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Diablo 3 Blazing Guardian - (Waller)

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Well... I bit the dust on these guys yesterday in HC and now today gogo gas fallen to the same fate. So I think a bit of planning might be handy against these nasties. Unfortunately there isn't much out there on the net in terms of strategy. The only thing of use is a couple videos and from the looks of it these guys are pretty serious business. Much more difficult than the Magdha boss I think. I just barely escaped using town portal after gogo died and I lost most of my health with my potion on cooldown. Yeesh!


Things I've noticed:

  • They are very tall spider like creatures with 4 legs
  • Blazing Guardian come in 3's
  • They move fairly quickly, at the very least as fast as average player speed
  • There are other creatures that look similar to them but smaller. These attack with electricity and not nearly as great a threat.



Act II - The Forgotten Ruins




  • Stone Wall - trap/block. It looks as though they can only cast a single wall at a time but if all 3 cast at the same time thats a 3 wall trap.
  • Fire Ball - projectile that plants a high damage pool of fire on the ground. From what I can tell, this is the most deadly aspect of fighting them. I would never have realized this if not for the video below. Watch it careful and see how much damage the monk takes whenever walking over the pools of fire.



  • Make an effort to remember the way back in any map but especially this one. If you get into trouble and need to run you should run in the direction you came from so that you don't frantically run into another mob while your health potion is on cooldown. Mostly for Hardcore players
  • Use immunity/escape/disaster skills. Either stun them, blind them, jump away, teleport away, become invisible etc... Thanx Erling! :D
  • Fight at a distance if you can
  • Keep moving, don't stand still for too long
  • Use a shield
  • Make sure your gear is up to date meaning around the same level as you are. The Auction House is your freind.


Enemy's strategy:

To trap you with walls and burn you alive...




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Haaha nice analysis! I agree they are evil masterminds and making HC even the more miserable!

I've only gotten two classes past them in HC but every class seems to have some immunity/escape/disaster skill. Either stun them, blind them, jump away, teleport away, become invisible and run etc is what I've done. being cornered is scary! so I just always tend to try to run past them and out.

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Thanx Erling and thanx for your tip. Added it to the list! :) Personally I have yet to pass them. Eek!

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Just took them out now and was a whole lot easier. I hired the Templar so that he would tank for me while I cast my spells. The wizards Hydra is perfect against them which acts as a turret. Set and forget. They were pretty determined to get at me so as they moved toward me I would run back a bit in the direction I came from, turn and fire off more attacks. Rinse and repeat. They died pretty easy but those fire attacks of theirs are really deadly. Stay sharp and don't move too fast while you're in the The Forgotten Ruins looking for that dudes head otherwise you may get ambushed by the Blazing Guardians. It's the giant blue champ versions you gotta watch out for. :agreed:

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I hate these guys! They came on so fast, but I gotta admit, I had grown careless with all the equipment we had just bought, and was just walking around as if I were watching TV instead of an HC game. Very detailed guide here Schot, I'll see about getting a new section here going for Diablo 3 Enemies and perhaps we can do writeups of especially tough enemies.





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Thanks for this guide, very interesting and useful, I'll make good use of it, since these Guardians are the cause of my only death so far.




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Something I noticed while fighting these guys. Blazing Guardians always have a fire Guardian Tower near them and Shocking Guardians have a lightning one. Almost positive they are gaining benefits while these towers are active. There is also a poison Guardian Tower but it only spawns small poison spiders.


I've been bull rushing through them and wiping out the tower first. It seems to really help out with surviving their attacks. No concrete proof on it but will retest once I'm at a higher level and don't have to worry about taking too much damage. Will take damage numbers before and after tower is destroyed.

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