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Everything posted by Ryanrocker

  1. I think fast cast might be turned on default, as my Guardian always had that kind of targeting for glyphs. Also amazing idea about switching the dodge roll. Never even thought about messing up on a jumping puzzle like that!
  2. Awesome graphs Gotta stop myself from going too crazy over the gold
  3. Sending up a small prayer that our server isn't flooded by 7am EST. Would hate to be locked out
  4. Had a huge update when I got home, somewhere around 5,000 files. Went super slow at first but then sped right along so not too sure if it was big data wise.
  5. Ahhh good, forgot everything got wiped so here's mine (or rather Knuckles, who's enabled me to play this amazing game. Love ya man Knuckles.5398
  6. Love how we are on that list and with 15 members anticipated at release. Surprisingly informative that listing is!
  7. Yikes, better update my game! Don't want to be left out at release!
  8. This, this, and more this. How I also envision our guild to end up in the end. Great points too
  9. Easy and I think everyone already knows what I'm gonna be Go Asura or go home is my motto Haha no but seriously, I'll be playing Asura Male Guardian/Thief, switching between the two as time allows lol about Asura gender comment! Haha yes I was playing as male. Gotta look real closely inbetween my dance moves at the Asura facial construction. Males have harder/stony set glares while females have a more relaxed face and more streamlined face Literally laughed out loud at the computer here This is exactly why I play Asura: they're small and tiny whereas I am fairly tall in real life. Plus they can pick on me all they want until I pickpocket all their treasure with my thief
  10. I pulled up beta 2 days ago just to see how much POE had changed since a couple months ago. And HOLY CRAP! That passive skill tree is insane! I've never seen so much customization on your talents/skills!
  11. Welcome to the forums Hanoth! I would have had a Tinwora's if I hadn't reset my account for the fun factor this summer. Not to discourage you, but I haven't seen anyone post in the console forums for Sacred 2 in a long while, so I wouldn't get your hopes too high up. Good luck with the search, maybe you'll reawaken some of our console members
  12. Mwahahaha prices, trends, economy! No, but really this site made my day. Back when I played Runescape, I was always using their website for their trading forum to monitor hot items and what to look for out in the field to sell for a big profit. Now it seems I'll be able to do that once again with GW2! Awesome article
  13. Sounds pretty cool! Might give me something to fool around with if I need a break from Guild Wars
  14. Blah great timing on the play part, awful timing on stupid FedEx. Package (mic, mouse) is supposed to arrive the 22/23rd. Looks like I won't be fully operational until release. However, more GW2 time is always good
  15. Still pretty excited to get my Sacred fix, and its awesome seeing that they've got some concrete content that I can look at. It honestly wouldn't surprise me if they went with no duplicate characters per game, as most older Arcade Games that was the norm. The video shows this even clearer when you see the game is hooked up to an actual arcade machine. Doesn't look too bad for a filler game until S3, can't wait
  16. I went with Guild Emblemer, Armorer, Weapon because that seems to be a unique feature that only your guild will have Shared stash could be useful for leaving equipment for the guild, but I like goodies
  17. Sweeeeet, can't wait for release to be a part of this! Regarding the people outside of FDM joining us ingame, I do think that they should belong to the forums, if only for informational purposes. Only so much can be conveyed ingame, and it'd make sure that nobody gets left out of upcoming news and whatnot. Then again, if they never check the forum the argument is pointless
  18. Just wanted to throw out here that this stress test went super smooth, no need to fool around with drivers and whatnot to get the graphics up and running. Less lag on my end, but whether that was from better internet connection or less people ingame, who knows. Just waiting for the headset to come in to get on Voice Chat with you guys
  19. Woot! New laptop came in today and I'll hopefully be able to send it through a couple test runs tomorrow!
  20. Hey Epox, I just tried out this mouse today at the store then went online to order it. Absolutely love the fit in my hand and the two extra buttons are sure to come in handy. Was trying to decide between this one and the m570 schot and lujate were a fan of, but I had a hard time getting used to using a trackball. Sorry guys
  21. Another stress test scheduled for August 10th 4:00 PM PACIFIC Time to 8:00 PM PACIFIC Time. All info found on their facebook page
  22. Hehe, it's only the 9th here, but happy birthday Epox!
  23. Yup, it turned out to be a manually installed beta driver that fixed it. When trying to manually install the regular driver, my system crashed and got blue screen but recovered. But yea, auto update drivers is just bonked
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