quality attributes and modifiers,
yet may be played normally in lower tiers, such as Silver or Bronze.
Base melee damage modified by Strength attribute
Affected by Hafted Weapons Skill
Variable Modifiers:
- Offensive Skills +X
- Attack Value +X%
URL: http://www.sacredwiki.org/index.php/Sacred_2:Grimwald%27s_Guardian
Be sure to back up your existing chest.sacred2chest file before doing anything! Installing this file will overwrite your Shared tab in your player chest.
For XP, it's located in:
C:\Documents and Settings\<userID>\My Documents\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2
For Vista and Windows 7:
C:\Users\<userID>\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2
Extract the Chest.sacred2chest file from this Zip file and place it in your Saved Games folder.
- Strength Attribute
- Hafted Weapons Skill
- (and 2 more)
Djalek's Annihilator
By Hooyaah
Name: Djalek's Annihilator
Type: Energy Pistol
Hands: 1
Class: Unique
Sockets: 2 + 1
Socket Types:
Gold : 1
Silver : 1
Bronze : 0
Element: 1
Available Levels: 18 - 207 (increment 9)*
*Note: Each and every energy pistol of every level contained herein
is of the Niob tier with Niob level power, item modifiers, and attributes.
Energy Pistol Base damage modified by Dexterity attribute
Affected by Ranged Weapons Skill
Variable Modifiers:
Item Modifiers
- Experience per kill +X%
- Offensive Skills +X
- Opponent's defense value -X%
URL: http://www.sacredwiki.org/index.php/Sacred_2:Djalek%27s_Annihilator
Be sure to back up your existing chest.sacred2chest file before doing anything! Installing this file will overwrite your Shared tab in your player chest.
For XP, it's located in:
C:\Documents and Settings\<userID>\My Documents\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2
For Vista and Windows 7:
C:\Users\<userID>\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2
Extract the Chest.sacred2chest file from this Zip file and place it in your Saved Games folder.
- Unique Energy Pistol
- Unique Ranged Weapon
- (and 5 more)
Enui's Swift String
By Hooyaah
Name: Enui's Swift String
Type: Ranged Weapons - Short Bow
Hands: 2
Class: Unique
Sockets: 1 + 1
Socket Types:
Gold : 1
Silver : 0
Bronze : 0
Element: 1
Available Levels: 15 - 205 (Increment 10)*
*Note: The short bows in this chest file each have Niob quality attributes
and modifiers, yet may be played normally in lower tiers, such as Silver or Bronze.
Base damage modified by Dexterity attribute
Affected by Ranged Weapons Skill
Variable Modifiers:
- Regeneration Time -X%
- Chance to disregard armor +X%
- Casting Speed +X%
- Attack Value +X
URL: http://www.sacredwiki.org/index.php/Sacred_2:Enui%27s_Swift_String
Be sure to back up your existing chest.sacred2chest file before doing anything! Installing this file will overwrite your Shared tab in your player chest.
For XP, it's located in:
C:\Documents and Settings\<userID>\My Documents\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2
For Vista and Windows 7:
C:\Users\<userID>\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2
Extract the Chest.sacred2chest file from this Zip file and place it in your Saved Games folder.
- Unique Bow
- Unique Ranged Weapon
- (and 5 more)
Ker's Scepter
By Hooyaah
Name: Ker's Scepter
Type: Hafted - Club
Hands: 1
Class: Unique
Sockets: 2 + 1
Socket Types:
Gold : 1
Silver : 1
Bronze : 0
Element: 1
Available Levels: 15 - 204 (Increment 9)*
*Note: These clubs each have Niob quality attributes and modifiers,
yet may be played normally in lower tiers, such as Silver or Bronze.
Base melee damage modified by Strength attribute
Affected by Hafted Weapons Skill
Variable Modifiers:
- Life leeched per hit +X
- Strength +X
- Attack Value +X
Supplemental Note: Ker is the goddess of chaos and evil in the world of Sacred 2:
URL: http://www.sacredwiki.org/index.php/Sacred_2:Ker%27s_Scepter
Be sure to back up your existing chest.sacred2chest file before doing anything! Installing this file will overwrite your Shared tab in your player chest.
For XP, it's located in:
C:\Documents and Settings\<userID>\My Documents\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2
For Vista and Windows 7:
C:\Users\<userID>\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2
Extract the Chest.sacred2chest file from this Zip file and place it in your Saved Games folder.
- Unique Club
- Unique Halfted Weapon
- (and 3 more)
Dyashea's Hunter
By Hooyaah
Name: Dyashea's Hunter
Type: Ranged Weapons - Short Bow
Hands: 2
Class: Unique
Sockets: 2 + 1
Socket Types:
Gold : 1
Silver : 1
Bronze : 0
Element: 1
Available Levels: 12 - 201 (Increment 7)*
*Note: The short bows in this chest file each have Niob quality attributes
and modifiers, yet may be played normally in lower tiers, such as Silver or Bronze.
Base damage modified by Dexterity attribute
Affected by Ranged Weapons Skill
Variable Modifiers:
- Chance that opponents cannot evade attacks +X%
- Ranged Weapons +X
- Attack Speed +X%
URL: http://www.sacredwiki.org/index.php/Sacred_2:Dyashea%27s_Hunter
Be sure to back up your existing chest.sacred2chest file before doing anything! Installing this file will overwrite your Shared tab in your player chest.
For XP, it's located in:
C:\Documents and Settings\<userID>\My Documents\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2
For Vista and Windows 7:
C:\Users\<userID>\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2
Extract the Chest.sacred2chest file from this Zip file and place it in your Saved Games folder.
- Unique Ranged Weapons
- Unique Bows
- (and 7 more)
Nadjii's Splitter
By Hooyaah
Name: Nadjii's Splitter
Type: Axe
Hands: 1
Class: Unique
Sockets: 1 + 1
Socket Types:
Gold : 1
Silver : 0
Bronze : 0
Element: 1
Available Levels: 15 - 210 (increment 15)*
*Note: These axes each have Niob quality attributes and modifiers,
yet may be played normally in lower tiers, such as Silver or Bronze.
Base melee damage modified by Strength attribute
Affected by Hafted Weapons Skill
Variable Modifiers:
Item Modifiers
- Strength +X%
- Regeneration Time -X%
- Regeneration per hit +X
Additional Note: Because this weapon has the above modifiers, it is especially useful for player characters
employing a combat art which deals weapon based damage.
URL: http://www.sacredwiki.org/index.php/Sacred_2:Nadjii%27s_Splitter
Be sure to back up your existing chest.sacred2chest file before doing anything! Installing this file will overwrite your Shared tab in your player chest.
For XP, it's located in:
C:\Documents and Settings\<userID>\My Documents\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2
For Vista and Windows 7:
C:\Users\<userID>\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2
Extract the Chest.sacred2chest file from this Zip file and place it in your Saved Games folder.
- Unique Axe
- Unique Halfted Weapon
- (and 5 more)
Pirita's Bone Staff
By Hooyaah
Name: Pirita's Bone Staff
Type: Magic Staff
Hands: 2
Class: Unique
Sockets: 2 + 1
Socket Types:
Gold : 1
Silver : 1
Bronze : 0
Element: 1
Available Levels: 15 - 215 (Increment 20)*
*Note: These magic staffss each have Niob quality attributes and modifiers,
yet may be played normally in lower tiers, such as Silver or Bronze.
Base melee damage modified by Intelligence attribute
Affected by Magic Staffs Skill
Variable Modifiers:
- Ancient Magic +X
- Casting Speed +X%
- Chance for Burn +X%
URL: http://www.sacredwiki.org/index.php/Sacred_2:Pirita%27s_Bone_Staff
Be sure to back up your existing chest.sacred2chest file before doing anything! Installing this file will overwrite your Shared tab in your player chest.
For XP, it's located in:
C:\Documents and Settings\<userID>\My Documents\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2
For Vista and Windows 7:
C:\Users\<userID>\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2
Extract the Chest.sacred2chest file from this Zip file and place it in your Saved Games folder.
- Unique Magic Staffs
- Magic Staffs Skill
- (and 5 more)
Dark Guardian
By Hooyaah
Name: Dark Guardian
Type: Sword
Hands: 1
Class: Unique
Sockets: 1 + 1
Socket Types:
Gold : 1
Silver : 0
Bronze : 0
Element: 1
Available Levels: 15 - 200 Increment 5*
*Note: These swords each have Niob quality attributes and modifiers,
yet may be played normally in lower tiers, such as Silver or Bronze.
Modifier (Sword Weapons)
Base damage modified by Strength attribute
Affected by Sword Weapons Skill
Variable Modifiers:
- Damage of enraged players +X%
- Chance to fear opponents away +X%
- Sword Weapons +X
- Attack Value +X
- Defense Value +X
URL: http://www.sacredwiki.org/index.php/Sacred_2:Dark_Guardian
Notes: This item drops randomly and rarely throughout all versions of the game (functioning with or without the Community Patch installed).
Be sure to back up your existing chest.sacred2chest file before doing anything! Installing this file will overwrite your Shared tab in your player chest.
For XP, it's located in:
C:\Documents and Settings\<userID>\My Documents\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2
For Vista and Windows 7:
C:\Users\<userID>\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2
Extract the Chest.sacred2chest file from this Zip file and place it in your Saved Games folder.
- Unique Sword
- Strength attribute
- (and 6 more)
Jhavoler's Energizer
By Hooyaah
Name: Jhavoler's Energizer
Type: Energy Pistol
Hands: 1
Class: Unique
Sockets: 1 + 1
Socket Types:
Gold : 1
Silver : 0
Bronze : 0
Element: 1
Available Levels: 5, 10, 17 - 202 (increment 5)*
*Note: Each and every energy pistol of every level contained herein
is of the Niob tier with Niob level item modifiers and attributes.
Base damage modified by Dexterity attribute
Affected by Ranged Weapons Skill
Item Modifiers
- Damage of enraged players +X%
- Attack Speed +X%
- Attack Value +X
URL: http://www.sacredwiki.org/index.php/Sacred_2:Jhavoler%27s_Energizer
Be sure to back up your existing chest.sacred2chest file before doing anything! Installing this file will overwrite your Shared tab in your player chest.
For XP, it's located in:
C:\Documents and Settings\<userID>\My Documents\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2
For Vista and Windows 7:
C:\Users\<userID>\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2
Extract the Chest.sacred2chest file from this Zip file and place it in your Saved Games folder.
Important Note: Each selection now has Niob Quality Attbibutes and Modifiers.
- Unique Energy Pistol
- Dexterity attribute
- (and 4 more)
Hammer Of Heroes
By Hooyaah
Name: Hammer Of Heroes
Type: Halfted Weapon - Hammer
Hands: 1
Class: Unique
Sockets: 1 + 1
Socket Types:
Gold : 1
Silver : 0
Bronze : 0
Element: 1
Available Levels: 25 - 205 (increment 30)
*Note: These hammers each have Niob quality attributes and modifiers,
yet may be played normally in lower tiers, such as Silver or Bronze.
Base melee damage modified by Strength attribute
Affected by Hafted Weapons Skill
Variable Modifiers:
Item Modifiers
- Strength +X%
- Regeneration Time -X%
- Chance that opponents cannot evade attacks +X%
(Requires the Hafted Weapons skill to unlock this modifier)
- Chance to inflict deep wounds +X%
(Requires mastery of the Hafted Weapons skill to unlock this modifier)
URL: http://www.sacredwiki.org/index.php/Sacred_2:Hammer_of_Heroes
Be sure to back up your existing chest.sacred2chest file before doing anything! Installing this file will overwrite your Shared tab in your player chest.
For XP, it's located in:
C:\Documents and Settings\<userID>\My Documents\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2
For Vista and Windows 7:
C:\Users\<userID>\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2
Extract the Chest.sacred2chest file from this Zip file and place it in your Saved Games folder.
- Strength attribute
- Hafted Weapons Skill
- (and 6 more)
Pyx's Cudgel Of Admonishment
By Hooyaah
Name: Pyx's Cudgel Of Admonishment
Type: Halfted - Club
Hands: 1
Class: Unique
Sockets: 2 + 1
Socket Types:
Gold : 1
Silver : 1
Bronze : 0
Element: 1
Available Levels: 16 - 202 (Increment 6)*
*Note: These clubs each have Niob quality attributes and modifiers,
yet may be played normally in lower tiers, such as Silver or Bronze.
Base damage modified by Strength attribute
Affected by Halfted Weapons Skill
Variable Modifiers:
- Hitpoint Regeneration +X/s
- Chance to knock back opponents +X%
- Opponent's armor: Physical -X%
URL: http://www.sacredwiki.org/index.php/Sacred_2:Pyx%27s_Cudgel_of_Admonishment
Be sure to back up your existing chest.sacred2chest file before doing anything! Installing this file will overwrite your Shared tab in your player chest.
For XP, it's located in:
C:\Documents and Settings\<userID>\My Documents\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2
For Vista and Windows 7:
C:\Users\<userID>\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2
Extract the Chest.sacred2chest file from this Zip file and place it in your Saved Games folder.
- Strength attribute
- Halfted Weapons Skill
- (and 4 more)
Memetar's Protector
By Hooyaah
Name: Memetar's Protector
Type: Halfted Weapon - Hammer
Hands: 1
Class: Unique
Sockets: 1 + 1
Socket Types:
Gold : 1
Silver : 0
Bronze : 0
Element: 1
Available Levels: 20 - 200 (Increment 6)*
*Note: These hammers each have Niob quality attributes and modifiers,
yet may be played normally in lower tiers, such as Silver or Bronze.
Base melee damage modified by Strength attribute
Affected by Hafted Weapons Skill
Variable Modifiers:
- Damage mitigation: Physical +X%
- Chance to knock back opponents +X%
- Attack Value +X
- Defense Value +X
URL: http://www.sacredwiki.org/index.php/Sacred_2:Memetar%27s_Protector
Note: The ice damage on this weapon is extra bonus damage, giving
Memetar's Protector much higher base damage than similar hammers.
Be sure to back up your existing chest.sacred2chest file before doing anything! Installing this file will overwrite your Shared tab in your player chest.
For XP, it's located in:
C:\Documents and Settings\<userID>\My Documents\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2
For Vista and Windows 7:
C:\Users\<userID>\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2
Extract the Chest.sacred2chest file from this Zip file and place it in your Saved Games folder.
- Damage mitigation
- Strength attribute
- (and 6 more)
Thunder Staff
By Hooyaah
Name: Thunder Staff
Type: 1h Ranged Energy Weapon
Class: Sacred 2 Unique Items
Available Sockets 1 + 1
Socket Types:
Gold : 1
Silver : 0
Bronze : 0
Element: 1
Available levels: 15 - 201 Increment (6)*
*Note: Each of these energy weapons have Niob quality attributes and modifiers,
yet they may be played normally in lower tiers, such as Silver or Bronze.
Modifier: Ranged Weapons
Base damage modified by Dexterity attribute
Affected by Ranged Weapons Skill
Item Modifiers:
- Ranged Weapons +X
- Attack Value +X%
- Attack Speed +X%
- Chance for Burn +X%
Wiki Page: http://www.sacredwiki.org/index.php/Sacred_2:Thunder_Staff
Be sure to back up your existing chest.sacred2chest file before doing anything! Installing this file will overwrite your Shared tab in your player chest.
For XP, it's located in:
C:\Documents and Settings\<userID>\My Documents\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2
For Vista and Windows 7:
C:\Users\<userID>\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2
Extract the Chest.sacred2chest file from this Zip file and place it in your Saved Games folder.
- Dexterity attribute
- Ranged Weapons Skill
- (and 4 more)
Death's Chirr
By Hooyaah
Name: Death's Chirr
Type: Energy Pistol
Hands: 1
Class: Unique
Sockets: 1 + 1
Socket Types:
Gold : 1
Silver : 0
Bronze : 0
Element: 1
Available Levels: 10 - 202 (increment 6)*
*Note: Each and every energy pistol of every level contained herein
is of the Niob tier with Niob level item modifiers, and attributes.
Energy Pistol Base damage modified by Dexterity attribute
Affected by Ranged Weapons Skill
Variable Modifiers:
Item Modifiers
Direct Damage X%
Opponent level for death blow X%
Conversion Physical to Fire +X%
Defense Value +X
URL: http://www.sacredwiki.org/index.php/Sacred_2:Death%27s_Chirr
Be sure to back up your existing chest.sacred2chest file before doing anything! Installing this file will overwrite your Shared tab in your player chest.
For XP, it's located in:
C:\Documents and Settings\<userID>\My Documents\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2
For Vista and Windows 7:
C:\Users\<userID>\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2
Extract the Chest.sacred2chest file from this Zip file and place it in your Saved Games folder.
Important Note: Each selection now has Niob Quality Attbibutes and Modifiers.
- Dexterity attribute
- Ranged Weapons Skill
- (and 6 more)
By Hooyaah
Name: Pulsar
Type: Energy Pistol
Hands: 1
Class: Unique
Sockets: 1 + 1
Socket Types:
Gold : 1
Silver : 0
Bronze : 0
Element: 1
Available Levels: 12 - 204 (increment 12)*
*Note: Each and every throwing dagger of every level contained herein
is of the Niob tier with Niob level power, item modifiers, and attributes.
Energy Pistol Base damage modified by Dexterity attribute
Affected by Ranged Weapons Skill
Variable Modifiers:
Item Modifiers
Chance for deadly wounds +X%
Experience per kill +X%
Attack Value +X%
Opponent's armor: Physical -X%
URL: http://www.sacredwiki.org/index.php/Sacred_2:Pulsar
Be sure to back up your existing chest.sacred2chest file before doing anything! Installing this file will overwrite your Shared tab in your player chest.
For XP, it's located in:
C:\Documents and Settings\<userID>\My Documents\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2
For Vista and Windows 7:
C:\Users\<userID>\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2
Extract the Chest.sacred2chest file from this Zip file and place it in your Saved Games folder.
- Unique Energy Pistol
- Unique Energy Weapon
- (and 5 more)
Seyr's Blade
By Hooyaah
Name: Seyr's Blade
Type: Swords
Hands: 2
Class: Unique
Sockets: 3 + 1
Socket Types:
Gold : 2
Silver : 1
Bronze : 0
Element: 1
Available Levels: 15 - 207 Increment 12*
*Note: Each and every sword from every level is of the Niob tier
with Niob level power, item modifiers, and attributes.
Modifier (Sword Weapons)
Base melee damage modified by Strength attribute - Affected by Sword Weapons Skill
Item Modifiers
- Chance for critical hits +X% (requires the Sword Weapons skill to unlock this modifier)
- Attack Speed +X% (requires the Sword Weapons skill to unlock this modifier)
URL: http://www.sacredwiki.org/index.php/Sacred_2:Seyr%27s_Klinge
Notes: This item drops randomly and very rarely throughout all versions of the game (functioning with or without the Community Patch installed).
Seyr's Klinge was later named Seyr's Blade in English versions (klinge is the German word for blade)
Be sure to back up your existing chest.sacred2chest file before doing anything! Installing this file will overwrite your Shared tab in your player chest.
For XP, it's located in:
C:\Documents and Settings\<userID>\My Documents\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2
For Vista and Windows 7:
C:\Users\<userID>\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2
Extract the Chest.sacred2chest file from this Zip file and place it in your Saved Games folder.
- Attack Speed
- Chance for critical hits
- (and 3 more)
Xyryna's Parable
By Hooyaah
Name: Xyryna's Parable
Type: Ranged Weapon - Throwing Dagger
Hands: 1
Class: Unique
Sockets: 1 + 1
Socket Types:
Gold : 1
Silver : 0
Bronze : 0
Element: 1
Available Levels: 15 & 200 - 208 (increment 10)
*Note: Each and every throwing dagger of every level contained herein
is of the Niob tier with Niob level power, item modifiers, and attributes.
Type: Throwing Star Base damage modified by Dexterity attribute
Affected by Ranged Weapons Skill
Variable Modifiers:
Item Modifiers
- Chance to inflict open wounds +X%
- Attack Speed
Additional Note: The ice damage on this weapon is actually additional bonus damage,
which means it will have significantly higher base damage than similar throwing daggers of the same level.
URL: http://www.sacredwiki.org/index.php/Sacred_2:Xyryna%27s_Parable
Be sure to back up your existing chest.sacred2chest file before doing anything! Installing this file will overwrite your Shared tab in your player chest.
For XP, it's located in:
C:\Documents and Settings\<userID>\My Documents\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2
For Vista and Windows 7:
C:\Users\<userID>\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2
Extract the Chest.sacred2chest file from this Zip file and place it in your Saved Games folder.
- Attack Speed
- Chance to inflict open wounds
- (and 4 more)
Lorga's Sword
By Hooyaah
Name: Lorga's Sword
Type: Swords
Hands: 2
Class: Unique
Sockets: 3 + 1
Socket Types:
Gold : 2
Silver : 1
Bronze : 0
Element: 1
Available Levels: 24 - 199 (Increment 5)*
*Note: Each and every sword from every level is of the Niob tier
with Niob level power, item modifiers, and attributes.
Modifier (Sword Weapons)
Base melee damage modified by Strength attribute - Affected by Sword Weapons Skill
Item Modifiers
- All combat arts +X
- Offensive Skills +X
URL: http://www.sacredwiki.org/index.php/Sacred_2:Lorga%27s_Sword
Notes: *This item drops randomly and very rarely throughout all versions of the game (functioning with or without the Community Patch installed).
Be sure to back up your existing chest.sacred2chest file before doing anything! Installing this file will overwrite your Shared tab in your player chest.
For XP, it's located in:
C:\Documents and Settings\<userID>\My Documents\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2
For Vista and Windows 7:
C:\Users\<userID>\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2
Extract the Chest.sacred2chest file from this Zip file and place it in your Saved Games folder.
- Sword Weapons Skill
- Strength attribute
- (and 3 more)
Iridescent Wand
By Hooyaah
Name: Iridescent Wand
Type: Pole Arms
Hands: 2
Class: Unique
Sockets: 2 + 1
Socket Types:
Gold : 0
Silver : 2
Bronze : 0
Element: 1
Available Levels: 12 - 204 (Increment 12)*
*Note: The pole arms in this chest file each have Niob quality attributes
and modifiers, yet may be played normally in lower tiers, such as Silver or Bronze.
Base damage modified by Dexterity Attribute
Affected by Pole Arms Skill
Variable Modifiers:
Life leeched per hit +X
Attack Speed +X%
Attack Value +X
Defense Value +X
URL: http://www.sacredwiki.org/index.php/Sacred_2:Iridescent_Wand
Be sure to back up your existing chest.sacred2chest file before doing anything! Installing this file will overwrite your Shared tab in your player chest.
For XP, it's located in:
C:\Documents and Settings\<userID>\My Documents\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2
For Vista and Windows 7:
C:\Users\<userID>\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2
Extract the Chest.sacred2chest file from this Zip file and place it in your Saved Games folder.
- Defense Value
- Attack Value
- (and 3 more)
Ronthron's Legacy
By Hooyaah
Name: Ronthron's Legacy
Type: Pole Arms
Hands: 2
Class: Unique
Sockets: 2 + 1
Socket Types:
Gold : 1
Silver : 1
Bronze : 0
Element: 1
Available Levels: 15 & 20 - 202 (Increment 13)*
*Note: The pole arms in this chest file each have Niob quality attributes
and modifiers, yet may be played normally in lower tiers, such as Silver or Bronze.
Base damage modified by Dexterity Attribute
Affected by Pole Arms Skill
Variable Modifiers:
- Attack Value +X%
- Chance for Weaken +X%
URL: http://www.sacredwiki.org/index.php/Sacred_2:Ronthron%27s_Legacy
Be sure to back up your existing chest.sacred2chest file before doing anything! Installing this file will overwrite your Shared tab in your player chest.
For XP, it's located in:
C:\Documents and Settings\<userID>\My Documents\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2
For Vista and Windows 7:
C:\Users\<userID>\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2
Extract the Chest.sacred2chest file from this Zip file and place it in your Saved Games folder.
- Dexterity Attribute
- Pole Arms Skill
- (and 3 more)
Impaler Of Heroes
By Hooyaah
Name: Impaler Of Heroes
Type: Pole Arms - Halberd
Hands: 2
Class: Unique
Sockets: 2 + 1
Socket Types:
Gold : 1
Silver : 1
Bronze : 0
Element: 1
Available Levels: 14 - 206 (Increment 12)*
*Note: The pole arms in this chest file each have Niob quality attributes
and modifiers, yet may be played normally in lower tiers, such as Silver or Bronze.
Base damage modified by Strength attribute
Affected by Pole Arms Skill
Variable Modifiers:
- Chance to hit additional opponents +X% (requires the Pole Arms skill to unlock this modifier)
- Attack Value +X
- Direct Damage X%
URL: http://www.sacredwiki.org/index.php/Sacred_2:Impaler_of_Heroes
Be sure to back up your existing chest.sacred2chest file before doing anything! Installing this file will overwrite your Shared tab in your player chest.
For XP, it's located in:
C:\Documents and Settings\<userID>\My Documents\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2
For Vista and Windows 7:
C:\Users\<userID>\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2
Extract the Chest.sacred2chest file from this Zip file and place it in your Saved Games folder.
- Strength attribute
- Pole Arms Skill
- (and 4 more)
Testa's Annihilator
By Hooyaah
Name: Testa's Annihilator
Type: 1h Ranged Energy Weapon
Class: Sacred 2 Unique Items
Available Sockets 2 + 1
Socket Types:
Gold : 2
Silver : 0
Bronze : 0
Element: 1
Available levels: 12 - 204 Increment (8)*
*Note: Each of these energy weapons have Niob quality attributes and modifiers,
yet they may be played normally in lower tiers, such as Silver or Bronze.
Modifier: Ranged Weapons
Base damage modified by Dexterity attribute
Affected by Ranged Weapons Skill
Item Modifiers:
- Chance for Weaken +X%
- Chance for Burn +X%
- Chance for Poison +X%
- Chance for Freeze +X%
- Experience per kill +X%
- Attack Value +X
Wiki Page: http://www.sacredwiki.org/index.php/Sacred_2:Testa%27s_Annihilator
Be sure to back up your existing chest.sacred2chest file before doing anything! Installing this file will overwrite your Shared tab in your player chest.
For XP, it's located in:
C:\Documents and Settings\<userID>\My Documents\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2
For Vista and Windows 7:
C:\Users\<userID>\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2
Extract the Chest.sacred2chest file from this Zip file and place it in your Saved Games folder.
- Dexterity attribute
- Ranged Weapons Skill
- (and 8 more)
Our picks
Rune Stacking - Yes or No?
Flix posted a topic in Sacred 2 Community Patch,
We can add the ability to stack runes. Doing so will save inventory space. But, it will also make the bonuses on all runes in the stack identical. So, if you have a low level Darting Assault Rune with +1 Darting Assault and 2.0% Chance to Poison, then every Darting Assault rune you pick up afterwards will be added to that stack and the bonuses conformed to match it.
Sacred 2 players, is this trade-off worth it?-
- 51 replies
Picked By
Schot, -
[Dev] Diablo 2 Fallen mod for Sacred 2
Flix posted a topic in Diablo 2 Fallen,
Are you ready for a brand new Sacred 2 experience?
Presenting a new mod for Sacred 2 CM 1.50:
Diablo 2 Fallen
Latest update as of July 27, 2017!
Download the latest test release: Diablo 2 Fallen Beta 9
Diablo 2 Fallen is on SacredWiki! Get all the in-depth info and details on the mod!
7 completely overhauled character classes with brand new combat arts, runes, skills and voices
The worlds of Ancaria and Sanctuary merged - the lore of both games has been combined
6 new deities with new divine gifts, god statues, and quests (see list below)
Dozens of new enemy designs, creature overhauls, plus new hero monsters and bosses (read about them in the D2F Creatures Thread)
New Diablo-inspired user interface, loading screens, fx, and shrines (read about them HERE)
Complete soundtrack and sound effects revamp (see link for D2F Music Pack download above)
Gems, jewels, and charms integrated into gameplay
New items: Necromancer Shrunken Heads, Amazon Trophies, Throwing Axes, Magic Wands, and more!
Overhaul and rebalance for old item designs and modifiers
Better quest rewards for bosses and chain quests - find more uniques and special items through questing!See full list of new quest rewards HERE.
Elite Mounts project custom version integrated into mod.
Custom integration of Survival Mod: Fight more powerful and aggressive enemies - with better XP & rewards!
Custom version of Wardust's Serious Textures built in - No need for separate download
Item Mod 1.2a and Reduced Fog Mod integrated
Rewrites for character class quests (in progress, Druid quest is partially complete)
Mercenaries. Hire past heroes from Sacred 1 to join you in your battles! (in progress)
New Diablo-related quests (in progress)
Old enemies have been redesigned, and all kinds of new enemies will appear across the map. Look out for the new bosses and "super-unique" elite enemies that will have special abilities. Read about all the enemies in the Diablo 2 Fallen Creatures Thread.-
- 1,076 replies
Picked By
Schot, -