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Everything posted by SheHawk

  1. Hello Ben, I haven't had a chance to try out this patch as yet, as I have a Dryad Build I am trying to work on in Sacred 2 Gold, as well as other character builds for my PS 3 version of Sacred 2 and my XBOX 360. On my word of honour though I will try the patch asap. I have every confidence that it's Awesome.
  2. Right now it is grey overcast, though the weather on the whole in the UK, has been all over the place, a heat wave, floods, to real heavy thunder and showers with the odd hailstones here and there, all it needs to do now is snow. *Giggles*
  3. I so totally agree with you Steve, that surprises make life more interesting and are often the catalyst for change. What a wonderful view point to have.
  4. For anyone who is a Doctor Who Fan. I have created my very own 11th Doctor's TARDIS, using SketchUp. Check it out here:https://3dwarehouse.sketchup.com/model/24047855-3b3c-4223-957b-eddfe20cb71a/Matt-Smiths-TARDIS for anyone who is interested.

    1. Hooyaah


      That's some good, clean work! I have always been somewhat of a "Whovian." I think that Tom Baker is my favorite persona of the Doctor.

    2. SheHawk


      Thank you Steve, much appreciated, Tom Baker is my all time favourite too and I am not just saying that for the saying sake, I was born in 1969, and at the time of when I first began watching Doctor Who, Tom Baker was my Doctor and no other actor I feel will be able to play the Doctor quite like the way Tom played the Doctor. Though Tom had the advantage of playing the Doctor for so long, which gave him a unique insight to not only the character, the mythos behind the Doctor and everything else.

  5. It may surprise you Steve, that I am really starting to like the idea of PC games, because of the fact that modifications can be done to them, etc. Now I can add PC games to my game playing list of gaming. PC games won't replace or over take or my like and love of console games, but it will definitely share equal place with that love.
  6. Ben, please do what is ever the best or easiest way for you. Heck, I honestly really was not expecting anyone to make the character into an actual playable one, but even a character as near as close to her would be fantastic too. I'm just an ideas kind of person with a very creative imagination and lack the skills to do computer characters myself, if you need Huntress to be able to wear armour and that does seem like a must for the game, but please correct me if my observations about the game to be wrong. You can go with concept 2 if that design will work better to give the character armour, I can't see how a character could manage without it for the game, but maybe I am being far too practical in that assumption. I have a good idea for what each different combat art does, but not what it might look like other than the Death Seeker combat art, which is a floating cat skull, but it's the same size as a human one, it is ablaze with fire and it seeks out all and any near by targets, it can hit one target, or many, it's like a cat head version of a heat seeking missile. Basically this can have a certain radius, obviously it's not going to be able to reach enemies that are too far off in the distance. You will be glad to know that I am not over protective of my idea, if something does not work or can't be done, you and that wonderful team that you have mentioned and please thank them for me, for doing this. You and them have my 100% complete blessings to make any changes that are needed that work within the parameters of the game design, coding etc. I can describe what each combat art does and the buffs, tell me what is possible and if something is not, I am more than open to any suggestions that you, Pesmontis and SX255 might have, for something that can and will work within the game. Above all else, please; you and them too, take your time in doing this character, all things take time and something done well is best done, by taking the time and effort to put into doing it in the first place. At least that's how I see it. Basically it is okay if doing this character will take a long time to do, the Sacred 2 game isn't going anywhere and I have a lot to do, with playing Sacred 2 Gold and that for me is going to take longer to do that, than what it would take for anyone else playing the game and that is okay, I will be simply happy to eventually complete the campaign of Sacred 2 Gold. I hope what I have said has been helpful?
  7. Generally speaking I am a console gamer, but I have begun an interest in the PC Gaming world. I have both a PS3 and an XBOX 360, I have and still play PS2 Games on my PS2 as well as a few old PSOne titles. I even have an original XBOX too, though I have not played on that for quite some time now. For the most part I play Sacred 2 for the PS3, but I now try to split up my time playing the game on that and Sacred 2 Gold via Gog. I would love to so much complete Venetica, but like Oblivion, while being a wonderful open world RPG, it's too massive and I need a walthrough to help me play the game, last time I tried to find a walkthrough for Venetica, to my shock and horror, no walkthrough had been made, vast open worlds while wonderful, are very daunting to me personally and I am just simply going to get lost in such games, so I avoid playing them, but I should not have to do so.
  8. Kudos to you Delta, I like and love different names, different people and their cultures. I find it all fascinating really, heck even for a made up character on here. Huntress, I was very specific with how to spell what species she is, be it the correct way to spell it or not, since it's fictional I know it not matter too much, but I had this sense, I not know what else to call it. my character concept is a cat, however the name of her species is Katrissian. using the other form of cat, aka Kat. Here's to wonderful diversity with all of its many wonders and beauty.
  9. Your comment made me smile gogo. Actually on other websites, I wont say which. I have come across people that have gotten offended with me not using their user name, with their real name also included on their profiles. Straight up that is true. Like I said, it had not occurred to me that I had not asked which name Hooyaah preferred and I asked simply because he has been so nice to me here and said really nice things about me that I simply felt bad for not asking him that question about his user name and his real name. I never take anyone or anything for granted.
  10. Yes I do Delta, but I no longer use that to play Sacred 2 Gold with, due to problems I had with the game not starting, yes I got help with the first time it happened, and I was told what I need to do should it happen again, it did and I followed the instructions to the letter, it happened a third time and I did the same thing, only that did not work. I wasn't impressed, sad to say, so I decided to to try out Gog, only had a problem twice with getting my game to play, other than that, the game loads up for me nicely. My account with Steam is inactive, sad to say I have not had the time to delete it. I have the same user name by the way with Gog, thought this is the way it needed to be for me to be able to join up. She_Hawk on steam it appears as She-Hawk. I hope that was helpful?
  11. Thank you, I can move all the stuff in my hero chest either between the my belongings tab and my character's inventory, that for me personally is a bit more easier, that is what I did when I used the Rare Drops, Light Sabre Mod. At best I have a wireless mouse that I can use and have on my lap, using a wooden board which is a really good smooth surface for my mouse, so that way it makes things a little easier for me. I sure am not going to let something like my conditions get in the way of me being able to play my Sacred 2 gold game or any other PC game.
  12. Why thank you so much for the compliment Steve. I like and love being creative, it is my biggest passion in life and I am so happy and glad to share my ideas etc. here at Dark Matters. I hope to be an active member here and I do hope maybe one day there will be another Sacred Game and for it to be better than Sacred 3. Only time shall tell.
  13. Thank you Steve, by the way which do you prefer? Your actual name on here ore your user name, Sorry it has taken me this long to think about asking that question. I am easy with either being called SheHawk or Amy as I am an easy kind of going person. Fantastic information I appreciate that beyond measure. Sincerely so, you're a great guy and I honestly do mean that. It is slow going for me playing Sacred 2 on my computer, simply because unfortunate for me I have slight arthritic conditions in both my hands and the fingers on them, so having to hold down the left click on the mouse can be a little difficult at times. I wish I could use my XBOX 360 hand controller instead, there is a program called Key sticks that allows for the use of the handset, but it's configuration settings are based on keyboard word predictions and mouse predications, trying to use the left analogue stick to control the mouse isn't exactly the same as when using it on my games console and it is that I kind of control that I could ideally do with, but sadly Sacred 2 is not compatible for the use of a PC/XBOX 360 controller, at least not that I am aware of. PS. Thank you so much for the download link too. Awesome.
  14. Wow! Oh Wow! I am utter and completely astonished Ben, what amazing talent you have. The one on the left is the most striking to me, I only have one addition to make, if that is okay? Could you give her a tail, like what you did with the second concept? It was a tough choice for me to make, as they are both so very awesome designs. Concept No. 1 for me gets my hands down, up, which ever one of those it is, my paws too. *Giggles* =^.^= I just like and love the idea behind cat people, I do not know why. Thank you so much for taking the time and effort and everything else in creating the two concepts, I am truly blown away and amazed by what you have done Ben, honest, as I am and always will be a very honest person, you have a truly fantastic gift.
  15. Those are good questions Steve. I would say a character actress, other than this I will leave those things down to Ben to tackle, since he wants to create my character. I am glad though that you like the concept and that you think that this character would fit well with the world of Sacred 2. I knew from the moment when I got the first initial idea that I would need to include what kind of combat arts my character would need to have, which skills etc. As well as make them all relevant. I am beyond grateful that I have such a good imagination, that really helped, since childhood I have always had a very creative mind and I was determined to make really good use of such a wonderful gift.
  16. Wow! Thank you so much Steve for sharing that information with me and the link too. Are those Amulets you mentioned that increase skill point. For the PC version of this game? I have not come across those amulets yet, or I may have missed them knowing me. I only wish those Artamark Amulets were sold in the game via merchant or a rune master or even the blacksmith. I literally got lucky with those amulet drops and they are quite a boon to have, I won't say the game can't be played without them, they help boost your magic, fire, ice and poison resistance etc. hence why I feel these amulets should be available items to buy as mentioned.
  17. Wow! Really? Ben you are too Awesome for words. I'm practically speechless, enjoy your business trip, have a good time and I hope that you enjoy the trip. You really like the ideas? Sorry, I am just so completely blown away that you would even want to make this character at all, I only spent quite a long time today just thinking about the combat arts carefully etc. I used pretty much from the Sacred Wiki website the skill set and combat arts of the Seraphim to act as a guide line, thinking through very carefully the different combat arts, what they do etc. I used my imagination to help, while trying to keep this character relevant to the world of the Sacred 2 game all at the same time and that wasn't easy... Please may I be the first person to try the character out once she's developed? I not ask because she's my idea, I have always wanted to be able to create my own computer character but not have the brains to do so. So Kudos to you that you have the know-how etc. I simply cannot thank you enough.
  18. I am happy and so exited. Check Out my Possible Bonus Character for Sacred 2 Gold

  19. I have an idea and even if such a thing is not possible, I hope that you all like at least the idea. Firstly the image of the character is Courtesy of Google Images and is the soul right of the person who created her. My possible new/bonus character concept is based on a being like the image of the cat like woman in the image below. If someone is interested in creating My Huntress Character concept, use the image below, as template only. I can't draw fantasy characters myself, hence why I am using that image purely for illustration purposes only. HUNTRESS Huntress: Is the last of her kind, she is a Katrissian/a cat sapien. Her entire species got wiped out during the great Dragon War, she is a Huntress by nature, but she has magical powers, that match her deadly physical attributes. She is neither good or bad on the whole, but she will take any side that will help her reach her own personal goals. She posses stealth abilities, being a cat like species. The Story: With being the only one of her kind left, it seems and appears to be that all and any records of her once mighty species has been erased from all Ancarian Historic Records. Angered by such a fact is why on a personal level, the Huntress does not take sides, that said, she will use either good or bad to her own advantage in order for her to achieve whatever she needs to achieve. Huntress, being the last of her kind means that she has her own goals, that aside. She is stealthy. Fast, strong, she is the only one to have the gift of the Mystic Arts, an ancient art of magic and so, so much more than that, that most and other species fear such a power. Being a cat like being she has great dexterity that enables her to be the most proficient in duel wielding of single handed weapons. However, she can also fight unarmed using her deadly claws, so over all, she is one species not to be messed with. (Note: Being a cat, she has natural enhanced perception, so this skill is not included in the General Skills Section) The Path: Introduction Light Path} ‘I am the last of my kind. The great Dragon War was fought and my kind were destroyed, not only by the mighty dragons, but we were also even an enemy to the Seraphim who are so holier than though. But they were not the only ones that did not welcome my kind in that great war, with so many overwhelming odds, we never stood a chance. Now I am on a personal mission of my own and I shall do whatever it takes to achieve that goal.’ Introduction Dark Path} ‘I am the last of my kind and I am out for revenge on those who had a hand in wiping out my entire race. Nothing and no one shall get in my way, fore be warned anyone or anything that should try.’ Combat Art Skills: Concentration. Hunter Focus. Mystic Arts Lore. Kat-Magic Lore. Combat Discipline. Mystic Arts Focus. Kat-Magic Focus. Offensive Skills: Duel Wield. Tactics Lore. Ranged Weapons. Magic Staffs. Damage Speed Lore. Also the Huntress can use all and any Ranged Weapon.) Defensive Skills: Armour Lore. Spell Resistance. Constitution. Toughness. (Note: Being a cat, the Huntress has natural agile reflexes that work in the same way as the skill for Combat Reflexes, therefore, this skill is not needed for her.) General Skills: Riding. Devine Devotion. Alchemy. Bargaining. Blacksmith. Huntress Aspects: Hunter The Huntress is a pure natural in the art of duel wielded weapons and as such, this is her most greatest strength. That said, she has very powerful claw attacks and other deadly moves. Mystic Arts: The Huntress being a natural in the art of duel wielding, she has special combat arts that go hand in hand with either close combat or long ranged weapon skills. Kat-Magic: This combat art tree is a secondary magic art that goes together nicely, with the Mystic Arts Combat Tree Huntress Combat Arts: Aspect: Hunter; Fury Swipe. Deadly Pounce Strike. Summoning. Battle Rage. Claws Of Fire. Hunt Storm. (Buff) Aspect: Mystic Arts; Fury Bolt. Fire Leach. Lightning Surge. Death Seeker. Ancient Healing. (Buff) Aspect: Kat-Magic; Venom Bow. (Buff) Kittling Pack. Kat-Tornado. Battle Cry. Kat-Clone. Unfortunately I do not have the ideas for the bronze, silver and gold modification distribution points but I am completely open to any suggestions if anyone has any. Anyway, I hope that you all liked my character concept? What They All Do: Aspect: Hunter Fury Swipe: This combat art allows for the Huntress to use her razor sharp claws which are fast and deadly, at least to anything that is of flesh and blood. Deadly Pounce Strike: This combat art is similar to her Fury Swipe, but Huntress attacks with a charging leap and her claws however produce deadly poison as she lands her devastating blow in her pounce. Summoning: This combat art is one of the most ancient powers that allows the Huntress to summon fourth 2 Kat-Lun Warriors, these are spirits of the Kat-Lun, a sort of Assassin Warrior clan of her race. With the mod points, Huntress can summon a third or a fourth Kat-Lun Warrior to join her in battle. Also one of the mod points can turn this combat art into a Buff. Battle Rage: This combat art allows Huntress to enter a sort of Frenzy where Huntress can raise her attack speed, combat damage for both long ranged and close combat weapons, as well as raise her defence and spell resistance considerably, that will last for 50 seconds. This is handy for when you need that extra edge. Claws Of Fire: What this combat art can do is simple enough. Huntress can imbue her claws in flames that do not harm her, but they sure as all heck will harm her enemies. These are good for a Roast Orc, Or a deep fried Goblin Steak. Hunt Storm: (Buff) This Buff will produce a dark cloud over Huntress that will strike nearby enemies with wild lightning. However, should they try to run away, this cloud can move off away from Huntress, but this won’t make her vulnerable as she has other combat arts to aid her, so make no mistake if you think she’s now an easy kill, while the storm will hunt down the enemies, as they run away. Aspect: Mystic Arts Fury Bolt: Huntress can fire a bolt like energy that is like a small ball, once it hits its target, it damages it on combat, the mods for this combat art allow for huntress to fire more bolts in order to hit multiple targets, or one huge massive bolt, the choice is yours. Fire Leach: Huntress produces a blaze of fire from her paws, which strike one target, setting them on fire, but it will then go from the first target and leach itself onto the next target and the next, etc. Lightning Surge: This combat Art will allow Huntress to strike forth from her claws lightning bolts that can hit one enemy, however, the one who is hit, the lightning can pass through and onto the next singular target, with the ability to modify this bad boy of a combat art to hit groups of enemies instead. Death Seeker: This combat art allows Huntress to summon fourth a sort of Voo-Doo like Cats head, but it being the size of a human skull, but ablaze with fire, this skull floats in the air as it is not attached to a body and basically it acts like a heat seeking missile, so once it hits one or more targets, it will go on to strike any enemies that try to flee away from its deadly attack, setting them on fire as it strikes them. Ancient Healing: (Buff) This buff will appear as a red and white aura completely surrounding Huntress’s body, not only will it heal her when she gets hit by weapons, Ancient Healing also has the abilities to nullify any spell casted upon her, Ice, Magic, Poison, Fire, as well as also deflect ranged weapon attacks, while this buff is active. Aspect: Kat-Magic Venom Bow: (Buff) This combat art allows Huntress to summon fourth a green and yellowish aura like bow that has the highest concentration of Multiple Venoms and just like The Seraphim's Beefy Gee weapon, this weapon replaces any long ranged weapon, needing a slot free to use it and it’s Starting Venom Damage is 100 venom damage Kittling Pack: Huntress summons form a pack of small cats, but these are anything but cute, they are fierce and can cause some considerable harm. Kat-Tornado: Huntress can run really fast around her enemies causing whirlwind that sucks the enemies into it, causing damage. Battle Cry: Huntress makes a high pitched mewling type of scream that can knock back enemies and hurt them too. Kat-Clone: Huntress can summon forth a clone copy of herself in order to confuse her opponents and she works exactly in the same way as the Inquisitor’s Double with a mod to turn the clone into a permanent buff Ben I hope you like these changes that I made? Please let me know if any of them are not doable, thank you. I also hope that everyoe else here likes the changes that I have made.
  20. By all means Steve check out Part 2 when you can. Heads Up, I am in the middle of putting together an idea concept for a possible additional character for Sacred 2 Gold, I will be posting that once I have finished it. And I am not worried if new characters cannot be made for the game, but at least the idea within itself, is an interesting one.
  21. Thank you Androdion for the info, much appreciated, I am new to being a PC gamer. I'll give the camera txt to free view a try some time.
  22. Greetings to you Schot, I have Sacred 2 gold with GOG, will your camera options work here too? I know where the Sacred 2 folder is in my Gog Folder and I am using Windows 10. I hope that helps?
  23. Steve, thank you so, so much, and you are so right, silly me, it had not occurred to me that the map of Sacred could be another part of the Sacred World. I have left you a reply on your Journals, thank you for sharing that link with me. I appreciate that beyond mention and your right, it does seem and appear that the High Elves and the Humans cannot get along with each other, which I can so relate to as even in this modern day world, sadly some people cannot get along with others and not just other people like myself, but anyone that is remotely different, it's quite a shame really. Thank you for saying that my theories make sense and I am happy to welcome other peoples theories too, as I truly want to engage in what I hope to be a very interesting topic that we all can share. Much sincere respects to you Steve, again thank you.
  24. Wow! Amazing and so totally Awesome Screen Shots. I like your journals, that is such a cool idea, some of the places I know about, but others I had no idea, I will definitely visit them in my PC version of the game, as I intend to share some screen shots of my own, about a few locations that have me curious about and it would be good to get other peoples ideas and theories about those locations. May I add you as a friend on here? Is that something that can be done here? I hope you not mind me asking since I am new to this site. Keep up the good and fantastic work, I will also follow you too but again, I not know how to do these things.
  25. I'm feeling quite sad and a little disappointed, since I posted Sacred 2 Archives Part 2, Part 3 got only one response and part 4, 0 responses and I would like to know what please, anyone. I hope it is not because I am a Trans Woman. It maybe a case that no is interested in those posts, but both of them I find a bit hard to understand why, have I said or done something wrong? How can I make those two posts be better? I ask most sincerely. Right now, I am just so, so very upset. HELP! Please.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Flix


      It's a pretty quiet forum honestly.  Most of our members are lurkers.  Many of our posters who make steady appearances just drop in to talk about common, every day stuff, or play some of the simple forum word games.

      I feel fairly confident you are not being ignored or ostracized.  It's just a forum dedicated to two games that are somewhat old, and which were never very mainstream to begin with.

      I myself used to be much more active as far as posting but it feels like my day-to-day life just demands so much time from me that I feel good if I can just remember to stop by the forums each day.

    3. Hooyaah


      That's exactly the case, Flix. I just got home from work after walking over four miles in the hot (95 °F sun/32 °C ) and I'm a bit fatigued. I know others have busy schedules as well. I am more active posting on Sunday and Monday. I am not aware of anyone here who judges any other adversely for being true to who they are. One has to be oneself, for who else can we as humans be? It's a thrill every time there is a new member who is also excited and enthusiastic about Sacred 2!

    4. SheHawk


      Flix, thank you for your comment, I really appreciate and like I said, I truly did not mean to freak out. That aside, please do check out Sacred 2 Archives Part 2, I have shared my theories about The Temple Guardians, The T-Energy Consoles and the Great Machine, I hope you like them? Hooyaah, I cannot honestly thank you enough and I am truly passionate about Sacred 2, it is such an amazing and awesome game to boot. The only other RPG to have a gripping back story for me is Drakan: The Ancient Gates, which had been a PC Game before it made the transfer to the PS2 Console and every character in Sacred 2 have really good back stories, the one for the Temple Guardian does intrigue me so very much, I am not too sure what it is, maybe because the race of the Temple Guardians are so ancient and they have such amazing unusual technology and that is unusual in a good way, or strange if you prefer that, their technology is for me at least hard to really categorise.

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