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DarkMatters - Moderator
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Everything posted by chattius

  1. memories -> waltz All started when I bought a very ruined mix of string and wood at a garage sale for our then 5 year old as an instrument for 50 euro. Some 500 euro more for a professional repair because it turned out as a concert zither. She still plays it and she was offered 4000 euro for it. A year back the art school of our third performed the waltz Tales from the Vienna Woods. We had a lot of laughing when she tried to copy the zither player in Rieu's orchestra. He is as funny playing the Third Man theme
  2. Oldest wasn't visiting with her family, so we had some overripe banana getting brown. Put in slices and deep frozen to save for something like a cake, fruitwine or .... Picked some strawberries in the garden. Frozen banana and fresh strawberry in a kitchen multitool, blending and mixing for a minute and ready is something like an ice cream. Nice after an afternoon in the sun bringing bushes in shape. Obviously I didn't need the heating element of the multitool. But the container designed to keep food warm also keeps icecream cold
  3. We live near Dillenburg the place Wilhelm of Orange was born. My neighbour is somehow related to the royal family and owns land near Dillenburg. He has a sort of weekend house near my house. He is around 350 million Euro heavy, so yes self made fruit wine or a pie is best I can do. It is at least something you can't buy with money. I look after his forest which connects to mine. So it was a sort of thank you. His son and our oldest grew up together everytime they were at the place. Performance -> live I think a big part of performance is interaction with the audience. Something that is lost when seeing just a video.
  4. Riddley Scott -> Vangelis 1492: Conquest of Paradise was a so la la movie. But the music - a master piece Was at the concert Rieu gave at Maastricht. tickets from my dutch neighbour
  5. Marie Antoinette -> Napoleon Opening scene of the 2023 Napoleon movie
  6. rotor -> Anton Flettner Inventend helicopters with intermeshing rotors, ships with rotors, planes with rotors, guided rockets and torpedos. passivly running cooling systems based on rotors, the servo tab still in use on rudders, ...
  7. pay our share -> operation 710 Oil is expensive and currently oil companies buy farmlands because fuel made from plants brings more money than selling food to hungry people. Or chopping rainforests for producing palm oil, or... At desert storm there were t-shirts reading operation 710 saying it ws all about oil.
  8. I called my last kungfu dryad a commodo build. Added single target disease which made 60% kife leech damage a tick. Approach, hit with curses and disease and boss is dead with first combination hitting. Sü I was not forced to wear this ugly dethaya bronze armour but style fur.
  9. There is one reason I mainly stick to Sacred 2 and it is spare time. My wife and me often have readiness when new games appear. Once we have time the new games are not new anymore, tons of guides, exploits,... So there is not really anything new to try and we save the money for board games or bicycles. Sacred2 was different. Disease exploiding build, high intelligence staff dryads, yes just as with other games within weeks these builds appeared .... But heh, there was still something untried because of its complexity: kungfu dryads, melee elves, captain america SW's. Or with D2F barbarian jumper or Burgfräulein paladins. Grimward and Diablo were mainly kept alive by adding unique items from time to time which allowed new builds. Like the set which caused fire explosions when a Barbarian landed a jump. A kungfu dryad was allways in the game, but noone tried it out. My signature has a reason to be there: Imagination is more important than game guides, because a wiki has only a limited number of guides
  10. Different purposes. I don't need a weapon for self defense or shooting at a training place. I need it when seaching injured boars in thorny bush land. each zoll of barrel length may block quick movement of the sidearm. The times I needed it the shooting distance was always less than a metre. So accuracy is only secondary. I normally use a Drilling, three barreled gun, for hunting. German law is no automatic, you have to make sure to hit a save place if the shot misses or penetrates the target, if possible only one shot, ... Our forestis surrounded by autobahns and secondaries so game can't levethe wood island. Hunting is mainly to keep a small and healthy game population. Different -> variatio delectat
  11. Every centimetre of barrel length is higher risc to have it trapped in thorny bush twigs if you need it. The magnum calibre is mainly to have as much power in a as small as possible weapon... Was considering a small Glock23 but I am used to magnum calibre short barreled revolvers. I use them very rarely, so without lot of training with a new type I won't feel comfortable. Jewelry -> sockets
  12. All tests negative which is very positive. My health-, my work- and my life insurances want me to do and pay a yearly total check once beeing fifty. Also 17 different immunisations.
  13. holster -> catch shot I have a Taurus M605 Poly Protector which is a short barreled light polymer revolver with magnum calibre. It is used to hunt for injured -mainly car collisions- boars in bush land. You have to push twigs away and want to make sure that the revolver is where your fist points in case of a sudden attack. You may have just one shot at point blanc so manstop ammunition is loaded. My holster is to keep the revolver save when walking forests and not used for fast drawing or concealing. I just had to use a revolver 7 times in all these years. I prefer a Saufeder/ boar spear near roads with people.
  14. Today: nothing ... Big total routine health check. Special diet for 2 days and one day no food at all - Colonoscopy
  15. branding -> Hessischer Handkäse https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_European_cheeses_with_protected_geographical_status Protected brand now. Even most people connectit with Frankfurt or Mainz most of it is produced in a small neighbour village of my birthtown Wetzlar.
  16. Buy some dogs. They sometimes even clean the dishes before your family starts eating. We had once five slaves, but three left house meanwhile... There is not much more frustating than a dinning table with 3.5*1.5 metres with only 2 people at it the three days a week the twins have fullday school.
  17. Curry -> Volkswagen Currywurst Once a Bratwurst with curry sauce sold at restaurants in VW factories to workers it is now sold even in supermarkets.
  18. Dad -> mom highly depends on how easy to access it. For the VW Beetle and our VW 412 it was very easy. Dad even repaired it once on the road. My mom had to unwear her nylon pantyhose. Making a node into it it worked the 40kilometres till home. But 34horsepower aren't that much. For cars with heavy V8 engines you may have to use a crane for the engine or place your family on a pulley. Our VW 412 had the same rear engine as the Beetle. Even it was not looking like that.
  19. pix -> transmission belt My Mercedes MBTrac uses belts from PIX A MB trac model The tractor shares many parts with my Unimog so repair is easy and not too expensive
  20. extra cheese -> Spundekäs A mixture from fresh cream cheese and Quark made into a cream. Add salt, pepper, bear garlic, roasted red onions, yellow paprica powder (for colour),... At a baking house day it tastes really nice smeared on freshly baken farmers bread. Mine has extra red spots because of the added onions
  21. sugar -> Frederick the Great He ordered his scientists to breed sugar beets from normal beets, he made his farmers to plant potatoes, he won more land by building dams at flood regions around rivers as with war, he rebuild the prussian army so he won some land with his army too, was educated in arts, ...
  22. candy -> tea Grandpa was used to tea with rock candy/rock sugar Mom used sugar beet syrup
  23. tarantula -> tick way more dangerous because of the diseases it can spread Our company has small presents for customers: tick-tools with our logo.
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