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Everything posted by Knuckles

  1. Oh I definitely died to several bosses the first time I met them as I didn't know what kind of attacks they had or what they were strong/weak against. But I was able to see each act one at a time since I've been a backer/player since Kickstarter a few years ago. That and saw the improvements/additions as they came in like Devotions. You're experiencing it all all at once so I would expect you have a few deaths on your 1st few characters. That you made it or about to make it through all the content on your 1st character is actually kind of impressive I seem to lose interest once I know my build is weak...could be the Sacred HC hangover. I don't want to struggle thru the content and simply survive....I want to DOMINATE it lol
  2. Glee cast -> You can't always get what you want Cheap Trick > I Want You to Want Me
  3. I could never play a build that dies even more than a few times. If it's against a boss I know my build won't fare well against, I may accept a death or 2 besting it. But I'm not gonna die 10 times to a boss with each death knocking off 10% of it's HP and only beat it through attrition. I play Hardcore-soft version. I'll ignore a death to a bug or if a boss just happens to get a few crits on me in succession but otherwise I'll start over. But this way I can recover all of his gear and put in stash
  4. Run Hooyah run... Just kidding, congrats to our newest mod... But in all seriousness, if gogo offers you 'special' poutine...run...run as fast as you can (that's how he tricked Schot and chained him up)
  5. How you liking the Aether puddles? Man I hate those things And looks like you're hitting expansion before me...not even close to it yet...I keep playing with the new classes and seeing what I like so I've restarted with several characters so far. Also they're fixing casting animation in next patch ! And looks like they may be porting game to XBOX at some point next year http://www.grimdawn.com/forums/showthread.php?t=62190
  6. While overall I love this series and season 2 was pretty good.....I don't know how to feel about the finale...it just seemed anti-climatic or underwhelming for me...Just seems like the cliff hanger for season 3 could have been, well, a cliff hanger. This just felt like a generic 'to be continued' to me
  7. If you haven't found this tool yet, Grim Dawn Build Calculator is very helpful when planning out builds and devotions http://www.grimtools.com/calc/
  8. Oh it's pretty deep....between devotions, components and augments there is a lot to take in and that isn't even looking at how different masteries/skills synergize
  9. Best advice I can give you is make sure you pay attention to your resists once in Elite and above. Also make sure your HP and DA (defense ability) are fairly high. Also some type of crowd control or escape skill is a must. Soldier has Blitz which is great to escape a mob for instance. Even just one point in it is enough to save your life when swarmed. Also don't forget to keep putting points in your Mastery Bars. Best way to get HP and attributes. Most players go all Physical point-wise for attributes. In Normal I try to rush getting my main skills, And then go back and increase them as I find the need. I will typically max out my mastery bar to the level I want long before any skill I want to max is. Biggest mistake I see is players focusing on offense only. That works on Normal and somewhat on Veteran but past that you will suffer for it. Both Elite and Ultimate start with negative penalties on your resists...-25 for Elite and - 50 on Ultimate. Having a low resist against an attack is a great way to get one-shot, especially from a boss. Most Masteries have 1 or 2 great defensive skills. On Devotions I concentrate on resists, resist reduction for enemies and life regen/health. I typically find a couple Tier 2 or 3 constellations that give a great Area of Effect skill and then plan all my lower constellations around defense/resists following a path that allows me to access the higher ones (or really just look for a guide on the forum that matches what I want lol). Also don't rush to get Nemesis status. While the Nemesis bosses are typically in out of the way places, they are arguably the hardest bosses in the game and can wreak havoc on even well-geared players.
  10. Unfortunately I can't comment on MP as I've been strictly SP. The main takeaway I get from the dev's is that GD is a single player game with MP functionality. So their focus is on SP side. That's not to say they aren't working on MP, I just feel it isn't a main priority. So I don't see a quick resolution to the issues you're having . I don't know if you frequent or post on the GD forums but maybe someone is having similar probs and may have a solution for you. To start from scratch you would have to manually delete all character files and chest files. I didn't have to as I bought a new pc and simply never transferred existing files (not using Cloud Save as had nothing but probs the one time I used it). If you are interested in a full reset I could probably find the folders you need to delete. I had just been away from the game quite awhile and felt a fresh start was best. So much has changed in the game and I wanted the sense or feel of discovering new blueprints and items again. Plus I would have had to look through everything I had and try to remember what I had or what I needed. Now I know I need everything lol. Loving the crafting items can now be shared among all characters...that was one of my biggest peeves...now if I could just share money. ( I actually cheated on this and got a cheat engine ), Oh I could have sold items from shared stash at a huge discount but it's not very effective and I don't see why I can share items but not iron bits.....never understood the difference. (yup ramblin') Still haven't gotten to the new content yet as real life has been in the way lately. Been a rough several weeks but no one died or anything, though my nephew's gall bladder exploded and had to have emergency surgery though it was never life threatening. Just one of those times nothing seems to go your way kind of times. That and I keep thinking of new builds and/or get bored with current build. I believe I'm fated to be one of those 'hey will this work? try it and then decide to try something else for eternity' type of players.
  11. Well I am playing Grim Dawn Expansion but I'm not really . I decided to start completely fresh...so no shared stash, no recipes, no components, no nothing. Thus I haven't actually got to the expansion areas yet. I messed around with the new classes for a bit, but in the end decided to go with an older build I had wanted to try out but never did. Will level this guy up and hopefully will reach the new areas soon. It's nice playing with no lag/hiccups/crashes and with everything on highest settings. It's almost like the original game is all new too. But it will take a few weeks til I get to new content. I definitely recommend GD to anyone that enjoyed playing Sacred, Diablo, Path of Exile or Titan Quest. Steam had the base game on sale last week for under 10 bucks though I'm not sure if it's still on sale. Oh, the game has now sold over a million copies So kuddos to Crate for achieving that milestone.
  12. +1 Yup been long enough Though I haven't seen anything recently that has piqued my interest so I'm curious as to what you've found
  13. Depends on which background you're using. 2 I believe are directly from Ascaron, so it has their name on them
  14. Oh I definitely get burnt out on occasions....like this week I'm working every day though just the morning on Sunday. But it's nice getting a long weekend every once in a while. Plus my boss is finally going to hire me a helper (about time ) Starting to think I should change title thread...maybe something like, "look at what I got to play GD if I ever get the time"
  15. This thing is HUUUUUGE lol (not my actual pc but got the same exact thing...didn't feel like pulling it out to take a pic)
  16. Got a nice surprise today as my pc came in..was expecting it tomorrow. One thing I'm not enjoying is remembering/finding passwords from 10 years ago, but I'm slowly making headway. It's soooo nice to actually see what I type in real time, it would take 5-6 seconds to appear sometimes. And pc is super super quiet. I hear absolutely nothing..had to look over a couple times to verify it was really on. But back to the actual thread topic...They just announced Ashes of Malmouth will be released on Oct 11th http://www.grimdawn.com/forums/showthread.php?t=56366
  17. Here's all you need to know about how hard/long I work and have no life. Just for reference most companies that lease new vehicles will charge extra for any mileage over 12,000 miles. If you drive a lot that number isn't that hard to hit. My work van has over 250,000 miles on it and it's a 2008. Getting a new one soon (before year is out). So on my van its about 31,000 miles a year. My personal truck was a 2004 and I just went over 55,000 miles on it. So a little over 4,000 miles a year. Yup that's it...now if you figure in it's a 10 mile round trip each day for work and approximately 260 work days per year. That's 2600 miles just for commute...so I have about 1400 miles a year for non-work stuff. Weekly dump run is about 10 miles too so at least 40 of them for another 400 gone. So about 1000 miles a year on misc. stuff. That is all work and no play lol. Or another way to look at it. That's about 3 miles a day for errands I easily average 50+ hours a week at work and routinely go over 60-70. Worst I ever did was 45 days straight and working 12+ hours each day. We had a huuuuge project and their project manager moved up finish date by 4 months. We had nothing in the contract to stop him from doing it, so we had to bite the bullet and work like crazy. Lesson was learned and that can never happen again. Gave my daughter my truck as I was barely using it. Been using work van for commute as I often leave very early in the morning to get to job site. Sometimes I visit shop only 2-3 times a week. Mostly to re-stock and drop off paperwork. But I like being busy and guess could be called a 'work-aholic'. Probably being working til the day I die. I cannot see me retired and weaving baskets or painting landscapes.
  18. Cranberries -> Dreams The Cranberries > Zombie (one of my all time favorite songs)
  19. Not sure if it was actually a pigeon...Just remember that scene where Sansa is talking to Jon at Winterfell and said a white bird (raven?) had arrived from the citadel. The bird being white signified 'Winter has begun'
  20. Gogo, did you just quote Ned Stark? Bet in a month or 2 you'll be quoting Jon and Sansa......Winter is here lol...beware the white carrier pigeon
  21. Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat !! I went and looked and luckily my pc isn't included in the sale....would have been a little upset I missed another sale by mere weeks. It looks like the AMD Area 51 is 10% off but not the one with Intel processor. I prefer Intel anyways so no biggie for me I'm awesome at missing sales...few years ago I bought 2 Samsung S6's for me and the kiddo and literally a few days later they had a special for buy one/get one free. I was soooo mad, went back and I guess I might have scared them a bit as they hurriedly refunded my original purchase..there are advantages to being a 6'6" 260 lb ugly guy with a very deep voice lol
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