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Everything posted by essjayehm

  1. Uhm, you do the hokey-pokey and shake it all about? The only thing you are missing is looking at your modifiers screen. Check your info screen (the one that lists all your bonuses) with the buff-suit enhanced buffs active (while wearing your adventuring suit) and you will see that you have the benefit of high-level buffs active (even though the CA screen tells you your buffs are at level 1). Make sense?
  2. I know what you mean, Tybudd. Shoot thru Silver, Gold and most of Platinum, then do a "play-through" in Niob. Thankfully on console this can be done in singleplayer mode. Most of my toons ended up finishing Silver 38-45... Gold at 60-ish and some toons pass Platinum as early as level 75. The issue is the the minimum level of mobs in Niob is 110... sure you can handle the trash pretty easily, but the champions can really hurt and getting mobbed can lead to quick deaths if you are careless. So, I suggest farming Platinum until level 90-ish, you will have an extra couple of skills mastered and then a Niob playthrough is less brutal. A bit less As for low-level toons in places where they don't belong; having a level 12 toon, I imported one into a Gold difficulty game and actually found moderate success (ie actually killing a couple of level 40-thiefs in the beginning area)... so that is actually possible as well, but you'd have to use the console-bug of socketing some high-level rings into your gear to survive. But, it is not worth it, as any item dropped is also min. level 40 so you can't use any gear you find. IMO, just 'bee-line' silver normally if you want to be in Gold ASAP.
  3. Whoa... was checking in everyday for a bit, then missed a couple of days.and now we're back! Good.to "see" everyone!
  4. <finishes mopping up Eth's drool puddles> Grim Misadventures #11 <sighs and shambles off to get a new mop&bucket>
  5. Remembered one other - socketing a ring, etc into a piece of armour will change the minimum level requirements of the armour (unlike consoles, where you can socket level 200 rings into level 1 gear and use it with a new toon. Chattius hit on a few that were tickling my brain, but wouldn't come out earlier. Can't believe I forgot about the new areas!
  6. lol u made me think of a mod...tuxedo mod for sacred 2! gogo Tuxedo sets for everyone! heh.. put the vader helmet on with a tux
  7. Off hand, I can say that going from PS3 to Ice and Blood, you will find major differences with the DoT damage... notably those spitting spiders, et al. Spell Resistance is almost a 'manditory' skill in a general build due to that. Staff Lore allows the projectiles from staff weapons (which makes some broken builds). All the skills 'work', ie Blacksmithing (in all PC versions, actually). Allskills and +All combat arts nerfed (halved, iirc). You can actually target specific enemies with the mouse-controls, as opposed the the (semi)auto-targeting system on the consoles; making some Combat Arts a lot more controllable (ie the spreads on thorns and flame wall, etc). The MF bonus for map explored works properly (/10 on consoles). DRAGON MAGE <rawr>. You're limited to 5 or 6? Combat Arts quick-slotted as opposed to the console setup of "12".. you do get weapon slots, but I always played with 1 weapon and 11 Combat Arts in my console-days. I suppose there is some kind of 'lag' when swapping weapons or Combat Arts that is not present on the consoles. Mucho expanded loot tables in the Uniques... and, OMG LEGENDARIES! Bosses are harder, 3x HP's if I'm scared to recall... not sure exactly. Side-bosses have quests you have to activate before appearing, and there are a few more of them as well (ie the Lords). There is probably more...
  8. I love me my (Sacred 2) Bargaining skill... but Trading not so much. The times I tried Trading, I never 'borked' it (by getting it signifigantly over my clvl) and it seemed like it was eating more time trying to up my Trading than just getting a decent adventuring suit put together. Hmmm, wonder where I can find some + for my Demoness... she seems quite sour most of the time
  9. C'mon Gogo... dooooooooooooooooooo it! My Demoness is now level 65, almost finished the Gold Ancarian campaign. I skipped UW in Silver, and proably gold, too... and worry about hitting up the expansion for Platinum (to gain levels), and, of course, the Niobium "full-run" - every quest, side-boss, etc. Silly question - is it supposed to be impossible to find gear (aside from uniques) that boost the Demoness' combat arts? I cannot recall seeing one item with a demon-CA yet.
  10. Heya, Omnicide... thanks for stopping in, letting us know what you've been up to, yada, yada... ohyeah, and the kind words, too Thank Schot (and the ubiquitous pile of hair he pulled out...) for reviving us out of the death throes of the recent attack on our site. The forum update we did (as a result) also came with this skin, and a fine booty of a prize she is, arrrrrr (you missed out on 'post like a pirate week') Coincedentally, I just threw out my old BG2/Throne of Bhaal games last weekend. Kindof a teary moment (such a good game at its' time), but when I revisited it last year, it just didn't resonate as much with me anymore (being in love with the ARPG, rather than the turn-based ones). Edit: currently playing the first Sacred... trying out my first caster in that one, a Demoness. And patiently awaiting Grim Dawn as my 'next' game to play. TTYL!
  11. I was going to say that as well, lots of uniques found in Silver difficulty can be missing one modifier (esp. jewellery). I don't recall set pieces missing sockets, though. If that Tyho's was found in Gold... hmmmmm... dunno what to say about that; it should have both mods on it.
  12. Glad you decided to jump in! Sacred Wiki (which you can participate in, as a DM member), is a wonderful reference (although somewhat tricky to navigate). 18,000+ articles at your disposal, good sir; from general knowledge about the backstory, character classes, skills and combat arts, to detailed guides how to build a "toon" The PC version is the most confusing, as it typically depends on which version you are playing. Aside from the expansion (Ice and Blood) which changed a LOT, some of the lesser patches also changed signifigant things with the game. Happy Hunting!
  13. Welcome to the forums, Bobbo! Enjoy your stay!
  14. I never had my Xbox hooked up to the www... so I do not know how that that works at all, IDSU. I have bought 4 copies of Sacred (3x PS3 and once for Xbox), and the most I ever payed was $20. The hardest thing now, is finding a gameshop that has a copy in-stock. If you like the ARPG style, it is worth easily $20... myself, I put in well over 5000 hours playing the console version.
  15. Is that a request for updated information? They showed some uniques in their "state of the game address" last month (only 3 or 4 skins, no stats)... and a new update is due early December. Head on over to grimdawn.com for more details
  16. Awww, I wanna hear about the boooooooooooooooooooooooooooozzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! This IS the bar, after all! Good thing I mixed up a quick stirfry this morning (I work overnights) or your post would have me drooling all over my keyboard. I assume those are late-fall potatoes you pulled from the nearly frozen ground? YUM.
  17. Here is where I saw the skin before, and why I first thought of the Sigils when you posted, bhav. The CM patch did not 'invent' anything per se, just unlocked things that were in-game but not used with the original releases... so the skins for the Sigils were actually coded, and that is where this bug (Steam-related or otherwise) is getting that from. Good luck with this mystery...
  18. Heya, I Dont Screw Up... welcome to the forums! And before any smart comments come up, you did not screw up, you're just not allowed to post links before you have a certian number of posts (10, IIRC). I quoted your post so the link is good, now... and me likey! Dildos seems a little more techno than Rammstein, but similar nonetheless. Enjoy your stay! Scott
  19. Making me jealous, Juha! Very nice, now you can have triple-screen action goin' on... gaming, chatting, and... ahem... some other random internet action
  20. Hmmm. Interesting find, bhav. At first glance, I thought it was one of the CM-patch 'relic sets', but they have names like Ki, lth, em, and al (to make the Kilthemal relic set) I found a topic that may shed some light on that item, here... but IMO it should be a gold item, not green, so I am not totally sure what you have found. Anyone else?
  21. The one by BlackJAC? Since it is a console-build it will work just fine. The updates on the console were very minor and the only time you need to worry (about compatibility) is with the "ice and blood"/PC builds; but even then just about all the builds are still mostly viable on the consoles. Happy Hunting!
  22. If memory serves correctly, Unique 2H are pretty scarce, but there are a good number of Legendary ones. From the wiki, the 2H axes! On the console I only remember getting the Skullspitter... And the legendaries are not so organized, but there are a few there, as well.
  23. Riding just lessens the impact that riding has on your combat art regeneration, and at some point actually starts reducing CA regens while mounted. Riding skill is not needed to 'unlock' anything per se.
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