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Everything posted by Flix

  1. Thanks for the info. It's very cool we'll get to return to the realms of Corwenth and beyond. I'm glad to see the Dreamworld returning as part of the gameplay. I really liked the Attunement system of leveling up in Kult so I'm sorry to see it go. But so long as something similarly inventive is used I suppose it won't be so bad. I just hope it's not just replaced with the bog-standard skill/stat points though. Despite being an ARPG with not the best combat in the world, the original had enough quirks and unique ideas to set it apart. Probably the best one was the interesting story with its varied dialogue choices, things usually sacrificed in ARPG's.
  2. No problem. Since we're talking about new sets and stuff I might as well plug the Community Items Mod. It unlocks some of the unused items in the game files and adds a whole slew of cool new weapons and armor sets to the drops and new items to merchants as well. We're working on adding to the CM Patch but for now it's a separate install that can be installed on top of the CM Patch. You can see what was added in the mod in this thread.
  3. Hello and welcome. You're not going to *miss* anything with the CM Patch, in fact installing it is the only way to make sure you'll have all possible items available to you. What we try to do on the Wiki is clearly designate items that are Fallen Angel, Ice and Blood, or CM Patch. The frames around Ice and Blood & CM Patch item stats and screenshots are different, and they are labeled. Furthermore, it should be the case that any item/item type, quest, NPC, or boss added in the CM Patch should have a little notice at the top of the page that says "This is available only by installing the CM Patch." It's not 100% uniform yet, in fact I have been slowly reviewing all the sets recently to make sure everything's clearly designated, but I haven't made it to the CM Patch entries yet. However, the character pages and the main Sets page both list CM Patch items separately, so there should be no confusion. When you download the items from our DL section, you are getting copies of the armor in a chest (they appear in the shared storage part of your stash). Using these item downloads affects your game in no other way, so all items will still drop the same. Likewise, simply downloading a new CM Patch set wouldn't add it to your game, you'd need to actually install the CM Patch first, otherwise the chest would be empty. In other words you don't download the items here to install them, they're installed by installing the game, the expansion, and the CM Patch. When you download them it's just like someone's sharing their drops with you.
  4. Because cloth and leather are lighter than plate and steel. The regeneration penalty is lower on lighter armors, and higher on heavier armors. With the Armor Lore skill light armors can actually give a regeneration bonus because the "penalty" has actually been reduced down into negative values. Heavier armor may carry a higher movement speed penalty when you wear armor too far above your character level, I'm not sure. Then of course there is the issue of item modifiers, which may suit character better depending on the build, and be worth using despite having lower armor values.
  5. Without looking into this game yet, is this related to the Kult: Heretic Kingdoms APRG from 10 years ago or so? That was a gem and I'd like to see a modern take on those ideas.
  6. Here are some new unlocked and unused items that Pesmontis has been sending me. Item names and stats will be posted in the Items Mod thread as they get added to the mod. Wizard Hat Pesmontis swiped this off of the RuneMaster. Carnach Staff The Carnach's giant flaming staff, scalled down. Smoke Shield I actually posted this one in the very first post of the thread, and then forgot about it, thinking it was used by the Blood Dryads, and since it was so similar to the Impenetrable Protector. But it turns out this design is unused. The shield used by the Blood Dryads is identical to the Protector, so Pesmontis did some magic with this alternate design to make it a little more unique. It now has a smoke screen! Lizard Weapons Pesmontis snuck into a Lizard warrior camp and stole all their gear when they weren't looking. Fist Weapon Shield B@stard Sword Sword
  7. "O Captain! My Captain!" Happy Birthday. Hope you enjoy your 40th.
  8. It does, but not enough for me to say I hope the game fails, and the developers are ignorant and stupid and that they should all lose their jobs and never be able to work in that field again. What I meant by my post is that although I doubt the game will be good enough to prove you wrong (it doesn't look all that great), I'm not joining in with this tantrum of villainizing those who worked on Sacred 3.
  9. Yeah, the avatar looks ok on my profile but is resized to be absurdly small on the forum posts (hey Schot, where's that upcoming forum visual upgrade you talked about 3 months ago?). I don't see how anyone could know about the Items Mod but not know about this thread. I have links pointing to this thread on the file page for the mod, in the first post in the mod's download thread, and on just about any other thread that pertains to the mod, like the various armor sets threads and the unlocked items thread. And the Items Mod download thread is itself linked to on the Wiki and in my signature, which shows up on every post I make. This topic has been almost constantly the most recent thread updated in the mods section of the forum, displaying right on the front page. This is not to criticize, I'm genuinely curious how someone could come to DarkMatters and then decide they want to PM Gilberticus about adding items to the game. Because I take a lot of extra time and care to interlink as much stuff as possible that I don't really have to do, but I do it because I want people to be able to find things easily.
  10. Gilberticus you can tell whoever's bothering you to just post all their ideas in this thread. That's what this thread is for, anyway, although I've edited the leading post so many times that may have gotten lost. No guarantees on any ideas getting included in the mod or even acknowledged, but then, there never was anyway. I'm super busy lately, so I've put Silver Fox in charge of doing updates on the mod, but he's got a job and a personal life too, so although work on the mod continues, updates are slow in coming. Pesmontis is kind of doing "freestyle" modding right now, basically just playing the game, modding random things as he comes across them, and sending the results to me and/or Silver Fox. I think Chitauri refers to the monsters that swarmed through the portal at the end of the Avengers movie. I always knew them as the Skrull from the comic books. I can't be bothered to look them up right now. New Combat Arts can't be added, but new CA's can be made to replace old ones. Llama's CM Patch Mod actually did this to a bunch of CA's, and I'd always wanted to make a similar mod myself. To start with I would have replaced Magic Wall with a Hybrid Damage CA like Magic Coup, but called it "Elemental Strike" and made it do multi-elemental damage with a weapon. Maybe the weapon could even made to shoot a projectile like Archangel's Wrath. I'll probably never get around to this though. BTW, my avatar is joke, but I guess only someone who has been subjected to the horror of the He-Man and She-Ra Christmas Special would get it (so basically, the joke is just for me). Rarely do we see such a thorough de-clawing of a villain as we do in that special with Skeletor, who ends up cradling a little puppy to keep it warm, and who by the end of it has lines like "must...save...the children!"
  11. I don't think anything should be removed from the Area of Effect page. Not Blazing Tempest, Gust of Wind or Archimedes Beam. They all have zones of effect. There's another reason I think the Multi-Hit definition needs to be pared down, and not just because as it is there is such a significant overlap with Area of Effect and DoT that it almost renders it meaningless. The reason is because Multi-Hit had a definition in Sacred 1 (in fact it was the name of many Combat Arts for diverse characters, as was Hard Hit), and many Combat Arts in Sacred 2 replicate that type. Adding every single spell that can hit more than once is not very useful.
  12. Silver Fox dedicates a huge amount of attention and care to balancing the item modifiers, and there is (at least) one other person(s) behind the scenes double checking for mistakes or imbalances (me). Therefore he can (and does) defend any choices he makes. I think the Wildcat set turned out great, not only looking cool thanks to LT's fur designs (and Silver Fox's tweaks), but also because it fits a nice niche for a Dryad interested in focusing strongly in Ranged Weapons, without rehashing Detheya's set. I have to say looking at the recent posts for new stuff going into the mod he might be a better showman than me too. These posts are a thing of beauty unto themselves. I really like the idea for jewels and the thought that went into each piece. Not to mention it looks really sexy, especially on that drow-skinned elf.
  13. You're probably right, I'm just sick of everyone b***ing about it. Sacred 3 has been kicked around and crushed with negativity since its first official announcement. There's a continuing serious lack of info about the game from the devs, for one thing, and everything that has been revealed tells us that the game is Sacred in name only. I feel like they were trying to make a good dungeon crawler/beat-em-up and just wanted to use an existing IP as a basis. I welcome you back from your absence from all things Sacred, but I'm not really interested in name-calling and piling onto the "Sacred 3 is gonna suck" heap.
  14. Multi-Hit Combat Arts just got massive additions of CA's. I did not do this. Given the current, super-inclusive definition of Multi-Hit, any of these could fit the definition, but maybe we could refine the definition so we don't have a thousand CAs listed with no clear connection? Also Archimedes Beam and Gust of Wind just got removed from Area of Effect, which I don't think I agree with.
  15. "Some Combat Arts are easily mistaken for Damage over Time. Like Damage over Time CAs, these Combat Arts have fixed durations, fixed damage and fixed frequency of attacks. However, unlike Damage over Time, the damage from these Combat Arts can be blocked\reflected, armor protects against them, and each hit has a chance to cause the appropriate Detrimental Magic Effect. Furthermore, "Damage over Time:*** -x%" modifiers and Recovery Elixirs do not protect against the damage inflicted by these CAs."
  16. These are the uniques that are tier 14: Hafted Weapons Nadji's Splitter Kaldur's Legacy Methedrin's Scepter Braggis' Law Raging Ire Kullgard's Taskwatch Pyx's Cudgel of Admonishment Orcslayer Extremely Mighty Bat of Devastation Bugslayer Hammer of the Righteous Scythe of the Slayer Glacial Northmaster Ranged Death Pipe Poison Star Dragonbone Swiftbow Dragon's Nemesis Sand Eagle Shields Eternal Block Shield of Mirrors Swords Lorga's Sword Drumstick Kernforce's Cutlass Flame Smiter Zepetl's Short Sword Lord Wayne's Player Killer Excalibran Quetzal's First Strike Serpent's Tongue Uruk's Destiny Romuil's Tears Dark Guardian Tiddlywink Flashing Glaive of Atherton Flaying Glaive of Atherton Polearms Slicing Scythe Sudden Death Nengruil's Doombringer Endijan's Javelin Spear of the Cult Veteran Jewelry Gomil's Gold Pouch Nyarlathotep's Creeping Madness Ancrid's Dream Gronkor's Medal Gem of Magic Jugala's Necklace Staves Keeper of Knowledge Inquisitor Uniques Uurshu's Command Nishinku's Bracers Runic Robe Buddy's Slice Guard Shadow Warrior Uniques Xerolkin's Steadfastness Baelthow's Pride Kullgard's Swedish Student's Drinking Suit Dragon Mage Uniques Kulgrim's Protection Dragonleather Shoes Hardened Dragonplate Habakuk's Legacy Markus' Cap Temple Guardian Uniques Beater's Mighty Spaulders Raladan's Lightning 4 Mile Boots Simon's Hot Bladearms Opus Keri Dura's Cell Solar Cell KT 189 High Elf Uniques Omegranas Co'Nahn's Chestguard The Impervious Dryad Uniques Well-worn Hat Gruni's Stole Vashta's Breeches Vashta's Vestment Feather Trappings Witches' Sabbath Seraphim Uniques Angel's Wings Aelfren's Girdle Bodhie's Promise The Bulwark Divine Armor Bodhie's Resistance Helmet of Insanity Sets Nikotaste's Arguments Kendric's Archon Meho'Sun Eternal Flame Garments of Storms Virgo's Revenge Kanka's Relics Origins of Seraish Illuminated Skies Call of the Forest Valaria's Heirloom Cybernetic Tormentor Executioner's Aids Determined Justice Scourge of Lordaeron Eternal Silence So as you can see a fair chunk of unique items and mini-sets are tier 14. It seems like a long list but it's probably less than 1/3 of all uniques and sets. All other uniques and sets are tier 13, which makes them more common. There are no tier 15 sets or armor, just the Legendary weapons. These weapons are those you see less often, and the unique armor and mini-sets are all too rare, especially the unique armor, which is already less common because of the drop lists.
  17. A lot of uniques are actually tier 14. In Ice and Blood at least, many can drop as Legendary or Unique, so that even though the stats are the same, the text will be a different color. I guess I could make a list of tier 14 items, though it's somewhat difficult to search through blueprint.txt for them, because the file is very long, the names are in German or unhelpful, and the item tier number is wedged into a string of other numbers.
  18. Flix

    Viperish disease help

    That's a good question actually, unfortunately I don't know the answer. Just looking through the scripts I can't tell but some testing would probably reveal the answer. It would interesting to know, not just for Viperish Disease, but for the Item Modifier "Chance to Hit Additional Opponents" and other Combat Arts that can be given this ability. The spell token for the Blast mod is "et_chance_areasplash". There is a also another token called "et_damage_areasplash" (100% chance) used by several CA's, like Demonic Blow.
  19. A great find. Looking at the scripts, the Slicing Scythe is a tier 14 item, which will make it a good bit more rare than most uniques (tier 13), but not nearly so rare as a Legendary item (tier 15). I'm not sure just how the item tiers are set up in the consoles (I don't think tier 15 exists), but that should explain the rarity, since it's present in all the correct drop lists.
  20. Yes of course, together me and Silver Fox added snazzy new in-use pictures to all the class-specific Uniques. Silver Fox also replaced the Seraphim and Elf stats pictures with smaller-yet-clearer pics. Here's a taste: Dryad Uniques Dragon Mage Uniques High Elf Uniques Inquisitor Uniques Seraphim Uniques Shadow Warrior Uniques Temple Guardian Uniques Also of special note are the revamped page for the Helmet of Insanity (which has become, as Silver Fox said, "a collection of psycho portraits"), and the page I made for the Bunny Ears of Might quest reward item (Dragon Mage his own little bunny page too for his version added with CM patch). I'll add a page for the Village Fool's Cap quest reward soon.
  21. These look great. The new pictures along with the clear, crisp stats images really make these pages something to be proud of.
  22. Well, I had to call them something so we can talk about them, and after all, those CA's made it onto the page in the first place, and remained there for a long time, so I don't suppose the distinctions were all that obvious to everyone. Probably the major misleading factor was that these Combat Arts have durations - they inflict damage in pulses over a predefined period of time, as Silver Fox pointed out. Now that I consider Multi-Hit, do you guys think it would make more sense just to move these Combat Arts from DoT to the Multi-Hit page? The more we talk about it, the more these CA's seem to fit the definition of Multi-Hit Combat Arts.
  23. I guess I'll resume updating what I'm doing the Wiki, since that's what I've been doing lately. The main thing has been updating the Set items pages. There are a large number of missing/red links I've been hacking away at, and while I was at it, I improved the formatting slightly, replaced some old photobucket pics, and added some info where possible. They could still use more work in the future (more info filled in and possibly some picture updates), but they're starting to look more complete and uniform. I'm working my way down the page, and these are the ones I've done so far: Dragon Mage Sets Dryad Sets High Elf Sets Ok, another thing I have started doing is thinking of a way to make use of those Rune icons Schot made. Back in August Sneak0r had a plan to make the Sacred 2 Runes page more like the S1 pages. Schot eventually made some really good quality Rune pics, but we were never sure how to lay them out. It doesn't really make sense to change the page layout, because in Sacred 2 the extra bonus from socketing the rune is uniform for each Aspect, allowing us to use those tables we have now. So where to put the rune icons? The Aspect pages! I did a trial with the Exalted Warrior page. If you scroll down, you can see that I added a section for Exalted Warrior Runes, with the pics and a mini-table detailing the effects they have when socketed. I'd like to go ahead and add a little section like this to all the aspect pages eventually. The next big thing I've done was add new pages for the new weapon types added by the CM Patch. As you can see, Fist Weapons, Throwing Potions, and Recurve Bows are now added to the appropriate tables and skill pages, with notes about their availability. I tried to match the style and layout to the other weapon types pages. The Scythes (technically Poles) got added as well. The Lost Items page got a few updates as well. The ones that got reactivated with CM Patch now point to their new pages, and some of the others that had empty pages are now filled in with some info, including Whips which had some interesting stuff to talk about. I've also done a dozen little things, like consolidating Block/Reflect Ranged and Block/Reflect Projectiles, which are really the same bonuses, just the former is U.S./Consoles and the latter is U.K./Ice and Blood/Sacred Gold. So I decided to keep "Projectiles" and add a note saying that in some English versions it is called "Ranged." It was confusing having pages for both. I've also finished up adding all the Ship Captains/Hot Air Balloon Captains and their port descriptions from the game (I think). Hmm...what else...oh, there were some "common" weapon types that were missing from a few weapon pages. They were actually rare tier, which is probably why they were missed. Daggers, Energy Weapons, 2h Hammers, Clubs, Hammers, 2h Axe and Blowpipes all got little updates. I tried to match the style of the existing pics. I finally got pictures of all the Hero Statues added. There's probably more stuff, I'll report back soon.
  24. Well, I can understand your point, and I appreciate all the great work you've been doing with game mechanics on the Wiki, but you just gutted several pages seemingly without any regard as to why they were set up like that in the first place. So hopefully we can use this thread to work it out. I tend to agree with Silver Fox. It might be more useful to simply split the DoT Combat Arts into categories on the page, one for Combat Arts that are truly DoT in spells.txt, and one for those that are only DoT in practical terms but are not affected by DoT modifiers and Recovery Elixirs.
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