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  1. hello, I cant find any topic regarding this issue, hence the reason why I am starting one long story short: trying to play with a friend but when I try to join his server it says: IP: Cannot connect! CODE -10026: Socket: Connect timed out without connection..() when I try to open a server it cant be found in the server list, so it has to be something on my end tho I have no idea what it could be we are using RadminVPN and we tried every possible fix there is on the internet
  2. I know, it sounds uselessly complicated, but I'm gonna do it anyway and I need help. I've come as far as being able to download sacred (From this link: https://archive.org/download/pc_20211221/Sacred gold.zip) for windows, placing it in my linux files, then change the directory from linux to wine and run the command: wine .wine/drive_c/Sacred\ gold/Sacred\ gold/Sacred.exe now the game starts but instantly goes black screen and I get an erro that says: the program sacred exe has encountered a serious problem and needs to close (crash report in the comments) if instead I try to run the sacredreborn or sacredreborn config it doesn't even start and says ''error can't load SRglbl.res!'' if instead I try to run the config.exe (config of regular game) that .exe starts normally without errors. so I don't think I've done something wrong in setting up wine, since I've managed to open something, and I also already checked on a normal PC (with windows) that this version of sacred works even better than steam's version any help on how could I make it run on wine, from linux, from a chromebook?
  3. Meet the new version with updated caves inhabited exclusively by bosses! For clarity, see the video announcement. Are you ready to find these caves and face a new threat? Hint: there are 5 caves in total, all of them in Ancaria, population of the caves also may help with searching. ReBorn mod v2.52 download UPD: New version 2,52 with couple of fixed added
  4. Version 4.1


    ReBorn HD is the biggest balance patch-mod for Sacred Underwold (Sacred Gold) version 2.28. Rebalanced almost all big bosses, rebalanced a lot of Combat Arts, global difficulty balance, items rebalance, new mechanics, improved drop and bugfixes, new difficult chalanges in several caves. See changelists for details, because it’s hard to describe everything briefly. See "by versions" changelist if you want to know what's new in latest version. See "total" changelist if you want to see all actual changes. Links for actual installer and changelists you can find: Directly from our google-disc: https://bit.ly/Download_Sacred_Reborn On our site: https://sites.google.com/view/sacred-reborn-hd-en In our VK-community (ru): https://vk.com/overlookers
  5. Sacred ReBorn HD Mod (by OverLookers) View File ReBorn HD is the biggest balance patch-mod for Sacred Underwold (Sacred Gold) version 2.28. Rebalanced almost all big bosses, rebalanced a lot of Combat Arts, global difficulty balance, items rebalance, new mechanics, improved drop and bugfixes, new difficult chalanges in several caves. See changelists for details, because it’s hard to describe everything briefly. See "by versions" changelist if you want to know what's new in latest version. See "total" changelist if you want to see all actual changes. Links for actual installer and changelists you can find: Directly from our google-disc: https://bit.ly/Download_Sacred_Reborn On our site: https://sites.google.com/view/sacred-reborn-hd-en In our VK-community (ru): https://vk.com/overlookers Submitter MetaL Submitted 09/07/2018 Category Sacred Mods  
  6. Hi, community! I trying change resolution of Sacred for a long time, but it haven't any completely results. That is my one of best tries to convert image. A ground and objects looks good, but all 3D models is invisible, because they are all out of the screen. They have wrong coordinates relative to the world. Maybe, somebody have any thoughts? Or somebody understands nuances of DirectX graphics? All fresh thoughts are will be helpful!
  7. My take on the Vampiress Hello MetaL I greatly enjoyed your modification! Very appreciated! I´d like to contribute, but unfortunately I´m not a coder. Maybe this way works out too: Beeing a Vamp-Player since a long time, I´d like to toss some ideas. Choices were made in a reasonable way, to avoid overpowering. The items from Wolfe´s Lair are my reference. Suggestions: ------------ Fixed daylight-damage: I suggest a nasty sunburn-damage during the day, let´s say 5000 points if you´ve picked Niobium. It feels so odd to roam the world in Vamp-Form during broad daylight. The gameplay would become far more challenging for the Vampiress, if she´s forced to stay in human form during the day. Spallcasting: ------------- Time Control: TC became very limited with the new changes of S:RB. I suggest an initial range of 5 meters and a bonus of 0,3 meters, coming in with each rune Master Bite: Limited to 25 seconds duration, like Conversion Mind Control: Limited to 25 seconds, remove paralysis, add poison-like slowdown instead. Blood Bite: Damage is really low. For those who try to fill up the health-bar by by sucking blood after catching some Poisoned Tendrils, this spell is of no use anymore. Initial damage 2000 + 200 points each spell level. Sound good? Blood Kiss: Is it possible to lower the enemy´s defense-rate a bit, as described in the manual? I´d really be grateful since the Vampiress can´t buff their attack-bonus. Spell duration limited to 25 seconds. Blood Kiss available for horse combat too, yes? :) Awaken Dead: Spell limited to 120 seconds Bats: Can we set the max amount of bats back to 4? Sacred becomes a bit unstable with so many bats summoned. Vampire Amulets: ---------------- Berenike´s Soul: +12 Potion Find Glimmering Amulett of Luck: - Magic Find - Increased Light - Endurance-Bonus +5 Critical Hit +30% Attack/Defense +8 Take Gold, save Health Quetzals Expulsion: - Attack Bonus vs Undead - Spell Resistance - Banish Undead +10% Str to Attack +13% Str Poison +54 Farsight Vampire Rings: -------------- Chrysopras of Bloodlust: - Bats:Confusion - Weapon Lore Bonus (one of the two boni) + Bloodlust-Bonus + 10 Critical Chrysopras of Blood Warriors: - Bloodswarm - Weapon Lore + Blood Bite + 47% Regeneration Special Move Chrysopras of Blood Moons: (level 01) -Mind Control -Wolf Call -Weapon Lore -Enables attacking of Animals +60% Wounds increase Damage dealt +30 Vampirism +35 Speed +5 to all Combat Arts Chrysopras of Dark Leaders: - Attack Speed - Bats:Guard + 47% Regeneration Special Move + 30% Wounds increase Damage dealt Golden Chrysopras Ring: - Blood Swarm - Disarm-Bonus + 13% Str Poison Damage + 40% Poison + 20% to Attack/Defense Gold Ring: - Reduce Gold, save Health - Gain Gold + 100 to Attack + 30% Cha to Attack + 9% Life Leech Ring of Luck (Vampiress): - Critical Hit - Magic Find + 45% Reduce Gold, save Health + 45 Speed Vlads Bronze signed Ring: - Turn into Knight - Weapon Lore + 3% Dark Damage + 5% Lifeleech + 15 Speed Vampire Shields: ---------------- Delania´s Vampire Shield of Life: - Gain Gold + 63% Str Physical Resistance + 9% Life Leech Toothed Shield of Bloodlust: - Trap flying Opponents - Attack Speed - Armor Bonus + 23 Critical + 140% Regeneration Special Move + 150 Blood Bite + 200 to Attack Vilads Serrated Blood Shield: - Turn into Vampire - Vampirism Bonus - Endurance Bonus - Magic Find + 93% Str Magic Damage + 100% Regeneration Special Move + 60 Bloodlust + 90 Farsight Other: ------ Lady Magorys Gauntlets: - Open Wounds + 9 Critical Hit Horned Helm of Darkness: - Night Bonus - Constitution Bonus + 103% Str Poison Resistance + 175% Regeneration Special Move Vampire Swords: --------------- I suggest to increase damage by 100-200 points, otherwise Vampire Swords (and all other class specific Weapons) are not worth the effort due to missing sockets. Blackmoonblade of Pain: - Attack Speed - Speed Bonus - Dual Wielding (; - Drain own Life Energy + 200% Wounds increase Damage dealt + 47 Critical + 150 Physical Regeneration + 47% Str Poison Bloodlust Longsword: - Vampirism - Wolf Call - Weapon Lore + 47 Critical + 75% Str to Attack + 60 Master Bite Dragonis Sword of total Evisceration: - Defense Bonus - Open Wounds Bonus - Split + 23% Take Gold, save Health + 175% Regeneration Special Move + 63% Str Poison Damage + 63% Str Physical Damage Dragosanis Necromancer Steel: - Sword Lore - Vampirism - Weapon Lore + Banish Undead 70% + vs Undead 200% Str Fire + 47 Critical Hathol en Baserab: - Turn into Vampire - Extended Night - Drain own Life Energy + 33% Gain Money + 60% Dex to Attack + 100 to Disarm + 140 Regeneration Special Move + Pure Magic Damage Lance of Vampires: - Turn into Vampire - Open Wounds + Pure Poison Damage + 93% Str Poison + Increase all Damage Types 50% Longsword of Necromancers: - Attack Speed - Turn into Vampire - Vampirism + 50% Lifeleech + 47 Critical + 100% Regeneration Special Move + Pure Poison Damage Magol en agar - Lifeleech - Drain own Life Energy - Weapon Lore + 30% Str to Attack + 47% Dex Fire Damage + 47% Dex Physical Damage Shiny Longsword of the Vampire: - Mind Control - Wolf Call - Vampirism - Night Bonus + 93% Str Magic Damage + 100 Agility + 35 Speed + 23 Critical Slasher of Shadows: - Attack Speed - Blood Bite - Vampirism - Extended Night + 250% Str Magic vs Demons + 45% Reduce Gold, save Health + 175% Regeneration Special Move + Pure Magic Damage Tomb Slayer of Hate: - Vampirism - Weapon Lore - Open Wounds + 90% Wounds increase Damage dealt + 90 Hard Hit + 47 Critical + 35% Dex to Attack/Defense Vampire Bite: - Multi Hit - Hard Hit - Sword Lore + 63% Dex Poison Damage + 1000 to attack + 15% Critical Vampire Longsword: - Vampirism - Mind Control - Wolf Call - Night Bonus + 165% End Physical Damage + 80 Agility + 80 Parry + 80% Regeneration Special Move Vampire Longsword of the Blood: - Attack Speed - Multi-Hit - Bats:Bloodswarm - Lowered Resistance + 40 to Ripping Claws + 60% Open Wounds + 47 Critical + Pure Fire Damage + 63% Str Fire Damage Vampire Sword of Moonlight: - Speed - Mind Control - Time Control - Night Bonus + 25% Dark Damage + 140% Regeneration Special Move Vlads Catcher: - Attack Speed - Weapon Lore - Master Bite - Enemies die on sight + Shock Opponent 200 + 80% Dex to Attack + 93% Str Magic Damage + 47 Critical Vampire Sets/Full Set Bonus: ---------------------------- Esal Hylef: - x% Turn into Vampire + Daywalk-Bonus/minimal Sunburn-Damage Annouk: - x% Banish Undead + Activated Night Bonus Dalmar: - XP-Bonus - +X to all Combat Arts + Activated Night Bonus + Poison Immunity (Too many accidential Deaths otherwise) Starion: - Fire Resistance - Fire +X% + 4000 Resistance vs fire & physical Damage + 25% Str Fire Damage Thorwyn: - Magic Find + 200 Far Sight Recundis: - 70% to Attack/Defense + 140% Str to Defense That´s it for the beginning. More is on the way. (:
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