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  1. With the newer games and the negative aspects of DRM they have introduced, when combined with the fact that so few new games have such a grand replay value, Sacred 2 is the game that just keeps on giving; for these two reasons among many others, I believe it is easy to understand why there are so many gamers still attracted to it. Not to diminish other games Sacred in name, I will attempt to comprise here a comprehensive list of rationalizations as to what so many find attractive in this "golden," yet ever relevant game, Sacred 2 Fallen Angel: 1) The graphics are quite detailed, even when measured against truly 4K games it is still very competitive and complex with detailed textures, especially when "Trimmed Elite Textures" are employed. 2) The game is veritably a wondrous open map where one may progress throughout the map and revisit areas endlessly for additional exploration and to battle foes again. 3) Aside from the main quest, the side and chain quests may be played at ones leisure and in any order. One may complete the main quest and then return to play any or all of the other yet uncompleted quests. 4) There are so many special unique and legendary weapons, armor, and items. The high quality "yellow" items are virtually endless and may be discovered at any number of levels with an assortment of slots for forging. Some games are preset as to what one may use to upgrade a specific weapon or piece of armor, but with Sacred 2 the user can make their own choices in this regard. Freedom rules! 5) There are so many play styles and ways to build ones character and a sufficient number of characters from which to select. One may choose the Light or Dark path, and afterward experiment with the different skills and modifications, making each character different each time one begins anew. 6) There is so much detailed information on the Wiki with links to downloadable weapons, armor and items. Unlike some games where one may never find all of the armor, jewelry or weapons, here one may treat themselves to practically anything they wish, aside from the "yellow" items as their combinations seem nearly infinite. 7) Here at Dark Matters there is such a vast array of helpful topics, build guides, troubleshooting tips, download links, interesting topics, videos, screenshots, indy art, word and forum games, downloads, and so much more! The site here is family friendly and a handy haven for players of the game and a repository of information for any, especially the aspiring player of Sacred 2. 8) Also here at this site we have a marvelous resource, its members. There are so many helpful and genuinely friendly members willing to help anyone whether they are a "noob" or veteran player. When a new or long time member asks a question, someone knowledgeable always steps in and assists. 9) Mods, and so many of them, are here in their splendor and wondrous glory, ready to download and use. The Diablo II Mod, truly does wonders to the game and as do the other modifications, further expands its enjoyment. 10) The Community Patch has been recently updated and has fixed a virtually endless array of bugs and made fixes to some serious issues to include game crashing. In my opinion the game is now closer to the way it was originally envisioned by its developers at Ascaron. The textures are being employed so well and the monsters, bosses, and quests now fill the world of Ancaria, now an immense, immersive, and immeasurable expanse of wonder, ready to explore in a way that does not confining the player with overly-scripted directed paths. 11) Finally, If one requires but one more reason why Sacred 2 is such a wonderful game: Forsooth (what was first foreshadowed in my initial statement) Sacred 2 Fallen Angel has tremendous replay value. When the End Bosses are defeated the credits may roll, yet the game is not truly over. The player may simply return and finish any uncompleted side quests and visit any part of Ancaria yet again, the friendly denizens of towns and hamlets wave and greet them. One may store their character's save file and chests at any point and load them yet again in order to play from that point forward. That is another precious thing unto itself, indeed. I doubtlessly must have excluded some other noteworthy reasons, as there are so many great rationalizations which prove the worth of this outstanding game. I have no doubt that there will be players of the game far into the future, both newcomers and old-timers. Note: This article is a reprint of my original reply to the post here.
  2. Dual Wield Exalted Warrior/Revered Technology Seraphim Hello everyone! For those who still play this game nowadays, in the following lines I will share my personal Sacred 2 guide for one of my favorite characters, the Seraphim. As the title say, we will mainly be using combat arts from the Exalted Warrior aspect and a few from the Revered Technology aspect, mainly the energy shield. So, let's begin! 1. Skill build Level 2 - Tactics Lore (keep this close to your character level) - One of the most important skills for our Seraphim since it increases the damage dealt by weapons and the critical chance as well! (you should put at least 1 point in Tactics Lore per level up or if you want, 2 points every 2 level ups so you can master it at level 75). Level 3 - Exalted Warrior Focus (at least 75 points for mastery) - Probably our second most important skill after Tactics Lore due to the regeneration and penalty decrease for the Exalted Warrior combat arts. Master it at level 75. Level 5 - Armor Lore (keep it around half of your character's level) - Great skill due to the regeneration reduction of our combat arts as well as penalty diminish from the equipment. Try to have the penalty limit around 15-20 levels higher than your character level (for example, a level 60 Seraphim should have no penalty for gear level 75-80). This is because we will mainly be using set or unique items that mostly comes with a way higher level than our character, especially if they're dropped from bosses. Level 8 - Dual Wield (you can keep this at half of your character's level) - Good skill for a bit of attack and attack speed boost. The penalty limit threshold should be the same as Armor Lore's, you should be able to use weapons up to 15-20 levels more than yours without penalties. Level 12 - Revered Technology Focus (at least 75 points for mastery; you can keep it 1/2 of your character's level) - We'll learn the Focus skill first for the regeneration time decrease as well as penalty threshold. Very important skill in our build. Level 18 - Revered Technology Lore (you can keep this 1/3 of your character's level since we will be using Flaring Nova more for crowd control rather than damage and also the energy shield benefits more from Warding Energy Lore rather than from Revered Technology Lore) Level 25 - Constitution (keep it around 1/3 of your level until later levels, when it can be 1/2) - More health is always good to have. Level 35 - Concentration (don't put too many points in this since we are using it mostly for the second buff) - At this point of the game we should be able to have some regeneration reduction equipment (or at least some gear with regeneration reduction from buffs), so the regeneration increase from the second buff shouldn't be a major problem. Level 50 - Warding Energy Lore (put as many points as you need; you can keep the ratio from Constitution as well, 1/3 of your character's level on Silver difficulty and then at higher difficulties you can keep it 1/2 or even 2/3, if you like a more 'tanky' approach) - Improves your energy shield and indirectly, your health, since it strengthens your survivability in battle. Level 65 - Toughness (don't spend too much time on this, just keep it 1/3 of your character's level or even 1/4) - Just for a little more resistance against every damage type. 1.1 Skill mastery order (personal preference) 1st mastery - Tactics Lore (for more critical hit chance) 2nd mastery - Exalted Warrior Focus (for further regeneration and penalty decrease for Pelting Strikes, Dashing Alacrity and Battle Stance buff) 3rd mastery - Revered Technology Focus (for further regeneration and penalty decrease for Flaring Nova and Warding Energy buff) 4th mastery - Dual Wield (to grant the chance to inflict double hits with your weapons) 5th mastery - Armor Lore (for further regeneration penalty decrease) 6th mastery - Warding Energy Lore (for even more faster shield regeneration) 7th mastery - Revered Technology Lore (for more Flaring Nova damage; it improves the energy shield as well) 8th mastery - Constitution (to be able to regenerate health while in combat) 9th mastery - Toughness (for further increased resistance against all damage types) 10th mastery - Concentration (only for 3 active buffs at the same time; we kept Concentration at 10th mastery because we don't have a single point in Celestial Magic aspect Lore or Focus skills so we don't have a third fully modified buff to use) 2. Combat arts and buffs Exalted Warrior Aspect 1. Pelting Strikes - Our main combat art to use. The ideal regeneration time should be around 3 seconds (if you have gear with regeneration per hit bonuses of 1 or 1,5 seconds then you can have a regeneration of even 4,5 seconds). Keep it equal or lower level to the penalty threshold of Exalted Warrior Focus. 2. Dashing Alacrity - Very important combat art due to increased move speed and attack speed bonuses. Use it for long distance runs or before boss fights and watch them shred with Pelting Strikes. 3. Battle Stance (buff) - Our main buff that we'll be using. Provides a decent amount of damage, attack and defense boost. Revered Technology Aspect 1. Flaring Nova - Very good combat art when facing groups of enemies. Don't keep an eye out on the regeneration because we won't gonna be spamming this like Pelting Strikes. A regeneration of under 7-8 seconds should work. 2. Warding Energy (buff) - Our secondary buff after Battle Stance. Don't take it at early levels since it will increase the regeneration of Pelting Strikes and Flaring Nova too much and we won't gonna be using it against rats and brigands anyway. Level 30 should be enough to start read Warding Energy runes. *OPTIONAL* - 3. Divine Protection - You can use it during boss fights after your Warding Energy shield got depleted for some more protection. (be careful because it will deactivate your Warding Energy buff when the duration ends; I don't know if this is now patched or not) Celestial Magic Aspect (Optional) 1. Hallowed Restoration - Just a good healing effect after fights if you want to spare some health potions. 3. Combat arts and buffs modifications Pelting Strikes Succession - chance for double hits (20%) Focus - require less energy (20%) Precision - increases the chance to land critical hits (9.9% + 0,1% per level of Pelting Strikes) Dashing Alacrity Bloodlust - further increases attack speed (10% + 0,3% per level of Dashing Alacrity) Delay - increases the duration of Dashing Alacrity (with 50%) Impatience - reduces the cooldown of Dashing Alacrity (with 33,3%) Battle Stance (buff) Premonition - further increases attack value (12,5% + 2,5% per level of Battle Stance) Drill - reduces the energy cost to maintain Battle Stance (not sure how much to be honest but it's always good to have) Retaliation - small chance to reflect close combat damage (20% chance, increases slightly per level of Battle Stance) Flaring Nova Impulse - sends out 2 pulses, but reduces strength (around 30% damage reduction) Stun - chance to stun enemies within range (19,8% + 0,2% per level of Flaring Nova) Laggard - slows the targets down (25% + 0,5% per level of Flaring Nova) Warding Energy Field Force - strengthens the energy field and absorbs more damage until it is exhausted (50% increase from base value) Field Force - improves the energy field and absorbs more damage until it is exhausted (50% increase from base value) Resource - reduces the energy cost to maintain the shield (50% + 0,5% reduction per level of Warding Energy) Divine Protection Dampen - absorbs more damage (10% + 0,1% per level of Divine Protection) Uplifted Force - improves the energy shield (33,3% increase) Improved Reflection - chance to reflect projectile damage (50% + 1% per level of Divine Protection) 4. Weapons and equipment 4.1 Weapons by the level 50 mark you should have a different slot for each damage type (Physical, Magical, Fire, Ice and Poison) I personally use Poison damage weapons for the main slot (upgraded with Poison Fangs) due to Poison secondary effect (damage over type), which is a personal preference of mine - you can use any damage type as a main, it's pure preferential you can either use swords or hafted weapons, but don't combine them in the same weapon slot (like a dual wielding a sword and an axe) always keep the weapon with the higher damage on your right hand because it's the first hand we attack with and combat arts like Pelting Strikes or Soul Hammer will deal more damage this way best modifiers and effects to use on your weapons: +X% damage to the same damage your weapon has, Regeneration per hit (1-1,5 seconds should be more than enough), Lifeleech, Critical hit chance, Double hit chance, +X% Attack, +X to Attack or +X to Exalted Warrior aspect for greedier players, Experience per kill and Chance to find valuables are good too, but don't imprison yourself just in these or you'll suffer later in the game (tip available for both weapons and equipment) 4.2 Equipment I personally prefer Niokaste's Blade Dance set due to bonuses to Exalted Warrior aspect LATE EDIT: I also find Genesis Siderea set amazingly good due to the % Lifeleech bonus (if you can find both pieces of the Tooth and Nail set you'll have another % Lifeleech bonus) best modifiers and effects you can use on your equipment: +X% or +X Armor, +X% or +X to Defense, Regeneration per hit, Regeneration decrease to Combat Arts or to Exalted Warrior aspect, Lifeleech, +X% shield absorption, Spell resistance or +to all skills jewelry is pure preferential, I personally use +Damage, +Attack, Lifeleech or Regeneration per hit rings and +Armor, +Attack and Defense, +to all skills or Damage mitigation amulets (you can socket some of these modifiers in your weapons and equipment as well) 4.3 Relics use each set of relics for every resistance needed (I personally use the main set with mixed relics and the other ones with Poison resistance relics, Fire resistance relics and Ice resistance relics) unique or set relics (from the Community Patch) are the best ones, so keep every one of these you find until you find better ones 5. Attributes at early levels (1-25), you should put points into both Strength (for some melee damage and attack boost) and Stamina (for some regeneration decrease until we find proper equipment) in a 50-50 ratio (60-40 or 40-60 ratio can work too) after level 25 you can occasionally start putting points into Vitality (for more health) and Willpower (for a little bit more Warding Energy shield power) after level 50, when you will gain 2 attribute points to spend, ONE should always go into Strength and the other one either into Vitality, Willpower or Stamina (into Stamina only if you really need to); if you feel you don't need either Vitality, Willpower or Stamina then you can up both points into Strength after level 150, when you will gain 3 attribute points to spend, TWO should always go into Strength and the other one either into Vitality or Willpower, based on your personal preference; if you feel you don't need either Vitality or Willpower then you can up all three points into Strength 6. Play style Expert Touch option is pure preferential (I personally have it ON since I am using a lot of Regeneration per hit modifiers) control large groups of mobs via Flaring Nova (remember that we send 2 pulses from the modification, so, it's an increased chance to either stun or slow down the annoying enemies) slay champion type enemies with Pelting Strikes (3 or 4 hits should pretty much wipe them) use Dashing Alacrity to chase down fleeing enemies, ranged fighters or mages who tend to run away at distance in battles before entering boss battles, don't forget to switch to the relics set that offer the needed resistance (example, Fire relics against Carnach) cast Dashing Alacrity before boss battles as well and spam Pelting Strikes until they die (Pelting Strikes will hit faster due to increased attack speed from Dashing Alacrity modification) after your Warding Energy shield gets depleted during a boss fight (or you get debuffed by certain bosses like The Harpy Queen or The White Griffin) cast Divine Protection shield to protect yourself best unique mount you can use: Exalted Warrior Sabertooth Tiger (-33,3% regeneration decrease to Exalted Warrior aspect) collect every dropped items from mobs (even the common ones), you will need lots of gold for constantly upgrading our weapons and gear 7. Pros and cons Pros extremely powerful against both single targets and groups fast and easy boss killing huge amounts of damage dealt in small periods of time both offensive and defensive build extremely tanky type of Seraphim Cons some players may find it boring and repetitive low versatility since it requires a certain play style very dependent on Battle Stance and Warding Energy buffs pure melee style can be a bit weak and slow without Dashing Alacrity and Pelting Strikes combat arts As a final word, I really hope this guide will help you in developing a really strong and fun to play type of Seraphim. Good luck and have fun wiping the lands of Ancaria!
  3. Version v1.2b


    Community Items Mod v1.2b The Community Items Mod 1.2 is now integrated into the Community Patch 1.50. This download is a small mod that is designed to be installed on top of Sacred 2 Gold + CM Patch 1.50. ================================ Features: 1) The mod restores some item designs that were present in the CM Items Mod 1.2 but were removed for copyright reasons (which are now resolved) when the mod was integrated into the CM Patch. This mod restores their unique designs. Without this mod the items will use generic item models from Sacred 2 (but will still function). The items with changed appearances are: a) Torch of Light b) Axe-Bot 2525 c) Forgotten Technology d) Spear of the Dryads e) The Catalyst f) The Iron Knight g) Earthshaker h) Soulflay Fork 2) The mod also contains a hotfix for an issue with the leg armor of the new Frozen Gems set, which flash and glow due to a script error. The error is corrected with this mod. 3) 1.2b introduces a couple fixes for the Children of Asha Set (left boot mesh spike fix, double cape mesh fix) and a fix for the Doom Guard Set (better cape weights). Updated 2/6/2017. ================================ Installation: 1) It's always best to install Sacred 2 mods with the Generic Mod Enabler (GME). It can save a lot of headaches and frustration. Get it free at http://www.softpedia.com/get/Others/Miscellaneous/Generic-Mod-Enabler.shtml 2) Install the GME into your Sacred 2 root folder and run it once. 3) Place the "Item Mod 1.2b" folder into the MODS folder created by the GME. 4) Use the GME to activate this mod. If updating from v1.2a: Simply disable the old version with the mod enabler, delete the old folder, then enable the new 1.2b version. Install order is the same. Compatibility with other mods is the same. This mod REQUIRES Sacred 2 Ice and Blood with the latest official patch ( or plus the latest Community Patch (1.50). ================================ Development threads and more info: New Dragon Mage Sets in Development New Uniques and Legendaries Brainstorming ================================ Thanks to my CM Items Mod team: Silver Fox for overseeing and handling the development of v1.2. Also for his scripting, mastery of the game files, insight into item balancing and planning, attention to detail, encouragement, and his work on textures and reviewing bonuses. His modding expertise and dedication helped to make every little piece of this mod as good as it could possibly be. Pesmontis for his crucial knowledge and tireless efforts in helping to get this project off the ground and completed, and for all his hard work editing textures and models, his kindness and endless patience, and wonderful item contributions. It would not have been possible without him. Special thanks to: Dimitrius154 and LazyTomcat for contributing their amazing work to the mod. Other volunteer testers (Gilberticus, Dragon Brother, SX255). People who offered up suggestions and requests, and contributed ideas and work to the mod: (Dragon Brother, Thorin Oakenshield, Chattius, Giberticus, SX255, Dave-O, Moonpaw). Czevak and Dragon Brother for getting me going with starter tips on what files to edit. LazyTomcat, Wardust, and others who made mods before me so I could follow their example. Gogoblender and Schot for hosting this mod on Darkmatters.org Everyone at Darkmatters who has followed the development of this mod and offered support and encouragement (especially Yoshio). Marcus and Czevak for adding the mod to the Community Patch.
  4. Hey there again folks! As you know, I've never played Sacred 2 before, but this is going to change, because yesterday I finally bought it! The thing that scares me the most is that while I know Underworld literally to perfection, I have no idea what awaits me on Sacred II! When I play Sacred (1) I don't even need to read the quests because I already know what I have to do to complete them; I know the best builds for each class, I know how to use the right skills at the right time. While on Sacred two I'm just a rookie. But I'm not scared. I'm already downloading the community patch, because obviously the game doesn't start.
  5. Tristan's Companion View File This remarkable ring is part of the set Bratgrimace's Legacy and earlier would not appear in the chest for the respective download. I checked and the piece appears when using the CM Patch 160. However, this chest houses twelve rings for each designated level. Also, the modifiers are much more powerful than those that are delivered with the other set pieces. Let the people rejoice! Name: Tristan's Companion (Part of Bratgrimace's Set) Type: Ring Class: All Requires: CM Patch Sockets: Levels in chest file: 10, 15, 20, 25 - 205 (increment 12) Item Modifiers: Chance To Halve Regeneration Time +x% Casting Speed +x% URL: http://www.sacredwiki.org/index.php/Sacred_2:Tristan's_Companion Instructions: Be sure to back up your existing chest.sacred2chest file before doing anything! Installing this file will overwrite your Shared tab in your player chest. For XP, it's located in: C:\Documents and Settings\<userID>\My Documents\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2 For Vista Windows 7 and Windows 10: C:\Users\<userID>\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2 Extract the Chest.sacred2chest file from this Zip file and place it in your Saved Games folder. Submitter Hooyaah Submitted 12/18/2017 Category Community Patch Unique Jewelry  
  6. Version 1.0.0


    This remarkable ring is part of the set Bratgrimace's Legacy and earlier would not appear in the chest for the respective download. I checked and the piece appears when using the CM Patch 160. However, this chest houses twelve rings for each designated level. Also, the modifiers are much more powerful than those that are delivered with the other set pieces. Let the people rejoice! Name: Tristan's Companion (Part of Bratgrimace's Set) Type: Ring Class: All Requires: CM Patch Sockets: Levels in chest file: 10, 15, 20, 25 - 205 (increment 12) Item Modifiers: Chance To Halve Regeneration Time +x% Casting Speed +x% URL: http://www.sacredwiki.org/index.php/Sacred_2:Tristan's_Companion Instructions: Be sure to back up your existing chest.sacred2chest file before doing anything! Installing this file will overwrite your Shared tab in your player chest. For XP, it's located in: C:\Documents and Settings\<userID>\My Documents\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2 For Vista Windows 7 and Windows 10: C:\Users\<userID>\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2 Extract the Chest.sacred2chest file from this Zip file and place it in your Saved Games folder.
  7. File Name: Community Items Mod File Submitter: Flix File Submitted: 23 Mar 2014 File Category: Community Patch Community Items Mod v1.2b The Community Items Mod 1.2 is now integrated into the Community Patch 1.50. This download is a small mod that is designed to be installed on top of Sacred 2 Gold + CM Patch 1.50. ================================ Features: 1) The mod restores some item designs that were present in the CM Items Mod 1.2 but were removed for copyright reasons (which are now resolved) when the mod was integrated into the CM Patch. This mod restores their unique designs. Without this mod the items will use generic item models from Sacred 2 (but will still function). The items with changed appearances are: a) Torch of Light b) Axe-Bot 2525 c) Forgotten Technology d) Spear of the Dryads e) The Catalyst f) The Iron Knight g) Earthshaker h) Soulflay Fork 2) The mod also contains a hotfix for an issue with the leg armor of the new Frozen Gems set, which flash and glow due to a script error. The error is corrected with this mod. 3) 1.2b introduces a couple fixes for the Children of Asha Set (left boot mesh spike fix, double cape mesh fix) and a fix for the Doom Guard Set (better cape weights). Updated 2/6/2017. ================================ Installation: 1) It's always best to install Sacred 2 mods with the Generic Mod Enabler (GME). It can save a lot of headaches and frustration. Get it free at http://www.softpedia.com/get/Others/Miscellaneous/Generic-Mod-Enabler.shtml 2) Install the GME into your Sacred 2 root folder and run it once. 3) Place the "Item Mod 1.2b" folder into the MODS folder created by the GME. 4) Use the GME to activate this mod. If updating from v1.2a: Simply disable the old version with the mod enabler, delete the old folder, then enable the new 1.2b version. Install order is the same. Compatibility with other mods is the same. This mod REQUIRES Sacred 2 Ice and Blood with the latest official patch ( or plus the latest Community Patch (1.50). ================================ Development threads and more info: New Dragon Mage Sets in Development New Uniques and Legendaries Brainstorming ================================ Thanks to my CM Items Mod team: Silver Fox for overseeing and handling the development of v1.2. Also for his scripting, mastery of the game files, insight into item balancing and planning, attention to detail, encouragement, and his work on textures and reviewing bonuses. His modding expertise and dedication helped to make every little piece of this mod as good as it could possibly be. Pesmontis for his crucial knowledge and tireless efforts in helping to get this project off the ground and completed, and for all his hard work editing textures and models, his kindness and endless patience, and wonderful item contributions. It would not have been possible without him. Special thanks to: Dimitrius154 and LazyTomcat for contributing their amazing work to the mod. Other volunteer testers (Gilberticus, Dragon Brother, SX255). People who offered up suggestions and requests, and contributed ideas and work to the mod: (Dragon Brother, Thorin Oakenshield, Chattius, Giberticus, SX255, Dave-O, Moonpaw). Czevak and Dragon Brother for getting me going with starter tips on what files to edit. LazyTomcat, Wardust, and others who made mods before me so I could follow their example. Gogoblender and Schot for hosting this mod on Darkmatters.org Everyone at Darkmatters who has followed the development of this mod and offered support and encouragement (especially Yoshio). Marcus and Czevak for adding the mod to the Community Patch. Click here to download this file
  8. Looking for feedback - where do you wish there were portals in Ancaria? Strictly speaking these will be ports unlocked by Ship Captain NPC's, since the limit of portals is already reached, not to mention we can't add the static portals to the map. This is why Ascaron added Hot Air Balloons instead of new portals to Ice and Blood. What makes this really worthwhile is an upcoming change to the code that allows ship ports to be accessed from the main map, just like portals. In essence, every unlocked port becomes just like a portal. You won't have to visit a captain to travel to other ports; you can get there from wherever you are. Since ports will function like portals I'm working on a new icon (subject to change). Here is a map with all ports shown. Here is a map with all ports and portals, to give a better sense of where there are gaps (if any). This is the current list of new portals: Tyr Lysia: Forgotten Gardens - Home to a bygone Seraphim sisterhood Noriath Temple - Isolated spiritual enclave Bluestonbury - Quiet town on the Bluestone Lake Artamark: Black Oaks - The largest market in Artamark Skook's Corner - The DeMordrey seat of power Orcish Byway - Town on the border of the Human and Orc realms Lakeview Tavern - Peaceful retreat near the Bottomless Lake Nor Plat: Schlun'Zum - Ancient home of the Nur-Trak clan Dragon Sea Islands: North Seraphim Island - Ruins northeast of Seraphim Tower Blackhammer's Camp (North Island) - Camp of the human resistance fighters Swamp: Sethiaz - A settlement of the Nameless Cult Sar'Thaz - Village of Lizard people Desert: Dar Al Badja - A troubled archaelogical excavation site Tharum - The largest oasis in the Bengaresh Desert Rajab - Town in southern Bengaresh Dyr Lain: Eloeth-Sun - A recent settlement of human refugees Logaeiar - Deserted, crumbling ruins Wastelands: Wastelands Camp - Camp near the Great Machine entrance Blood Forest: Halko's Manor - Zombie residence
  9. 351 downloads

    This is a visual mod for the Community Patch that was created by LazyTomcat back in 2011. You can find its full description in the respective thread: My personal CM-Patch Mod LazyTomcat was no longer able to keep his mod up to date, but he gave permission to share it "as is" with the community. This mod changes the following things: "Adornments of the Ancestors" got the graphics from "Golden Raven Mod" "Detheya's Agility" is a little cozy bauble "Faladal's Blizzard" got the graphics from "Diamond Ice Mod" Healthbar in rainbow design new make-up for Seraphim, High Elf and Dryad Cape of "Scourge of Lordaeron" removed because of clipping bugs (not on the shot) NOTE: LazyTomcat's mod was complied for the now outdated version of the Community Patch. It can be applied as is only to the version v120. However, most of the changes it does to the interface and textures are compatible with the later patch releases. If you are going to use it together with the latest versions of the CM patch, do not use the "scripts" folder from this mod.
  10. Version 1


    This chest contains two hafted weapons that were added to drops with CM patch v90. Though all items in this chest were present in game before the Community Patch, so the chest should work fine even if you do not have CM patch installed. The chest contains: Bugslayer and Hammer of the Righteous. The information below applies to both weapons. Item levels: Bronze difficulty: Levels 16 and 44 Silver difficulty: Levels 44 and 80 Gold difficulty: Levels 80 and 140 Platinum difficulty: Levels 140 and 162 Niob difficulty: Levels 162 and 200 as an added bonus the chest contains Gruma's Talisman - a legendary ammulet that was either added to drops in CM v90. Instructions: The chest file should be extracted from this archive and copied to the savegame folder. The location of this folder is given below. For Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\<userID>\My Documents\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2 For Windows Vista and Windows 7: C:\Users\<userID>\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2 Be sure to back up your existing chest.sacred2chest file before doing anything! Installing this file will overwrite your Shared tab in your player chest.
  11. Version 2.0


    Name: Essence of Dark Matters Type: Throw Potion Hands: 1 Class: Legendary Requires: Community Patch You can get this legendary Throwing Potion only as a reward for the Dark Rituals quest. This item was named 'Essence of Dark Matters' as a thank you for the DarkMatters Community. Socket Types: Gold : 1 Silver : 0 Bronze : 0 Element: 1 Available Levels: Silver: 20, 40(x2), 60(x2), 80(x2), Gold: 60, 80(x2), 100(x2), 120(x2), Platinum: 100, 120(x2), 140(x2), Niobium: 140, 160(x2), 180(x2), 200(x2) This stash contains 26 total copies of this item, each with different stats due to the random modifiers at play. This throw potion drops in several varieties, that have different appearances and damage types. Modifiers: Combat art range +X% Chance for Double Hit +X% Direct Damage X% This modifier is random. It can be any other Item Modifier of yellow or golden quality Ranged Weapons +X Chance to hit additional opponents +X% Requires Ranged Weapons Skill Chance for secondary damage effect +X% Requires the Mastery of Ranged Weapons Skill Wiki URL: http://www.sacredwiki.org/index.php/Sacred_2:Essence_of_Dark_Matters Instructions: Be sure to back up your existing chest.sacred2chest file before doing anything! Installing this file will overwrite your Shared tab in your player chest. For XP, it's located in: C:\Documents and Settings\<userID>\My Documents\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2 For Vista and Windows 7: C:\Users\<userID>\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2 Extract the Chest.sacred2chest file from this Zip file and place it in your Saved Games folder.
  12. I have community patch version 1.40 , also I play with someone, we both have seraphims at lvls ~70 and pieces of every other sets beside mutation ones. My question is do I have to download any file to increase drop rate for it and if so does my playing buddy also has to download it to be able to play with me? ps: Our survival bonus is at ~70%
  13. File Name: LazyTomcat's personal CM-Patch Mod File Submitter: Silver_fox File Submitted: 24 Mar 2014 File Category: Community Patch This is a visual mod for the Community Patch that was created by LazyTomcat back in 2011. You can find its full description in the respective thread: My personal CM-Patch Mod LazyTomcat was no longer able to keep his mod up to date, but he gave permission to share it "as is" with the community. This mod changes the following things: "Adornments of the Ancestors" got the graphics from "Golden Raven Mod" "Detheya's Agility" is a little cozy bauble "Faladal's Blizzard" got the graphics from "Diamond Ice Mod" Healthbar in rainbow design new make-up for Seraphim, High Elf and Dryad Cape of "Scourge of Lordaeron" removed because of clipping bugs (not on the shot) NOTE: LazyTomcat's mod was complied for the now outdated version of the Community Patch. It can be applied as is only to the version v120. However, most of the changes it does to the interface and textures are compatible with the later patch releases. If you are going to use it together with the latest versions of the CM patch, do not use the "scripts" folder from this mod. Click here to download this file
  14. File Name: Bugslayer and Hammer of the Righteous File Submitter: Silver_fox File Submitted: 19 Feb 2014 File Category: Community Patch Mixed Items This chest contains two hafted weapons that were added to drops with CM patch v90. Though all items in this chest were present in game before the Community Patch, so the chest should work fine even if you do not have CM patch installed. The chest contains: Bugslayer and Hammer of the Righteous. The information below applies to both weapons. Item levels: Bronze difficulty: Levels 16 and 44 Silver difficulty: Levels 44 and 80 Gold difficulty: Levels 80 and 140 Platinum difficulty: Levels 140 and 162 Niob difficulty: Levels 162 and 200 as an added bonus the chest contains Gruma's Talisman - a legendary ammulet that was either added to drops in CM v90. Instructions: The chest file should be extracted from this archive and copied to the savegame folder. The location of this folder is given below. For Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\<userID>\My Documents\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2 For Windows Vista and Windows 7: C:\Users\<userID>\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2 Be sure to back up your existing chest.sacred2chest file before doing anything! Installing this file will overwrite your Shared tab in your player chest. Click here to download this file
  15. File Name: Flix's Dragon Mage Sets Mod File Submitter: Flix File Submitted: 18 Jan 2014 File Category: Community Patch Flix's Dragon Mage Sets Mod v2 NOTE: This mod is no longer available as a stand-alone mod. It is now included in and superseded by the Community Patch 1.60. ================================ Introduction: This is an ongoing project that adds new set, unique, and legendary items to Sacred 2: Ice and Blood. Currently the mod contains the following items: *Draco's Garments of Mutation (Full Dragon Mage Set) *Chaoskampf (Full Dragon Mage Set) *Auspicious Powers (Full Dragon Mage Set) *Eternal Return (All Class 2-Ring Set) *Tooth and Nail (All Class Ring-Amulet Set) *Shared Player Stash File containing copies of all the above items (optional). ================================ Installation (Main mod): Extract the contents of this archive (3 folders [locale, pak, scripts]) into your Sacred 2 installation folder. A typical example of the installation folder is C:\Sacred 2 Gold Overwrite all folders and files when prompted. THIS MOD WILL OVERWRITE SOME GAME SCRIPTS! Back up the folders and/or files if you ever think you may want to uninstall this mod. The overwritten files are: surface.txt blueprint.txt drop.txt itemtype.txt iteminfo.txt global.res If you have v1 installed, there is no need to uninstall it first. Simply install v2 and it will overwrite the old files. There will be an extra set of unused (completely harmless) icons in pak\data\icons\items\ that start with the number 14000. They can safely be deleted after installation of v2, but it is not necessary. ================================= Installation (Optional Stash File): As of v2 this mod now also contains an optional chest file (chest.sacred2chest) that contains copies of all the items (all level 190-200, Platinum-Niobium). They require installation of the main mod to appear in-game. Be sure to back up your existing chest.sacred2chest file before doing anything! Installing this file will overwrite your Shared tab in your player chest. For XP, it's located in: C:\Documents and Settings\<userID>\My Documents\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2 For Vista and Windows 7: C:\Users\<userID>\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2 After you've backed up your chest.sacred2chest file from the above folder, copy the chest.sacred2chest file to your save game directory and restart your game. You can then find the armor in your shared belongings chest. Grab the armor pieces you want and then save your game and exit. You can then restore your normal chest.sacred2chest file to the Sacred 2 folder and restart and continue your game. ================================= Compatibility: If you have another mod installed that changes the same files or if you have made any personal changes to the files listed above, they will be lost. This mod is designed to be compatible with the latest Community Patch (currently 1.40hf) and was created using those files. If the Community Patch is updated then this mod will be updated to maintain compatibility. This mod REQUIRES Sacred 2 Ice and Blood with the latest patch ( plus the latest Community Patch. This mod is mostly compatible with Wardust's Serious Textures mod, so long as Wardust's mod is installed FIRST. Certain changes from Wardust's mod in surface.txt will be lost however, such as shiny armors and fuzzy animals. All other changes will apply correctly. I can make a fully compatible version if requested. This mod incorporates Nighthawk's fixes to drop.txt that increase the drop rate of Mutation sets (for ALL characters). This mod is NOT compatible with Llama Mod. If both mods are installed, whichever one is installed second will overwrite the first. I can make a compatible version if there is enough demand. Currently only English and German versions are supported. The pieces will not have correct names in other languages. Contact me at Darkmatters.org to request a version in a different language. ================================ ================================ Development thread and more info: http://darkmatters.org/forums/index.php?/topic/21424-mod-new-dragon-mage-sets-in-development/ Detailed item info and lore is also included in a text file in the download. ================================ Thanks to: *Pesmontis for his crucial knowledge and tireless efforts in helping me get this project off the ground and completed, and also for translating the names into German. *Czevak and Dragon Brother for getting me going with starter tips on what files to edit. *LazyTomcat and those who made mods before me so I could follow their example. *Gogoblender and Schot for hosting this mod on Darkmatters.org *Everyone at Darkmatters who has followed the development of this mod and offered support and encouragement.
  16. File Name: Essence of Dark Matters File Submitter: Flix File Submitted: 13 Jan 2014 File Category: Community Patch Legendaries Name: Essence of Dark Matters Type: Throw Potion Hands: 1 Class: Legendary Requires: Community Patch You can get this legendary Throwing Potion only as a reward for the Dark Rituals quest. This item was named 'Essence of Dark Matters' as a thank you for the DarkMatters Community. Socket Types: Gold : 1 Silver : 0 Bronze : 0 Element: 1 Available Levels: Silver: 20, 40(x2), 60(x2), 80(x2), Gold: 60, 80(x2), 100(x2), 120(x2), Platinum: 100, 120(x2), 140(x2), Niobium: 140, 160(x2), 180(x2), 200(x2) This stash contains 26 total copies of this item, each with different stats due to the random modifiers at play. This throw potion drops in several varieties, that have different appearances and damage types. Modifiers: Combat art range +X% Chance for Double Hit +X% Direct Damage X% This modifier is random. It can be any other Item Modifier of yellow or golden quality Ranged Weapons +X Chance to hit additional opponents +X% Requires Ranged Weapons Skill Chance for secondary damage effect +X% Requires the Mastery of Ranged Weapons Skill Wiki URL: http://www.sacredwiki.org/index.php/Sacred_2:Essence_of_Dark_Matters Instructions: Be sure to back up your existing chest.sacred2chest file before doing anything! Installing this file will overwrite your Shared tab in your player chest. For XP, it's located in: C:\Documents and Settings\<userID>\My Documents\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2 For Vista and Windows 7: C:\Users\<userID>\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2 Extract the Chest.sacred2chest file from this Zip file and place it in your Saved Games folder. Click here to download this file

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