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Everything posted by MW49350

  1. Well, you said you smoked for 30 years, so I wouldn't exactly say your generation has strength of will and ours doesn't, lol. I'm only 20, so if I gave it up when I was, say, 40, I'd be on par then, yes?
  2. I agree with you completely. Smoking is a horrible habit... It does absolutely nothing good for your body. That's one reason I want to stop- if I manage to halt the habit in the next few years, I'll probably end up with very little in the way of bodily harm, but if I keep it up till I'm 25, 30... Who knows. My grandfather almost died at 42 of a heart attack after smoking two packs of menthol camels a day. My dad, he smoked a pack a day, same as me, until he was 28 and married my mom (who forced him to give up smoking on the condition that she would marry him, actually, haha). But, its just so damn hard... Frankly, I don't even remember how I started, but I do know I have to stop or its going to kill me one day. But yeah, I appreciate any luck I can get, thanks.
  3. What's your opinion on smoking? Do you smoke? Did you previously and now you're trying to stop? Have any advice on how? Obviously, there's nothing really 'good' that comes from smoking (other than certain social benefits), but personally, I smoke about a pack of 100's every single day... And I know how absolutely horrible it is for me, but its so hard not to. You smoke your 'final' cigarette, and two days later, you're at CVS buying another pack, only to end up smoking another 100 'final' cigarettes. Most people who don't smoke don't understand how hard it is to stop. When I was younger, I thought 'man, I can stop any time', but the truth of the matter is- its just not that easy. Sure, you start off light, maybe having a few cigarettes a week with your friends. Then you decide to buy your own pack, and you have unlimited access all the time. So, you keep smoking, and by that point, you're hooked- your brain just wants more. So, you go buy another, and another, and another... A vicious cycle. I'm almost 20, and I've been smoking since I was 17 years old. Trying to stop, but its very hard- especially when you spend all your time after class with your friends smoking outside the school. It can be hard to resist. I'm probably going to try nicotine gum or patches soon, but we'll see what happens. It's particularly difficult because I'm the kind of person who never eats fast food, only drinks water, exercises every day, and generally leads a healthy lifestyle. But, smoking... It's a vice. What about you? Are you currently smoking, and if so, do you have any aspirations to quit?
  4. Has anyone else noticed this weird sound in some of the towns? You'll be gearing up your character, or buying something from a shop, and everything will be quiet. Then, every once and awhile, you'll hear this little sound that goes, "Mmm...", like someone eating a cookie or drinking tasty coffee. It's so strange. I have absolutely no idea where it comes from but it makes no sense. Just a random little "Mmmm..." every now and then. Anyone else experienced this? And do you have any idea what it is?
  5. I'm by no means a veteran with Sacred 2, let alone the Temple Guardian, but with my time playing as one I'd say that the strength of AD lies in its range and effect. It's not the most powerful skill, sure, but you can use it on any enemy that you can see on screen, even if they're really, really far away. So, I think of it as kind of a sniping ability. Where it earns its stripes, though, is how it has a pinball effect that lets you bounce it off other enemies. Combine this with the fact that it has a relatively low regeneration time and you've got a serious combat art on your hands. You fire one off, it hits two others, does ice damage, and hits them from a hundred feet away. Rinse and repeat. It can lay a serious whooping on your opponent. Great as a crowd-clearing device too, because you can pick off 5 or 6 enemies in a group with a blast or two before engaging them directly.
  6. I'm not exactly sure what you're talking about here. Don't you already have control over the way your character develops? You get to outfit them with different armors, manage their attributes, decide which skills they use, etc. Unless you're talking about about the way they look- as in facial features, hair, etc. which I have no opinion on anyway- whether you have set features for characters or the ability to change them is cool either way.
  7. You'll get enough points to "Master" them (level 75), but not to Max (level 200) each of them. From http://www.sacredwiki.org/index.php5/Sacred_2:Skills: - A player can gain a total of 911 skill points to spend on skills. ((3 * 1) + (7 * 2) + (13 * 3) + (25 * 4) + (151 * 5) = 911) - 1 skill point is granted with each skill choice. Thus the total possible number of skill points is 911 + 10 = 921 Ahhh. I see. Alright, thanks, that makes a lot of sense now.
  8. I appreciate the warm welcomes everyone. Thank you very much.
  9. Wow, I'm surprised, I expected a warmer reception for the ol' Temple Guardian. Maybe its just that I haven't played him enough (my current one has just barely reached level 10) but so far I'm having a blast. While the blaster can be a little buggy some times, it is useful, and all of the related skills are amazing. Jolting Touch and Amplifying Discharge are sweet. I also really like his armor. The only thing I don't like about TG is that a few of his skills seem recycled from Shadow Warrior. He pretty much has the equivalent of Belligerent Vault and Demonic Blow. @Incognito: Wait, glitched? In what way? Does it not provide a bonus or something?
  10. Heh, Two Worlds II... I desperately want to try that game but I just cannot get over the ridiculous name. Why not just "Two Worlds: Subtitle". Two Worlds II? Jesus, lol.
  11. Sounds good to me. Maybe we can play some this weekend after I get this horrid Mass Comm paper done- as well as level up my equally horrid characters (and make them... less horrid)
  12. Just thought of another thing: Temple Guardian. Sacred 3 MUST have the Temple Guardian. Just started playing one for the first time today and I'm pretty sad that I waited this long- it's such a cool class. It would be a shame if he didn't return.
  13. Seriously. This has to be the coolest class in any RPG ever. A mix of both brutal melee and long-ranged attacks with a focus on elemental damage... So, so cool. The armor you can get for him, the skills, the ability to use two melee arms and also shoot lasers? Hell, I don't care if it breaks conformity of the traditional swords and sorcery RPG gameplay- Temple Guardian kicks some major ass. I think this character has easily eclipsed Shadow Warrior as my favorite- never could get into any of the other ones. What do you all think of Temple Guardian? Any particular builds you're fond of? I'm pretty new to mine but I've just been setting him up with some close range combat skills, sword masteries, a tinkling of elemental combat arts here and there. I'm literally wrecking everything in sight- it's almost like he's a little too powerful, heh.
  14. To be honest, while I absolutely love Demon's Souls, I don't think I'm going to buy this. Everything that I've seen makes Dark Souls look kind of samey. I still haven't beaten Demon's Souls since I've been busy with school, but I don't see much of a reason to get this considering it looks almost exactly the same. I suppose if you've beaten it and are looking for more DS-esque fun though, it could be a good buy. I think I'll just stick with Demon's Souls though, haha.
  15. I'm actually surprised how active this game still is on consoles. I was playing for a bit today and had two different people join my Silver difficulty game in the span of about 20 minutes. Not bad for a little-known RPG that's 3 years old- especially when its being played on a console. Anyone have some idea of how many people actually still play on a regular basis? And do you still play via a console on a regular basis? Also, if you're looking for someone to play with on PS3, hit me up. PSNID is the same as my username.
  16. I have another question, and I figured I'd ask it here instead of making a new thread... So, skills. Obviously, you can pick 10. Question is, though, by level 200 will you have enough points to max out all of those skills are do you only get to max some and not others? The reason I ask is that I'm trying to decide if I want to get all three aspects for my Temple Guardian vs just 2, but if I end up with some skills and others not maxed out, I'd rather focus on a more important aspect than Devout Guardian.
  17. Hey, look on the bright side. More lag = more people that you know are using the boards. It's pretty amazing to think that this place is as active as it is, considering its dedicated to a little-known game that's over 3 years old. I'm willing to put up with the occasional hiccup to be able to talk to people about an awesome game- I'm sure everyone else is too.
  18. Not sure if its relevant but I noticed that the forum is a little slow right now. I originally had no problems when I joined this morning, but for some reason its taking a long time to load pages. I don't think its anything on my end since everything else on my browser is working like a charm, but who knows, probably just some little bug.
  19. I was really looking forward to this game until I heard that there was no New Game Plus / no option to import characters from another game to a new one (like how it was in Dark Alliance). I could put up with the fact that it was only 8 hours, had separate characters for single player/multiplayer, etc. I was willing to put up with that because it looked extremely fun and I don't mind level grinding through places I've already been. But, not allowing me to continue playing a character which I just spent 8 hours building in an RPG? Seriously, what is that? Without the option to somehow restart the game with my same character, there's no point in playing it for me.
  20. Pfffh, at least I get couch co-op But yeah, Sacred 2 is one of those games that just gets deeper as you go into it. So many weapons, so many enemies, so many classes, so many places to visit, so many quests... I just don't even understand how they did all of it- its absolutely incredible.
  21. Dual Wield gives a bonus to all one-handed weapons (as long as 2 of them are equipped at the same time). It doesn't matter if you use swords, axes or a combination of both. Gotcha. Looks like next time I'll just have to dump points into tactics lore or something to get me 5 points so that I can unlock dual wield. Thanks for the insight.
  22. I love number-crunching my RPG's... I wouldn't have it any other way. @Incognito: So wait, basically what you're saying is, when I'm dual-weilding weapons I don't get bonuses from the weapon skills, just the dual weilding skill itself? So, effectively using axes AND swords would be useless? Man, good think I just started this new character. Back to the drawing board, hehe.
  23. One of our members and moderator here at DarkMatters, Knuckles, has put in massive work into the Wiki, getting fabulous pix that can put National Geographic to shame to every single town, place and villa in the game^^ There are some beautifully insightful writeups by contributors like Silver Fox and Zeno and Lujate who through writeups about the denizens of the towns and through it's quests form great linkages between main players in the quest and the history, and huge lore in Sacred: Towns http://www.sacredwiki.org/index.php5/Sacred_2:Places_of_Ancaria Quests http://www.sacredwiki.org/index.php5/Sacred_2:Quests gogo Wow, there's even more than I thought. When you add all those up, take into account all the individual houses and places that must be in the villages, etc. there are probably hundreds of individual places to visit. Simply amazing.
  24. Wow, that's some great information guys, thanks. I had no idea if you put it into buffs it would effect the entire aspect- that's good to know. I wanted to make sure and just save up my runes before I started plucking away because the first time I played I made some ungodly-horrible build of dual wielding, riding, shield lore... Yeah, lol. I'll be sure to check out the wiki too, thanks.
  25. The amount of content for what we paid, the hundreds (err. thousands ? )has always put this franchises's games at top of list for what I've seen. I've never been intersted in the kind of head space offered by monthly subscriptions, but I've always been on the lookout for best value. Kinda scares and frightens me a bit that some of the strengths of this game, the compelling reason to purchase in it's past, free online closed servers and massive build potential may be "adjusted" for today's economics. noooooooooooooo gogo I agree. I never pay a monthly subscription fee for a game- that's just ridiculous. I also think its sad to know that Sacred 3 probably won't be nearly as full-featured as Sacred 2, but if it is, I will not hesitate to purchase it. I just hope they don't ruin what made Sacred 2 so great. Has there been an official release date for S3 yet, by the way? I've seen "2011-2012" but since then I haven't heard any news on it, I'm starting to wonder. I also hope that they ship on all three platforms, so I can play it on PS3. I doubt they wouldn't though, as Sacred 2 did pretty well on consoles.
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