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The game it most reminds me of is D2

Not titan quest? :P


You would think that since it's on the same engine as TQ and have some of the same developers. Just the darkness and grittiness and layout of areas reminds of D2. Even the skill tree feels similar

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I beat the Alpha last night. I think it helped that I went back and farmed the Flooded Passage for an hour or two to upgrade my gear. I was a little stoked when I got 3 blues in a single run, but after that the drops went back to more normal mix. Farming also fixed my problem of being too broke to buy anything.


I did discover that at least some areas have randomly spawned Heros. In fact my first time thru the Flooded Passage I had a snake-person Hero who pounded me badly, so it wasn't until I'd quit and went back later that I realized it wasn't the boss monster. While farming the Flooded Passage, I also found a spider Hero (I'll post a screen shot later).


Has any tried the cultist area behind the metal door? (I guess on the GD forum, they're calling it Sanctuary.) I finally realized to look at enemy level and they're all 25+, so my level 22 soldier isn't up to it yet.


Oh, and piercing retaliation is awesome for a melee build. I also found an item w/ damage reflect, which unlike retaliation would also reflect back at ranged enemies but the % was too small to really matter (bone rats were getting 1 or 2 pts of reflect damage per projectile). Reflect might be good at the higher % but I only saw it once; it might be more common at higher levels; but for now too rare to make a build around.


Two comments on components: 1) "hollow fang" is awesome for adding leech to a build, it's my current "must have" add-on for a weapon. 2) completion bonuses are variable (or at least semi-variable), meaning you don't get the same bonus everytime so pay attention.

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Yup I've been to the Depraved Sanctuary only to soundly get stomped. Was only level 18 at the time. Hopefully I can get a few levels tonight and try again


Oh watch out for the Hero monster named Darlanx (spelling?) It's stun is a killer - literally. Supposed to reduce stun time soon if they haven't already

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I finally found Burrwitch :Just_Cuz_21: Took me forever because I thought it was suppose to be in between Devil's Crossing and Wightmire, so you can say my progress has been most slow :viking:

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Found a bit of an exploit last night...


Enter game and take the Burrwitch Outskirts riftgate. Head southeast along edge of map and you'll find a stone altar (it's before you hit road). Click on altar, collect loot and exit game. Enter game and keep going there as long as you like. I have found numerous blues and greens (over 20 in 30 minutes from that altar). Each run takes maybe 1-2 minutes each, and that includes fighting mobs - usually 1-3 of them.


Have reported it to developers but give it a try if you want to before they possibly fix

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I found some map features spawn when the game first loads, so they stay the same if you go back to the main menu but will change if you exit all the way to desk top. A good example is the blockages in the tunnels of the Flooded Passage. When I farmed that run, I'd restart until I liked the path it made to the boss; then as long as I didn't CTD, I'd have the same path for every run.


Is "Ominious Lair" the biggest of the hidden spider areas off the map in the cellars and below? After finally figuring out how to get thru the wall to a place visible on the map, I started watching every wall for breakable sections. I'm curious but haven't invested the time yet to see if those are 100% static or if some off the map areas spawn like some other map features.

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Well this cave doesn't show up in the map at all. It's in the Hidden Laboratory by the Abandoned Storerooms. Not too far from Warden. The red circles below denote entrances (one is a hole in wall, the other a stone wall you need to break down




Nice to know about how the maps load...never noticed that so nice catch :)

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Yep, that's what I was thinking of! I've found a couple places like that where you break the wall and go "off" the map. Here's an easy one to reach (caution: sometimes it contains two queen spiders). The red circles I put on the map are breakable walls. I put an attack (Cadence) on my right mouse button and that seemed to do the trick for getting my toon to target it. Where I put the red box may be a randomly occuring one. Not sure that I've seen it every time I've run the warden's cellar.


The breakable section of wall is very obvious once you realize what to look for (except for it dark so you have to be looking).






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What a sigh of relief reading what is offered so far. I honestly get excited reading all the positive feedback. As usual, I will wait for my hard copy edition. It may take a few months, but after reading all the positive in game info thus far...the wait, I now know, is for not.


What Knuckles says about the D2 feel is exactly the thought I had watching all the videos coming up to this moment. Played D2 for just over 10 years. If Grim Dawn can hold a candle against D2. This game may very well take me into my 40's. Updated patches, new content, coupled with replayability is the blueprint for a lasting decade long adventure.


Hope to see you all in multiplayer in a few months!


I remain, :bomb:

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Any word or idea on how much this game is gonna cost? I figure if it's being offered via Steam download only, the price shouldn't be too outrageous.


Either way, it looks like I will be purchasing a copy for both my girlfriend and I after the beta testing is all done.

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Any word or idea on how much this game is gonna cost? I figure if it's being offered via Steam download only, the price shouldn't be too outrageous.


Either way, it looks like I will be purchasing a copy for both my girlfriend and I after the beta testing is all done.

$20 I believe according to their website :)

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Just a thought - but why not break off the Q & A request to it's own thread? Might be easier for people to find the thread if it's on it's own.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Owwww...that's gonna leave a mark :P

I ran into these two double bosses today outside of Burrwitch. That lightning strike bolt hurts so bad, I think I died about 6 times before finally getting them down :viking:

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Double Heroes can be a real pain to deal with....but I love it lol....soooo cannot wait for the beta


I wonder if this is a 'tip of the hat' to Sacred ?



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Double Heroes can be a real pain to deal with....but I love it lol....soooo cannot wait for the beta


I wonder if this is a 'tip of the hat' to Sacred ?



That's so awesome, does it look cool ingame? I also cannot wait for beta and to play with you guys :)

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Ryan just as an FYI if you didn't know.....you can upgrade your subscription if you want. (I didn't buy helm as it has the same design as some other helms)


From medierra

icon1.gifUpgrades now available!
After much squeaking from you to us and us to... ourselves and later Humble Store, this wheel has finally been greased. If you're a non-English speaker and have no idea what this has to do with squeaky wheels and grease, don't worry about it. The important thing is that Humble Store is going to start processing upgrade requests.

I'm very sorry that this took so long. A long time ago we looked into creating some sort of automated system for this and determined that our payment processor was not flexible enough to handle it. It wasn't something we had the man-power to handle processing manually. We then partnered with Humble Store who also looked at creating an automated solution for us but the complexity of all the different priced KS tiers, legacy tiers and upgrade permutations made it a nightmare for them.

In the end, they have agreed that the best thing is to just bite the bullet and start doing it manually.

If you want to upgrade your existing tier to something else, either to get alpha access or additional rewards or just to support the game, here is what you need to do:

Note: It is only possible to upgrade to a tier that is currently available on the website. Higher tiers from the Kickstarter are not available.

1) Email josh+grimdawn@humblebundle.com with the same email address that is associated with your Grim Dawn download page on Humble Store so that they can verify you in their system.

2) Include the following information: The amount you paid, your current tier, the tier you want to upgrade to, if you purchased through Humble Store (and not KS) include your transaction ID (if you have one, it should start with an X).

3) A representative from Humble Store will get back to you and let you know how much you need to pay to upgrade to the tier of your choice and provide you with a method of payment.

4) Once your payment is processed, you will receive an upgrade and a confirmation email.

Because these are being processed manually, it may take some time for them to go through, especially if a lot of people request upgrades at once. Please be patient.
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Ryan just as an FYI if you didn't know.....you can upgrade your subscription if you want. (I didn't buy helm as it has the same design as some other helms)

Depending on how the rest of alpha/beta progresses, I may certainly think about upgrading to the Loyalist Pack when it comes around (mainly for the free expansion :) )

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