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Everything posted by Aegis

  1. More forgiving? Depends on the group you talk to. Fanboys who, as one youtuber so eloquently put it, worship pieces of plastic, pretty much go beyond mere 'forgiveness', and hit along the levels of 'eat any <expletive> you shovel'. Actual fans, on the other hand? The type who care enough about a game to express their real feelings? The most 'forgiveness' you might see would be a 'try and see for sure' approach, just so, at worst, they don't feel 'judgmental'. Beyond that? Torches, pitchforks, guns, bombs, and anything they could get their hands on including the proverbial kitchen sink. Either that, or we don't buy their <expletive>, which is still the best way to show them exactly how forgiving we truly are.
  2. I'm not a fan of shopping either, but I have found especially in niobium how important having bargaining is, particularly in the area of rings and amulets. Those items are absolute trash without bargaining in there. You definitely would want to designate at least one character as a shopper. And if it wasn't bugged on console, I would've chosen blacksmith as another skill to use. Being able to forge without a blacksmith around, socketing rings into bronze slots and amulets into silver slots is very useful. Then there's the fact that at mastery there's a chance to remove items without loss. Nice to have when you have, say, an Officer's Saber.
  3. Dang, it's been two years since I posted on this thread? O.o; Yeah, you can never go wrong with having toughness. Add spell resistance, and you pretty much have the build for the dual wielding defensive SW.
  4. I hope so, too. Four minute episodes with abrupt ends made much of first season feel jarring. As for this episode, from food fight to card games, I wish my school was that awesome back in the day. ;p Ozpin still remains one of my favs, always liked scenes involving him. Then we have the ending. They just had to show up.
  5. Welcome back, wolfie. Most epic food fight EVAR? O.O;
  6. Thanks. Nice and simple, figured they look good on her, too.
  7. Character from my old, Killer Instinct fanboy days, Black Orchid:
  8. Combat reflexes for console. Spell resistance does little for you as no enemies on console has anything damaging enough to warrant its use. Either that, or you could use a shuriken instead of a bow or blowpipe and opt for shield lore to take advantage of shields.
  9. Joulurotta, regen time refers to the amount of time it takes to use a CA to 'recharge' before it can be used again, so changing your attack speed or casting speed won't do anything for you if the amount of time it takes for you to wait to use pelting strikes again is way too high. Like me, however, you are on console, so if you get far enough in this game, you can circumvent this by socketing rph rings, particularly of the platinum variety and up. Since the seraphim doesn't miss much with pelting strikes, particularly with battle stance on, your regen would practically be over and done with after her billionth hit, allowing you to throw another pelting strikes again, and again, and again, and again, meaning you can go above the 2-3 second regen mark if you so choose. Can't really answer your second question, but I'm of the impression you'd need to go beyond mastery to be able to eventually wear the highest level equipment possible, but you don't need to go crazy on the skill points to do so.
  10. My only issue is why pick up Sacred in the first place? However big or small the money spent, that is still a waste to buy the series only to essentially ditch it.
  11. I'd LOVE to be as optimistic about this, and I would like to think that companies do know what they're doing... but unfortunately, especially within these past few years, I'd have to sadly disagree with you. Look no further than Microsoft and what they tried to do with the XBox One; they botched their marketing so much with the DRM, the mandatory Kinect, and the constant TV talk that many XBox fans ended up ditching that console for Sony's PS4. Best part, Microsoft claimed to have done their research and expected the backlash, but the moment they saw how bad it really was, they did a 180 and reversed their policies. So that went real well. And do not get me started on Nintendo. Old skool fans are heartbroken to see what they've done wit the WiiU, and THAT is a topic unto itself. Companies are not infallible, so I would have to say that Deep Silver does not really know what they're doing with the Sacred brand. I could understand if they're making changes to a game where the initial installment absolutely blew chunks, or if the game did not garner a lot of attention to the point where it warrants such a makeover, but those would have to be extreme cases. Tomb Raider I see happened the way it did because the series turned into utter trash and needed the makeover. Otherwise, omega hit it on the head with his statement, a massive change to a series often backfires and gives bad press. I don't know if the game will turn out well or not, but when I see 'Sacred 3', I expect an ARPG with an open world, not an arcade hack and slash. I can find the latter elsewhere, be it Devil May Cry, or even old skool like, oh, Gauntlet or Golden Axe. Remember, we live in a world where the fan base can turn on you just for changing a voice actor (Metal Gear Solid V), or change a character's hair (DMC: Devil May Cry). Here, we are messing with something much deeper, and that is the core gameplay. And the worse part is the fans were asked for feedback long ago only for all of that to be ignored. A fan who is hardcore into this game as I have been, you're gonna have to do a lot of convincing for me to touch this game, never mind promote word of mouth to the casual who might even consider it.
  12. Welcome back, Dobri. Good to see you, even if a bit on the heartbroken side of things. At this point... there really is little to nothing else left to be said about S3. All we can do is wait and see if the game will be successful or not... though I am reminded of Capcom and the direction they took with the Resident Evil series, along with the crap the company received especially for their sixth entry into the franchise. Or with DmC: Devil May Cry when they handed development over to Ninja Theory, and the controversy THAT one received. Yeah... >>;
  13. Agreed, combat discipline on a high elf is definitely helpful, and not just because of combos. Twenty percent reduction of regeneration upon mastery is notable, and since the high elf cannot reduce regeneration time of spells with rph rings nor be able to use deathblow with said spells, combat discipline is more meaningful for her than to someone like a melee oriented seraphim or shadow warrior. I'm not a fan of combos, mainly because it doesn't always fire off the way you want to, save for temporary buffs. That said, having seen what it's like to spam thorns against mobs, I understand the reason for the nimbus/flare combo as thorns modded for power is not very good in that department. Pyro elf in comparison melts mobs like butter simply through tempest spam. My general thoughts around this.
  14. In all honesty, you can't go wrong with either recharge or reduction. If you're worried about surviving in the beginning, recharge is the way to go. Otherwise, keep it at reduction and make sure your TG survives the early going for the damage mitigation to finally develop. The T-Energy Shroud is far more powerful using reduction as your mod. But then again, in the long term, so long as you be pumping out points to WEL till mastery and socketing items to enhance your energy shields, your T-Energy Shroud will be strong no matter what.
  15. I personally don't find the TG to be any more weaker than, say, the high elf in the early moments. I currently have a TG at gold and have yet to use him as I was busy playing with the pyro elf and ranged dryad, but he's definitely not a pushover. This is also one of the rare times where you probably don't want to dwell over the guides in this forum/wiki and consider more of what YOU want to get out of him. I myself wanted to go melee, so the skills that are pretty much a given for him would be tactics, devout focus, WEL, a weapon lore like a hafted or sword (I went with sword out of preference), armor, and toughness as my backup in case shields fail. Every other space is up in the air for whatever you feel like adding (something I had problems deciding on mine when I first started). Of course, even if you choose to go caster, you still would want the skills I mentioned above save for the weapon lore, plus either source warden skills or lost fusion skills. As for CAs, Deathly Spears was furthest from my mind. Instead, I focused on dedicated blow. Gives immediate results while you have to build up deathly spears over time, plus it is frickin' powerful. Of course, given how squishy he is in the beginning, I modded t-energy shroud first and poured points into WEL as one of my top priority skills. I also prefer combat alert to remain a temporary buff as opposed to a permanent one. As a permanent buff, your benefits get cut in half, and I have no issues with constant recasting. And while both focus and tactics ought to be mastered, if you had to choose one over the other, tactics is definitely the one to go. Focuses in general can be left around 20 points while you master the other skills first. Overall, however you want to develop your TG, I personally approach with the mindset of turning him to a tank or near tank first.
  16. Hm... aside from grinding a little more in order to get your level and other attacks and CAs up, you have any fire based weapons or lava chunks to socket? He is weak against fire.
  17. If not for E3 and Hideo Kojima, I would never have known this song and the album it came from exist: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zasIogAV-tY
  18. I feel you, because, in silver level, that giant tentacle monster has either been one of the easier bosses to deal with, or one of the more annoyng bosses to deal with depending on the amount of damage you can throw at it. Helps even less when your character tends to whiff against something that should be a large target. I can barely remember what I did with my ranged dryad when I first used her save that I think it was a long grind. I'll just throw in how my build went and how I eventually took care of that boss. I'll have to check, but my initial skills were like yours, save that I had focus for nature weaver first, and I chose something other than combat reflexes to unlock armor lore. I also did not leave focuses at just a point, and tried to get them to at least 10 while spreading the other skill points between tactics and armor. I also modded sinister predator first as opposed to ravaged impact and darting assault, using eagle eye, marked shot, and unflinching. My main attack against it was, ravaged impact, which I modded it with perforate, breach, and douoble shot, though I can't remember if it was fully modded by the time I got to that fight. My dryad used a bow instead of a blow pipe, and it was likely a crappy one at that. But, I think, above all else, I killed it while up close. My memory is sketchy, and I can't even recall what level she was in when she fought it, but I think my ranged dryad also whiffed, though namely at a distance. Up close and in its face, she was hitting it, albeit weakly. At least that's what I recall anyways. Kinda defeats the purpose of using ranged. Well, she has since made it to niob, and at this point, damage has been less of a concern for me.
  19. Hope the store won't fuss when you get that exchanged for a proper version.
  20. Thanks, man. Glad to have made your morning. :-)
  21. More color, this time of my design of Bahamut:
  22. Thanks gogo. She definitely looks more lively at least.
  23. Didn't like the last pic I did, so here is a better pic of Kaguya, one that should do her more justice:
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