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DarkMatters - Member
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jayfister last won the day on November 6 2013

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Polonium Wizard

Polonium Wizard (3/20)



  1. (wasn't able to edit previous post... sorry) As I was still trying to figure out how turn this build in the perfect thing I was looking for, I realized I'm not a big fan of casting spells every 45sec (divine protection) and after researches warding energy buff is not that good (often goes into fading because too much damages taken) (do you agree with that? can't speak in experience about warding energy...) Question is : what good options do I have to increase survivabiliy, damages mitigation, HP, defense, etc if I'm not taking warding energy and the two shields CAs. Many thanks ! (and sorry for the double post)
  2. Hello everyone, I've been reading guides on the BFG seraphin and some questions comes to mind ! My problem is : I'm not a big fan of cast spells every 45sec (divine protection) and read that warding energy buff is not that good (often goes into fading because too much damages taken). Moreover, I'd like to take enhanced perception to my character... Question is : what good options do I have to increase survivabiliy, damages mitigation, HP, defense, etc if I'm not taking warding energy and the two shields CAs. And : toughness is that effecient? Many thanks !
  3. Hi Dobri and everyone ! Great job you did on this build so many thanks. I had a question though : If you had to take off one skill (I know you wouldn't ) that won't tear down this build into pieces, would it be : Toughness (low damage mitigation), Exalted Warrior Focus (we can mod Battle Stance from Tactics Lore but for eating BS runes we'll be always beyond penalty), Revered Technology Lore (we can mode AW and BFG from RTFocus, and AW will be powerful enough from eating numbers of BFG runes, and I don't know if RTLore increases damages very bad when BFG correctly modded). I want to pick Enhanced Perception because I don't have any shopper and not willing to make one for now. Thanks a lot !
  4. Hi everyone, Trying this build, I came up with some questions I could not find aswers : Increasing the skeletons damages : only way is by leveling up NA ca's ? I tried a build without Astral Lord Lore and I found the skeletons were much slower to move around the map, someone has noticed the same ? Maybe Astral Lord Lore increases their speed but maybe it's just the ca level... Thanks to everyone.
  5. Ok thanks for the quick answer ! That's why my mount has leveled up so fast ! I used to fight on it 24/7 but now I'm trying to drop some good stuff at the orc cave so can't use my mount :'(
  6. Hello there ! My SW is level 61 and my special mount 75. I wanted to know if our special mount was leveling up faster when we fought on it ? Thanks
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