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Everything posted by Kiyeri

  1. Bacon... yummmm. Id be tempted to try both those items Wolfie... even if eating them might be detrimental to my health. raw meat... Sorry but doubt I could attempt that, the hedgehog sure looks cute though As for the soup, Ummm ya.... NO THANKS (it may taste great, but I couldn't force myself to eat anything that looks like that) Safe to say I'm a really picky eater. It has to smell good, look good and even sound good before Id attempt to see if it tastes good. Id probably starve if I moved elsewhere in the world.
  2. IMO thief is impossible to keep alive in WvW now... hopefully its just cuz we are a target and when ppl stop being angry at all the nasty thieves (I for one didn't pull that crap) it will be just another profession. Might have to rethink my WvW character.
  3. Again I am torn, I hate playing favorites with my children, even if they are just pixels on a screen. I find them all fun to play, and most have their different uses. 3. Toss up between my War (love her new looks), and my newbies Mes (has #2 potential me thinks) and Ele 2.5 Ranger.. since she was my first, and she has tons of memories attached to her (could be higher but she is kinda broken lol) 2. Thief.. I just love the way she fly's trough the air and is just too darn fun to play 1. Necro.. cuz she is just badassss and I love her nightmare gear. Fashion is important you kno and FYI.. she is fully clothed Wygram
  4. This is for Max.. I really cant pick a top 3, I love everywhere in GW2. The graphics are amazing to me even after playing it since Beta. I love how they captured the snow.. to me (it doesnt snow where I am) it looks almost real. Also I love the animations that go off when you use a skill. I must admit tho I am obsessed with the new look my War is currently wearing. I actually paid for a make-over kit and I was sure I would regret spending the money... but IMMMM SOOOOO happy I did it.
  5. Cant wait for the new WvW stuff, AND the end of culling. How many times have we said "We can take them there are only 2 of them" only to find out there was a ZERG. lol I dont think ppl will start at level 1 in WvW, everything will stay the same with the addition of the new stuff. Could be wrong but thats how I read it.
  6. Luhate your Guardian is ossum, I can go full conditionmancer and not worry the least about dying. Not that I don't still die occasionally, but not because the mob is coming after me when I'm in a weakened state due to the downside of vulnerability/bleeds I inflict on myself with the use of my skills.
  7. Unfortunately, Guild Missions have prerequisites that must be purchased before you can run them. Mission unlock Influence costs: Guild Rushes-85K Guild Bounties-66.5K Guild Treks-66.5K Guild Puzzle-80K Isn't our guild too small to participate? We have issues getting a full party together for guild time, how are we going to get 10-15ppl for a mission. Also from what I understand (but might be wrong) if you participate in one started by another guild you do not reap any of the benefits, only the originating guild does. If there is no benefit of participating I can't see it being easy to find the necessary numbers to complete. Also some of the guild missions I am emphatically against participating in the required content. And as for saving for Guild Hall's.... hasn't Anet stated that they are not actively working on implementing them and have no plans to do so in the foreseeable future (see/read original post). It would be nice to get a small token or benefit for all the influence we have earned the guild, even if it is small... no one said every last influence point needed to be spent. But imho the occasional magic find would be extremely welcome. There are some of us that don't get the rares let alone exotics others tell us they are constantly getting, some people have -0- magic find during guild events and as a result don't get good drops... but stay alive. I just feel it would be a nice gesture, who couldn't use a little more wealth coming their way.
  8. I too go for condition damage, although I do have a few sigils or runes or whatever socketed that provide duration (tho that isn't why I chose the runes just happenstance)
  9. Unless they ease up on the required number of people we really cant participate in Guild Missions, and the cost imo is prohibitive for us. Weekends sound good to me
  10. ok that would just be ossum, re-releasing the series with updated graphics and such for modern pc's... I would buy it.
  11. I will read it and reserve my judgement on guild missions until I have more facts
  12. I just wanted to let you kno I'm going to read up on this and contemplating what I think. But at first glance it doesnt seem like we are a large enough guild to participate
  13. I found this today, and it made me smile. Some people are just sooooo creative. ok had to add this one of his too
  14. I personally have not tried a Ghost Pepper, but my uncle has several plants he grows. Think I will sit this one out... too hot for me.
  15. Ohh Dobri, welcome to FC. Nice to see you enjoying GW2. Small as we are, we have tons of fun in our guild.
  16. I love this series, I just recently stumbled accross it. I actually can't believe it never came to may attention before, since I am an avid reader. As for making this a TV series, omg wouldnt that be ossum.
  17. I went ahead and penciled you in. You can participate without having progressed your story that far, you just will not get credit towards your Personal Story. Maybe we will be able to get you caught up by the 2nd
  18. WooHoo! Glad to see Darkmatters back up and running. Many *hugs* for all your work getting things finally straightened out.
  19. So exciting, can't wait. Guess I best not sleep in on Saturday or I might get left out.
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