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Everything posted by Androdion

  1. Yeah, pretty much. That quest is bound to be broken otherwise.
  2. He had to Hooyaah, otherwise the blue circles wouldn't appear on the map. @mystical_fan - Are you playing with a character created anew after the installation of the patch? Because if you aren't that's probably the cause of your issues.
  3. Yeah, there's the chance that your gold items will have randomly different bonuses. You can do backups of the saves before loading them if you want, and see how they roll out afterwards.
  4. Don't sweat it, we're all very smooth riders here. ;) Anyway, the patch should run with every iteration of the 2.65 version of the game, be it FA+I&B or Sacred 2 Gold Edition. That's also accounting for physical and digital distribution, so you're good to go. Regarding the equipment, if what you have are uniques, legendaries and set items they won't be changed unless they've been re-balanced between the release of FA and I&B. On the other hand if those items are rare (yellow) then I'm sorry but once you load the chest their stats will be completely different. Please realise that these items are RNG, so once you change the game version they suffer a re-roll of their stats. That's valid for both developer patches and community made patches. The idea about starting anew after installing CM Patch is for the sake of consistency and stability of your progress, items and quest log.
  5. Press SHIFT+left click to split the stacks, it's written in the patch's notes.
  6. Well, if you're hitting for 1% of the total HP and it's 100k you're leeching 1k, but if it's a million HP then you're leeching 10k. That's per hit, and if you happen to have a multi-hit CA then the boss goes down really fast indeed. Given that by later Platinum the Nameless Guardians are already verging on 1 million HP and that the strongest one goes a bit over that value then even 1% can make a huge difference. For what is worth though, against regular mobs the modifier isn't very helpful because their HP is much lower. From experience it only gives benefits in later Platinum/early Niobium, and even then it depends on what you're hitting since many mobs still have low HP in those difficulties. I really don't see a way to balance it without effectively changing the modifier's original purpose. I do like the idea of damage mitigation stacking with diminishing returns in terms of balance.
  7. Again, agreed. Just remember that those red eyes with snakes on their heads (or whatever that is!) do %LL, so the more HP you have the more it bites for. HP regen is more important there.
  8. Yes, another mod it'd be. But since both mods would change the behaviour in different files they'd be 100% compatible.
  9. Well, I can't argue with your reasoning there. The game does lets us overcome most (if not all) of the issues it throws at us. The worst part though is if you get too confident at the later part of the Blood Forest, those nasty LL eyes can bring you a lot of pain. Remember, LL can't be resisted in Sacred 2. Other than that, yeah, fair game.
  10. Yeah, but in order to have 100% chance to halve regen time you need to have a considerable level and be at a higher difficulty. So until then you do need to ration those runes you're eating, otherwise you'll get in trouble. Even more if you get hit by enemies with magical damage which makes your stats temporarily decrease (weaken effect), and as such a manageable regen time suddenly just isn't anymore.
  11. I don't know if it helps but once I've started my toon in EE 2.1 and couldn't find him there in Bronze it never appeared in later difficulties. Never tried with a new toon so that could be it. Why? No idea...
  12. You get a slight variation in the way you follow the main quest, you have a boss in the tavern instead of the slave-driver, you fight the fog only one time as opposed to three times, you fight the Inquisitors instead of fighting alongside them. There aren't massive differences in the campaign though, just slight nuances.
  13. So how many bonus groups do they have, two or three? And what about sockets? I guess you're pilling up stuff for EE 2.2?
  14. Well, in my opinion that's a better solution than having completely irrelevant bonuses stuck together. It's better to have regular weapon modifier bonuses that work rather than class specific bonuses from several different classes that are totally useless.
  15. It could become a bit of an anti-hero situation, but I don't think it is really because your toon's motivations are always in the way to take the power for itself because of being more powerful than anyone else. Your toon is Voldemort, so with that parallel in mind I don't think it would matter in the long run. Mind you, I don't know the storyline of the first Sacred game, so there may be connections I'm not seeing. But looking just at Sacred 2 storyline it's a very distinctive choice between removing a greater power for security and keeping the power for yourself to rule over everybody else. As for the HP finale, it's a closed storyline. V is dead and the need for such higher power is no more, so he destroys it so that no one else may become a new V. New dangers may arise, but they'll be dealt with without resorting to that wand.
  16. I guess that's it's more of a matter between denying a power that's bigger than anything else to anyone who'd try to take it for himself, and taking it for himself. It's a power struggle, like the final scene in the last Harry Potter movie where he breaks the most powerful wand in the world because no one is meant to have such power (I can't believe I'm citing HP but ok...). So it's a moral choice in the end between what's best for yourself and for everyone else.
  17. It's this one: http://www.sacredwiki.org/index.php/Sacred_2:Infinite_Revenge Just made a few Guardian runs, first one I had a chest piece from the Pandamonium's Pride set drop. And I got another legendary, so two in half a dozen runs. PS: Just got the gloves for the set as well, and that one shouldn't be dropping. The restored content includes everything like fist and throw weapons right?
  18. So far so good then. Time to get some sleep, I'll see if I manage to drop some runs tomorrow. I'm running Niob around level 140 so loot is good.
  19. I had barely started a Guardian run and already I had a Cassis drop on me. Granted this is the SW with which I've been running EE 2.1, but I've removed that mod and only applied the Vanilla Drops. Still, I got that drop right away. I also got a Darkened Soul as a legendary, isn't it supposed to be a unique (unlock) or am I missing something?
  20. Gotcha, it's like that talk we had about the drop lists being on separate files. I'll try to give you some feedback as soon as I can.
  21. Well sure, of course you can. But once it has been created you'll need to use other means.
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