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A Zombies Diary


Dear Diary,

While I am writing these lines, I am dead. Well, technically speaking, that is. They came late last night and razed our village. I can't remember any details. All I know is I tried to find cover in the copse behind the house. They caught me anyway. When I woke this morning, I felt empty, tired and exhausted. At first, I thought it was just a bad dream. However, when I went to wash and looked at my face in the mirror, I knew what had happened. I am an undead. A zombie. One of those creatures that are hunted by adventurers all over Ancaria for a few coppers.

My heart is not beating any more, the blood does not flow in my veins, my skin is leathery and of an unhealthy color. I don't feel pain or fear or rage. Could it be my nerves have shut down, as well!

I do, however, have my ravenous appetite for brain under control. It was difficult at first. Sometimes, in the first few days, I could not stop myself. Strange, really, since it doesn't taste of anything. Or maybe I can't taste anything. Or both. But I have a grip on myself by now, thank the gods. I can stop whenever I want.


Dear Diary,

Things have changed since the night I became a zombie. Nothing is like once was. Luckily, the other villagers have turned into zombies, as well. This makes things easier, because we can discuss our problems and needs with each other. Some even thought about establishing a self-help group. A single meeting where everybody can talk about his or her problem. I am not sure I would attend. I do feel a little ashamed of my condition.


Dear Diary,

More weeks have passed. It is strange how quickly one can get used to being immortal. Of course, things still have to settle down. You must get used to peel off the worms from your skin every other day, for example. If you don't, they will dig themselves in and leave unsightly bumps on your skin, not to mention the holes when they hatch as flies.

The self-help group for undead has been brought to life (stupid pun, I know, but so what! You are just a diary and don't understand any of what I am writing anyway.) Maybe I'll attend one of the meetings again next week.



Dear Diary,

I can't get over what happened to me today! A few hours ago, a few zombies from the neighbouring village came over, and wanted to know how last night's attack had gone. When I told them we couldn't hold back the attackers and had been overrun, they asked if I had been alone and where the OTHER men of the village had hidden! The OTHERS! They thought I was a MAN!! Well, I admit that my body has collapsed somewhat and my skin cannot be compared to that of a rose coloured peach any more. But still, it should have been OBVIOUS to them, that I am a woman! Or should it!

The self-help group will meet again the day after tomorrow, I will attend this time!


Dear Diary,


The first meeting of the zombie self-help group was horrible. We sat in a circle and had to introduce ourselves to the others. When it was my turn, everyone said "hell Amania" to me after I was finished with the introduction. And then they talked about what bothered them. The shepherd complained that his sheep would rip open each other's heads to feed on the brains. The village elder lost his arm in the most recent attack by the flying eyes and can't hold his cane and smoke at the same time anymore. I felt so out of place! Then I told them about the other villagers, and they had mistaken me for a man. At first, there was an embarrassed silence. And then everybody started laughed! It was so embarrassing!


Dear Diary,


Today, mother, who lives in a neighbouring village, came over for a visit and things came to a head. I only told her she was looking well and had not changed much since our last meeting. I had just meant to say something nice to break awkward silence after the initial greeting!

Mother left in a huff immediately. Why do things like that always happen to me!


Dear Diary,

Today I found a stray flying eye. At first, I thought we were being attacked again by these monsters. But when it didn't attack me and hovered in front of me, looking at me with its large sad eye instead, I couldn't keep from caressing its eyelid. It has followed me ever since and does not want to leave my side. I named it "Blinky"


Dear Diary,

Blinky has been with me over two months now. He is sooo cute! Every time I go to bed, he settles down on the bedpost at the foot of the bed and waits until I get up again. Okay, it was a bit strange at first to look into a big eye as soon as I opened mine. But then I had an idea, I just cover him with a blanket at night.


Dear diary,

I taught Blinky to fetch. Well… he can't retrieve the stick, of course, since he doesn't have a muzzle. But every time I throw it, he flies after the stick and stares at it until I come to pick it up, isn't he great!


Dear diary,

Life as a zombie, isn't easy. People say that time stands still for a zombie. Days become weeks become months become years. You begin to lose track. Is it summer! Or winter! Hadn't it just been summer! I don't know how long we've been zombies now. Some villagers tried to count the days. They made notches in the edge of a table or tried to mark the days with pebbles. But even they stopped trying and resigned themselves to the fact time doesn't count anymore.

There is nothing to talk about any more after all this time, either. And the little that bothers me, I share only with Blinky, because Blinky is my friend. And more importantly, he won't tell anybody.

But sometimes – especially at night, when I look up at the stars – I wish I wasn't a zombie anymore. I wish I was back in my old life when time still mattered. When I could feel, when I could dream.

Why am I writing all this! Oh – I don't know…



There is another new book, Diaanja's studybook but this one took long enough to type out, I will do it tomorrow. All the words in caps match the book in game, so leave them as caps :(


THe story made me regret having to kill the 1 eyed creatures.. I want a Blinky of my own.

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lol, I thought I was the only one mad enough to write these things out :)


We'll add it to the wiki today, Colif


Nice work






I'll write them out - if I've checked the wiki and come up blank :)

I've only found the one new book so far though - disappointing considering everyone calls me a bookworm! :(

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Um, lol...

Dear Diary,


The first meeting of the zombie self-help group was horrible. We sat in a circle and had to introduce ourselves to the others. When it was my turn, everyone said "hell Amania"

Hell Amania should read Hello Amania


Some of my words may have the US spelling as though I typed it in word using the Australian dictionary installed, Firefox seems to ignore that dictionary and auto correct. So neighbouring & colour have alternate spellings.


Dear diary,

I taught Blinky to fetch. Well… he can't retrieve the stick, of course, since he doesn't have a muzzle. But every time I throw it, he flies after the stick and stares at it until I come to pick it up, isn't he great!


Might add that to my sig somewhere, reminded me of Terry Pratchett as Death's horse is called Binky.

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Um, lol...
Dear Diary,


The first meeting of the zombie self-help group was horrible. We sat in a circle and had to introduce ourselves to the others. When it was my turn, everyone said "hell Amania"

Hell Amania should read Hello Amania



I'm wondering if the joke was slightly lost in translation, as that would be far funnier (everyone already knowing the writer) if it was supposed to be some sort of 'Zombies Anonymous' meeting...

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Here we are:


Diaanja’s Studybook


The preparations are proceeding well! Khormynth made progress with the alignment of the latent forces while I read up on the theory of channeling. Sadly, the books on that topic aren’t very detailed. Only the records of Heriathos provide more specific information in some passages, but the reading is difficult. Old fashioned language, unspecific terms. Well, what can you expect from The Ancients? It is about time someone translated their texts and knowledge into modern language to preserve them. If only I had enough time.


The first attempt to expand a rift in the dimensional continuum into a portal, failed. The portal was unstable and collapsed after only a few seconds. Maybe three spells for stabilization aren’t enough. Be that as it may ... it is a setback. If something like that happens during the actual experiment, we are going to have a problem.


We couldn’t continue our work on the experiment for a whole week! Khormynth’s mother came for a visit and celebrated her birthday with us. Three days of family time and high spirits ... it’s just too much! It wouldn’t be as bad if she could busy herself with something, so we could continue our work, but no! The lady expects the all-inclusive entertainment program. We had a picnic. Went to gather mushrooms, of all things! Now I need to collect myself before my head explodes and my migraine kills me! I hope it will wear off quickly! If Kormynth decides to invite his mother over again, without consulting me first, he can go summon demons on his own in the future!


Progress! Our second attempt to create a portal was much more successful. The portal remained stable during the whole experiment. If we can manage that every time, we won’t have to worry about this pan of the experiment. We are a big step further!


We want to try our first summoning the day after tomorrow. We will keep the risk low and just summon a minor demon from a nearby dimension. We want to test the essence transfer properties and readjust them where necessary. I couldn’t find anything about this in the books, so we must rely on our observations.


The second and third attempt was successful, too! The essence transfers are sufficient, the portal is stable! We are planning our first serious summoning for next week!


How embarrassing! When I woke up this morning, Kormynth stood in the door, holding a huge bouquet of roses. I had totally forgotten that today is our wedding anniversary! And to make matters even worse, his mother had invited herself over. She will arrive tomorrow - wonderful. Looks like we won’t do the summoning this week, after all.


Despite another migraine attack, preparing for the summoning. Kormynth’s mother left after I offered her to participate as inspiring element in summoning. Khormynth resentful. Will have to wear reconciliation lingerie tonight.


The summoning is scheduled for tomorrow! So exciting! Khormynth still a little miffed - So what? Not my fault.


Awesome! The summoning was successful! The summoned creature looks strange but seems to be intelligent. I will study it for a few days, but it appears to have fully manifested on this plane. We can start to disassemble the portal over the next days.


Khormynth has been blubbering all evening, telling me I should apologize to his mother. Forget it! If anyone has to apologize, it’s that old shrew for invading our home and behaving like the empress of Thylysium herself! Sometimes I really wish ... AARGH!


Love letters! I found love letters among Kormynth’s notes! Cad! Wretched sewer rat! Excretion of a fetid cesspit dweller! He will pay for this! I won’t put up with this!


The demon is still here. Going to start studying that creature soon. At least it is more talkative than my loving husband whom I haven’t talked to for days now. Since I found the letters, the atmosphere is glacial. He denies everything, of course. And of course he doesn’t know how the love letters came to be among his notes. Right! His selective memory is nothing new!


Unbelievable! Simply UNBELIEVABLE! Khormynth accuses me to have staged the affair with the letters just to get rid of him, so I could finish the experiment on my own and get all the credit. How dare he! Portraying ME as the conniving mad bitch when it was HE who flirted with other women behind my back! That’s done it! I move out ... today!


Khormynth actually dared to ask me for annulment of our marriage and to leave him the house. I can’t believe it! As soon as my migraine attack has passed, I’ll show him who’s making the calls! If I have to, I will reduce this house to ashes and rubble! He thinks he can treat me like one of his servants! He’s in for a big surprise then. I swear on my life ... he will regret having messed with me, Diaanja!


Thank god for OCR programs...text from image meant I only had to spell check the errors made by bad computer recognition of characters from the pictures you so thoughtfully provided :)


Edit: Note, any errors in the spelling of K(h)ormynth's name are in the actual log book entry, its missing an 'h' in one or two uses of the name.

Edited by Dragon Brother
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I`m not sure, Zgold, but I didn`t add them myself, at work here now, but can check when I get home.





Couldn't see them; wasn't sure if it was just the links missing off the books page. I'll add them in now (I've just added in another of the new books).

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Thanks for adding these, I was starting to wonder who would add them. MY logon refuses to work so I just let others.


Some of the colors in this new theme are hard to read, like the group names, and just the text in this fast reply box. Looks good though :)

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Those these books drop or are there fixed locations as the "A Zombies Diary"?


The Crypt of the Damned and the Guidebook of the Huntress are definitely both drops. Given that all 5 new books are listed in the books game file, I would assume that they all have a random chance to drop as loot, even if some are very likely/guaranteed to drop in particular places.




and I really don't like this forum skin...far too hard on the eyes... :Just_Cuz_21:

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You can change to the default or the basic one if you scroll down to the bottom left corner and use the skin selector...its right next to the RSS button, in a dropdown box. You should have a choice of halloween (currently selected), sterling sacred (normal) and IP.Board Pro (basic)

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You can change to the default or the basic one if you scroll down to the bottom left corner and use the skin selector...its right next to the RSS button, in a dropdown box. You should have a choice of halloween (currently selected), sterling sacred (normal) and IP.Board Pro (basic)


*sigh of relief* Dragon, me and my eyes love you! :viking:

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The zombies diary fell in elven zone so its random.


Forum layout is much easier to navigate with new structure, just some of the colors are hard to read now.


All dark forums suffer from being hard to read, worse if you are tired and have sore eyes.

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The zombies diary fell in elven zone so its random.


Forum layout is much easier to navigate with new structure, just some of the colors are hard to read now.


All dark forums suffer from being hard to read, worse if you are tired and have sore eyes.


I have white background and black type on my computer and my laptop. I'm not having any trouble at the moment. If the format changes I probably will.


Those books are interesting reads.

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  • 2 months later...

Sigh, would you believe there is another new book (I haven't played for 2 months, are you all blind :))


Its called a Revolutionary Idea.


I would do all the work myself except I have to have an early night tonight. Here are Screen shots:









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