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Vanilla Drops for Community Patch 1.60 1.0.0

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About This File

Vanilla Drops for Sacred 2 Community Patch 1.60
* This mod is meant to be installed on top of Community Patch 1.60. It removes all fan-created items from the game.
    ** This includes almost all the unique items listed here: Community_Patch_Unique_Items
    ** This also includes most every CM set listed here:  Community_Patch_Set_Items
* Developer-created items that were unlocked/restored by the Community Patch will still be present. This is a very small number of items & sets.
* Fan-created items will simply stop dropping; they will not be erased if the character already has some in their inventory.
* The intention of this mod is to stop fan-made items from crowding the drop lists and out-competing vanilla items. Using this patch is a quick alternative solution to rebuilding the patch entirely with the items scrubbed out.

Requirements and Compatibility
* This mod requires Sacred 2 + Ice & Blood expansion with the latest patch (2.65.02) installed (or simply Sacred 2 Gold).
* This mod additionally requires that Community Patch 1.60 be installed.
* This mod will break any other mod that changes drop.txt.  It won't work with Sacred 2 Enhanced Edition or Diablo 2 Fallen.

Install Instructions
* Download the Generic Mod Enabler (GME) and install it to your Sacred 2 root folder.
    ** Mod Enabler is available at http://www.softpedia.com/get/Others/Miscellaneous/Generic-Mod-Enabler.shtml
    ** For Steam the root folder is C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Sacred 2 Gold
    ** For GOG or disk version, the root folder is wherever you installed the game, for example C:\Sacred 2 Gold
* After running the GME once, it will make a folder called "MODS" there.
* Extract/copy/move the contents of the compressed zip file into the "MODS" folder.
* Run the GME and enable your core module.  The GME will back up your clean files and will allow to you to easily enable/disable the mod as you wish.

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Bravo, Sir Flix! This is precisely that for which I was hoping and for the same intention which you mentioned here. I intend to start a new character soon and I shall provide feedback. Thank you for the hard work (as always).

  • Thanks! 1


Since this only changes the drop lists you don't necessarily need to create a new toon, an already fully grown one can take a loot trip around Ancaria and you should be able to spot the differences pretty quickly. I think I'll test drive it with a blank lv.75 toon for that purpose, though I can see that you want to try the whole drop progression.

Thanks Flix!

  • Thanks! 1


Indeed, nevertheless, I will employ any excuse as reason to start a new character. It's just so blasted much fun!



Just a thought/warning on this - reverting to Vanilla drops means your only two sources of added Dexterity from jewelry will the Bar'Tender's Ring and the Hunter's Amulet, since Remnants of Glaurung will go away, so be aware that ranged & melee specs will see a nerf if they build around Dex stacking compared to "normal". Dryads especially will take a hit since the Glaurung set is arguably BiS with the dragon minion from the shrunken head. Melee sword users will see the hit due to how many swords use Dex over Str, particularly those focused in Dual Wield.

From what I can tell, Dex doesn't appear on Yellow/Blue jewelry at all, from what I've seen playing this game for now 4000+ hrs. This may be a bug, because I've seen some of the other stats appear, just not Dex.



Any CM/fan created items will still function with this mod as mentioned. One may download the desired item or items and employ them in the game as usual. Drops could be added in quest.txt so that certain of said items would drop after the completion of particularly difficult, significant, and long chain quests (such as the Epic Office Quest) so that many of the most desirable items could still be obtained. Of course this would require another mod or one would need to do such work on their own.



Yes, another mod it'd be. But since both mods would change the behaviour in different files they'd be 100% compatible.



7 hours ago, thejynxed said:

Just a thought/warning on this - reverting to Vanilla drops means your only two sources of added Dexterity from jewelry will the Bar'Tender's Ring and the Hunter's Amulet, since Remnants of Glaurung will go away, so be aware that ranged & melee specs will see a nerf if they build around Dex stacking compared to "normal". Dryads especially will take a hit since the Glaurung set is arguably BiS with the dragon minion from the shrunken head. Melee sword users will see the hit due to how many swords use Dex over Str, particularly those focused in Dual Wield.

Yes, the stats on the new items were designed to "fill in the gaps" of the vanilla selection.  They were meant to provide modifiers that were lacking on certain item types, or to support builds that were not catered to before.  Without it you're stuck with basically 1 armor set per aspect, and a weapon selection that pretty much favors either 1h melee or 2h ranged.  I'd never go back myself, but I like to help people enjoy the game the way they want.

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Yeah, I am not planning on ever going back because more is better where loot is concerned in any ARPG that...relies on loot (which is all of them with the exception of maybe PoE or Van Helsing, where what you pick in your giant stat/ability tree is more important, and even then they have BiS items, or in the case of Van Helsing, the abilities you choose and when you execute them are far more important). To each their own, I suppose.

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