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Advanced System Care - Iobit - Anti Virus .... any good?


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Good call on the games dredd^^ and happy to hear someone here's having a decent time with this. I'll download it and see how much crappa lappa it can ferret out!




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that depends on how much crap u put on your pc ... me im bein more carefull nowadays .. but browsing alone gives u stuff u dont want, even with all the high tech doodats and thingamagicks..they still get through

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This is a must gogo. We use the PRO version on all of our brains here in the house. You can find a FREE code online to upgrade to the PRO version for free. If there is not one available today. Keep trying, eventually one comes online. Always does.


Game Booster!


I remain,

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chattius: Too much of a hassle, at least for me. :whistle:

Haven't been using any of these. Only have experience with Avast and Microsoft Security Essentials. The latter with Window's own firewall has been an adequate protection. I do a lot of questionable browsing every now and then, and sometimes something hits the radar, but I haven't gotten any problems after Blaster and the likes were on rampage. 10 or more years ago, I guess.

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You know the basic rules with antivirus software?


Never open an email before checking for virus signature updates.

2. Time

Even the best AV-software doesn't help if a virus is just 10 minutes old.

If the virus is a week old even the cheapest AV-software with a 3 day update interval for virus signations should detect it.

People could avoid 95% of virus infections if they would wait a day before opening an email or other stuff if they have a 12 hours virus signature update frequence.

Of cause companies can't really wait, so AV-software with a higher frequence of updates has a higher price and is rarely free.

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  • 1 month later...

Truth be told, never heard of Lobit. It doesn't even seem to be a part of the "top 40" AV products used on Metascan - the site used recently as part of the CM Patch virus scare...


Is it any good? Maybe. Maybe not.

Helps if you get the name right Wolfie! As for me I must be a nervous wreck, I have ASC6pro, Spybot, Avast and probably others. I sometimes worry that ASC is clearing out too much when it wades into the cookies regardless, but can't be bothered to check if any should be kept.

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