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Everything posted by cider_steve

  1. That's good to hear my friend. No-one likes a warm beer ! I hope that you and your fridge have a long and happy relationship.
  2. Thanks for the reply mate. I guess that makes sense as it's so close to the release, silly me ! Looking forward, after so long, to the D3 release. Only two things are, that I'm not sure how much game time I have these days, and with a slow broadband how well the game will run, especially as many, many people will be trying to play on the servers at the same time. Bit concerned that I'll spend my short periods of time just trying to get connected. Steve.
  3. Sorry if I'm behind the times, but I was just looking through this site :-Diablo 3 and I see that there is a chance that we will be able to choose the gender of each class ! That's the first I knew of it. Was that available on the beta weekend ? Will there be another beta weekend, or will I have to wait till release now to get any playing in ? Steve.
  4. Thanks for sharing this. Hmmm, an interesting class. Be tricky to master this one I think. Still the DH followed by the barb for me, from what I've seen so far. Steve.
  5. I'm so sorry for the delay Gogo. No, I didn't get a chance to download D3. I'll have to wait till it's released now I think. Steve.
  6. So Masteff, what's the latest on your fridge ? Are you enjoying a cool beer as we talk ?
  7. Hmmm, just seen the video for the monk. Not so taken with that class. The demon hunter is definitely the one that I want to play first, thus far, though the barb does look cool too.
  8. Thankyou for sharing these vid's. The hunter looks bloody brilliant ! These vid's have pretty much made up my mind, as I was rather sitting on the fence up till now. I wanted to play D3, but didn't want to be forced to create a Battle.net account and have to always be online to play, etc. But I would be a fool to miss out on an epic game like this for a few small roadblocks, tbh. Steve.
  9. Sunshine and showers here.............and pretty cold too !
  10. By scraping a win against Sri Lanka, we just managed to hang onto the number one spot............just ! Took a couple of great performances though. Brilliant 151 by pieterson at nearly a run a ball, and 10 wickets in the match by Swan. Important summer for England. We will need to be at our best to retain top status.
  11. Oops, I'm a bit late,but.............. hi and welcome from me !
  12. Ouch, sorry to hear that mate. Do you have access to a desktop ?
  13. Sadly work has been crazy busy this past week or so, so no gaming at all...............but I plan to make up for that this bank holiday weekend. Well, as long as my on-call bleeper don't buzz or phone ring with prob's from work *gulp* ! Can't wait to get down to some good old fashioned rpging. Steve.
  14. Hey there. Haven't spotted this year's Easter thread, so I thought I'd start one up. Is anyone going away for the weekend ? Anyone planning suicide by chocolate overdose ?! Here's a question for ya, and please don't be offended as it is only tongue-in-cheek :- "Is it right to celebrate a 2000 year old murder" ? Anyway, what ever yer up to, I hope you have a nice time. Steve.
  15. What am I, the dreaded thread killa ?! Well, I'll take a flat white coffee barman, and I apologise for da slow business ! If there is life out there, I hope you have a good weekend. Steve.
  16. I must admit, I've gone a little nuts with this game and am obsessed with quest hunting ! Can't get enough.
  17. Hi. I know some of you are also members of the SIF community. Those who are will remember a great guy called Mactak. He was unwell for some time and sadly passed away yesterday. There is a thread in his name in the SIF for those who wish to leave a comment. Steve.
  18. You are spot on Steve. The more I play the bigger the game seems to get ! I've played for around 80 hours and completed close to 120 quests and I have still got so much left to get to. I'm playing pure mage, and as soon as I finish, I'm going to give a fighter a go, as I've found some top gear for physical warfare. Hmmm, bit worried about what you've said about the finale. Surely they'll come up with a patch for that ? Steve.
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