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Everything posted by Spock

  1. It isn't claiming anything except not to run, so I have no idea what's there ... yet.
  2. It downloads as a single HUGE 13.66GB file which then "extracts" into multiple files/folders. That is what you use to install the game. No mention of patches or anything ... yet. I obviously haven't gotten that far yet.
  3. I should have responded to this earlier. My computer worked well enough to be able to help with the Beta. Are you saying that the retail version is more resource intensive?
  4. Who said they didn't. Perhaps it's an Acronym ...
  5. My daughter keeps telling me I should upgrade to Win7. Trouble is: I don't want to line Brother Bill's pockets any more, and I have quite a few DOS games I still like to play. They run just fine under WinXP ...
  6. I don't remember but I don't think so, it just didn't do anything. I have yet to contact their Customer Support because I've been working on getting Skyrim up and running which is actually something I have been able to do. I just need to pare the Mods down so I have an acceptable framerate. [Added] The specs on my motherboard What they think I have My actual system is a little different as I upgraded my second HD from the 400GB they had installed to a 2TB SATA. I also upgraded the Light Scribe CD burner to a DVD multi-recorder. Now I can have the original in the lower DVD player and make a copy in the upper DVD writer. Quite useful for making data backups and duplicating some of my projects.
  7. I have a Dual Core 3.2GHz Pentium D. It only has 2GB RAM because I couldn't see wasting 1GB just to get 3. I have an overclocked Nvidia GeForce 8600 GTS with (I think) 512MB onboard Video RAM and an extra fan near it because it tends to run hot. The HD the game is installed on is a 2TB SATA drive partitioned to make 4 roughly equal drives, so a nominal 500GB. The Audio is onboard RealTec 5.1 surround sound with the apropriate speakers installed. Anything else should I specify?
  8. Just a general warning ... I finally got my WinXP Home up and running and decided to purchase the Sacred 2 Gold download from Amazon. So far I have not gotten it to run at all. I have downloaded the file 4 times now, the last time after deleting everything that had been on my system. Each time it apparently downloaded properly and seemed to install properly but, once installed, refused to run. I am now waiting for my blood pressure to lower enough that I can be civil to whomever I talk to at Amazon Customer Support. Will report back more when this is finally resolved, one way or the other. I REALLY WANT THIS TO WORK!!!
  9. But not beyond the realm of possibilities. I still don't have my WinXP system up and running, so it will be a while before I can find out. I suppose I could download to my iMac and then transfer later but I need something to use while I'm waiting for the WinBlows system to update.
  10. Sold! The only problem is that it's almost 14GB. That was a real pain to download new versions when we were testing. It's going to be an even bigger pain to write it to DVDs in such a way as to create my own backup install disks ...
  11. Thank you ... I think (just checked and it's since 13 May 2008). I've been a member here for at least several weeks now though. You probably haven't noticed me as I've been away for a while and lurking quite a bit after. The dissolution of Ascaron effected me quite a bit and it took me a long time to even install the free copy I was given for helping to Beta test the game. . Yes, guilty as charged. I even use the same avatar. I think staff likes to keep me around mainly as a Spam trap. It seems the spammers only attack when I'm online ... or maybe I'm the only one who keeps track in the Admin forum ... Anyway, I have grandchildren who I want to be able to use the forum freely, so I have a vested interest in keeping it as friendly and spam free as possible. Glad I was able to help you, even if only a little. As for Steam, I despise it but the latest version of Skyrim I bought was for my PC and I didn't realize until I tried to install the game that it was in fact nothing but a Steam installer. Since I now have to have steam on my computer, it might be worth it to get a $4.99 copy of Sacred 2 w/I&B. Will let you all know when/if I finally get my system back up and running. Just finished the 4th install of WinXP Home and it still won't upgrade to WinXP Pro even though I reset the clock to 2001! The only reason I feel I have to upgrade is because I only have a single desktop XP system now and I've never installed the upgrade since I bought it.
  12. ... eventually I will have to reinstall Sacred 2. When that time comes around, I'm hoping that I will find a few helpful posts in here linking me to useful information such as: What patch(es) do I need for a new, virgin install? With whom do I now register my newly installed Sacred 2? I really enjoyed Ice & Blood during the Beta but only have the US retail version of the game. Is I&B still only available for the UK version? Probably I will have more questions after I have finished stabilizing my "new" Windows XP system. Of course since Windows is inherently unstable ...
  13. I initially purchased it for the PS3 and played it from start to finishe at least three times before I decided to also purchase it with one available DLC for the PC. Much to my horror, the PC version of the disks I received were simply Steam installers and the game had to be downloaded. I haven't read through the entire topic here but thought I saw someone mention a hard copy of the game, as in available on CD/DVD. If I had realized the version I ordered from Amazon was simply a Steam portal, I would have look further. I've enjoyed the PS3 version immensely but have yet to get into the PC version much due to the difference in controls. The reason I'm interested in the PC version is because of the huge Mod accumulation available. That should make an enjoyable game last even longer ... if I can ever overcome my problems with Steam.
  14. Since you've already changed "Brotherhood" to "Fellowship", why not change "Brave" to "Ring". I bet you'd have a best seller!
  15. Hope the third time is the charm that preceeds your meteoric rise to fame. What byline should we look for?
  16. When I first got Skyrim it was for the PS3. I finished it 3 times before I decided that I wanted to get a copy for the PC so I could get Mods for it. I finally got a PC version from Amazon but haven't played much because I'm still ticked that it was not actually on the disk I paid for. All I got was a Steam installer which then downloaded Skyrim! Talk about a rip off. I have finally learned how to disable Steam so I don't need to be online to play. I just wish I had the full game on disc for that inevitable time in the distant future when I want to reinstall the game and either don't have Internet or Steam has gone out of business. Will try to post some screenshots once I get levelled up enough.
  17. Thank you and I'm sorry to hear about the problems with your cat. We had two before our current dog they've both been gone for years but sometimes it seems just like yesterday that they did something memorable like attack the dog for stealing their cat food! Priscilla was the youngest and least friendly and we still cried when we had to have her put to sleep. They were all members of our family as I'm sure is true of yours. When the time comes, it will be painful but you will eventually get to a time when the pain isn't constant and you will be able to move on. Hmpf, maybe I should listen to myself ...
  18. There is no contesting the fact that this was/is an engineering marvel and that it has been highly beneficial for the local area. In looking at its history, however, you may wish to realize that even beneficial projects may have a negative environmental impact. I still remember the scenes of devastated farmland in Mexico, all caused by the loss of water to the Dam. Is it any wonder that Mexicans in general don't like us?
  19. Thanks, you are probably right but we still feel bad. I'm sure we will eventually overcome that feeling but right now I feel the need for further meditation to overcome my "feelings".
  20. I'm sure we did but why does it feel so wrong!? As far as getting an older cat, I think we will wait until our current dog finally leaves us. She is 13 and has gone deaf, so I don't think she deserves the terror of another cat right now. Let her enjoy the rest of her life with us. Plenty of time to think about another pet when she is gone.
  21. About 1410 this afternoon I called the local SPCA organization where our kitten, Paul, had originally been adopted from. After talking with the young lady in charge of accepting pets and explaining the situation to her, she said I should bring Paul in. She said they had several Vets who did volunteer work for them, so there would be no problem getting Paul the surgical help he needed. By 1440 Paul was back at the SPCA and I had been assured that they would take care of his required surgery and, after his recovery, find him a new home. It was an emotional time and once I called everything happened rather quickly but I wanted to get him help as soon as possible once I finally realized there was nothing we could do for him. I gave them all his left over food and the remainder of the pain medication we had purchased from the Vet. When my wife got home, we had a bit of a cry over it because we had actually gotten attached to Paul in the short time we had been his care givers. I just hope everything goes smoothly for him now that he is there. Thanks to all who thought enough of me and Paul to respond.
  22. That option is looking more and more attractive. Something new has occurred that doesn't speak well for the kittens longevity. My wife is 70+ years old and the kitten is always underfoot. Yesterday she actually tripped over the kitten and fell. Fortunately, the area where she fell was covered with a half inch thick resilient cover. She might not be so lucky next time. I think the kitten is on his "last legs" ...
  23. I was hesitant to post this in here because it's been a while since I've been active but asked one of the "Senior Members" and he suggested I go ahead. I'm still not too sure, but here goes: We recently found out from the Vet that our kitten had somehow broken its leg. It's not an easily repaired break either, evidently the ball is broken off the end of the bone and is not even in its socket. We had thought he had simply bruised his paw somehow because he was acting almost normally except he would not put any weight on his left rear leg! Let me state up front that all I'm asking for are any suggestions, good or bad, so we can broaden our, and our kitten's, options. We are on a fixed and limited income, so must make any decision with that in mind. We didn't even really want a kitten but were doing a favor for a friend of my wife, who got the kitten only to find out she was allergic to him. Having said that, we have still gotten attached to him and don't wish him any discomfort. Option 1: The vet seems to think that an expensive surgery will give him almost full use of his leg again. They would insert a pin to help re-fuse the ball to the upper leg bone and he would have to be kept "quiescent" while healing. Problems: Possible rejection of the "parts" implanted and likelihood of ongoing arthritis forever. [Added] Just got a quote from our Vet. She contacted a couple of Orthopedic surgeons and the high quote is $1900 and the low (from the surgeon who is not "board Certified) is $1700. Neither will be an option for us. We are now exploring options with other, out of state, Vets. Unfortunately, for the kitten, even if we got the price down to $500 it would be too much for us. Option 2: Amputate the leg completely and, again, try to keep the kitten as quiet as possible while he heals. This would likely give the kitten (and hopefully cat later) less pain over its life and may or may not be less expensive. Problems: Has anyone ever tried to put toothpaste back in the tube? I'm sure it would be easier than keeping a kitten quiet. Option 3: Do nothing or as little as possible. Problems: This is even less attractive than spending money we don't have for surgery because the kitten/cat would be in constant pain the rest of its life. Option 4: Put the kitten down. Problems: It may be the simplest solution but is also the most emotionally distasteful. We have lost pets before and always felt a profound sense of loss. Just because we weren't looking to adopt this animal doesn't mean we should turn away when he needs us. Option 5: ? ? ?
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