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Everything posted by DreDBanGeR

  1. awesome innit I'm guessing the paintings will be what the skulls are waiting for Clan DA to do something similar .. ^_^
  2. and again gorgeous artwork I so want to go there and discover.. is it 2015 yet?
  3. Disclaimer: warning, the game you see as background footage is not Unbended, however, it is highly addictive and from the same people who are now making unbended. If you want to know more follow the link provided at the end of this show. no really, click that link!!
  4. a log fire? maybe an unrelated gif with clouds moving or something similar, not distracting but in the background
  5. oof im slacking.. im only checking like every 5 minutes or so
  6. ahh but such a sophisticated play :-) shall I add this or would you like to keep that one to yourself ? ( I'd still add it but on the taken list )
  7. oh ive had some terrible ideas as well .. ps. I took your ichabod and twisted it a bit too
  8. dont drink and fight - many ... many times did I hear that.. and its even worse when you hear it in HC
  9. lol Knuckles .. are you gonna use that one ? otherwise im gonna add it to the list
  10. As Gogo is ever pushing me to post more possible quotations for the skulls in the crypt I decided to indulge in a bit of collection and tinkering with words. if you happen to decide you'd like to use one of the quotes left here pm me so I can add it to the list of used quotes. Mine's : DreDBanGeR - I've allways been a bit of a headcase Used : Heads or Tails? ( from Knuckles ) used by Thorin Oakshield Reserved until otherwise informed : Alas poor Hamlet, I knew him well (from steerpike) they might not all be good, or even funny, its just what comes out of my head at random moments. also ..if you don't get them I'm willing to elaborate but the quote itself might not be for you and of course I'd love to see other peoples ideas Unused : Heads Up! No Naval jokes allowed. Fox Mulder is still believing. it's just a fleshwound. at least im not "nearly Headless" I'd loose my head if it wasn't screwed on rig.... oh wait... Don't get ahead of yourself that was quite a heady brew Anne boleyn's got nothing on me. Am I Missing... a Body:) Quit while you're ahead ( from Knuckles ) I headlined on Place the la Concorde (thnx Rotluchs ) Yes, I knew Ichabod Crane ( from Knuckles ) Guess you could say I got a head start ( from Knuckles ) Wound up dead and lost me head ( from Knuckles ) Seen better heads on cheap beer ( from Knuckles ) If she only hadn't lost her head (Sacred 2 gravequote via Thorin ) I met a Hessian once.... ONCE! I heard the horn but still I went hunting the next day. I may be slow but I'm a head of you ( from Knuckles ) It's all in the head I'm always first on websites! Someone PLEASE scratch my nose! Great! you found my skull, now get the 205 other parts! "I guess I'm heading nowhere now?" ( from Thorin Oakshield ) He always had been more of a head type. ( from Yoshio ) He always lived in his head. He should do just fine now! ( from Yoshio ) He always had been headstrong! From the German proverb "Mit dem Kopf durch die Wand". ( from Yoshio ) Look into my eyes babe ... as there is not much else to see. ( from Yoshio )
  11. yay lets get out the shine and rags ( I had the same issue rotluchs )
  12. eagerly wanting to check if my grave was changed into a skull .. but the site is down patience was never one of my virtues... guess I'll have to get creative in the mean time.. no guarantee on qualitee Heads Up!! No Naval jokes allowed. Fox Mulder is still believing. it's just a fleshwound.
  13. I don't get it. Been a while since I saw the movies. She got beheaded. What Indiana Jones reference is that? Also, shouldn't boleyn be spelled with a capital B? yeah Anne Boleyn with capital B and the indiana jones reference should be seen as a completely seperate idea .. just the whole crystal skull thing
  14. thought up another one: Anne boleyn's got nothing on me. trying to put indiana jones references in it could work too .. but the movie doesn't really deserve it imho edit: bollocks I found my skull engraving in the northern graveyard.. guess its not foolproof yet
  15. after much deliberation I've donated and send in the epitaph for my skull to complement the grave-skull combo. I did have to scrap a couple of options for myself but I'm willing to throw em up for grabs Mine will be : DreDBanGeR -I've allways been a bit of a headcase. I've been brooding on it for a while so maybe I'll add some to the list later : at least im not "nearly Headless" I'd loose my head if it wasn't screwed on rig.... oh wait... that was quite a heady brew
  16. Yah, most "character" I enjoy so far in the classes...though if they brought in a combat mime I'd be all over it gogo "I am catching you in a Box... do you see the box?, I am hauling you in with my invisible lasso... " reminded me of this!!
  17. pretty much except that golden axe was awesome when it first came out..
  18. Big ass dual wielding and able to take care of his own armor and arms... im in
  19. allthough a favorite of many members ive never really gotten into the seraphim builds, I preferred Gladiators Dwarfs and dark elfs, but this gambler is something worth looking at. tho knowing me I will probably start out with the blademaster.. unless of course they sneak in an axe wielding man of small stature
  20. Oh im so getting a skull to complement my grave, just not quite sure how to engrave it ( allthough I do have an idea )
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