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[REQ] Character model swaps?


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My first post here, hope this is in the right place. I got Sacred 2 Gold in a humblebundle a few months ago (right before the release of Saints Row IV, I believe) and just got to playing it. The community mod seems to work okay, even though I wasn't sure it would with the Gold edition, so yay!

What I'd like to know is, is there a mod that swaps any of the characters around? I like the sexy babes in this game, so for instance, copy the Seraphim model and her gear models over to the Shadow Warrior?

I could swear I read something about a mod for something like that at one point, but I've been unable to find anything.

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Check the second post in the linked topic, while it deals with mounts,the idea is the same. Note the caveat about movements.


I no longer have Sacred 2 installed, so I can't give you much additional help.


Very respectfully,


Edited by fleet
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Sorry but I don't think so.


Just swapping the character models and textures would be relatively easy as Sacred 2 modding goes. However as soon as you equipped any piece of armor it would look wrong. And swapping all the armor? That would be a massive undertaking. It would take months.

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Well, crap.


You'd hope there'd be some sneaky way to 'fool' the system by just redirecting all the shadow warrior (or whatever) calls to something else.


Still, I'm having fun with it right now. It's odd, game is kind of rough around the edges, but it's huge and quite a lot of fun.


Thanks for the tips guys, guess I'll just enjoy as is. :)

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Another take on that might be not to try to swap the char-models but to swap all the combat arts. I know it is possible and did so for exchanging some spells for the Dryad and the Highelf to get them the attack from the Seraphim. The only “problem” is that the modifiers will stay to have toe “original” explanations but work correct. So choosing them has to be done “by heart”.

Just an idea from my side. Maybe some would like to work on that or in this direction!?

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That could be done, at least partially. But the player still wouldn't be playing a Shadow Warrior yet, since they'd still have all the Seraphim quests, the Seraphim skill selection, Seraphim special mount, etc. etc. Those would all need to be swapped over as well for the character to make sense.

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Hello iDEATH, welcome to DarkMatters


I know I'm a bit late for your question, but I'm not even sure I understood what you were asking
correct me if I'm wrong, was your request to play a Seraphim model with all the skills and CA's of a Shadow Warrior?





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In that case, uhm... I dont want to say it's impossible
but iDEATH has to understand, it's not only the descriptions of the C.A.'s
Even if you had the passion to go through all the armor and swap them
its all the sounds and the animations as well, alot would have to be modded to make that happen
you see, quite a few (if not all) C.A.'s have their special sounds and animations,
all those would need to be replicated to match
and the sounds may be easy, just kinda copy them over
but for the anim's you'd have to model them on the new body





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Thanks again guys.


I am useless when it comes to actually getting this stuff done, and too intimidated to learn. Maybe with Sacred 3 I'll try something small...


It's a shame there isn't some clever way to redirect the models/animations/sounds. Like go into the Inquisitor and draw lines in fuschia crayon over to the Seraphim stuff you want to substitute in, if you follow me. Everything was easier when we were all still getting everything done with crayons, that's all I'm saying! ;)

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haha, yeah crayons ... uhm...
they wouldn't produce this crazy train of a game tho
anyway.. you don't need be intimidated realy, just start somewhere small
like, for example, changing your camera view or some such
there's a lot of excelent info on this forum
and remember, we all strated somewhere, one step at a time
in your case, if I wanted to play the s.w. that looked like a seraphim
I'd be starting on the seraphim and working on her (modding her) for a bit
and besides, we don't know how/what s.3 will be like
can't go assuming that it will even be modable




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  • 4 weeks later...

Sorry but I don't think so.


Just swapping the character models and textures would be relatively easy as Sacred 2 modding goes. However as soon as you equipped any piece of armor it would look wrong. And swapping all the armor? That would be a massive undertaking. It would take months.


I'm no coder in anyway. But with all the topics I've been reading I wanted to offer a suggestion that maybe you programers could brainstorm on. He wants the female body model on a male character class but the problem mentioned was the armor. I thought I read somewhere that it was possible to make armor invisible. Would combining the 2 strategies offer a possible solution for this topic?

Edited by Veracious
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Also the guy who did the undressed skins said it covers the armor and character models. Maybe someone could use that strategy to put a female model over a male class character?

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